Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 135 Giant Whale Mothership (rewards plus update 3)

"Fire!" Laimog pressed the button, enjoying the power of mastering the super weapon and the sense of conquest that wiped out everything.

Another battlefield cleanup! An area was completely cleared by plasma, and humans lost some more battleships. Because the escape was timely this time, the loss was only a quarter of the first time.

But because of the plasma cannon, the Hai family fleet has completely controlled the initiative on the battlefield.

"We can't keep doing this." Du Xingyu said: "Start now and fight a delaying war. Each ship will try its best to protect itself and wait for the resonance weapon to take effect!"

There are less than 200 human warships left, but there are still more than 400 sea civilization warships!

Fortunately, there is still interference from weather weapons, otherwise humanity would be defeated faster.

Another hour passed, and the whale mothership launched its third plasma cannon attack.

The human warships were once again reduced to one hundred and fifty, and the number of enemy ships was three times theirs! At this time, even a delaying war will be difficult to carry out.

"Are you feeling better yet?" Du Xingyu couldn't sit still either. After such a long delay, the planetary impact drum had not yet played its role.

Moreover, enemy ships have already begun to attack the Dragon Cry. The Dragon Cry had to dodge frantically on the battlefield, while the planetary impact drum was still releasing ultrasonic conduction resonance to Neptune.

On the giant whale mothership, the Sea Tribe people are accelerating the extraction of Neptune's atmosphere. After activating the Planet Destroyer three times, the energy reserves on the battleship have been exhausted. It is estimated that it will take three hours to recharge.

But now even if the plasma cannon is not activated, the battle situation is completely in their hands.

As the most advanced Star Destroyer of the Sea Clan civilization, the Giant Whale Mothership can easily destroy human warships even without the use of plasma cannons!

"They didn't actually escape." The human's performance made Lemoge a little surprised. Generally in this situation, retreat is the most ideal way.

"Isn't this kind of attack like a moth flying into a flame?" Lemorg commanded the captains of the Star Destroyers Ichthyosaurus and Tortoiseshell, "Go and clean up the human fleet immediately!"

"Yes!" The two Star Destroyers were guarding the whale mothership when it launched the planet destroyer.

At this time, they are preparing to go to the battlefield and clean up the human warships.

At this moment, on the Ichthyosaurus, the hull began to shake. At a certain frequency, it vibrates one after another.

"What's going on?" the captain of the Ichthyosaurus asked in shock.

"It is reported that the ship's hull began to vibrate due to the influence of atmospheric fluctuations and ultrasonic waves. If this continues, the ship's hull will soon exceed its endurance limit!" the subordinate said in horror.

The Ichthyosaurus, Turtle, the Whale Mothership and the previously destroyed Whaleshark Star Destroyer all use the same hull material! The natural frequencies of the materials are consistent!

Therefore, near the giant whale mothership, the Ichthyosaurus and Turtle Shell will also be attacked by resonance weapons! However, the vibration resistance limit of these two Star Destroyers is not as high as that of the Whale Mothership, so they reacted first.

"How could this happen?" They didn't notice this at all before.

Because as soon as the war began, the meteorological weapons released by humans caused Pluto's atmosphere to become chaotic, and various hydrogen bomb explosions and battleship explosions also produced power and affected the battleships.

"It's humans, they are using some kind of resonance weapon!" As soon as a scientist from the Sea Clan civilization finished saying this, the hull armor of the Ichthyosaurus began to crack because it reached its endurance limit!

"The hull is broken!"

"The pressure chamber exploded!"

"Captain, the fusion reactor can't bear it anymore!" Urgent messages came one after another.

"Abandon the ship!" the captain of the Ichthyosaur shouted. He wanted to leave in an escape spaceship, but the battleship exploded due to the collapse of its hull.

A top-notch Star Destroyer was not hit by any lasers or missiles, and just exploded within the escort range of the giant whale mothership!

"What happened?" The other sea warships were confused. Why did the Ichthyosaurus explode? This is their important combat power!

However, before they could react, another Star Destroyer, the Turtle, a space battleship known for its defense, also exploded! Turned into a giant firework in Neptune's atmosphere!

"The Turtle also exploded!"

"what happened?"

"Are there any stronger weapons?" The fleet group of the Hai Clan civilization suddenly fell into chaos, and they began to panic.

"Ah! Cunning land monkey!" Lemoge roared crazily. Even for the sea civilization, it is very difficult to build a Star Destroyer.

Not to mention that they have lost too much technology in a thousand years of space travel.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty!" Intelligence officer Luoyin was lying on the ground and said in horror: "The enemy used a resonance weapon, and our giant whale mothership also started to resonate!"

No need for him to say anything, Lemog himself could feel it, and the giant whale mothership was still shaking.

"Don't you have any way to deal with it?" Lemorg said angrily.

"Yes!" Luoyin said, "We are using shock absorbers to reduce the vibration frequency. However, the resonance of the atmosphere cannot be eliminated in a short time. If we want to get rid of the influence of the resonance weapon, we must break out of Neptune's atmosphere within ten minutes! Ten minutes! , the hull armor will reach its endurance limit!"

"Leave Neptune's atmosphere immediately!" Lemorg ordered.

"Accelerate with all your strength and leave Neptune's atmosphere!" The giant whale mothership gave up collecting energy and wanted to escape the influence of the resonance weapon.

"Do they want to run away?" Du Xingyu immediately noticed the movements of the whale mothership and ordered: "All warships heard this and use all their strength to block the whale mothership. Don't let it leave Neptune's atmosphere!"

"Yes!" Seeing the two enemy Star Destroyers destroyed by resonance weapons, the human soldiers once again felt confident of victory.

Now mankind still has two Star Destroyers and a steady stream of support from the rear. As long as the giant whale mothership is destroyed, mankind will definitely win this battle!

"Give me all kinetic energy weapons, space missiles and proton bombs! Empty the ammunition depots!" the commanders of the three fleets shouted.

"Looking for death, even if the planet destroyer is not activated, the giant whale mothership cannot be stopped by garbage warships like you!" Lemorg personally commanded, destroying human warships one after another.

"Boom!" A space missile hit the giant whale mothership, causing the ship to shake.

Lemorg said angrily: "Where is the interception system? Why didn't it stop it?"

"Your Majesty, our energy has to resist atmospheric resonance, and the enemy's attacks are too intensive." The crew member said.

"Sea Clan Civilization, all warships, stop them!" Lemoge shouted in the communicator, and those Sea Clan warships rushed over to help the giant whale mothership.

The giant whale mothership is escaping at high speed, and humans are a little helpless to intercept it.

"No, once the giant whale mothership escapes from Neptune's atmosphere, all our previous efforts will be in vain!" Du Xingyu's mind was racing, and he had to think of a countermeasure!

"The current attacks are not painful to the giant whale mothership. However, even the strongest Star Destroyer, laser cannon and electromagnetic pulse cannon have no effect on it..." Du Xingyu ruled out one plan after another, "If in a short time Increase the attack frequency, fully load its weapon interception system, and then create a super explosion, which should prevent it from continuing to take off."

"Just a few minutes of vibrating the weapon can make it burst!"

"Super bomb... Super bomb, we have it!" Du Xingyu thought of an idea, and he immediately commanded: "Dragon Ball!"

"Yes!" Zhu Zhenxing replied immediately.

"I order you to abandon the ship immediately, blow up the Dragon Pearl, and bombard the giant whale mothership!" Du Xingyu said.

"Command? Do you really want to self-destruct?" Zhu Zhenxing was horrified when he heard this order.

This is one of only two Star Destroyers left by humanity, and it can still continue to fight. If you blow yourself up now, you will break your own arm.

"Immediately execute!" Du Xingyu said firmly.

"Yes!" Even though he is very reluctant to give up, as a soldier, the first rule is to execute orders.

Zhu Zhenxing immediately said: "All crew members of the Longzhu obey the order and abandon the ship immediately!"

At the same time, he began to set up the intelligent system to let the Dragon Ball fly towards the whale mothership and explode itself.

The Dragon Ball's nuclear fusion reactor has the highest energy level among all warships. Together with the space missiles in the ammunition depot, once it self-destructs, it will be equivalent to millions of space missiles exploding at the same time!

This kind of power is enough to cause damage to the giant whale mothership and reduce its speed of escaping from Neptune's atmosphere.

Zhu Zhenxing immediately took all the crew members to escape from the Dragon Pearl, while the Dragon Race accelerated towards the giant whale mothership.

"What do they want to do?"

"They don't want any Star Destroyers?" The Sea Captains were startled and immediately began to attack the Dragon Ball.

But the Star Destroyer was extremely fast and had its own interception system, so it continued to move through the attack.

"Blow it up!" Lemorg shouted.

Before the giant whale mothership could blow up the Dragon Ball, the Dragon Ball exploded itself! The explosive power of more than a million space missiles exploded in front of the giant whale mothership.

The impact caused the giant whale mothership to shake continuously, and part of the hull was damaged. Because of this explosion, their ship's stability system was also affected.

"Your Majesty, the hull armor can no longer hold up!" the subordinate shouted nervously.

"Only a little bit closer!" Lemoge said nothing. He stared straight ahead. Give him another minute, and the giant whale mothership will be able to get rid of the influence of the resonance weapon and dominate the battlefield again!

"Crack..." A subtle sound came from somewhere on the giant whale mothership. Immediately afterwards, the armor of the sturdy giant whale mothership began to crack!

The cracks spread rapidly, the battleship's reaction force device also began to lose its function, and various chain reactions began to occur. Some places started to malfunction, some places exploded. The liquid in the battleship is attracted by Neptune's gravity and flows into the atmosphere.

"Your Majesty, the giant whale battleship is about to crash!" Luoyin crawled on the surface of the battleship and cried to Laimog.

"The giant whale mothership is about to crash?" Lemorg's eyes were blank and he muttered to himself, "How could this happen? It is our most powerful battleship, the mothership with the planet destroyer super weapon!"

"Luoyin, how could this happen? Why can humans destroy us?"

"Your Majesty, I don't know. Let's escape quickly, the escape ship is ready!" Luoyin cried.

Thanks to Niuer Flying to the Sky, Missing You 365 Days, and Contractor 123 for the reward.

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