Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 121 Man-made miracle! (Please subscribe and get a monthly pass!)

"Fuel tank splicing... Leftward precision adjustment of ten nanometers..."

"Group 7 can get on the welding robot! Enter through passage E78!"

"Empty the weapons bay first! Tell them not to put any weapons in, and wait until the reaction force device passes the test before they can install the weapons! Do you understand?"

Using a combination of manual scheduling and computers, the Dragon Ball Star Destroyer gradually took shape in the dock.

Du Xingyu was not at the scene. He was currently testing a brand new space weapon on the moon base - the electromagnetic pulse cannon!

Electromagnetic pulse is a microwave weapon that uses high-power microwave beams of directional radiation generated by energy to kill and destroy targets.

After seeing Motley, the alien "Terminator" robot, humans conducted in-depth research on how to attack robots and battleships.

In their study of Motley, they found that electromagnetic weapons are a more efficient means of attack than laser weapons.

Although laser weapons have strong penetrating power, they cannot destroy large targets instantly.

At this time, high-power electromagnetic pulse can come in handy. Using electromagnetic pulse cannon, you can instantly "paralyze" certain parts of robots, drones or battleships in an area!

There is no doubt that it will be an essential part of mankind's new generation of space battleships.

"Electromagnetic pulse cannon, first attack." At the lunar military testing site, the electromagnetic pulse cannon was aimed at the high-speed unmanned space fighter.

"Attack!" Du Xingyu gave the order, and the electromagnetic pulse cannon produced a shaped high-power microwave beam under the guidance of the radar system.

The beam formed by the microwave travels at about the speed of light. From a human observation angle, it attacks the unmanned space fighter almost instantly.

"Zizzizi..." The electronic equipment in the unmanned space fighter made a burst of noise, and then all its electronic systems failed, turning it into a scrapped fighter.

"The effect is not bad. Let's try the regional space electromagnetic artillery shell." Du Xingyu was quite satisfied with the test effect.

In the test site, a large number of satellites were launched.

The electromagnetic bomb was launched and exploded at a fixed point, producing an instantaneous strong electromagnetic field. All satellites in an area instantly shut down and were scrapped.

"Electromagnetic damage assessment is 75.4%." For each test, they will obtain various data, such as strike distance, instantaneous strength of electromagnetic field, electromagnetic penetration, etc.

"If this electromagnetic pulse cannon is installed on a Star Destroyer and fired with the energy it carries, one shot can bring a space cruiser like the Silver Wing to an instant shutdown!" Du Xingyu marveled, "We can have such an attack The enemy will definitely have the means."

"All our warships must update their anti-electromagnetic capabilities."

Half a month later, Du Xingyu received a report from Longgang Shipyard. The Longzhu Star Destroyer was finally assembled and was about to begin its first "reaction force" test.

After testing, the weapons will be installed, flown into the spaceport, and officially put into service.

Naturally, Du Xingyu couldn't be absent from such an important matter.

In the largest dock room in Longgang, the Dragon Pearl was lying there quietly. Its appearance alone shocked countless people.

It has a three-dimensional shape of an inverted pyramid, with sharp upper and lower ends. Each corner is equipped with signal receivers, laser transmitters, electromagnetic pulses and other devices.

The Pyramid of Khufu is 146.59 meters high, which is already a wonder of human civilization, and this inverted pyramid-shaped Star Destroyer has a maximum height of 4788.34 meters, which is 4.6 times the maximum length of the Keel!

The last time humans built anything this tall was the tower of a space elevator.

Standing under the Dragon Pillar, everyone can only look up at this behemoth and be impressed by its magnificence!

And the powerful sense of oppression brought by various high-tech weapons is suffocating!

The surface of the Dragon Ball Star Destroyer has anti-radiation, anti-electromagnetic and "space invisibility" functions. It can minimize the impact of light refraction. If it is in space, it will be difficult for ordinary reconnaissance satellites to detect it.

The internal components are even more complex and difficult to describe in words. In short, this is the crystallization of human wisdom, the most powerful planet-level space battleship that humans can create so far in the space age!

"Amazing!" Liu Yuan, an aerospace dynamics expert and academician of the Academy of Engineering who came to observe, was amazed.

"Being able to see the Dragon Ball before I die makes it worth it even if I die!" Liu Yuan commented.

"Teacher, you will definitely live a long life!" Behind him, his student Dong Jiangbo, the founder of the world-renowned Xingyao Space Technology, said quickly.

Today, Dong Jiangbo is no longer as wealthy as he was back then. More than ten years of hard work has made him thin and old, making him look much older than he actually is.

"Teacher, you can board the ship later and have a look." Du Xingyu said.

"Of course you have to board the ship!" Liu Yuan affirmed, "If you don't board the ship, isn't your trip in vain?"

"Hahaha!" Xiong Ming and other veteran experts from the space agency laughed and said, "Let alone boarding the ship, we all want to live on the Dragon Ball!"

"Okay, I'll ask them to leave a special place for the seniors." Wang Yu said, "We can also become crew members of the Dragon Ball!"

They were talking and laughing, and the Dragon Ball was ready for testing.

The most worrying thing about the entire Dragon Ball is the reaction force device, which determines whether the Dragon Ball can successfully serve.

"Get ready to start!" Du Xingyu has arrived at the ground command room.

"Dragon Pearl received!" Thousands of crew members have been stationed in the Dragon Pearl. In the future, this number will increase to 100,000!

The captain of the Dragon Ball is Zhu Zhenxing, the original captain of the Dragon Horn. The Dragon Horn already has a new captain.

"Start the battleship!" Zhu Zhenxing ordered. The battleship's intelligent systems and operators all started working, and each system was activated.

From the outside, the entire Dragon Ball seemed to have flashed through a blue power grid. This behemoth had awakened!

"Start the reaction force device!" Zhu Zhenxing gave the second command. The reaction force device was activated, and the energy in the nuclear fusion reactor was continuously input into the device, forming a force that was opposite to the earth's gravity.

"Report to the Commander-in-Chief, the reaction force device has been activated. Longzhu applied to remove the steel frame support!" Zhu Zhenxinghui reported.

"Approved. Longgang, remove the support!" Du Xingyu said.

"Longgang received it." Hu Chun, the person in charge of Longgang, immediately conveyed the order, "Everyone listen to the order and remove the steel frame support!"

The Dragon Ball is now supported by a huge steel frame. Following this command, the steel frame begins to shrink downwards and gradually separates from the Dragon Ball.

If the reaction force device does not work, the Dragon Ball will sink along with the steel frame. If the reaction force device works, the Dragon Ball will "suspended" in the air!

At this moment, everyone's eyes were fixed on the Dragon Ball and the monitoring screen, for fear of something unexpected happening.

Even though he had seen thousands of simulated scenes on the technology simulator, Du Xingyu still felt nervous.

It has been more than two years, and there is no time for humanity to start over again! According to his previous calculations, the fleet of alien civilization will be able to arrive near the earth in more than half a year!

They couldn't build a second Star Destroyer in such a short time!

"One millimeter!" Longzhu's sensor can detect the distance between the base and the steel frame.

The steel frame has sunk one millimeter, but the Dragon Ball has not sunk with it!

On the Dragon Ball, Zhu Zhenxing clenched his fists.

"One centimeter!" The steel frame is still sinking. People can know the current distance through the computer, but from the scene, there is no difference.

"One meter!" The steel frame has separated from the Dragon Ball, and this huge inverted pyramid space star destroyer is still suspended in the air!

There is no sinking or wavering at all! It's like it's fixed there!

"The steel frame sank thirty meters!"

"The steel frame has sunk one hundred that the supporting frame has completed shrinking." Hu Chun's tone of report was full of uncontrollable joy.

"Oh my God!" At the scene, a North American scientist who came to observe opened his mouth and looked up at this miraculous scene!

"This is simply a miracle! There is no jet, it is suspended in the air. This is a Star Destroyer weighing several million tons!" A female scholar from Europe expressed her feelings by kissing the ground excitedly.

"Perfect, so perfect!" A physicist sincerely praised, "Gravity and reaction force have reached a perfect balance at this moment! We want to record it. This is the greatest moment of this century for mankind!"

"Is this the hope of mankind, a super battleship that can attack all targets on the planet in space?" Experts from the island country murmured to themselves.

"I have no regrets in this life!" Liu Yuan took a deep breath and said.

"There seems to be no problem with the reaction force device initially." Du Xingyu said, "Now let it take off for a while and see how the balance ability is maintained during flight."

"Yes!" Zhu Zhenxing ordered to turn on the battleship's kinetic energy device, and began to slowly lift off the battleship and fly on the ocean at the test site.

For such a huge inverted pyramid battleship, the entire flight process is very smooth. In the battleship's command cabin, they also specially set up a set of dominoes on the table to test the capabilities of the reaction force system and inertial stabilization system.

Until the end of the flight test process, the dominoes on the table were as stable as before, and no card fell!

"The first test of the anti-gravity device and the inertial stabilization device was successful." Du Xingyu could announce the results, "The Dragon Ball can be equipped with weapons and is ready for service!"

Since the space age, in order to respond to crises, all space weapons have been used directly after passing preliminary tests. This was something that was simply unimaginable before. In the past, even a set of accessories would have taken several years of testing.

However, people have found that the failure rate of these new technology products is very low, and there are basically no design faults. The reason is naturally because Du Xingyu has simulated it countless times with technology simulators and has already repaired the defects.

Another week of space weapon assembly and re-testing, Longzhu was finally fully assembled, launched into the near-Earth spaceport, and officially entered service!

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