Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 138 Information from subspace

Du Xingyu rushed to the research base and saw a battleship of the Hai Clan civilization. This was a work ship where the Hai Clan people conducted scientific research.

"This is what we found." The staff pointed to one of the research cabins and told him.

The hatch was blocked by multiple protection devices, and inside were complex instruments. Du Xingyu asked, "What have you asked? What is this for?"

"I've asked." The staff member said, "According to the Sea Tribe captives, this is an important 'equipment' brought by the Sea Tribe civilization from the mother planet. It was made by them before leaving the mother star. It is a long-distance communication instrument. .A device that can allow information to travel through distorted space and transmit information faster than the speed of light.”

"Ultra-distance communication equipment?" Du Xingyu suddenly heard what Laimog said before his death. Before the demise of the Sea Clan civilization, it seemed that it was because of the development of ultra-distance communication equipment that he had contact with advanced civilizations.

He quickly asked: "No one has touched this instrument, right?"

"You have to ask him about this." The staff pointed at a Sea Tribe prisoner and said, "His name is Ni Ye, and he is a Sea Tribe scientist on this work ship."

Du Xingyu looked at the sea scientist. His appearance was very similar to Lemog. They were both molluscs, and now their whole bodies were soaked in a liquid protective suit.

"Respected human commander." Ni also lowered his head to show respect.

"Tell me, how much do you know about it?" Du Xingyu asked.

"This ultra-distance communication instrument is the highest technological crystallization of the Sea Clan civilization's attempt to study curvature technology. Through it, we can already send information to subspace, or receive information from subspace." Niye said.

Einstein mentioned the "four-dimensional space" model. The three-dimensional universe we are in will also bend towards the fourth dimension (time axis), just like the plane of the two-dimensional space bends towards the three-dimensional space to form a sphere.

Think of the universe we live in as a ball like this, except that it is curved toward the time axis instead of the Z-axis. The space we are in is the outermost surface of the sphere, and counting from the surface to the center of the sphere is the so-called subspace.

By advancing on the surface of concentric spheres, you can transcend the limit of the speed of light and transmit information or matter at warp speed.

"Before leaving the home star Gj1214b, our civilization once activated this machine. I don't know what happened. I only know that it brought us a huge disaster. Then the highest level ordered to block this machine , no one is allowed to activate.”

After hearing what Ni Ye said, Du Xingyu could roughly guess it. Perhaps after the Sea Clan civilization created this machine, it contacted an advanced civilization, and was destroyed by the advanced civilization.

"This machine has been sealed for more than a thousand years and has never been opened." Niye said, "But when His Majesty Lemorg and the whale mothership were buried on Neptune, the captain of this ship opened it."

"What? It was opened?" Du Xingyu already thought, "What did he do?"

"He said that the Sea Clan civilization has been destroyed." Ni Ye said, "He wants the sun to be buried with the Sea Clan civilization!"

"After he activated this instrument, he tried to fight you and was killed by your human weapons."

"You're still causing trouble for people after you're dead!" Du Xingyu couldn't help scolding him. He knew with just a moment's thought that the captain of the Sea Tribe must have sent another message to the subspace to cause trouble for mankind.

He immediately asked someone to start the instrument and check the information records on it.

The above information records are not much and are communicated in a special way. The above is first a binary digital signal, and then the signals are composed of a lattice, just like a human computer.

The dot matrix forms a two-dimensional image. Through the arrangement of numbers and dot matrix, it forms a language that can be deciphered by intelligent civilization.

Through emergency deciphering by linguists and mathematicians, Du Xingyu quickly learned the information recorded above.

The first one is a message from 1120 years ago, which was also the time when the Hai Clan civilization first invented ultra-distance communication equipment.

At that time, they turned on the instrument and received information from the subspace. The first message was a "broadcast" scattered in the subspace.

"Hello, galactic civilizations, we are a peace-loving angel civilization. The galactic hunting ground has been opened, and dangers are everywhere. We hope that civilizations who see subspace broadcasts can contact us in time. We will have friendly exchanges, protect primary civilizations, and help You are developing science and technology. Please be sure to contact us as soon as possible, otherwise you will be defenseless when encountering demonic civilization!"

"Angel civilization, demon civilization?" Du Xingyu whispered, "Maybe they are two advanced civilizations that seem to be hostile to each other."

The words angel and demon are both expressed in human language, and may have other names in their original meanings.

"You have contacted Angel Civilization, right?" Du Xingyu asked Ni Ye.

"Yes." Niye sighed and said, "At that time, we knew for the first time that there were other civilizations in the Milky Way. Our scientists were also very vigilant and warned us not to contact other civilizations easily."

"But in the end, someone couldn't help but send a long-distance message to the angel civilization."

"You all know what happened next. The Sea Clan civilization lost its home and was forced to embark on the road of starship wandering."

"It seems that the so-called angel civilization is just a liar, or one of the so-called 'hunters'!" A human cosmologist snorted coldly.

"The worst thing is this." Du Xingyu looked down, "Just after we destroyed the giant whale mothership, this machine sent a message to the so-called angel civilization."

Du Xingyu saw that the latest message read: "Hello Angel Civilization, we are the Sea Civilization. We are in crisis in the solar system and we are asking for help!"

Seeing this, all human experts turned pale. Could it be that what happened to the Hai Clan civilization will happen again to humans?

"This damn Sea Tribe man, if he is still alive, must be given the cruelest punishment!" a human expert cursed.

"Now we can only hope that advanced civilizations will not receive this subspace message." Someone prayed.

It is not certain that subspace communication can be transmitted. The ultra-distance transmission devices of the Hai Clan civilization are not advanced, and there is a certain probability that the information will be lost in subspace.

"New information received!" At this time, the super-distance communication device received another subspace broadcast of information, and there were two messages.

Linguists immediately began to decipher it and quickly translated it.

The first message made Du Xingyu and others speechless. It seemed to be a subspace advertisement!

"Hello, galactic civilization, we are the galactic civilization trading market. We trade technology, information and all materials. Whether it is an advanced civilization or a junior civilization, you can contact us in exchange for the goods you need. We have been operating for a million years, safely , Integrity and Reliability! Please contact us if you need it!”

"There are advertisements in subspace broadcasts?" The human experts who saw this for the first time were a little surprised. "The number of civilizations in the Milky Way seems to exceed our imagination, and there is actually a civilization trading market. Regardless of whether it is true or not, at least explain this There are many advanced civilizations in the galaxy!"

The second subspace broadcast is even more confusing. It actually comes from the so-called "demon civilization", "Hello, galactic civilization, we are a free (demon) civilization. We love freedom and advocate fairness. The hunting grounds of the Milky Way have been Turn on, danger is everywhere. The free civilization has the most powerful technology in the galaxy. If you are willing to pay a certain amount of compensation, we will provide you with protection and protection. Please contact us as soon as possible if you receive the news. Emphasize, please do not believe that the angel civilization treats us They are the real demonic civilization!"

"The relationship between advanced civilizations in this galaxy is really complicated!" Du Xingyu couldn't tell who was telling the truth, or whether these subspace broadcasts were all lies?

Ni also said: "The Sea Clan Civilization only sent messages to the Angel Civilization, but they did not reply. We have not received other broadcasts."

These subspace broadcasts caused an uproar within the Human Alliance. Because they can be sure that there are a large number of other civilizations in the Milky Way that are more advanced than human civilization, and these civilizations are malicious!

"Both broadcasts mentioned the Milky Way Hunting Ground. What exactly is it? Is it a high-level civilization hunting a low-level civilization?" Wang Yu asked doubtfully.

"We can't know this information before we really come into contact with advanced civilizations." Du Xingyu said, "With the information we got from the Hai Clan civilization, we should have just been promoted from the first-level civilization to the second-level civilization."

A first-level civilization is a civilization that can only move around its home star. Second-level civilizations are civilizations that can enter other star systems.

Humanity's current space technology can also reach other star systems. As for the higher level of civilization, they don't know.

"Should we contact advanced civilization?" This is the question of the Human Guardian Alliance.

"Absolutely not!" Du Xingyu emphasized, "For any advanced civilization, we are fish to be slaughtered. They can do whatever they want with us. They can even capture us and sell us as commodities!"

"I also agree that we have already seen the consequences of blind contact with advanced civilizations!" Francis said.

"Then what we should be worried about now is the message sent by the Sea Tribe to the Angel Civilization. Did they receive it? They exposed the location of the solar system. If the Angel Civilization is malicious towards us, what should we do?" Garcia asked.

This time everyone was silent. If something like this really happened, no one could think of a way to deal with a powerful and unknown advanced civilization.

"We should increase our observations outside the solar system." Du Xingyu said.

"Yes, this may allow us to learn about the crisis earlier!"

Thanks to God Killer TL1, Misty Drunk Master, TERRY Spirit Wing, Lost Island Master, God of Death, The Scenery on the Road is Beautiful, I’m Really a Fool, and Broken Water Years for your rewards.

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