"The battle on Pluto allowed us to obtain more intelligence." On Earth, China, and the headquarters of the Human Guardian Alliance in the Magic City, the alliance's highest military meeting was being held at this time.

Zhu Zhenxin, the captain of the Dragon Ball, said: "According to the prisoners' confessions and our own investigation results, the Hai Clan civilization currently has at least 700 more space battleships."

"We already know the models of most of the battleships. They are the Sailfish cruiser, White Shark battleship, etc. that have already appeared. The enemy has a total of four Star Destroyers, the strongest of which is the Giant Whale Mothership, followed by the Whale Shark Deputy This ship has been destroyed by us. There are also two other ships, the Ichthyosaurus and the Tortoise, which we have not yet come into contact with."

"Seven hundred?" Wang Yu frowned slightly and said: "Now the total number of space battleships in all mankind is only 350. The number of enemies is twice as many as ours! There are also three Star Destroyers! One Star Destroyer The ship can dominate an area in the space battlefield!"

"Before the decisive battle comes, we must increase the number of battleships as much as possible." Du Xingyu said, "Two months later, we will have a second Star Destroyer, the Nirvana."

The Nirvana is an inverted pyramid-shaped Star Destroyer built entirely in imitation of the Dragon Ball. Humans don't have that much time to develop a new generation of Star Destroyer, so they used the fastest time to reproduce the Dragon Ball.

"Other warships will also be manufactured as soon as possible, and we will strive to bring the total number of warships to four hundred before the decisive battle."

"There is still a huge difference in numbers. Now that the Sea people have gathered their forces together, it is impossible for a blitzkrieg like the previous Battle of Pluto to happen again." Francis said, "The next battle must be a head-to-head decisive battle!"

"Commander Du." Wan Yan, the commander of the Kunpeng fleet, asked: "We are not afraid of confronting the conventional warships of the Hai Clan civilization. But how should we deal with their giant whale mothership?"

This is also a problem that everyone is worried about. According to the description of the Sea Tribe prisoners, the combat power and super weapons of the giant whale mothership can sweep an entire fleet!

Du Xingyu was also a bit confused. He said: "The giant whale mothership is comparable to an asteroid in terms of mass and volume! It has the same gel anti-laser and electromagnetic protective film as the Whale Shark, so our laser and electromagnetic weapons There’s no use for it.”

"Only kinetic weapons and proton bombs can damage it."

"Based on the size and defense capabilities of the Whale, our existing kinetic energy weapons should not be able to damage it." Military expert Anushka analyzed, "There are also proton torpedoes."

"The enemy must have learned the information about proton torpedoes, so they will definitely defend themselves against proton torpedoes in the next battle. I'm afraid our proton torpedoes simply won't be able to break through the Whale's space missile interception system."

"Anushka is right, the enemy's giant whale mothership is a super war machine! If we don't have weapons that can destroy this super war machine, we have almost no chance of winning!" Du Xingyu said, "At present, my team and I The wreckage of the Whale Shark is being studied, hoping to find some way to destroy the Whale Shark."

"Commander Du, everything depends on you!" Wang Yu said solemnly, "We can study tactics. But in the battle of technological weapons, only you can lead us!"

"Mr. Du, I wish you good luck in your research!" Garcia said.

Du Xingyu and mankind's top space weapons experts are urgently studying the wreckage of the Whale Shark, trying to find a way to conquer the giant whale mothership.

"The analysis of the Whale Shark's colloidal protective film shows that it is a special high-temperature-resistant, high-reflectivity material that is flowable," said materials expert Milton. "We have reverse engineered its properties in the laboratory. The ingredients and how to make it are still difficult.”

"Well, I'll take the time to take a look." Du Xingyu also attached great importance to this gel protective film. Before the battleship shield technology was available, this protective film could minimize the damage suffered by the battleship.

It’s just that it seems to be very difficult to manufacture, otherwise the fleet of the Sea Civilization would not only have Star Destroyers, but not conventional warships.

"Commander, we have also analyzed the hull material of the Whale Shark." Milton continued to report, "This is a high-strength space metal with memory function. The entire battleship armor can withstand hydrogen bomb explosion levels. Missile power.”

"If the battleship armor of the whale carrier is two meters thicker than that of the Whale Shark, or if the whale carrier has double-layer battleship armor, any of our existing space missiles and kinetic energy weapons will not be able to penetrate its battleship armor!"

"Even if the armor of their battleship is damaged, it will not be able to cause major damage to the hull! If the enemy arranges a protective layer against electric field weapons on the armor of the battleship, the effectiveness of our proton torpedoes will be greatly reduced!"

"How to fight with absolute defense and absolute attack?" These experts were unsure, and the more they studied, the more guilty they became. The giant whale mothership of the Hai Clan civilization is really a battleship that crushes them in all aspects.

"There must be new weapons that can destroy the defense of the giant whale mothership." Du Xingyu had already begun to think about it. He asked, "What do you think?"

"Destroy the giant whale mothership? If it relies on laser weapons, it must have at least a hundred times the energy of the current Dragon Ball laser cannon to destroy the enemy's gel protective film and battleship armor!" said a laser weapon expert.

"The same applies to electromagnetic weapons. However, it may be much better if it is combined with kinetic energy weapons or missile weapons to form a combined weapon, destroying the ship body first, and then using electromagnetic bombs." Someone else spoke.

"Should we use an asteroid to impact it? Just like Nephew, mobilize all our asteroid impactors and hit the Whale!" someone suggested.

"This plan won't work. The whale mothership is not a target. It can move at high speed. And don't forget, the whale itself is also a powerful war machine! It can crush asteroids!"

"The methods of increasing power and energy output are not feasible for the time being." Du Xingyu said directly, "We don't have much time. It is impossible to break through energy technology in a short time."

The most advanced energy they can utilize now is nuclear fusion energy. The fusion reactor on the Star Destroyer is already the pinnacle of what can be achieved now.

"We need to change our thinking. Put aside the above weapons for the time being and think about new weapons!" Du Xingyu said.

After some discussion and thinking, an expert suddenly said: "I have an idea. Commanded by Du, the robot spy Motley of the Sea Civilization once wanted to use weather weapons to attack the earth's atmosphere and create hurricanes and lightning, but it was blocked by our space The defense system intercepted it."

"Now the enemies are gathering on Neptune, and Neptune is a gas giant planet with a rich atmospheric environment. We use meteorological weapons to create super thunderstorms, which may have unexpected effects!"

Du Xingyu's eyes lit up and he said: "What a great idea. The enemy's warships are far more numerous than ours. Dropping meteorological weapons on Neptune and creating thunderstorms is indeed a large-scale attack method."

"This should be effective against conventional warships, but against the giant whale mothership, I'm afraid it's a little less effective."

Du Xingyu still does not believe that meteorological weapons can destroy the whale mothership. Thunderstorms are nothing more than large-scale and ultra-high-energy electric field weapons. Similar to the function of proton torpedoes, the whale mothership can also avoid or defend it.

He thought along this line of thinking, and an idea flashed in his mind, and he said: "You reminded me that the enemy is not in the vacuum now, but in the atmosphere of Neptune!"

"They are extracting hydrogen and helium from Neptune's atmosphere to use as nuclear fusion energy. The enemy is in the atmospheric environment... we can use resonance weapons!"

"Resonance weapon?" Upon hearing Du Xingyu's words, the experts were stunned for a moment, and then reacted.

Resonance refers to a situation where a physical system vibrates at a certain specific frequency with a greater amplitude than other frequencies; these specific frequencies are called resonant frequencies.

This physical phenomenon can sometimes cause huge damage. For example, in the early 19th century, when a group of Napoleonic soldiers marched across the bridge in unison, because the frequency of marching in unison was consistent with the natural frequency of the bridge, the vibration of the bridge was intensified. When the amplitude exceeded the maximum limit, the bridge broke.

Resonance weapons use this principle to destroy enemy targets with solid structures in a very inconspicuous way!

"Yes, the enemy is within Neptune's atmosphere. We can emit ultrasonic waves of a specific frequency and use Neptune's atmosphere as a propagation medium to cause the whale mothership's hull armor to resonate until it breaks!"

"Commander Du's idea is so feasible! It's more reliable than other weapons!" they praised sincerely.

Du Xingyu continued his analysis and said: "The two biggest problems with resonance weapons are the propagation medium. As long as the enemy is in Neptune's atmosphere, there is no problem."

"The other thing is that we need to know the natural frequency of the enemy's warship material. We must know the precise frequency to ensure that the warship armor resonates!"

"Now we have the hull material of the Whale Shark, which is the same as the hull of the Giant Whale Mothership, and we can use it to measure the natural frequency of this material. Both problems have been solved."

"Now, we just need to find a way to create a large-scale ultrasonic device that creates atmospheric resonance to ensure that its propagation distance is far enough to cover the entire whale mothership!"

The weapons research and development team immediately started working on it, and two new weapons projects were created on Du Xingyu's technology simulator.

Weather Weapon's "Thunderstorm Generator".

and Resonance Weapon’s Planetary Impact Drum.

Humans have long studied meteorological weapons like the "Thunderstorm Generator", and have also analyzed the meteorological weapons of the Sea Tribe civilization. Therefore, the research completion rate exceeded 70% from the beginning, and there is an expert meteorological weapon research and development team in charge. , Du Xingyu doesn’t need to worry too much.

He devoted all his energy to the "Planet Impact Drum". The more he studied, the more terrifying Du Xingyu found this weapon.

It's like the butterfly effect, with subtle changes that cause huge damage.

Suppose there is a planetary impact drum with sufficient power that continuously releases ultrasonic waves, causing resonance in the planet's atmosphere, and conducts this resonance to the planet's surface, or even slowly to the planet's core.

After thousands or even tens of thousands of years, as the amplitude continues to expand, the core of the planet may fragment due to resonance, and the entire planet may be shattered!

This is a super weapon that can theoretically destroy a planet!

Its biggest problem is that it takes too long to prepare. It must destroy the natural frequency of the target before it is fired, and it requires a medium to conduct resonance. If the enemy is alert, this weapon will be of little use.

Thanks to Chuanhui, Shuguanglin, Drunken Fox Qingyun, 20~95, Other People’s Children, Killer Believers, Persistence, Flame Red Snow, Cold Reading, Egg Rolls with Green Onions for the rewards. .

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