Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 126 Important information! (Subscribe for more updates!)

"Let the Sailfish warship start a full-range cruise and increase the deployment of reconnaissance satellites." Golden Clamp said, "As long as human warships dare to come, let them never come back!"

The Sea Tribe civilization quickly made strategic adjustments. Their sailfish warships traveled much faster than human space cruisers.

After the Sea Fleet increased its patrol and reconnaissance range, humanity's Kuiper Belt guerrilla tactics were immediately affected.

A large number of satellites and space drones were destroyed, and even three space cruisers were destroyed by the enemy for various reasons!

Humanity began to conduct guerrilla warfare in space more cautiously, reducing the number of battleships and using more unmanned space fighters.

Outside the Kuiper Belt, an asteroid with a diameter of 130 kilometers, a seashell work ship is parked in space. Hundreds of mining spacecraft are constantly coming in and out, refining the available materials on the asteroid and bringing them back to the warship.

"Attack!" The quietly approaching human battleship Dragon Horn launched an attack with laser weapons and space nuclear missiles. The target was this seashell work ship!

"Enemy attack, enemy attack! Turn on the defense system!" The moment the Haibei work ship discovered the enemy attack, the laser had already penetrated the ship's wall.

The battleships of the Hai Clan civilization, like the battleships of the human civilization, do not have any energy technology such as "battleship shield".

Therefore, in a war, human warships can also cause huge damage to the sea civilization warships.

Several space hydrogen bombs fell on the work ship, blowing a big hole in the ship, and the ship began to shake violently.

"Counterattack, counterattack!" The Haibei people on the Haibei work ship wanted to fight back, but they were the party being ambushed. It was already too late to fight back at this time.

More laser weapons and space nuclear bombs came, and the Haibei work ship was almost blown into two pieces.

"Abandon the ship!" Seeing that the work ship was no longer safe, the Sea Tribe people immediately abandoned the ship and escaped in a small spacecraft.

"Report, the Haibei work ship has been destroyed!" In the Longjiao, the combat cabin reported.

"Reconciliation, return immediately! The enemy's swordfish battleship will be chasing you soon!" Allen, the current captain of the Dragon Horn, commanded.

"Captain! No enemy warships have been found yet. I request to leave the ship!" Vice-captain Wei Xuan stood up and said to Allen, "There are many Hai tribe people fleeing outside now. I request to send out mobile combat spaceships to capture them!" "

"Wei, the enemy already knows we are here. If we don't get out in time, no one will be able to leave by then!" Allen reminded.

Wei Xuan looked at the escaping Sea Clan spaceship in the surveillance screen, gritted his teeth and said, "I know. But the enemy is becoming more and more wary of us, and our operations are becoming more and more difficult to achieve results. I think some Sea Clan people should be captured Take prisoners and get more information!”

"Wei, I have to consider the overall situation. It is not necessary. Humanity cannot lose every battleship!" Allen said.

"The Dragon Horn can leave first, and I will catch up with my men later." Wei Xuan said, "Captain, we don't have much time to think about it."

Allen took a deep breath, saluted Wei Xuan, and said, "Wei, I approve your action. May God bless you!"

"Yes!" Wei Xuan returned the greeting, and he immediately led the members of the combat department on the mobile space combat spacecraft to capture the fleeing Sea Tribe people's spacecraft.

The Dragon Horn began a strategic evacuation.

"The spaceship ahead, I know you can recognize human language, stop the spacecraft immediately and surrender, or die!" Wei Xuan and others quickly caught up with a small escape spacecraft.

These escape spaceships have no weapons and are not fast. Their combat spacecraft can easily intercept them.

However, the other party not only did not stop, but also accelerated.

"Attack!" Wei Xuan did not hesitate and ordered an attack directly, destroying it with a laser.

Then, he immediately went after the second goal.

"Stop the ship and surrender immediately, otherwise we will attack!" Wei Xuan used a satellite to transmit a signal to the opponent.

Perhaps after seeing the scene of its companion being destroyed, the spacecraft stopped.

Wei Xuan was overjoyed and immediately approached and continued to shout: "All the sea people inside will get out of the spaceship and stay in space. In one minute, we will destroy this spaceship!"

The Sea Tribe people inside came out of the spacecraft wearing space suits and put the spacecraft into autopilot mode.

Wei Xuan destroyed it without hesitation, and then captured five Hai clan members.

"Let's go!" After obtaining the target, he immediately announced a U-turn.

"Wei Xuan!" Captain Allen of the Dragon Horn called him and warned: "The enemy's Sailfish battleship is approaching here, you have to be faster!"

"Sail with all your strength!" Wei Xuan also knew that this was a race against death.

"Kill, destroy them!" A swordfish cruiser from the Hai Clan civilization was chasing the Dragon Horn at a speed of thousands of kilometers per second.

"Sorry, Wei Xuan, we can't wait for you anymore, we have to speed up!" Allen said.

"I know. Captain, you go first." Wei Xuan has made a decision, and he doesn't want to die.

But at this time, if you continue to chase the Dragon Horn, you will not only fail to catch up, but you will also fall into the hands of the enemy.

"Change direction and hide first!" Wei Xuan commanded, "The enemy's target is the Dragon Horn now, so they won't notice us. The Kuiper Belt is so big, as long as we hide well, there is always a chance to escape!"

"Yes!" His team members gambled their fate and turned around.

Ten days later, Dragon Horn.

The atmosphere on the battleship seemed a bit heavy. Vice-captain Wei Xuan led a group of people out of the ship to fight, but there has been no news so far. It is very likely that they have been captured by the Hai Tribe people...

"I should have stopped him." Allen sighed.

At this time, a new communication request came in, showing that it was their space mobile combat spacecraft.

Allen's eyes lit up and he answered immediately.

"Captain!" Wei Xuan's face appeared on the screen, and he exclaimed: "Captain, the Space Combat Team, please return to the ship!"

"Permission to return to the ship!" Allen said happily.

"Good news. One of our ships has captured a prisoner of the Hai clan. He has been initially interrogated and is now being sent to the Mars base!" In the command headquarters, Du Xingyu finally heard exciting news.

"Okay, well done!" He smiled, "Congratulations to them!"

The Hai Tribe prisoners were sent to Mars, and Du Xingyu and others were finally able to interrogate them in person. They had already been initially interrogated and obtained some information.

According to previous interrogation reports, these Sea Tribe people were weak-willed and seemed to have no "loyalty" at all. They refused to obey and basically just said whatever was asked.

In the interrogation room, five strange-looking sea tribesmen, wearing life support suits, were being interrogated by the top leaders of the Human Alliance represented by Du Xingyu.

"Name." Recorder Ding Li asked.





"Number 94352."

Pulu is the commander among the five people and the deputy captain on the Hai clan warship. He is considered a senior officer. Wei Xuan is very lucky.

"Where are you from?" Du Xingyu asked.

Puru and the others had a human voice translator, which replied: "We come from a planet forty light years away from the earth. You humans call it Gj1214b planet."

Information about the planet Gj1214b immediately popped up on the smart devices of Du Xingyu and others.

This is an exoplanet within the scope of human observation. It orbits a red dwarf star, has a mass between the Earth and Neptune, and has a stable atmosphere.

Human observation data shows that this planet has an ecological environment very similar to the Earth. And the surface is covered with a large amount of liquid water. Three-quarters of the planet is deep sea!

In other words, this is a deep-sea planet!

Du Xingyu somewhat understood why they called themselves the Hai Clan civilization. If what Pulu said is true, then they do come from the ocean of a distant deep-sea planet. No wonder they look very similar to the marine life on Earth.

"What is your level of civilization?" Du Xingyu is very concerned about this question. So far, they know very little about the Hai Clan civilization.

Mentioning this, the five Sea Tribe people looked sad, and Pulu replied: "Our civilization has been destroyed."

"Destroyed?" The top leaders of the alliance looked at each other, which was a bit beyond their expectations.

"Detailed explanation." Du Xingyu said, "We will distinguish the authenticity!"

Pulu made a sound similar to a human's bitter smile and said: "I don't need to lie to you. A remnant party that destroyed civilization will not have what you humans call loyalty under the rule of a tyrant."

"Our deep-sea planet encountered enemies about a thousand years ago. They easily destroyed our civilization. The last remaining sea people gathered all their strength, built a huge fleet, and began to flee to other planets."

"Just like you have observed us, we have also observed the Earth a long time ago. This is a planet with a vast ocean, which is very suitable for our survival, so our target location was the Earth from the beginning."

"Enemies, what kind of enemies?" Du Xingyu asked.

"I don't know." Pulu said.

"Don't know? Are you fooling us?" Francis, one of the interrogators and a senior member from North America, asked.

"No," Pulu said, "We didn't see the enemy, and they didn't even dispatch a battleship. They easily destroyed our entire civilization!"

Du Xingyu didn't speak, and Wang Yu and others were also silent. This thing sounds incredible, but in the age of the universe, there are too many things beyond human imagination.

Pulu continued: "I was just a little person at that time. I didn't know what happened, I just knew. The top scientists of the sea civilization claimed that because of being attacked by advanced civilizations, our parent star was aging rapidly, and it would A helium flash will erupt in a hundred years, destroying the entire civilization. Then it will turn into a red dwarf star and slowly die!"

Helium flash is a low-mass star core of 0.8 solar mass (M☉) to 2.0M☉. In the red giant stage, a very brief runaway thermonuclear fusion will explode. The energy released by the star instantly increases hundreds of millions of times, and all nearby planets will be "baked", making it almost impossible for elementary civilization to survive.

"Gj1214b is indeed orbiting the red dwarf star now. Did it have a helium flash explosion nine hundred years ago?" Du Xingyu silently recorded this point. At that time, human observation of Gj1214b was blank.

"Go on," he said.

"Some people believe in this crisis, and some people don't believe it. However, the sea civilization still built a space fleet, and a large number of elites boarded the fleet and began to prepare to immigrate to the earth. And those who were left behind probably died in the helium flash disaster. middle."

"Our fleet is the only one left in the entire Sea Clan civilization, so we can't call it the Sea Clan civilization now. It's more appropriate to call it a starship civilization." Pulu said.

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