"Is this the Giant Whale Battleship? It's much bigger than our Dragon Ball Star Destroyer!" someone said in horror.

"Big means that the energy system is stronger, and the weapons should also be strong." Du Xingyu said, "If this is the main body of the alien fleet, then this giant whale battleship should be their mothership, Star Destroyer level!"

"I also see this. If they have a warship stronger than the whale warship, I don't even have to fight a war." He Jingcheng showed a wry smile on his face.

Based on the information currently detected, the enemy is indeed stronger than the human fleet. And they don't know how many enemy space battleships are hidden in the Kuiper Belt.

"The large number and large size of warships are both advantages and disadvantages. This will cause their operation to require more energy and materials." Du Xingyu said, "From the picture, these warships are carrying out Pluto mining missions. It seems that they Not ready yet.”

While they were discussing, new information was constantly coming back from far away.

One of the messages caught their attention. The detection satellite that photographed the alien fleet was captured by the alien fleet!

Its signal was blocked, but in the final picture transmitted back, the aliens did not destroy it.

"They took away our detection satellite." Everyone looked at each other. The detection satellite itself has no secrets, and the enemy does not need to study it.

The other party should have only one purpose for taking away their detection satellite, which is to communicate with the earth through the detection satellite.

In the outer space of Pluto, the alien fleet is still releasing mining spacecraft to land on Pluto for mining.

On the largest whale warship, human detection satellites were sent here.

In a short period of time, they cracked the detection satellite and obtained the information and signal transmission device.

The huge whale warship is filled with some kind of liquid. All living things, machines and intelligent systems here are immersed in liquid.

"The detection satellite has been cracked, and humans have taken photos of us and sent them back. (Alien language)" In the research cabin on the battleship, a creature covered with white fish scales, with a flat head and an elongated head said.

In the research cabin, there are all creatures similar to it. They are somewhat similar to marine life on Earth, but different.

"It must be reported to King Lemog immediately." An operator said.

This message was immediately sent to the captain's office.

The captain's room is a space located in the middle of the whale battleship. It is like the heart of the whale battleship. It connects every part of the battleship.

At this time, the captain's room, which was as big as a dozen human gymnasiums, was filled with pink turbid liquid. After these liquids appear, they are quickly filtered out by the filtration system.

After the pink liquid disappeared, the captain's room returned to its original appearance.

This is not so much the captain's cabin as it is a giant "entertainment cabin." Restaurants, aquariums, virtual game cabins, weapons shooting ranges, theaters... and other facilities are all available here.

Various alien creatures and intelligent robots provide services here. They have different states, different costumes, and different occupations.

From the source of the fan liquid, a giant, over 18 meters long, octopus-like soft monster was performing indescribable scenes with a group of female creatures at the same time.

The pink liquid is secreted by those female creatures.

After a while, the "giant octopus" was completed.

"Get out of here!" It drove out all the female creatures that had been having fun with him just now, and began to check the news from the research cabin.

"Golden Pincer, come here." The giant octopus ordered, and soon, a crustacean creature with carapace all over its body crawled in and crawled under its feet.

It has five pairs of legs, four pairs are relatively slender, and one pair is a giant golden claw.

Golden Clamp is one of the senior commanders of this civilization. The giant octopus in front of it is the supreme commander of the entire fleet, Captain Lemorg, but this was a title hundreds of years ago. Now, everyone will call it King Lemog.

Over the past few hundred years, the social structure on the battleship has been completely different from when it left its home planet. Golden Clamp misses the old days very much. He and Lemoge were just superiors and subordinates, and everything had rules and regulations. But now, it belongs to Lemoge's subjects, and Lemoge's instructions have replaced all the rules!

"His Majesty the Great King Lemorg." Golden Clamp said respectfully, "Human detectors have discovered us."

Lemorg has a huge head, and its face is covered with various short, wriggling soft tentacles. When it spoke, its tentacles were swaying like sea snakes: "Human beings are really ungrateful. I have given them a chance to survive."

"They have not stopped developing space weapons. They actually sent detection satellites to detect intelligence. Golden Clamp, how long will it take for the resources to be replenished?"

The golden pincers extend out of the giant claw, and the smart device installed on the claw shell projects the scene of the fleet mining in the Kuiper Belt.

"His Majesty the Great King Lemorg." Golden Clamp said, "Since the last time we replenished materials, we have been sailing at a speed of 5% of the speed of light for three hundred earth years, and the energy and materials on the fleet have reached an extremely scarce level. . Mining ships, work ships and warships all lost a lot."

Because this civilization has sent spies to the earth, it has learned about various situations of human culture. When they were near the solar system, they converted standard units such as time and distance to be consistent with humans in order to fight against humans.

"Now we mine meteorites and asteroids to build new ships. The energy and material replenishment is currently 30%, and it will take at least ten Earth months to fully replenish it."

"Ten Earth months?" Lemorg was a little impatient. One of its tentacles rolled up its golden pincers, stared at him with its huge eyes, and said, "How long does it take to deal with a technologically backward civilization on the home planet?"

"The great King Lemog." Golden Clamp said quickly: "Humanity has experienced a technological explosion during this period, and also has space battleships and weapons. In order to minimize our losses, it is most appropriate to attack after repairs."

As it spoke, it projected a three-dimensional image of the Earth.

It is a blue planet, most of which is covered by oceans.

At the moment when he saw the image of the earth, Lemog's tentacles suddenly relaxed and lowered the golden pincers. Its eyes were a little obsessed, and it murmured to itself: "It's been a thousand years, almost a thousand years!"

"Yes, King, it's been a thousand years since we left our home planet. It's also been a thousand years since we left the vast sea!" Golden Clamp was also filled with emotion.

"The Earth will be our new home!" Lemoge shouted. "Now that humans have discovered us, declare war on them directly and ask them to give up the Earth!"

"They disobey my orders, and I will bring despair to all mankind!"

"As you wish!" Jinqi said respectfully.

Now that humans have discovered them, there is no need to continue hiding. Directly declaring war on humans can actually put pressure on humans.

According to their intelligence, human civilization was composed of multiple countries and races more than ten years ago, and formed a completely unified civilization. As long as the pressure is applied, they will chaos themselves, increasing their chances of conquering the earth.

Through the human detection satellite they captured, a message was sent from the giant whale warship to human civilization.

The signal traveled in space for about 5.5 hours before reaching Mars.

"The missing detection satellite has appeared again!" Since the discovery of the alien fleet, Du Xingyu and other senior leaders of the Human Alliance have stayed in the base all the time, paying attention to all the movements of the alien fleet.

"It sends back a new message."

In the headquarters, He Jingcheng opened the received message, which was a holographic video. And it was not taken by a detection satellite, but sent by an alien civilization.

As soon as the holographic projector was turned on, a terrifying octopus monster appeared in front of everyone.

"Looks like an octopus!" a senior commander immediately complained.

"This guy is too big!"

"So ugly!" Xu Lianqiu complained. This octopus monster has huge tentacles, red skin, and bumps on it. It would be okay if it was an animal, but it is floating in a liquid and surrounded by various smart devices. It is obvious that it is an intelligent creature at a glance, which gives people a very awkward feeling.

"Human!" The octopus monster spoke. They have already mastered human language.

"I am the leader of the sea civilization, the great King Lemoge!" Lemoge said, "We come from a distant planet and will bring you civilization and technology."

"But!" Lemoge's expression changed and he increased his voice: "You rejected my kindness and actually want to make weapons to resist our advanced sea civilization!"

"Your stupid behavior will bring disaster to mankind!"

"My fleet has arrived. Any resistance and attack will be regarded as a signal against the Sea Tribe people! In this regard, our habit is to destroy them!"

In the picture, several giant warships of the Sea Tribe flashed across the screen. Their terrifying shapes and signs of various unknown weapons were extremely threatening.

"Only by being obedient can humans survive. My conditions, the robot Motley has already told you..."

"If you insist on going your own way, and your execution will lead to destruction, this will be your fate!"

At the end of the holographic projection, a terrifying picture appeared.

The majestic and huge whale battleship was parked in the universe, and an asteroid with a diameter of a thousand kilometers lay in front of the battleship.

A pitch-black super gun muzzle rose from the giant whale warship, and an extremely strong energy flew out of the gun muzzle. The asteroid with a diameter of one thousand kilometers was directly bombarded by this unknown super weapon and exploded into countless meteorite fragments!

"Is that their weapon?" Wang Yu stood up suddenly and asked in disbelief.

An asteroid with a diameter of one thousand kilometers, which is about one-half of Pluto, was actually blown into pieces by the attack of the whale!

You know, in the past ten years or so, mankind has spent all the power and resources of society in order to deal with an asteroid with a diameter of thirty kilometers!

If this video is true, then the fighting power of alien civilization can make human civilization despair!

The video ended, and no one in the entire command room could calm down.

This is the enemy’s declaration of war video and a demonstration!

"It's just intimidation." Du Xingyu broke the silence in the command room and said: "Everyone, the authenticity of the video is doubtful for the time being. If the enemy has such a strong combat power, there is no need to declare war on us and just bring the warship over. That’s fine, why hide in the Kuiper Belt and mine?”

"The war hasn't started yet!"

"Yes!" Wang Yu quickly adjusted his mentality and said, "The most important thing now is not to mess up your position!"

"This video is not too fast." Xu Lianqiu analyzed, "At least we can see that the enemy is also a carbon-based life form, not a species that we humans cannot understand."

"They really look like sea creatures." He Jingcheng complained.

"Their battleships are also filled with liquid instead of air. Maybe they really come from some ocean planet." Du Xingyu guessed.

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