"This..." The senior sister paused and said, "As long as you are happy."

Apparently, she thought Du Xingyu's chosen research topic was too whimsical.

"Junior brother, don't be too busy making decisions." Pang Yan said, "Let's do this. I'll submit other people's research projects first. You can think about it for a few days and submit it later."

After the laboratory team meeting ended, Bao Xian asked Du Xingyu curiously: "Du Xingyu, what on earth do you think? You actually want to study the cloning of Tyrannosaurus rex?"

"This is simply impossible to achieve. Cloning monkeys and piglets is almost the same."

"Don't you want to graduate from graduate school?"

"I understand what you mean," Du Xingyu said, "but the most important thing about research is the process. I mainly focus on the problems encountered in the process of this research topic."

"That's true..." Bao Xian said speechlessly, "But your goal is set too high, and you might not even be able to complete the first step... Before your senior brother reports it to you, change it quickly! "

"Okay, thank you for the reminder." Du Xingyu smiled and said, "I know it well."

Bao Xian shook his head. Du Xingyu seemed to have no intention of changing his mind.

In the evening, through online video, Pang Yan reported the topics of his junior brothers and sisters to his tutor Su Yutang.

In the picture, an old professor in his seventies appeared. He was sitting in a bright office with just enough sunlight outside the window.

At this time, Su Yutang was conducting academic exchanges at Stanford University in the United States. He took a rough look at the subject content and asked: "Is there still one copy left?"

"Yes, there is another junior student. I asked him to choose another topic." Pang Yan replied.

"Who is it? What topic did he choose?" Su Yutang asked. He had many students, and sometimes he couldn't remember their names.

"Du Xingyu, that's the one who was in a coma a few days ago." Pang Yan said, "Didn't you send the newly unearthed Tyrannosaurus skull fossil to the laboratory? He said he wanted to study cloning Tyrannosaurus rex. I asked him to think about it again. think."

"Do you think this subject is too unrealistic?"

"Research on how to clone Tyrannosaurus rex?" Su Yutang's eyes lit up and he said with a little interest, "I haven't seen such a creative idea in a long time!"

As a top scholar in the field of biology, Su Yutang's ideas are very advanced. He said: "My biggest feeling when I came to Stanford University to communicate is that the students here dare to think about anything and do anything!"

"We also need students like this at Peking University. They should not stick to how to complete the task, but should do groundbreaking research and development... If Du Xingyu still insists on studying this topic, let him choose this. The Tyrannosaurus rex skull fossil is also handed over to He goes to study.”

"The important thing is the process, not the result. Maybe he made new discoveries in the process of researching this topic."

"Okay, I understand." Although Pang Yan said this, he still thought in his heart that Du Xingyu must not have understood the difficulty of his subject at the beginning and would give up soon.

However, when Pang Yan came to the laboratory the next day, Du Xingyu had already written the project application.

"You still decide to study how to clone Tyrannosaurus rex?" Pang Yan said in surprise.

"Yes, senior brother, I have thought this through carefully!" Du Xingyu said.

Pang Yan wanted to give some more advice, but thinking of Su Yutang's words, he said: "Okay, then you choose this topic. The teacher said that the Tyrannosaurus rex skull fossil can be studied by you, but you must protect it!"

"This skull fossil is quite rare because of the cartilage tissue left on it. There is no other such complete one in the world!"

"I know! I will definitely protect it!" Du Xingyu nodded.

He immediately began to study the Tyrannosaurus rex skull fossil. The first thing Du Xingyu had to do was to perform genetic sequencing on the sample.

If you want to clone a Tyrannosaurus rex, you must first know the genetic information of the Tyrannosaurus rex (DNA fragments containing genetic information).

Su Yutang's biological laboratory is a national key laboratory with relatively complete equipment and can carry out most biological experiments.

Du Xingyu has no idea whether he can obtain the complete genetic information of Tyrannosaurus rex.

After an organism dies, DNA begins to decay. Body cells, intestinal cells, soil microorganisms, ultraviolet radiation and other factors can cause DNA degradation. Oxygen and water also chemically alter DNA, causing DNA strands to break.

Under special circumstances, DNA can be preserved for millions of years. But Tyrannosaurus rex was a creature 65 million years ago, and it is almost impossible to preserve complete DNA information.

So far, scientists around the world have not obtained complete dinosaur genetic information, only scattered DNA fragments, and they are not sure whether the genetic information belongs to dinosaurs or comes from other creatures.

Du Xingyu established a "Tyrannosaurus Gene Puzzle" simulation project on a technology simulator.

He inputs the genetic information monitored from the fossils into a technological simulator and turns it into pieces of a puzzle.

"I'm pretty lucky. The cartilage tissue on this Tyrannosaurus rex skull fossil preserves quite a lot of DNA fragments." Du Xingyu obtained a large number of gene fragments through a large number of detection tests.

But if you want to use these to spell out the complete genetic information of Tyrannosaurus rex, it is just a dream.

Du Xingyu still needed more information. In the name of Su Yutang Biological Laboratory, he sent emails to biological laboratories around the world that studied dinosaur genes, hoping to obtain some gene fragment information about Tyrannosaurus rex or other dinosaurs.

Other dinosaur genetic information can be used for comparison.

Some of these laboratories rejected him, while others provided help, allowing Du Xingyu to further enrich his information.

Now Du Xingyu has a bunch of confusing and missing genetic puzzle pieces in his hands, and there are still many mistakes in them.

Anyone who wants to get the DNA sequence of Tyrannosaurus rex will still have a hard time getting there.

Du Xingyu has a technology simulator, so he is not helpless.

On the technology simulator, he can directly select a DNA fragment for simulated expression.

"Tyrannosaurus rex is a bipedal carnivorous dinosaur, also known as theropod, and birds evolved from theropod. I can compare the genomes of similar birds and make genetic modifications and additions..."

This is destined to be an extremely tedious task, requiring a large amount of information to be collected, and the technological simulator also needs to be simulated repeatedly.

Du Xingyu suddenly became busy. He also needed to start promoting biotechnology and obtain energy points to complete simulation experiments.

As a "newcomer" with little visibility in this world, Du Xingyu decided to publish his VLOG (video log) on ​​the most popular short video social media "Starlight" here.

He first registered an account. In the previous world, Du Xingyu was called Earth Observer. This time, he planned to call it "Creator".

The system prompts: "This nickname has been registered, please change the nickname."

Du Xingyu had no choice but to add VLOG, four English letters, after "Creator", and then began to publish his first video log.

"Hello everyone, I am Du Xingyu, a graduate student in the Department of Biology."

"I want to do one thing, clone the Tyrannosaurus rex! Yes, you heard it right, it's the kind of Tyrannosaurus rex you think of."

"Tyrannosaurus rex was a carnivorous dinosaur that lived at the end of the Cretaceous period, 68.5 to 65 million years ago. It was also one of the last dinosaurs to become extinct!"

"The body length of an adult Tyrannosaurus rex is about 11.5-14.7 meters, and the average hip height is about 4 meters. The maximum head height is nearly 6 meters, the average weight is about 9 tons, and the maximum head length is about 1.55 meters. The bite force is generally 90,000 Newtons-120,000 Newtons. Newton, the maximum size at the end of the mouth is about 200,000 Newtons, and it is also the thickest carnivorous dinosaur."

"It is very difficult to clone such a land overlord. I have a Tyrannosaurus skull fossil that contains Tyrannosaurus rex cartilage tissue. I plan to start with it..."

In Du Xingyu's first video diary, he briefly introduced his plan and sequenced the gene of the Tyrannosaurus rex skull fossil.

The video was posted, and as a new video from a newcomer, the platform gave it a certain amount of exposure.

Soon, people commented on this video.

The heart is soaring: "Now for the sake of fire, everyone is really there! Why didn't you say you were going to make Ultraman? And you cloned Tyrannosaurus Rex? That's ridiculous!"

Ping Yijinren: "Is this Tyrannosaurus rex skull a model? Where did you buy it? I want to buy one to display at home."

Yueluosi said: "Are you really a graduate student? I feel like it's all fake!"

Baozi: "Um, brother, Starlight recommended a friend's video, and I saw your video. Come on!"

This bun is Du Xingyu's current roommate Bao Xian. Because of the acquaintance recommendation mechanism of the software, he came across the content posted by Du Xingyu.

Not only him, but some friends in Du Xingyu's address book also saw the video he posted. But most people just took a look at it silently and didn't make any comments.

Du Xingyu’s first VLOG had less than ten comments in total and only a dozen likes.

He didn't take it seriously and updated it every week. Most of the content was about the progress of research on cloning Tyrannosaurus rex.

A month later, the technology simulator reminded: "The genetic map of Tyrannosaurus rex is 63% complete."

"It's too difficult." Du Xingyu felt that this was more troublesome than designing a Star Destroyer. If it weren't for the unlocked functions of the technology simulator that no longer require energy points to be used, he probably wouldn't be able to complete even 63% of it.

"Too little, too little genetic information." When Du Xingyu was at a loss, he received an email from his mentor Su Yutang.

"This is some research information from the famous North American dinosaurologist Edward Cotton. It may be useful to you."

Du Xingyu opened it and saw that it was a piece of genetic sequencing information on dinosaur skin tissue. This is an extremely precious piece of information. Tens of millions of years ago, a dinosaur accidentally fell into a swamp. Due to the influence of sulfide and other substances, its skin did not completely disappear, and small pieces of skin tissue fossils were retained.

Biological laboratories in North America tested the genetic information of these skin fossils. Su Yutang also learned about such a thing during academic exchanges and asked for a copy for Du Xingyu.

The other party was not stingy with this information. Because the genetic information they have learned is also very limited, there is no breakthrough progress. The same goes for the previous Tyrannosaurus rex skull fossils. The North American biological laboratory had already tested them and found them to have no practical value, so they gave them away as gifts.

But this was good news for Du Xingyu. He immediately sent an email to thank his instructor and imported the information into the technology simulator.

Although this is not the skin tissue information of Tyrannosaurus rex, it still has high reference value.

"Gene comparison is in progress..." The technology simulator quickly found useful genetic information and then improved the Tyrannosaurus rex genetic map based on this information.

"The Tyrannosaurus genetic map is 92% complete!" This information allowed Du Xingyu to directly advance the progress by a large margin.

"The remaining eight percent, while supplementing the information, while making speculations and simulations..."

Du Xingyu spent another time and finally simulated the genetic map of Tyrannosaurus rex. But the result he got was not the only one, but more than 10 million copies. This was because the information he had was too lacking.

Technology simulator: "Starting to simulate the synthetic genome... 12.34 million results have been generated, 9.87 million results directly failed, and further screening has begun."

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