"This is similar to the previous speculation." A military expert said.

They were discussing a response plan, and the Earth's Information Department sent an urgent message.

"The Sea Clan civilization sent a declaration of war video to the Earth! They really have plans on Earth!" The Sea Clan's video was not only sent to their headquarters.

At this time, videos of the Hai Tribe declaring war appeared in various countries on the earth, on city streets and on the Internet.

"We have locked the source of the transmission. It is suspected to be an information receiving device that has been arranged by the spies of the Hai Clan civilization a long time ago and is currently blocking it."

Earth, China.

On civilian networks, a video appeared on the front pages of various news websites and social networking sites without warning.

In the video, Laimog of the sea civilization declared war on all mankind, claiming that all mankind would be destroyed if they did not surrender!

"??? What is this? A game promotional video?" At first, many netizens were still confused.

"What the hell? Did it pop up suddenly? Is my computer infected?"

“Damn it, it’s a blockbuster movie, when will it be released?”

"666, you did a great job! Please give me a sequel!"

"What are you talking about? This is an alien declaration of war! Are you all a bunch of retarded people?"

On the Internet, information spreads rapidly.

Netizens gradually felt that something was wrong. This holographic video did not seem to be a promotional video for games or holographic movies.

“This video is all on the five news networks I visit and all social software!”

"Could this be a real video of aliens declaring war?"

"You guys made me a little panicked. Don't be kidding me. It took me two years to be stable!"

"You guys go check out the Internet. This video is not just in China, but all over the world!"

This video is circulating on the Internet all over the world.

This video suddenly popped up in the network players of some schools and shopping malls.

"Your stupid behavior will bring disaster to mankind!"

"Only by being obedient can humans survive. My conditions, the robot Motley has already told you..."

"If you persist in going your own way and will lead to destruction, this will be your fate!" The voice of the giant sea tribesman Lemoge appeared all over the world.

The scene of the battleship Whale destroying an asteroid with one shot horrified people all over the world.

"Damn, is alien technology so powerful?"

"They won't blow up the earth with one shot, right? Mom, I don't want to die!"

"Whose prank is it? Why is the global network poisoned?"

"Who knows the truth? Please tell me!"

The source of this video was quickly cut off by the Human Guardian Alliance, and the security network was urgently updated to eliminate computer viruses.

But its impact has only just begun.

More and more people are asking what happened. Media workers questioned high-level human beings and asked whether the incident was true or false.

On Du Xingyu's social account, his fans asked anxiously.

" @Earth Observation, boss, it's time to come out! What happened?"

"Is there any hope for humanity?"

"If alien warships attack the earth, we can only escape in a spaceship now!"

"The aliens told us to surrender directly and give us high technology..."

"Please, please update it!"

The impact of this incident is still expanding. Someone revealed that as early as a few days ago, human warships left the earth in large numbers, suspecting that something big had happened.

Du Xingyu knew that this matter could not be covered up. Because the most brutal war has come and no one can escape.

On his floating account, Du Xingyu updated: "On the 21st, the alliance will hold a global press conference to announce important matters. Please wait patiently..."

With just one sentence, the number of views exceeded 2 billion in one day!

Countless netizens and media are speculating. Even the most obtuse person can imagine that something extraordinary is about to happen!

Du Xingyu traveled to Earth on a space battleship and notified all members of the Human Guardian Alliance to prepare for emergencies and prepare to hold a global press conference.

At nine o'clock in the morning on the 21st, in the Magic City of China, the headquarters of the Human Guardian Alliance, the press conference room.

Now the whole world is paying attention here, and reporters from all over the world are waiting anxiously. On the one hand, they hope to get big news, but on the other hand, they hope that there will be no big news today, which is extremely contradictory.

Finally at 9:40, the reporters passed the security check and entered in advance.

Some attentive people have noticed that the people sitting at the press conference all have faces that are rarely seen in ordinary times.

For example, Wang Yu of the Space Force; such as Pan Mao, the commander of Earth’s outer space defense; Gardner, the alliance’s top military advisor…

The most important among them is naturally Du Xingyu, the supreme commander of the Human Guardian Alliance who has rarely appeared in the past two years!

He was closing his eyes and concentrating, and the people around him kept silent in a tacit agreement, but Du Xingyu was disturbed.

At ten o'clock China time, the press conference started on time.

Du Xingyu faced the camera and said: "Today's alliance press conference, I want to announce three things, each of which is important. I hope that all media present can report the news seriously and strictly, and spread it to the world!"

The reporters nodded cautiously, and they became even more nervous.

"The first thing is about the recent video of aliens declaring war." Du Xingyu said, "Many people are concerned that this is an Internet virus or a hoax."

"Today I can clearly tell people all over the world that that video is real. The battleships you see are alien battleships, and the creatures you see are also alien creatures!"

"What? Is it true?" Du Xingyu's words were like a bolt from the blue, making all the media workers and the hundreds of millions of viewers watching the press conference around the world stunned for an instant!

"Aliens are really coming!"

"They have declared war on humanity!"

"Please, please stop joking, okay?"

"It's over, it's over, what should we do?"

"The end of the world! This is the real end of the world!"

"Honey, look at the news, Du Xingyu confirmed it!"

Du Xingyu paused for a few seconds to give everyone time to react. He continued: "Now we have detected the location of the alien fleet. They are still five billion kilometers away from the earth."

"We have deployed a defense and reconnaissance network. Please calm down first and don't panic too much. We didn't know about the alien enemies until today, did we?"

After hearing Du Xingyu's words, the people calmed down a little. Indeed, they didn't just know that there would be alien enemies today, it was just that the news was so sudden that they were not mentally prepared.

"Huh, although it feels a bit scary, seeing Du Xingyu so calm, I suddenly feel less panicful again!"

For more than ten years, Du Xingyu's inventions and research have changed human society and led them through huge crises.

So when seeing Du Xingyu, people will have an inexplicable sense of trust and security.

"The second thing is our choice." Du Xingyu's tone became more serious. He said: "The aliens are in the video, threatening humans to surrender. I want all mankind to recognize that they are our enemies."

"They were malicious from the beginning. If it weren't for our resistance, Nephew would have destroyed mankind! Everyone, don't have unrealistic illusions. Any compromise or surrender is absolutely not allowed. All attempts Anyone who creates chaos and takes refuge with alien enemies will commit crimes against humanity and be punished with the most severe punishment!"

At such an important moment, Du Xingyu will not give a chance to those who are lucky. The war between civilizations is cruel, and there is no way out!

"With the unanimous consent of all members of the Human Guardian Alliance, we will declare war on alien civilization! Humanity will never surrender and will not allow enemies to invade our homeland!"

"War has been declared!" Some people were happy when they heard Du Xingyu's words, while others were worried.

"Can we fight? Just declare war?"

"Well done, these aliens have been harming us for more than ten years, kill them!"

"Anyone who offends our humanity will be punished no matter how far away!"

"I've been preparing for more than ten years, isn't it just for this battle?"

"I am willing to donate money and materials. If necessary, I can sign up to fight!"

"The third thing!" Du Xingyu said, "Now I announce it to all mankind as the supreme commander of the Human Guardian Alliance."

"From now on, all mankind has entered a state of war. Everyone, all enterprises, groups, organizations... must unconditionally obey management and deployment!"

"I must tell you honestly that this battle will be very difficult. We may suffer huge losses, soldiers will die, and battleships will be destroyed."

"But the determination of human civilization to defend itself will not change. In order for ourselves, our families, friends, and our descendants to live happily. This battle must be won!"

"We must win!" Some reporters at the scene couldn't help shouting.

Not to mention on the Internet.

"We must win!" Countless people were shouting.


"It's on, war status!"

"Fight! This is the last dignity of mankind!"

"There's going to be a war!!! Scared!"

"I've finished my business. Next, I will announce the alliance's wartime control plan, as well as some of our information on alien civilizations." By the end of Du Xingyu's speech, the entire human society had been mobilized.

Every country and every region began to conduct war control.

Before the war spread to the earth, people would still go to work and go to school, and there would be no chaos overall.

But businesses and factories have fully begun to serve the war. Countless space battleships, satellites and space weapons began to be manufactured and produced day and night.

Food, water, and various resources are sent into space. Mighty spaceships deliver supplies to moon bases and Mars bases.

Those space battleships in service have been replenished with energy and ammunition, and are parked in the space port, waiting for the alliance's war instructions!

A war between human civilization and sea civilization is about to begin!

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