Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 125 Uranus Frontline (Please subscribe and vote monthly!)

"Whether it's on a planet or in space, when two civilizations whose technological level has not reached the crushing level of one party are going to war, the most important thing is information!" In the Supreme Command of the Human Guardian Alliance, Du Xingyu and a group of commanders were fighting War meeting.

"So the first stage of our operation is to find ways to obtain information such as the enemy's location, number of warships, firepower, and even weaknesses. It is called intelligence warfare for short!"

Du Xingyu said: "We will send a large number of detection satellites, space drones, and even small space battleships into the Kuiper Belt to collect comprehensive intelligence."

"I agree with Commander Du. Although we declare war, we cannot start it blindly." Wang Yu said, "In order to facilitate the collection of intelligence and prepare for a full-scale war, I suggest that 50% of human space warships be transferred to Within the orbit of Uranus, the first line of defense has been established.”

"Outward, our combat capabilities can radiate to the orbit of Neptune and the outer reaches of the Kuiper Belt."

"Looking inward, we can control the battlefield outside the earth and Mars, ensuring that human society is not disturbed by war!"

"Currently, there are 308 various types of space battleships in service by mankind. During this period, we are still producing and manufacturing them non-stop." Du Xingyu said, "Currently, one hundred battleships form a fleet, which are divided into Longwei Fleet, Huofeng Fleet and Huofeng Fleet." Fleet and Kunpeng Fleet.”

"Among them, the Longwei Fleet owns the Star Destroyer Dragon Ball, which has the strongest combat effectiveness. The Longwei Fleet should be sent to the front line."

"Commander Du, we only have one Star Destroyer, which is our trump card weapon. Isn't it bad to send it to the front line from the beginning? If the enemy sneak attacks on the earth, we won't have a Star Destroyer to protect us!" Fire Phoenix Fleet Commander Shi Yunfan asked.

Du Xingyu said directly: "It is precisely because we only have one Star Destroyer that we must make it work as soon as possible."

"Now our detection system has spread all over the orbits of the eight major planets in the solar system. If the enemy can bypass our surveillance and reach the earth directly, the Star Destroyer will not be of much use."

"Having the Dragon Ball guard the front line can also confuse the enemy."

"Longwei Fleet, do you have any questions?"

"There is no problem with the Longwei Fleet, we are willing to go to the front line!" Zhu Zhenxing, the current commander-in-chief of the Longwei Fleet, said immediately.

"Okay." Du Xingyu said, "The Longwei fleet heads to the orbit of Uranus to establish a defense line. Don't attack blindly. In the first stage, we need to collect enemy information."

"The Kunpeng fleet guards the orbit of Mars, and the Fire Phoenix fleet guards the outer space of the Earth."

"Everyone, the battle begins!"

"Father, Mom, my son is going to the front line here, knowing full well that his safety is uncertain. Here, my son kneels down to his two elders. He is really ashamed that he cannot repay the kindness of his upbringing. But I have to go on this trip. The country is in trouble, how can I be a dignified man? Can you just sit back and ignore it?"

"If we can defeat the enemy and bring the dawn of victory to mankind, we will have no regrets even if we die in the stars..."

In the crew lounge of the Longjiao, the deputy captain Wei Xuan was writing his last words.

Before the Longwei Fleet leaves, every crew member will write a last word. Because they know that this battle will lead to a narrow escape from death! While combat operations are classified, these last words will be kept and will be given to their families after the war.

"Buzz buzz..." The fleet alarm bell rang. Wei Xuan quickly folded the envelope and went to the war room to assemble.

"Longwei Fleet, set off!" Zhu Zhenxing's words spread to every battleship, and the Longwei Fleet's one hundred space battleships set off toward the orbit of Uranus!

Half a month later, Uranus orbits.

Uranus, the seventh planet from the inside out of the solar system, the third largest and fourth most massive ice giant, revolves around the sun in this orbit.

Longwei Battleship One hundred space battleships began to spread out along the orbit of Uranus. On the scale of space, even mankind's most advanced space battleship, the Dragon Ball, is just an insignificant dust!

The Hai Clan civilization is naturally aware of human movements.

"They still refused my mercy." Lemoge twisted his tentacles, "It seems that there is no need for humans on earth to exist!"

"Your Majesty the Great Lemog," Commander Golden Clamp said, "We are not ready for war yet, so we don't need to pay attention to them. If they enter the Kuiper Belt, they are here to die."

"We just need to continue to rest in the Kuiper Belt. In another nine months, we will be able to crush them directly!"

"Golden Clamp, are you afraid of death after staying on the battleship for too long?" Lemoge suddenly asked, and Golden Clamp was immediately frightened.

It's like this again, Lemoge's suspicion is getting more and more serious! It has reached the point where your subordinates will be imprisoned and executed just because you say something that doesn’t go your way!

Think about it, an intelligent creature with a suspicious nature who has stayed on a battleship for hundreds of years will have his psychology twisted to the point of madness!

"Your Majesty Lemoge, if there is a war, Golden Clamp is willing to be the first to go to the battlefield, but now, I am thinking about maximizing the interests of the war!" Golden Clamp hurriedly swore.

Lemorg's big eyes stared at him for a while, and then he said: "Go down and let the energy mining ships speed up!"


The information war has begun. Both human civilization and sea civilization are sending detection satellites and space drones to each other's territory.

Every day, a large number of detection satellites and drones are destroyed, but neither side actually dispatches warships to fight.

Human beings are also getting more and more information about the Sea Tribe civilization. They have discovered that the Sea Tribe people are mining asteroids and meteorites at an accelerated rate.

More and more mining spacecraft are appearing in the Kuiper Belt, mining resources and sending them to the sea civilization battleship group.

"According to current intelligence, the number of planet-class space battleships discovered by the Hai Clan civilization has reached 572. 13 asteroids and hundreds of thousands of large meteorites have been mined." At the alliance's high command, they had just received the dragon A summary of the intelligence of the Wei fleet.

"Pluto, the dwarf planet, may be the main mining point for the marine civilization fleet. The giant whale warship is in the outer space of Pluto."

"This must not continue like this!" Du Xingyu said, "The fleet of the Hai Clan civilization is obviously stronger than ours. If we let them repair it, our winning rate will be greatly reduced."

"Start now, be more bold, enter the Kuiper Belt and start small-scale operations! Interrupt their resting rhythm."

"Now the enemy needs to develop, let's harass them." Wang Yu said, "Let the Longwei Fleet review the methods of guerrilla warfare."

A few hours later, the Longwei Fleet received the order from the headquarters.

"From today on, fast cruisers, space drone combat groups, and laser satellites will enter the Kuiper Belt and begin to destroy the enemy's mining spacecraft and asteroid surface factories." Zhu Zhenxing issued the order and emphasized: "The captains of each ship Remember our sixteen-character policy.”

"When the enemy advances, we retreat; when the enemy is stationed, we harass; when the enemy is tired, we attack; when the enemy retreats, we pursue!"

"Silver Wings, move out!" In the vast space, a space cruiser sailed into the Kuiper Belt.

The Silver Wing was the first space battleship built by mankind, and it amazed the world at the time. But now, the Silver Wing is no longer the most advanced space battleship.

Even the space cruiser has been updated for three generations. The current third-generation planet-class space cruiser has even better performance than it.

But the Silver Wing is currently the longest human warship in space. From the captain to the crew, they have more experience.

"Captain, we have entered the enemy's activity range." The radar cabin reported to Captain Liang Tianrui.

"Okay, the whole ship is attentive and the highest alert state is activated." Liang Tianrui looked at the map, "In three hours, we will destroy an enemy's giant meteorite resource collection point and prepare the weapons bay."

"Got it!" the crew members responded immediately.

More than four million kilometers away from them, three Sea Tribe civilization mining spacecraft were mining a giant meteorite.

The robot is working on the meteorite, and in the spaceship, the people from the Hai tribe are conducting the command.

On one of the mining spaceships, two people from the Sea Tribe were talking freely.

"Hey, I didn't expect that we would actually be reduced to mining. This kind of work was done by laborers in the past!" One of the sea tribesmen with tiny scales all over his body complained.

"What about the laborers? The laborers are all dead!" Another big-headed Hai tribesman with eyes on both sides of the body said, "How many people have died after sailing for a thousand years? If we hadn't used the gene pool to cultivate newborns, both of us would have died. It’s already been cooked!”

Hearing his words, the people from the Scale Sea Tribe looked frightened and said: "This period has been a nightmare! Since the death of Captain Clete, the fleet has completely changed! I feel that we can't call it civilization at all now. Like a bunch of lost dogs!”

"Shh! Stop talking, be careful of being caught on the surveillance camera!" The Datouhai people immediately stopped him and said: "Don't mention that matter, otherwise you will be executed and made into protein food in the restaurant!"

"I hope we can conquer the earth soon. Maybe things will get better by then."

The two were talking when an alarm suddenly came from the surveillance system: "Alert, enemy attack! Alarm, enemy attack!"

"There is an enemy!" The two people turned on the surveillance camera in horror and found a human warship flying towards them.

"How dare they enter our territory?"

The two men's thoughts came to an abrupt end here, because a laser destroyed their spacecraft, and the other two mining spacecraft and the mining robot on the meteorite were also instantly wiped out.

"Evacuate! Return immediately!" Liang Tianrui ordered. The movement here must have alerted the enemy's warships.

Compared with the warships of the Hai Clan civilization, they have no advantage.

The Silver Wing immediately turned on its power and returned to the original route.

An hour later, the nearest sea civilization warship arrived, a frigate manta ray warship.

"Captain, the mining point R-29 has been completely destroyed. Three mining spacecraft were destroyed, and we lost six crew members." reported a subordinate.

"Damn it, humans are so bold!" the captain of the Manta battleship said angrily, "Where are their battleships?"

"It has escaped and is estimated to have been evacuated millions of kilometers away!" a subordinate reported.

"Damn it!" the captain of the Manta Battleship was furious, "Cunning humans, this is already the 26th sneak attack in ten days!"

"At first they just used laser satellites and unmanned space fighters to sneak attack on us, but now the warships are coming!"

"And they run away after just one shot. They never engage in direct combat with our warships! Humans are really cunning creatures!"

There are more than twenty human warships like the Silver Wing that engage in game warfare in the Kuiper Belt. The huge Kuiper Belt became their best cover, and more and more mining sites of the Sea Tribe civilization were destroyed.

"General, we can't go on like this, we have to take action!" A subordinate on the auxiliary ship of the Hai Clan Civilization said to Golden Clamp.

Thanks to Zhang Kleg for the tip.

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