Humanity has increased its observations of the solar system and beyond, and the ultra-distance communication instrument has also been sealed.

In addition, after solving the threat from the Hai Clan fleet, human civilization has obtained a large amount of technology from the Hai Clan civilization. The entire civilized society is developing rapidly, and space technology in particular has taken a big step forward.

Humans have been able to operate in the solar system, mine resources from other solar system planets, and extend their scope of activities to the Kuiper Belt for asteroid mining.

Tiangong Space Station, space telescope observation module.

"Look, what is that?" an observer called, and in the observation screen, a bright light flashed outside the solar system.

That light was so dazzling that even the sun's rays could not completely cover it!

When observers observed it, it had already "hit" the sun.

This situation immediately attracted the attention of the Human Alliance. Du Xingyu analyzed: "Even if a light from the periphery of the solar system reaches the core of the solar system, it will take a year. This light appears suddenly, that is, it comes to the periphery of the sun by a 'jump' of."

"This shows that it is actually traveling at warp speed in subspace! This may be a weapon of advanced civilization!"

After hearing his words, everyone's expressions changed drastically, because they thought that the Sea Clan had similar descriptions before the civilization was destroyed.

"The worst-case scenario now is that because of the message sent by the Hai clan people in the long-distance communication instrument before their death, the advanced civilization locked the solar system and launched some kind of weapon to attack the sun." I don't know why, when we really face this At the time of the incident, Du Xingyu was not afraid.

What he is most worried about is that if the enemy uses an unknown method that he cannot understand at all to directly wipe out humans or the earth, that will be the most unsolvable.

If it were similar to the Hai Clan civilization, we could still find a way to deal with it.

"What we can do now is continue to observe the sun." Humanity has launched a large number of solar observation satellites to observe data.

Soon, humans observed new abnormalities.

"According to recent observation images of the sun, a large number of bright spots have appeared on the sun image. It can be inferred that solar activity has begun to intensify, and there will soon be a violent solar storm blowing over the earth!" He Jingcheng told everyone in the space agency .

Solar flare is one of the most violent explosions that occurs in a local area of ​​the solar atmosphere. It releases a large amount of energy in a short period of time, causing instantaneous heating of the local area, emitting various electromagnetic radiation outwards, and accompanied by a sudden increase in particle radiation.

The material it radiates and the particles it throws will blow across the earth like a storm, which is the so-called solar storm. It will cause strong disturbances in the earth's space environment such as the earth's magnetosphere, ionosphere, and middle and upper atmosphere, thereby affecting human activities.

"Solar activity has intensified, will the tragedy happen again?" The captive scientists of the Sea Tribe were filled with sadness.

The Human Alliance is also filled with unrest.

Subsequent observations more and more confirmed this view, and the sun's activities became more and more frequent. It began to produce more intense radiation, and new solar flares were observed every day, getting brighter and brighter.

"The sun is aging rapidly!" This is the conclusion drawn by human scientists.

For a star, it also has its own "life cycle". Its prime period is the main sequence star stage, and the original sun was in this stage.

If normal development continues, it will take at least 1.2 billion years for the sun to age and become a red giant.

At that time, the surface temperature of the sun will decrease, but the volume will increase, and it can expand to swallow the entire earth! At the last moment of its life, the sun will erupt with a helium flash, instantly releasing 10,000 times the radiation and destroying everything in the solar system!

"In one hundred years, the earth's environment will be completely unsuitable for human survival. In a thousand years, the earth will face the scorching sun and be baked into a piece of scorched earth! After that, the earth will be swallowed by the sun, and everything will be lost. Exist!" Everyone at the Human Alliance headquarters found it difficult to accept the news.

"We finally defeated the Sea Clan civilization, why do we still face such an ending?"

"Why do advanced civilizations want to destroy us? Still in this way!"

"Where is the fate of mankind?" These senior officials who have experienced the crisis of the Death Star and the crisis of the Hai clan warships also feel confused.

All along, their idea has been to resist external crises and protect their homeland. But now, their homeland will no longer be suitable for human survival, what should they do?

"Human beings can only build space battleships and wander to other galaxies like us!" Ni Ye, a scientist from the sea tribe, said.

"No!" Du Xingyu directly denied, "Now we can indeed create a fleet that is more powerful than the original Hai Clan civilization, but we will soon face the same problem as them!"

"The journey of a light-year distance consumes an extremely huge amount of resources. Once we run out of resources in the vacuum, civil strife will occur among humans..."

"Starship civilization will eventually become a deformed civilization. Technology will stagnate and regress. There is a high probability that we will die during the journey!"

"Then what do you want to do?" Niye asked, "Advanced civilization has already planned to destroy the solar system and has taken action."

"We..." Du Xingyu paused and said a plan that stunned everyone, including the sea scientists, "We are going to take the earth and leave the solar system together!"

"Commander Du, did I hear you correctly?" Wang Yu was stunned for a moment, then said, "Leave with the earth? How can we do this?"

"This is too exaggerated!" Zhu Zhenxing felt that his imagination was a bit insufficient. The sea civilization's giant whale mothership that was comparable to an asteroid was already exaggerated. Unexpectedly, Du Xingyu actually proposed to take the earth out of the solar system. This It sounds like fantasy!

"This is something only God can do," Francis and Garcia said.

"I'm not kidding." Du Xingyu continued, "Under the current situation, humans must leave the solar system. If we don't want to die during the journey like the sea civilization, we must have enough materials and energy."

"What warship has more supplies and energy reserves than the Earth?"

"But how can we take away the earth? We are not gods!" Wang Yu was confused.

"It's true that we are not gods, but we can do the same things as gods!" Du Xingyu continued to explain, "Do you remember the propeller of the God of Death? It is a device that uses moderate nuclear fusion for propulsion. To put it simply, it is Burn 'stone to obtain fusion energy."

"The energy utilization efficiency of this kind of nuclear fusion is not high, but it is better because there are more raw materials! There are stones everywhere on the earth. Using these raw materials, we can build planetary-level thrusters."

"If a sufficient number of planetary thrusters can be built to eject material into outer space, they can generate the force to move the earth!"

Hearing Du Xingyu's words, Wang Yu, Zhu Zhenxing, Francis, Garcia, Anushka...including Sea Clan scientist Ni were all stunned.

This is called a plan, this is simply shocking!

"It's crazy, it's crazy!" Niye said loudly, "How could you think of taking a planet away? This is a planet! Our sea civilization has never thought of it like this!"

"Planetary thruster?" Zhu Zhenxing exclaimed, "How big is that engine? How much energy does it consume?"

"Can the earth really escape the gravity of the sun?" Wang Yu couldn't believe it.

"I don't know what to say anymore..." No one else had anything to say.

Du Xingyu continued: "This plan is indeed feasible, as long as we plan carefully. Now humans are fully capable of building such a planetary engine, but it is a bit troublesome to get the earth out of the sun's gravity. I need to think of a new plan."

"Then where should we go?" Zhu Zhenxing asked.

"The star closest to the earth is of course the third star of Alpha Centauri, Proxima Centauri, which is 4.22 light years away from the solar system." Du Xingyu said, "I haven't thought about it yet, but at present, it seems that this is the most suitable choice. , after all, we can’t run very far with the earth.”

Everyone: "..."

Du Xingyu's idea not only amazed them, but also subverted the worldview of the entire Human Alliance's top brass.

For a whole month, they studied and discussed. But no one can think of a better way. Various data analyzes show that humans must leave the solar system.

If we learn the way the sea civilization builds warships, a large number of humans will be unable to board the ships and will stay on the earth to die. The hope of the fleet's survival will also be slim.

Du Xingyu’s planetary thruster plan seems to be the best choice!

Human Alliance Headquarters, Press Conference Room.

The alliance had already stated in advance that important news would be released today, so world-renowned media sent reporters to the headquarters.

"The weather is getting hotter and hotter!" It is obviously the local autumn and winter season, but outside the building, the temperature is still as high as over 40 degrees.

Pedestrians on the street are holding sun umbrellas, and they can't stop for a moment in places without air conditioning.

"Global temperatures have increased significantly in recent times, the two-level ice cap has accelerated melting, and solar radiation has become stronger and stronger. What is happening?" A reporter from an environmental protection organization walked into the alliance's press conference room with doubts.

"Ever since the defeat of the Hai Clan fleet, the alliance seems to have never had such a large battle, right?" The reporters exchanged views with each other.

"I don't know why, but I have a bad feeling. The climate has been too abnormal recently. Could it be that we were attacked by alien weather weapons?"

In the seat in the press hall, Du Xingyu, the most prestigious scientist in mankind and the commander who leads mankind to resist the sea civilization, sits in the middle.

He announced to the world: "This is very unfortunate news, but we have to announce it. According to our observations and research, the sun has entered a period of rapid aging and its activity has intensified. Within a hundred years, the earth's surface temperature will One hundred degrees Celsius higher.”

"After a while, the sun will begin to expand and dry out the earth completely! All rivers, lakes and seas will evaporate, and all animals and plants will die! Until the expanding sun completely engulfs the earth!"

"This does not mean that humans can immigrate to Mars, or that planets such as Titan can escape."

"The sun will continue to expand and devour these planets. At the end of its life, it will also erupt a helium flash and destroy everything in the solar system!"

Until Du Xingyu finished speaking, all the reporters showed unacceptable expressions.

Although there had been rumors for a long time, when they actually heard the news confirmed by Du Xingyu, everyone was shouting in their hearts, hoping that they had heard wrong!

Thanks to the following system, 12138 Ordinary People, and Meng Li Hua Kai Meng You Lian for the reward.

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