"What did you find?" If Motley were a human, his psychological changes must be very interesting. Unfortunately, as a robot, although he has the intelligence to communicate normally with humans, the purpose of all actions is to help its "master" "To deal with humans.

"Commander Du, have you discovered anything?" The top leaders of the alliance did not know about this, because these matters have always been the alliance's top secrets, and only Du Xingyu has the authority to investigate and announce them.

Now that Motley has taken the initiative, Du Xingyu no longer needs to hide the research findings of the past few months.

He told Motley: "Based on my research on the Nephew thruster, I found that it is not some technology that we cannot understand, it is still a nuclear fusion thruster."

"Although you are indeed excellent in laser technology and can create high-temperature lasers exceeding one billion degrees Celsius to cause fusion reactions in medium-sized nuclei. But this only improves your energy utilization range and does not improve your power device."

"From the previous analysis of Nephew, we can conclude that the location where Nephew was launched, which is where your master is, is within one light year. And it has been twelve years since we announced the discovery of Nephew. That You must have reported the news to them by then, and within a year, the news will come back."

"And in the past ten years, the fleet has not come to Earth, which can only explain one problem!"

Du Xingyu's eyes were extremely sharp, "The speed of your fleet cannot exceed the speed of light. And it is far lower than the speed of light, which means that your space battleships are only planet-level, not star-level!"

Only by reaching the star level battleship can you freely fight between star systems. It may not necessarily be able to travel at the speed of light, but it can at least reach 10% of the speed of light.

"You can't guess the master's thoughts." Motley defended.

"Haha, I don't need to know his thoughts, I only need to know his purpose and behavior." Du Xingyu continued to analyze, "Proxima Centauri, the nearest star to the solar system, is also 4.22 light-years away. I guess your warship can travel at a speed of hundreds of times the speed of light. It’s less than five percent. Assuming that the speed of light can reach 3%, it will take 130 years to reach the earth from Proxima Centauri! What’s more, you may not come from Proxima Centauri, but may be from a more distant galaxy!”

"Compared with the distance between galaxies, such a slow speed and energy utilization efficiency, it is very uneconomical and dangerous to conduct a light-year space voyage. It is simply like committing suicide!"

"And after you experienced such a difficult space voyage, you expressed hostility to the Earth from the beginning!"

"Launching the Nephew will not destroy the Earth. It can only destroy the living environment of humans on the surface and return human civilization to the primitive era. Coupled with your rhetoric today, I suspect that your target should be the planet Earth."

"If your master is really such a highly civilized civilization, there is no need to seize the Earth. The Earth is just more suitable for human survival in the solar system, and there are countless planets similar to the Earth in the Milky Way!"

"He doesn't have to spend so many years and so much energy doing this!"

"Letting you come in advance to spy on the situation on the Earth and test the Death Star is not something that an advanced civilization can do!"

"So, I guess. Your master should be a force whose technology is not much higher than that of human civilization. It may be an exploration fleet of a certain civilization, or it may be a wanderer who 'escapes' in the universe for some reason. fleet!"

After Du Xingyu finished speaking, Mottley said directly: "You have never seen other cosmic civilizations. These are just conjectures."

The top leaders of the alliance were all thinking about Du Xingyu's words.

"Commander Du's inference makes sense."

"If they were really so powerful, why did they have to wait so long? They could have wiped out the human race long ago!"

"Yes, assuming that alien civilization has the same power as God. In their eyes, humans are just ants. If God crushes the ants to death, do they still need to ask the ants for their opinions?"

"I think this alien robot is just bluffing, trying to cause chaos to humans and delay time!"

Motley obviously would not disclose any information. Someone said to Du Xingyu: "Commander Du, I think your analysis is very reasonable. Please continue."

"Yes." Du Xingyu nodded and continued: "The conditions Motley just proposed, whether they can be met or not, will plunge mankind into chaos."

"At the very least, it will greatly hinder the development of our space technology, because we will devote a lot of energy to the internal stability of human society."

"In this way, we can limit our technological development in disguise. This time will not be long, and they will not need long, because their fleet is rushing towards the earth and is expected to arrive in a few years."

"Is this true?" a senior executive asked in surprise.

"80% sure." Du Xingyu said, "The incident of our collision with the Death Star happened five months ago. Five months later, Motley came out to disrupt the situation."

"This shows that during this period, their signals came from the earth and the alien fleet at least once."

"Roughly reduce the time for the other party to make a decision, and Motley accepts the time wasted by factors such as information manufacturing incidents. It took two months for the signal to propagate during this journey, which is the distance between them and us, which should be within one-sixth of the light. Within the year.”

"Assuming that their battleship can reach five percent of the speed of light and sail one-sixth of a light year when accelerating, it will take three years. In about three years, the enemy fleet can reach the earth! It may also be earlier!"

"Three years? We only have less than three years left?" The alliance's top executives exclaimed, but their mood was much better than before. At least an enemy that can be guessed is easier to face than an unknown enemy.

"Motley, how many of my guesses were correct?" Du Xingyu asked Motley.

"No matter what I say, you are likely to analyze more information from my answer." Motley no longer answered directly, he said: "I said, I will not make any response to your question. You guys You will soon know the master’s methods!”

"Hahaha!" Someone couldn't help laughing.

The top leaders of the alliance are all human elites. They were just frightened by the unknown enemy and did not react.

Now that they heard the information and analysis provided by Du Xingyu, coupled with the robot's performance, they were convinced that this robot was most likely setting off smoke bombs to confuse them!

"There is no morality in real war. In the history of human wars, those who surrender will only face a worse outcome. Everyone, we must work together and cannot expect mercy from the enemy!" said an important member of the Chinese nation.


"The robot actually fooled people. This alien technology is quite interesting!"

"Commander Du, you know the most information, what decision do you have?"

Du Xingyu said: "Of course we will prepare for the war with all our strength! Create more and stronger space battleships."

"The enemy's strength cannot be underestimated. They don't seem to care about the earth's ecological environment." Du Xingyu said, "We have to extend the front line and cannot fight near the earth. If space weapons fall on the earth casually, it will be a devastating disaster. ! No matter how we defend ourselves, we can’t avoid it.”

"The so-called best defense is offense, so my decision is that we must take the initiative to fight against the alien fleet!"

"Find them and take the initiative to fight?" The senior leaders of the alliance were all amazed by Du Xingyu. When a normal person hears the news that alien civilization is coming to invade, their first reaction is how to avoid and defend.

And Du Xingyu actually wanted to take the initiative to fight against the opponent and defend the enemy from outside the earth!

"As expected of Commander Du! We, the Furry Bear Nation, are the first to support you!" The alliance member from the Furry Bear Nation was the first to say.

"We in North America also support it. Taking the initiative to search for and fight against it will give us more time to react!"

“Europe has full support!”

"Needless to say, Asia supports Commander Du of course!"

"I can support it on behalf of Australia now!"

“Africa region supports!”

Going all out to upgrade equipment and take the initiative to fight, Du Xingyu determined the next combat strategy of the Human Alliance.

"If you offend your master, you will definitely receive the cruelest revenge." Motley said, "You can never imagine our attack methods. Even if you don't surrender, humanity will not be able to live in peace in the past three years."

"What's your confidence? Are they those satellites?" Du Xingyu smiled, "The attack satellites that followed you to the earth more than ten years ago have been hidden in the space area near the earth."

"You know everything!" Motley's intelligence is not enough! No one knows this news except the owner and it. It has never been revealed, but the other party actually knew it!

At this moment, in the outer space of the earth, space missiles were accurately launched from the moon base and several space battleships. They flew in different directions into outer space until they hit satellites one by one and blew them up.

Du Xingyu played the video to him, and Motley asked: "All Skynet's satellites are normal, these satellites do not belong to them, and they have been lying in wait for a long time. How did you find out?"

"I don't know if there is a problem with Skynet's satellites. I only know that there is a problem with your research." Du Xingyu said, "Skynet has collected a lot of earth meteorological data. According to our investigation, these meteorological data cover the whole world, which is simply better than Professional environmental agencies need to be more professional.”

"Satellite companies do need to know this, but thinking that alien spies also need it will inevitably arouse suspicion."

"These destroyed satellites were equipped with high-frequency laser transmitters. I guess it was not a direct attack weapon, but some kind of weather weapon."

"Hey." Motley actually simulated a human sigh. He said: "After more than ten years of data collection, I have completely mastered the earth's atmospheric data. These satellites are supposed to emit high-frequency rays. Change the earth's atmosphere. The structure of the ionosphere, causing atmospheric chaos.”

"Soon after, hurricanes, tsunamis and other natural disasters will break out on the earth, and you will not be able to take care of yourself."

"I should find an opportunity to kill you, you are an obstacle on the master's path!" Motley said to Du Xingyu.

Everyone in the alliance was shocked when they heard his words. With the capabilities of this "Terminator" robot, it would be really easy to kill Du Xingyu in a sneak attack.

"Why didn't you do this?" someone asked.

"I came too early," Motley said. "More than ten years ago, the Lighthouse Country was the center of world science and technology, so I created an identity and pretended to be from the Lighthouse Country. Who would have thought that China would suddenly become the center of world science and technology? center."

"By the time I wanted to go to China, your technology had already developed. And your testing was too strict. Airplanes, trains, subways, places where ordinary people go, all have to be inspected. Important institutions, it's even harder for me. Even if you enter, you won't be able to contact Du Xingyu. As a robot, I cannot completely block all detection devices, so this plan was not realized."

Hearing his answer, all the league leaders were speechless.

The reason why the assassination mission of the alien terminator failed is because he was "reborn in the wrong child"!

In fact, Motley didn't know that even if it successfully infiltrated, Du Xingyu's technology simulator would be able to detect danger signals in advance and notify them.

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