Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 140 Ten Thousand Years of Migration! (Update 4 for tips)

"The sun is going to devour us?" viewers watching the press conference posted their questions online.

"What's going on in this world? First there were asteroids, then aliens, and now the sun is going to destroy us too!"

"Human beings are so difficult!"

"Are we going to leave the solar system, just like the fleet of the Hainan civilization?"

"I just want to live on earth!"

"Ordinary people have no chance to join the fleet, right?"

Various ideas and remarks appeared on the Internet, and reporters at the scene also wanted to ask questions.

Du Xingyu waved his hand to signal everyone to calm down. He continued: "Faced with this situation, we are not helpless."

The reporters fell silent, and tens of millions of viewers around the world were waiting for Du Xingyu's story.

"After careful analysis and demonstration by the Human Guardian Alliance." Du Xingyu said, "We decided that before humans and the earth are destroyed by the sun, we have to leave the solar system! Go to Proxima Centauri, which is 4.22 light-years away from the solar system!"

"Are we also going to become a wandering fleet?" This is a question that everyone is concerned about.

"For the sake of all mankind and the future of our human civilization." Du Xingyu said, "This migration will be the migration of the entire earth!"

"The migration of the earth?" Everyone showed puzzled expressions, not understanding what Du Xingyu meant.

"We plan to build more than 10,000 planetary thrusters in the hard part of the Earth's crust, using the energy generated by moderate nuclear fusion to push the Earth forward. Until it reaches the vicinity of Jupiter, we will use Jupiter's huge gravity to form a gravitational slingshot, giving the Earth a higher The acceleration is enough to break away from the sun's gravity and go to Proxima Centauri."

"After the earth moves away from the sun, the surface temperature will drop to subzero and the oceans will freeze. In order to ensure the survival of mankind, we will rely on planetary engines to build underground cities and build space cities... retaining the genes of most animals and plants on the earth Samples, and the construction of artificial habitats for animals and plants in some places..."

"The entire earth construction project will take nearly fifty years. After that, the planetary engine will officially start to push the earth. Until the earth reaches Proxima Centauri and is bathed in sunlight again, the whole process will take ten thousand years. A whole hundred generations..."

When Du Xingyu finished speaking, everyone realized that the most special era in human history was coming.

"Thankfully," Du Xingyu said, "the space technology and energy technology we have now can fully meet the needs of human life and production in the era of migration."

"Even in underground cities and space cities, humans can have artificial suns, obtain sufficient food, water, and engage in spiritual entertainment activities. Before the official migration, we will send all warships and spaceships to collect information from other planets in the solar system. Minerals and energy are stored on the earth... Of course, the moon that accompanies our entire civilization will also be equipped with a planetary engine and follow humans to their new home!"

When this press conference ended, the entire human world was debating, but humans had already begun to prepare for migration.

"Such a grand plan... If the Sea Clan civilization could do it back then, maybe our ending would be completely different!" The Sea Clan scientists who heard this plan burst into tears. Many of them volunteered to join the migration to the earth. In the plan, even though they knew that this was not their home planet.

Countless people began to take action, exploring the earth's crust to find suitable locations for building planetary engines.

The super factory is producing non-stop day and night, and planetary engines, underground cities, and space cities are under construction at the same time. Battleships and spaceships in space continuously deliver materials from other planets in the solar system to the earth.

"Fifty years, it will take fifty years just to build these super projects, and then it will take more than a hundred years before the earth can slowly move to the orbit of Jupiter." Du Xingyu knew that he did not have that much time to wait.

"This world should not be suitable for the development of biotechnology."

Human beings need to do their best to complete their migration plan, and no one will care about ecosystems or biotechnology.

Du Xingyu knew that before reaching a new home, human technology would enter a long period of stagnation. It’s time to suspend the experiments of the “Interstellar Age” and start a new technological civilization.

This is the place where he was born, so Du Xingyu naturally cannot give up. So he made a lot of preparations before actually getting ready to leave.

"Dad, Mom!" Du Xingyu first told his parents, "We have obtained mature biological freezing technology from the technology of the Hai Clan civilization, which can freeze the body for tens of thousands of years."

"If you want, you can freeze yourselves and wait for the earth to reach its new home before starting your life again. At that time, it must be a glorious era, and human beings will become a true interstellar civilization! With longer lifespans and higher technology !”

Du Zekang and Li Rong thought about it all night and made a decision.

"Xiaoyu." Li Rong took Du Xingyu's hand and said, "Your father and I are old, and we have experienced too much in this life. None of your ancestors have experienced more than us."

"Our friends and relatives are all in this era. Living in this era, even if there are all kinds of troubles, we still feel satisfied and happy."

"So, your dad and I decided to stay in this era."

"Mom, there will definitely be higher technology in the future that will allow humans to extend their lives!" Du Xingyu persuaded.

Du Zekang shook his head and said with a smile: "We are already living a contented life. The future needs to be completed by future generations."

"But you, Xiaoyu. You shouldn't waste your life in this era. You not only belong to us, but also to the entire human race. Although everyone is busy building planetary engines now, no one knows where we will go after we arrive at our new home. !”

"Your wisdom is enough to lead them. Take root in their new home! Go, go ten thousand years into the future!"

"Dad, Mom!" Du Xingyu's eyes were filled with tears. He knew that if we parted this time, it would be forever!

After staying at home for a long time, Du Xingyu spent some warm family time. Next, he went to visit his relatives and friends.

The first is my former colleagues at the space agency.

"I didn't expect you to be over forty this year." Cao Liang and He Jingcheng were already over seventy years old and felt a little sad when they saw Du Xingyu.

"Yeah, time flies by so fast, and I always feel like it's not enough." Du Xingyu said with emotion.

"Human life is too short." Zhang Yan said, "We should at least have a lifespan of more than a thousand years like the people of the Hai tribe to make it fair!"

"Haha, who doesn't want to be healthy and live a long life?" Cao Liang said with a hearty smile, "But now I've seen it through. My life is exciting enough! And we also discovered Du Xingyu, a good young man, who will also be able to leave a mark in the history books in the future. It’s worth it!”

"Everyone." Du Xingyu expressed his thoughts, "I want to freeze myself and go ten thousand years into the future."

"Okay, be a time immigrant!" He Jingcheng said with a smile, "It will be very interesting to see the world ten thousand years from now!"

"You should do this!" Cao Liang said, "This era has limited you. Maybe the earth will be able to display your true talents ten thousand years later!"

"Don't you want to freeze yours?" Du Xingyu asked.

"Most of us have our own families and children, and we will accompany them throughout our lives," Zhang Yan said, "but we may change our minds one day."

"Haha, don't think so much, come on, drink!" Cao Liang raised his glass.

Du Xingyu also visited his senior brother Dong Jiangbo and old classmates Wang Wei and Lu Liang.

"I can't accompany you in the next era." Dong Jiangbo said, "But Xingyao Group is half as good as you!"

Du Xingyu paid little attention to Xingyao Space Technology, but Dong Jiangbo still transferred a lot of shares to him.

"Xingyao cannot do without me now." Wang Wei said, "I must be here during the big construction period, otherwise I am very interested in going to see it ten thousand years later!"

"Du Xingyu, I estimate that among our old classmates, only the two of us will be able to meet each other in 10,000 years." Lu Liang, who looked gentle, said.

"Are you planning to freeze it?" Du Xingyu asked curiously.

"Yes." Lu Liang nodded first, and then smiled helplessly: "I was diagnosed with cancer, and I estimate that I can live for two or three years. Maybe in ten thousand years, medical technology will be able to cure me."

"It must be possible." Du Xingyu said firmly.

Chengfeng Space Technology Co., Ltd., Du Xingyu participated in the board of directors as a board member for the first time.

"During my dormant period, I will allocate a large amount of funds to invest in biotechnology." Du Xingyu said. He has always been the major shareholder of Chengfeng Space Technology. With other incomes, he has no idea how much wealth he has. .

"In addition to the news about Director Du." Fang Jiayou also announced, "I will resign as CEO. And in the next time, I will go into hibernation with my whole family. Thank you for your support and company over the years!"

"Are you going ten thousand years into the future?" Du Xingyu didn't know Fang Jiayou's decision before.

Fang Jiayou smiled and said: "The real interstellar era has not yet come, how can I die like this?"

"And Boss Du, ten thousand years from now, you will also need someone to help manage the company!"

"Haha." Du Xingyu patted his shoulder and said with a smile, "See you in ten thousand years!"

Earth, spaceport.

Du Xingyu chatted with a group of battleship captains and officers.

"Commander, I am too old to accompany you to fight ten thousand years from now!" Zhu Zhenxing said, "I can't stand it anymore."

"This era also needs someone to protect it." The commander of the Kunpeng fleet said, "We will protect this era!"

"Yes, we are also responsible for building a space city." said the commander of the Fire Phoenix Fleet.

"Commander, I'll go!" Wei Xuan, who was already the deputy commander-in-chief of the Longwei Fleet, took the initiative to sign up and said, "I haven't had enough of fighting aliens yet! I'll go with you 10,000 years later to find the enemy that attacks the sun. , kill them!"

"Okay." Du Xingyu nodded, "Wei Xuan, in ten thousand years, I hope you can become the best human captain!"

"Hehe!" Wei Xuan said with a smile, "At that time, instead of commanding planet-class battleships and star destroyers, we had to command warp warships and conquer the galaxy!"

Du Xingyu also handed over tasks to the top management of the Human Alliance, and the top management was also very reluctant to give up.

"Old friend, we respect your decision." Wang Yu said, "We have already discussed it. When you were dormant, you were still the supreme commander of the Human Guardian Alliance. You are now and you will still be 10,000 years from now!"

"We will retain all your positions and command rights!" Francis said, "Your dormant cabin will be protected as top secret, and no one will disturb you!"

"Human civilization ten thousand years from now will still need your guidance!" Garcia kissed his cheek to show respect.

"We can only stay here with you, let's have a good drink together tonight!" Anushka gave him a bear hug.

Du Xingyu traveled around the world and visited many important figures of this era.

Most people stayed in this era, and some decided to join him in a dormant chamber and wake up after ten thousand years.

These people include politicians, businessmen, scientists, etc. Most of them are followers of Du Xingyu. They will become the first batch of "time immigrants" of mankind and go to the next era.

"I will accompany you." Xu Lianqiu gently stroked Du Xingyu's face and said firmly.

"Then, my dear, we'll see you in ten thousand years." Du Xingyu kissed him goodbye and said goodbye. He would enter the freezing chamber and begin hibernation.

Du Xingyu was lying in the freezing chamber. The timer in the freezing chamber was flashing. With one minute left, his body would enter a ten thousand year dormancy.

The interface of the technology simulator appeared in Du Xingyu's mind.

On the "Interstellar Age" experiment he first established, he wrote: "In the main universe where I was born, the first phase of the Interstellar Age experiment lasted twenty-five years. Humanity was finally able to freely enter space and advance from a first-level civilization to a... Second level civilization.”

"Due to irresistible reasons, the experiment was forced to be suspended. The suspension time is ten thousand years."

"Are you ready?" the technology simulator asked, "I will use all the energy I have accumulated to send your consciousness into another three-dimensional time and space. Your body will still be retained, and when conditions permit, you can return to it again. Return to this world.”

"Wait, I have another question. Will there be another me in the other time and space I go to?" Du Xingyu asked.

"Strictly speaking, it is not another you." The technology simulator said, "There may be a person named Du Xingyu in another time and space, but he is not you, and you are not him. In the same way, in another time and space, even if the society is composed of It’s exactly the same as human society on Earth, but it’s different for each person.”

"What about my body?" Du Xingyu asked.

"Don't worry, I have found a suitable biological container. In that world, the consciousness of the person with your name has just disappeared." The technology simulator said, "Is it okay?"

"Okay." Du Xingyu slowly closed his eyes, "Friends in the main universe, we will see you in ten thousand years! I am coming to the new world!"

The cryogenic chamber was officially activated, and Du Xingyu's body was instantly protected by ultra-low temperature.

Du Xingyu only felt that he was walking in boundless darkness, and his consciousness was blurred. I don't know how long it took, but a bright light finally appeared in front of Du Xingyu's eyes.

"It's sunshine!" Du Xingyu's consciousness suddenly came alive, "Friendly sunshine, warm sunshine!"

Du Xingyu opened his eyes suddenly and found that he was lying on a hospital bed, with several people lying beside his bed with gloomy expressions.

In particular, a five- or six-year-old girl cried very sadly. Her tears and snot were mixed together. She sobbed and twitched and shouted: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Brother Xingyu, don't die! I don't want you to die." !I will never eat your snacks again!"

This volume is over, the new volume is even more exciting!

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