Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 131 Great Victory (rewards plus update 2)

"Is this... the end of the world?" On Pluto, the Marine troops stationed on Pluto looked up at the sky as giant meteorites hit them one after another.

Laser weapons and missiles bombarding the meteorites here cannot cause much damage to them.

"Boom!" A deafening and huge explosion came from the entire surface of Pluto!

The explosion caused by each meteorite hitting Pluto is equivalent to the power of millions of hydrogen bombs exploding simultaneously!

The ground was shaking violently, and a tall crater formed around the meteorite.

The earth cracked, and the mines and space battleship arsenals built by the Sea Clan civilization were turned into powder under the impact of meteorites and Star Destroyers!

The surface of the dwarf planet was thoroughly cleaned, and some fragments exploded into space to form new meteorites!

"What a spectacular sight!" The human captains watched this scene quietly, and couldn't help but feel happy: "Fortunately, we knocked away the Death Star, otherwise this scene would have appeared on the earth!"

"All warships, immediately clear the battlefield, rescue our compatriots, and prepare to return!" Zhu Zhenxing ordered.


In the war just now, humans lost some warships, but not all the soldiers on them were killed. Many crew members took escape ships and hid nearby. When the Sea Fleet fled, they returned to the fleet one after another.

The warships immediately began to take action, and soon they packed up everything and accelerated their return!

The fifty marine civilization warships that returned from Neptune, as well as the more than one hundred warships mobilized from other areas of the Kuiper Belt, had not yet had time to arrive at the Pluto battlefield.

Neptune, on the whale mothership.

"Your great Majesty Lemorg, the Pluto base has been destroyed by the enemy. Commander Golden Clamp was unfortunately killed, and 63 battleships including the Whale Shark were destroyed by humans." A trembling subordinate reported the news of the defeat to Lemorg.

"What?" Lemorg was instantly furious, "This piece of trash like Golden Clamp can't even defeat a few human battleships? My Pluto base and a Star Destroyer were also destroyed!"

"Damn it!" Lemoge was already irritable, and he went crazy when he heard the news!

Its tentacles tied the reporter's body, and regardless of its screams, it tore it into two pieces! Large areas of blood were filtered out by the filtration system within a few minutes.

Immediately, a robot came forward and dragged the body that was split into two halves away.

"Your Majesty, spare your life!" A group of subordinates were lying on the ground, terrified.

Lemorg calmed down a little and asked: "The Whale Shark can withstand laser and electromagnetic attacks, so why was it destroyed?"

"It's an electric field weapon!" the intelligence officer said. "According to the last signal from the Whale Shark, humans used some kind of space torpedo. This torpedo will generate a strong current and penetrate the ship's hull. It will also cause the battleship's energy system to fail. Chain reaction, explosion!”

"Electric field weapons?" Lemorg asked in surprise, "Why are humans making technological breakthroughs so fast? Is there really an advanced civilization helping them?"

"This is impossible. If there was an advanced civilization in the solar system, it would have destroyed us long ago..."

"Your Majesty, we have no way out now!" a staff officer reminded in a low voice.

The Sea Clan civilization can only move towards the earth, as their home planet is no longer suitable for survival.

After the helium flash explosion destroyed the sea civilization, the parent star turned into a red dwarf star, which gradually expanded until it swallowed the planet Gj1214b.

The current planet Gj1214b is only two million kilometers away from its parent star. The temperature of the ocean is as high as more than 200 degrees Celsius. Because of the high pressure, the seawater does not turn into steam.

If there are still sea people on Gj1214b planet, I'm afraid they will also be cooked into seafood by the parent star!

Lemorg's eyes burst with murderous intent and ordered: "Since the Pluto base has been destroyed, then don't do it!"

"Pass my order. All warships will gather on Neptune, replenish energy, and prepare for the final battle with humanity!"


"Victory on Pluto!" News of the victory of human warships on the battlefield of Pluto was quickly transmitted back to the command headquarters!

The entire league's top brass was filled with joy.

"Victory at Pluto. We destroyed the enemy's Star Destroyers, 63 battleships, and important energy bases and battleship factories. We only lost 12 of our own. What a great victory!" Wang Yu laughed.

"This battle can be regarded as regaining some situation for mankind, and it has a great improvement effect on morale!" Zhu Zhenxing said.

"You did a great job! I want to spread this news back to North America immediately!" Francis said excitedly.

"Proud of you!" Garcia smiled.

"The Human Alliance has been waiting for news from us, and we can finally give everyone an explanation." Du Xingyu said.

"We also lost many outstanding soldiers in this battle." Zhu Zhenxing sighed slightly and said, "I request that they be named space martyrs!"

"Approved!" Wang Yu said, "These loyal and brave soldiers should be respected by everyone!"

"Yes." Du Xingyu nodded and said, "We will remember their merits."

"Now, it's not time for the final celebration yet. Captain Zhu, please send back the collected enemy equipment as soon as possible, especially the wreckage of the Whale Shark!"

Du Xingyu needs to study these wreckage in order to master more enemy information, which will be more beneficial for the subsequent decisive battle.

"Yes, we are expediting delivery!" Zhu Zhenxing replied.

The human battleships that raided Pluto returned successfully. They returned to the spaceports on Earth and Mars and began inspection and repair.

Those trophies were also sent to various research institutions for analysis and research.

The Pluto battle was kept secret throughout the process. Now that the battle has been successful, there is no need to hide it anymore.

The Human Guardian Alliance decided to announce the news to the world.

Earth, spaceport.

"All the warships that have been on missions recently have returned. Looking at their situation, it seems that they have already started a war?" In the restaurant, several personnel on duty at the space port were chatting while eating.

"Definitely!" one of them said, "Didn't you see that some battleships look like that, and there are weapons from alien fleets on them? There must be a war!"

"The battleships haven't come back at all. Hey, I'm really worried about them!"

"I don't know if we won or not. There's no news at all. Even if I asked the crew members, they wouldn't tell me." The officers on duty were worried.

Although they are not crew members, they have also been strictly selected to be qualified to work in space. He is a member of the fleet reserve and can board a space battleship if given the opportunity.

"Hey, Commander Du has posted a new video!" A young reservist suddenly exclaimed.

His voice immediately alerted the people in the restaurant. Everyone held on to the metal traction rope to assist the movement and gathered around to watch.

"What? Commander Du posted a new video? Where? Show it quickly and take a look!"

"Quick, open it and take a look!"

Everyone is curious. Du Xingyu’s video is 100% a big deal!

The young soldier clicked on the video, and in the first scene, he saw a hundred space battleships sailing in space!

"This is the Fire Phoenix Fleet! No, there is also the Kunpeng Fleet! The Dragon Pearl Star Destroyer is also there!" the reservists exclaimed.

"With so many battleships, what are they doing?"

"Is there going to be a war?" someone speculated.

At this time, Du Xingyu's voice sounded in the holographic projection video. He said: "According to reliable intelligence, we learned that the enemy has built a resource base on Pluto. With this resource base, they can obtain a steady stream of supplies and build space battleships." .So the elites of the Fire Phoenix Fleet and the Kunpeng Fleet will destroy this target."

"It's really a battle!" Everyone became excited, and more and more people gathered around. The young soldier simply enlarged the holographic projection so that everyone could see it clearly.

As soon as the screen turned, we came to the vicinity of Pluto, and the human fleet was already at war with the marine civilization fleet!

The battlefield is full of warships, spaceships, unmanned combat aircraft, satellites, missiles, and lasers. Everywhere is extremely thrilling!

"It's really a war video!" At this time, everyone was somewhat silent. They looked at it with horrified expressions, as if they were also on the battlefield of Pluto.

"No, the Fengyu battleship is going to be destroyed!"

"This Kunpeng battleship was so accurate that it destroyed two battleships in a row!"

"Is this a space war? It's too cruel!"

"What is this, a Star Destroyer? Is the enemy's Star Destroyer so powerful?" They were scared when they saw the Whale Shark appear.

Their most advanced battleship was easily destroyed by the Whale Shark. Even the most powerful Dragon Ball seemed no match for the Whale Shark!

"What should I do?" The reservists watching the video became anxious.

"Ignore lasers and electromagnetic weapons? You can also launch space gears! This is too BUG!"

"Which of our warships can defeat it?"

"Launch torpedoes." In the video, there was no mention of proton torpedoes. They only knew that the Dragon Ball launched a new type of space torpedo, and then the Whale Shark that swept across the battlefield was blown into pieces!

"well played!"

"Finally fucked it up!"

"Dragon Ball is mighty!" Everyone celebrated.

The video soon switched to the scene of meteorites attacking Pluto. A hundred meteorites bombarded Pluto at the same time, destroying the sky and destroying the earth. The scene was shocking!

"It's too scary. Is this a kinetic weapon?"

"Fortunately, our attack was successful. Otherwise, how many warships would the enemy have to build?"

"The Battle of Pluto is won!"

Du Xingyu's figure was heard at the end of the video, and he announced: "As you can see, the Battle of Pluto is a great victory for mankind!"



"Si Guoyi!"

"We have a great victory, did you hear that?" the reservists shouted excitedly, and some cried with joy.

"At the end of the video, let us observe three minutes of silence for those soldiers who sacrificed their lives in the Battle of Pluto! It was your fearless dedication and sacrifice that brought us this victory!" Du Xingyu looked solemn, closed his eyes, and quietly A moment of silence.

In the space port, all the reservists saw this scene and closed their eyes in unison, mourning for them in their hearts.

Du Xingyu's video was also spread on the earth's network.

"Victory at Pluto!"

"We took the initiative and won! Aliens are not invincible!"

"I'm so excited! Thank you!"

"Congratulations on Pluto's victory! I believe humans will be able to defeat their enemies!"

"Brave warriors, we will remember you!"

"A moment of silence!" At this moment, countless people closed their eyes and mourned for the fallen soldiers.

At the same time, the news of Pluto's victory also rekindled the hope of those who had been demoralized. They discover that the enemy is not so terrible, they will die and fail too!

Human efforts are valuable!

"The victory at Pluto heralds mankind's first great victory against the sea civilization." Wang Yu said at the Human Alliance World Press Conference.

"We will continue to fight with high will until total victory comes!"

"Bah bang bang!" There was warm applause at the press conference!

The news of Pluto's victory excited the entire human society, but the Human Guardian Alliance entered a more urgent state of combat.

Because they discovered that the Sea Clan civilization mobilized almost all its power to Neptune and began to collect energy on a large scale.

This move means that the decisive battle between human beings and the sea civilization is coming!

Thanks to I Love Magic, Wow Woo Wow, Akua the Goddess of Wisdom, The Brilliance of War Drums, and Extreme Deep Sea Diving for the rewards. More updates will continue tomorrow!

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