Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 122 Discovery of Alien Battleship

Du Xingyu did not release any new videos this time regarding the service of Dragon Ball. In fact, Du Xingyu has stopped updating his social accounts since he last posted a video of the Silver Wing.

I attended a few press conferences, and even attended the inauguration ceremony of the newly completed University of Space Science and Technology.

All actions and scientific and technological achievements of the Human Guardian Alliance in the past two years have been kept secret from the outside world.

Because they are not sure whether there are any alien spies on the earth!

Nowadays, the latest detection devices are installed in large cities and important facilities on the earth. If there are spy robots like "Motley", they will be detected immediately.

At the same time, their information network has also been transferred to a more confidential quantum communication network.

Everything is preparation for "battle"!

Half a year later, the solar system.

At a distance of about forty-five astronomical units from Earth, this is the Kuiper Belt region.

Meteorites, comets, and asteroids are everywhere here. There are more than 100,000 asteroids with a diameter of more than 100 kilometers!

In the past, it was difficult for humans to know the true situation of the Kuiper Belt with their observation capabilities. Over the past decade or so, with the development of human space technology and the implementation of the solar system satellite network plan, a large number of detection satellites have flown into the Kuiper Belt to explore the situation here.

There is a delay of about five and a half hours for light from here to the earth.

Because the Kuiper Belt is so large, even though hundreds of thousands of human exploration satellites have flown into the Kuiper Belt over the years, humans still know very little about the situation in the Kuiper Belt.

Somewhere in the Kuiper Belt, a human exploration satellite is flying at high speed, taking pictures of the situation here.

Through the astronomical telescope on the detection satellite, an object that does not belong to the Kuiper Belt was observed!

It was a jellyfish-shaped spaceship, possibly a battleship.

It floats next to a giant meteorite. Under the battleship, pipes similar to jellyfish tentacles are absorbing the material of the giant meteorite and transporting it into the spacecraft.

In another tentacle pipe, a large amount of waste material was discharged.

5.5 hours later, when the Solar System Satellite Monitoring Network Department of the Human Guardian Alliance received this photo, they also received a picture before a laser attack.

Obviously, this detection satellite was quickly discovered by the other party and destroyed!

In the Mars base, Du Xingyu was accompanying Xu Lianqiu for a serious physical examination.

"How is it?" Du Xingyu asked.

"Very good, nothing uncomfortable." Xu Lianqiu's complexion was rosy, her skin was as smooth as jade, and she looked like a young girl in her prime.

"Ms. Xu's cell condition is very young! Her self-repair ability is far beyond that of ordinary people." The female doctor in charge of the examination said, "Such a thing has never happened in the history of medicine."

"It seems like it helped a lot." Xu Lianqiu stretched out his palm, and the Klein bottle pattern stayed there.

"I don't understand, but it seems to be a good thing now." Du Xingyu said.

At this time, the smart glasses in his pocket vibrated slightly, reminding him of new news.

At this time, human chip technology, electronic technology and display technology have been improved, and lightweight smart glasses can replace the functions of previous smart phones.

Du Xingyu put on his glasses, and He Jingcheng's figure appeared on the lenses. He said: "Urgent news, we have found traces of a suspected alien fleet!"

"Really? I'll be there soon!" Du Xingyu immediately took Xu Lianqiu to the confidential conference room of the Mars base.

He Jingcheng was already waiting for him in the conference room, and all the important alliance members were rushing here.

The top leaders of the alliance on Earth also endured a few minutes of information delay and held remote meetings with them.

"Watch the video." He Jingcheng played the footage captured by the satellite.

Everyone in the conference room was surprised.

"The alien civilization's spaceship must have escaped!"

"Have they all arrived in the Kuiper Belt? With their speed, wouldn't they be able to reach Earth within half a month?"

"This small spaceship looks like it is mining, so where is their main fleet?"

"Is there any more information?" Du Xingyu asked.

"That's all for now. But this has allowed us to lock in a target area, and we will mobilize more detection satellites to detect this area." He Jingcheng said.

"This should be just a mining spacecraft." Xu Lianqiu analyzed, "Since the mining spacecraft is here, it is not far from the real fleet."

"Maybe they have reached the Kuiper Belt a long time ago." Du Xingyu said, "Even now, it only takes more than twenty days for our warships to get from the Earth to the Kuiper Belt. They must be faster."

"But the detection satellite did not detect any warship flying towards us. There are several possibilities for this."

Everyone listened carefully, and Du Xingyu continued: "The first possibility is that they have advanced battleship stealth technology and can avoid our detection satellites. If this is the case, we must prepare for defense immediately!"

"I have already informed the fleet." Wang Yu said.

"Well." Du Xingyu continued to analyze, "If they did not attack and stayed in the Kuiper Belt, I guess they may be replenishing energy and supplies to prepare for war."

"Yes." A military expert said, "Their warships are only planet-level. Navigating a light-year distance will inevitably consume a lot of energy."

"When they came to the Kuiper Belt, their energy supplies must have been very scarce. So they were not in a hurry to attack. Instead, they mined in the Kuiper Belt to replenish energy and supplies, and then attack us!"

"We must know more information." Du Xingyu said firmly, space war is also an information station.

On Earth, a war requires only the defense of land, water, and sky. But in the vast space, enemy attacks will come from all directions!

In the war of advanced civilizations, attacks will even start from all dimensions, making it difficult to guard against!

At this time, whoever has more information will have an advantage.

"I will immediately ask the fleet to launch five million detection satellites!" Wang Yu said, "Search that area with all our strength!"

The manufacturing of exploration satellites has been very industrialized, and they do not need to be too big. Human manufacturing capabilities can produce 100,000 satellites in a day.

"In addition, we can declare a state of war." Du Xingyu stood up and said to all members cautiously, "If our inference is correct, the enemy is still replenishing supplies and energy. That means they are not fully ready yet."

"When we discover the enemy, the enemy will also know that he has exposed his position."

"The enemy's technology is higher than ours, so we can't give them much time to develop. So once we find out where the enemy is, we have to attack directly! We need to start mobilizing warships now and head to the Kuiper Belt!"



"I agree!"

"After preparing for so long, it's time to fight!"

In the Kuiper Belt, more and more detection satellites began to fly to that area, and after a few days, more information was discovered.

"Within five days, we discovered seventeen jellyfish mining spacecrafts."

"The three shell-shaped battleships are currently unknown for their detailed purpose. It is speculated that they may be transport and supply ships." At the Alliance Space Military Command, Du Xingyu checked the satellite findings of the past five days.

"In addition, there is a swordfish battleship that is suspected to be a space cruiser." Since the names of the enemy's battleships are not known, humans get the names of these battleships by looking at their shapes.

"The swordfish battleship is flat and elongated, with a length of up to 1,500 meters, almost twice as long as our space cruiser! The back of the battleship has a 'fin' device, which we suspect is a space radar. When we discovered it, its speed was over Two thousand kilometers per second, and destroyed our detection satellite almost instantly." He Jingcheng said.

Du Xingyu frowned. Judging from the current detection situation, it was indeed not optimistic.

"The biggest discovery is still this, which is also the new news we received three minutes ago." He Jingcheng said, "Since it was previously speculated that they were collecting matter and energy in the Kuiper Belt, we mobilized detection satellites to search for asteroids in the Kuiper Belt. .”

“I didn’t expect to capture this!”

He turned on the video, and a dim asteroid appeared in the "field of view" of the detection satellite.

This is Pluto, a famous asteroid located in the Kuiper Belt. It was once considered by humans to be one of the nine planets in the solar system. But later scientists discovered that its diameter was only 2,300 kilometers, so it was kicked out of the planet.

Pluto is mainly composed of rock and icy water, with surface temperatures ranging from -238°C to -218°C. It has a very thin atmosphere composed of carbon monoxide and methane, and there is some solid nitrogen, methane and carbon monoxide on the surface.

In the Kuiper Belt, Pluto is undoubtedly a good "energy replenishment station", so the alien fleet quickly focused on it and began to mine Pluto to replenish energy.

In the camera footage of the detection satellite, a group of battleships is floating in the outer space of Pluto.

From a vague perspective, there are at least two hundred of these warships, and there are even more in the blind spots.

"So many battleships!" Wang Yu couldn't help shouting.

"There are dozens of jellyfish mining spaceships, swordfish battleships, and manta ray battleships similar in shape to our Silver Wing. Huge turtle battleships, and cancer battleships at work..."

The types of enemy warships are dazzling. Unfortunately, they are too far away and the detection satellites cannot capture them very clearly. Otherwise, everyone would have to analyze them for a long time.

"The most terrifying thing among them, and what we think is the biggest discovery this time, is the one in the middle. We call it the giant whale battleship!"

The computer enlarged the part of the image, and everyone could clearly see that among the battleships, stars surrounded a super giant space battleship.

Compared with other battleships, it can be calculated that its length is at least fifteen kilometers, its height is also about ten kilometers, and its size is comparable to an asteroid!

The Nemesis that was going to hit the Earth was only thirty kilometers in diameter! The battleship can reach the size of an asteroid, and the psychological shock it causes to people is unparalleled!

Thanks to 20~61, 16~01, Blank, and Fengxie for their rewards.

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