"Okay!" Du Xingyu said to Motley, "Motley, the matter is clear. You are an alien spy robot, guilty of crimes against humanity and murder, so I will judge you on behalf of the Human Guardian Alliance .”

"Commander, it's a robot? It's not afraid of death or pain, so how can we judge it?" the subordinate asked curiously.

"If you, as a human, are captured by aliens, what will the aliens do to you?" Du Xingyu asked his subordinates.

"Should they be studying me?" the subordinate said.

"Yes." Du Xingyu nodded and said: "So my punishment for it is to study it with all my strength. In the future, we may encounter similar robots. How to detect them, attack them, or invade their intelligent systems, here is A ready-made research sample."

If Motley had feelings, he would definitely feel that Du Xingyu was the devil at this moment. He is a "Terminator" robot, blowing the brains out of a billionaire at a press conference with tens of thousands of people. He is faced with an alien spy from a human special operations force, and yet he is reduced to a guinea pig!

If its maker found out, he would be furious!

"Oh, by the way." Du Xingyu added before closing the communication, "It doesn't matter if it self-destructs or the research fails. I'm also very interested in studying the materials to make it. This kind of liquid metal!"

Subordinate: "(Thinking: Fortunately, Commander Du is not an enemy...)"

After turning off the communication with Motley, Du Xingyu ordered: "Do your best to investigate all Motley's whereabouts during his lifetime, and search around the world, including the moon and Mars, to see if there are any spy satellites!"

"Yes!" The people from the alliance immediately went to execute it.

Motley's active "jump counterattack" had no effect because of Du Xingyu's preparation. Instead, it allowed Du Xingyu to learn more about the enemy. Even the chaos caused by Motley on the Internet was quickly quelled by the alliance's information department.

People around the world have long known that there are enemies trying to attack humanity.

At this time, the Human Alliance announced that it would build more warships and space weapons and proactively search for traces of the enemy, which received support from a large number of people.

In order to fight, Du Xingyu must also start designing a new space battleship.

"Based on the information currently available." Du Xingyu was planning with a group of military experts, "The enemy's technological strength should be able to easily destroy the current Longwei fleet. We have less than three years."

"How many space battleships can be manufactured within three years with full manufacturing capacity?"

"Now we only have two space docks, Longgang and the newly built Fenggang, that can manufacture space battleships. In three years, a hundred space cruisers like the Silver Wing can be manufactured. A space battleship like the Dragon Horn can be manufactured About fifty ships." A person in charge replied.

"Too few!" Du Xingyu shook his head, "The enemy's power is a hundred times ours, which means their firepower is also a hundred times ours. We must have at least three hundred space battleships to increase our firepower! The production capacity of the shipyard must continue to expand, and everything must make way for it. !”

"Okay, I understand." The person in charge knew that at this time, he had to fight hard.

"Then the most important thing is the manufacturing of new space weapons and star destroyers!" Du Xingyu said.

"Star Destroyer? Can we really build one in such a short period of time?" Military experts are not sure.

The Star Destroyer is the core of the entire space battleship in their conception, which is where the flagship is located. The battleships they currently manufacture have used humanity's top military technology and are temporarily serving as flagships.

The Star Destroyer, which can easily destroy all military facilities on the surface of a planet, is equivalent to the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier during World War II, and has super combat power to dominate the battle!

Such a warship, let alone its manufacture, even its design can make people scratch their heads.

"It must be possible!" Du Xingyu was not talking big words.

He used a technology simulator to reverse-engineer technology from the Nephew's thrusters, and what he obtained was not only medium-level nuclear fusion technology. The ultra-high temperature overfrequency laser technology and the power conversion device on the thruster also gave him enough confidence.

He can definitely design stronger Star Destroyer engines and particle beam weapons...

Du Xingyu's Star Destroyer design has begun, and the Human Alliance has once again begun an intense and busy process. Countless detection satellites are flying to all directions in the solar system. They want to detect the location of the alien fleet in advance!

Although nothing is said in the news and media reports, the people have already felt that the entire human society has an aura of impending war!

In the design of Star Destroyers, the biggest problem encountered by mankind is not the power device, but the impact of material limitations and quality.

"The mass of the Star Destroyer we envision is more than twenty times that of the space battleship, and the speed will reach 3,000 kilometers per second. That is one percent of the speed of light!" Earth, inside the Chinese Space Military Research Institute, the Keel Zuo Yufeng, one of the designers of the space battleship, was speaking.

Here are gathered the top warship designers, physicists, materials scientists, military experts, etc. in all mankind.

They were discussing designing a Star Destroyer.

"Commander Du's research on the power plant of the Nephew Star propeller makes it easy for us to create a power plant with one percent light speed, but our current space battleship hull cannot withstand such a large acceleration!" Zuo Yufeng continued.

"Not only that, our protective devices cannot support the human body to stay in a battleship at such a speed!"

When a space battleship flies, the human body and the battleship have the same motion inertia, and the protection devices they designed have reached their limits.

With the current level of technology, if they build a warship that can accelerate to one percent of the speed of light, the humans in the ship will not be able to withstand the effects of high acceleration and deceleration in a short period of time. It may be crushed or torn directly in the space battleship!

"The problem raised by Academician Zuo is actually very similar to the problem of our hull design team." Chapman, the hull designer, said, "The Star Destroyer hull is so huge that it will be subject to strong gravity when it is on or near the planet's surface. Effect. According to Einstein's theory of relativity, the faster the matter produces the greater the mass effect."

"Even if it only accelerates to one percent of the speed of light, the Star Destroyer's body mass effect will expand to the point where it cannot bear it. Even if the material strength is already very high, the Star Destroyer's body will collapse due to the excessive mass effect! "

In space, objects with greater mass are closer to a sphere, and the same is true.

"To sum up, we must break through anti-gravity technology and develop new warship materials, otherwise it will be impossible to manufacture a Star Destroyer."

Strictly speaking, antigravity is impossible. One of the four fundamental forces of the universe, the mutual attraction between all matter cannot be changed.

The anti-gravity mentioned here is actually the use of other forces to form a force in the opposite direction to the action force to offset the influence of gravity, so that the action force and the reaction force reach a balance... There are too many principles and theories involved.

To put it in Du Xingyu's popular science video, humans need to build an "anti-gravity" device and an "inertial balance" device before a Star Destroyer can be designed and manufactured.

"I will be in charge of the research and development of the reaction force device." Du Xingyu said. He knew that without the help of technological simulators, it would be impossible for humans to develop this technology in just a few years.

"As for the material issue, we got very useful information from the fragments of the spacecraft we found on Mars..."

The fragments found in the ruins of high-dimensional civilization on Mars also use materials that humans have never seen before. Although Du Xingyu has not been able to fully analyze it so far, the current research information can be used to try to create higher-performance space materials.

"Invest 10 million energy points to start the first simulation of the reaction force device. The current information collection rate is 4%." As the technology studied by Du Xingyu becomes more and more advanced, the technology simulator requires more and more energy points. more.

The information and materials that human civilization can provide are becoming less and less, and the difficulty has increased significantly.

"If you want to create a reaction device, you must first have a device that can accurately detect the force. Only in this way can you know the direction and magnitude of the force and make timely adjustments to the reaction force..."

Du Xingyu further decomposed the reaction device into multiple systems and devices, some operating independently and some interacting with each other.

He simulated sensor after sensor that sensed forces and fed them back to a superconducting quantum computer.

This is a quantum computer built by humans after Du Xingyu developed room-temperature superconducting materials. Its calculation capacity is hundreds of billions of times greater than that of previous human supercomputers!

A few days later, the technology simulator reminded: "The force sensing system is completed."

"Invest 10 million energy points and start the simulation of the reaction force generation device." Du Xingyu started the next step of the work without stopping.

Time is still running out, and the enemy fleet is approaching the Earth every day.

In Du Xingyu's calculations, the Star Destroyer must be designed and manufactured at the same time. Even if the modification of the design plan will lead to a lot of waste of manufacturing capacity!

At this time, it is no longer time to worry about resource investment. The current manufacturing method is called "saturated manufacturing"!

The design and manufacturing of Star Destroyers are in full swing, and human society is also developing at a rapid pace.

From land to ocean, from the earth to the moon and Mars, the scope of human activities is rapidly expanding.

A large number of space factories and facilities have been built on the moon; even on Mars, the first truly human city has begun to be built.

The development of science and technology and culture has reached new heights.

And because of the advent of the space age, the boundaries of countries are getting smaller and smaller. The Human Guardian Alliance has become the most important technological, military and management organization for the entire human race.

"If there were no enemies, this would have been the best era for mankind!" Hu Chun, who was already a senior inspector of the Human Guardian Alliance, lamented in the Longgang Super Shipyard.

"That's why we need it, a real planet-class battleship - a Star Destroyer!" Next to him was the commander-in-chief of the Space Force, Wang Yu.

They were at the assembly site of the Dragon Ball, humanity's first planet-level space battleship, the Star Destroyer.

Four and a half years have passed since the design and manufacture of the Star Destroyer!

In the first half year, Du Xingyu successfully developed a reaction device.

In the second half of the year, inertial balancing devices and new hull materials were also developed.

In the third half year, the Star Destroyer super thruster was successfully manufactured.

In the fourth half year, a total of more than 100,000 research institutes, laboratories, military factories, processing plants, and enterprises started working together to rush to manufacture various components of the Dragon Ball.

Now, in its fifth and half year, Longzhu has undergone rigorous testing and is in the process of assembling all components, systems, and weapons.

In the Longgang Shipyard, robots, automatic operating equipment and workers wearing mechanical exoskeletons are busy.

The dock room of this shipyard has never stopped for more than 18,000 hours since it was put into use!

Thanks to Zhang Kjie and M for the tip.

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