Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 134 The super weapon of the sea civilization!

On the three major fleets and hundreds of battleships, the targeting systems have already identified their attack targets. Every captain paid full attention to the distance from the enemy.

When the distance between the two sides entered the attack range, almost at the same time, countless space weapons were launched from the warships of both sides and fired at the enemy's camp.

Instantaneous high-temperature lasers, high-frequency electromagnetic pulses, astonishingly destructive space gears, and countless space nuclear warheads are intertwined.

Within seconds, the outer reaches of Neptune's atmosphere turned into a terrifying space battlefield, with explosions happening every second!

"Dragon Scale Nine was destroyed."

"Area 13 is requesting support."

"Warning! The enemy Star Destroyer Ichthyosaurus has been spotted in Area 46!"

"Hold on, the Nirvana is rushing to Area 46."

As soon as the war began, it fell into extreme chaos.

"Command, the enemy's firepower is too fierce, we can't handle it!" The commander-in-chief of the Kunpeng fleet shouted anxiously on the communication channel.

Du Xingyu was always observing the trends on the battlefield. At this time, both sides were still in the stage of probing the attack. Only one Star Destroyer from the Hai Clan civilization had come out.

And their giant whale mothership is still hidden behind the fleet. It only launches some precision-guided space missiles and kinetic energy weapons. The super weapon as its trump card has not been activated.

It was almost time, Du Xingyu observed that more and more enemy warships were gathering. In the uppermost layer of Neptune's atmosphere. A battleship group was formed.

"All fleets obey orders and prepare to launch weather weapons!"

"Granny, I've wanted to kill them for a long time!" On a battleship, Wei Xuan shouted: "Launch the thunderstorm generator!"

The thunderstorm generator is not a bomb, but a high-frequency laser that triggers thunderstorms by changing the structure of the ionosphere in the atmosphere.

Almost instantly, a large number of human warships fired high-frequency lasers into Neptune's atmosphere. The ions in the ionosphere are disturbed by high-frequency aurora, and terrifying thunderstorms brew and take shape.

"It's a weather weapon, be careful to avoid it." The commanders of the Hai Clan Civilized Fleet also discovered this.

But the thunderstorm is so fast that it is impossible to escape immediately. Some of the sea civilization warships in the center of the thunderstorm could not avoid it. A thunderstorm like a thunder dragon instantly penetrated a White Shark battleship.

"Hahaha, let you have a taste of my power!" Wei Xuan laughed after seeing this scene.

Because the human battleship group was in space, the weather weapons did not cause interference to the human battleship. On the contrary, the Hai Clan Civilized Fleet immediately lost dozens of warships due to the thunderstorm generator.

"No wonder you dare to attack Neptune. Is this humanity's trump card?" Lemoge's heart didn't waver at all.

He had seen wars that were ten times more brutal than this. During the civil strife of the Hai Clan civilization, 8,000 space battleships participated in the war.

"Ichthyosaurus and Tortoise, break up the enemy's formation. The frigate turns on the laser jamming device." Lemorg commanded calmly.


The fleet of the Hai Clan civilization adjusted very quickly, and the weather weapons attack on them only caused them to panic for a short time. Soon, due to the appearance of two Sea Civilization Star Destroyers and the effectiveness of the anti-laser jamming device, human weather weapons were no longer so effective.

The war has entered a fierce and intense stage.

The Dragon Ball also joined the battle and was responsible for intercepting the Turtle. Now almost all human warships are dispatched. The Sea Clan civilization still has battlefield overlords like the Giant Whale Mothership sitting at the rear.

"Launch proton torpedoes." Du Xingyu saw this and ordered.

The human warship once again fired new weapons, causing huge damage to the sea civilization warship.

In the hidden corner of the battlefield, the Dragon Call avoided the main combat zone. Under the protection of a frigate, the resonance weapon was quietly activated.

Using ultrasonic waves to convey vibrations takes a certain amount of time.

This process must not be detected by the enemy.

"The meteor troops are ready to launch the space meteor hammer. The target is the whale mothership!" Du Xingyu immediately asked the meteor troops to attract the attention of the whale mothership.

He knew that this kind of kinetic energy weapon could not cause substantial damage to the whale mothership.

Dozens of space meteor hammers dragged long plasma tail flames towards the giant whale mothership, but they were exploded by the weapon interception system when they were still hundreds of thousands of kilometers away from the giant whale mothership.

"Is that all?" Lemoge's patience has been exhausted.

He waited for humans to come up with more advanced weapons, but the situation before him proved that this was already the limit of humans.

"In that case, I will eliminate you all in one go." Lemoge's voice spread throughout the battleship, "Warriors, activate the planet destroyer. Let mankind experience the endless fear from the deep-sea planet."

"Planet Destroyer, are you finally going to activate that weapon?" On the giant whale battleship, all the Sea Tribe people who heard the name showed fearful expressions.

The last time a planet destroyer was launched was 500 years ago. That time, it directly destroyed more than 6,000 space battleships. It was also that time that Lemoge took control of the entire sea civilization fleet.

"It is said that an attack by the Planet Destroyer can evaporate an asteroid in an instant. Today, you will also see its terrifying power." In the preparation room of the super weapon, the officer of the Sea Civilization said to the soldiers.

"Warning! Strong energy fluctuations are coming from the giant whale warship." Humans have detected this.

"Attention all warships, prepare to evade." Du Xingyu shouted. Avoiding is the best option until you know what the super weapon is.

All the sea civilization warships in front of the giant whale mothership have dispersed.

Seeing this, the human warships also hurriedly avoided to avoid being hit by the super weapon.

However, they still underestimated the trump card of the Sea Clan civilization. On the giant whale warship, a huge muzzle with a diameter of three kilometers slowly stretched out. Looking at the dark muzzle, everyone felt a deep uneasiness in their hearts.

"Disappear, land reptiles." Lemorg pressed the weapon button.

Huge energy gathers in the barrel, forming a super intense plasma ray. It has a high temperature comparable to that of a star's core of more than one billion degrees Celsius, and can vaporize all obstacles in an instant!

Du Xingyu saw on the satellite surveillance that the entire battlefield turned into a vast expanse of white. That's the bright light brought by plasma rays.

If a person looks directly at this light, he will become blind instantly.

After the image processing system weakened the brightness, Du Xingyu saw: In the straight line in front of the whale mothership, a large vacuum area appeared, and nothing remained.

Whether they are satellites, space drones, battleships, or space meteor hammers, they are all vaporized by plasma rays in an instant!

What frightened him the most was that the muzzle of this plasma ray was still changing direction!

In just a few seconds, a large blank area was cleared on the battlefield, and everything ceased to exist!

" the super weapon of the Hai Clan civilization?" Zhu Zhenxin, the captain of the Dragon Ball, was completely stunned. He never expected that the enemy's weapons would be so terrifying! Can destroy nearly a hundred of their warships in a few seconds!

"Damn it, how can we fight like this?"

"Baga, luckily I avoided it!"

"It's terrible, this is massacre!"

The human captains who had escaped the disaster felt desperate. Their attacks had no effect on the whale mothership.

And one shot from the enemy can easily destroy their entire fleet. This is simply not on the same level of power!

"Is this our super weapon, the legendary super plasma cannon that can destroy an asteroid at once?" Not only humans, but also the people of the Sea Tribe themselves were amazed at the power of the plasma cannon.

It's not attacking, it's cleaning the battlefield! Nothing can survive such an attack.

"Humans, do you feel despair?" Lemoge laughed wildly in the captain's room.

"Commander, is there any way to deal with it? Our Fire Phoenix Fleet has now lost more than half. If this continues, we will be completely wiped out!" the commander of the Fire Phoenix Fleet asked anxiously.

Du Xingyu took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. He said: "Don't panic yet, command the warships to avoid the attack range of the giant whale warships."

"According to my observation, the enemy's super weapon cannot be used for a long time. Each launch should require a certain amount of energy replenishment and barrel cooling time."

"It should be some time before their next cannon fire. Everyone can take the opportunity to adjust their positions."

Du Xingyu urgently contacted the captain of the Longming and asked: "How long will the resonance weapons be needed?"

"Return to the command, the planetary impact drum has been activated. The ultrasonic waves are transmitting resonance to the giant whale mothership.

It would take at least three hours to reach the point where the whale mothership's hull armor could be broken. "The captain of the Dragon Call replied.

"Three hours!" The commander of the Kunpeng fleet said with a wry smile: "I don't know if we can last that long."

"It has to last for three hours!" Du Xingyu said, "Now we have good news, you see. The giant whale mothership is extracting a large amount of Neptune's atmosphere to replenish hydrogen and helium, the raw materials for nuclear fusion. This shows that they are launching super weapons The energy required is huge, so it will not leave Neptune's atmosphere in a short time, and our resonance weapons will still work."

"Damn it! Let's fight!" Zhu Zhenxin used a rare curse word, and humans had no way out. When they retreat, it will be ordinary people on earth who suffer.

"Continue to attack the giant whale mothership." Du Xingyu said: "We cannot let him absorb nuclear fusion raw materials stably like this."

"Kill!" The human warships charged in again, even though they knew that as long as the giant whale mothership's plasma cannon was turned on, they would escape death! But at this time, life and death had long been ignored by them.

"Report to the headquarters that Fengyu 15 is seriously damaged and cannot continue fighting."

In the command post, Wang Yu shouted: "Abandon the ship immediately!"

"Fengyu 15, let's get hot one last time!" Before boarding the escape spacecraft, the captain of Fengyu 15 set an automatic program to have Fengyu 15 crash into an enemy warship.

Like him, every human battleship will use all its weapons and even the battleship itself as weapons before being completely destroyed.

On the other hand, looking at the fleet of the Hai Clan civilization, their fighting will is not that strong. Perhaps, as the Sea Tribe captives said, these Sea Tribesmen simply succumbed to the rule of Lemog under the pressure of survival.

If they were asked to defend Lemorg with their lives, most of them would not be able to do it.

An hour passed quickly, and the plasma cannon of the giant whale mothership seemed to be fully charged again, and the hyperthermia reaction occurred again!

"Quickly retreat!"

The human fleet was prepared this time. Their formations were dispersed and they tried their best to avoid being overwhelmed by the enemy.

Thanks to Sunset Bay sttem and Killer Disciple for the reward.

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