Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 145 Little Tyrannosaurus Rex

"There's something going on!" In the laboratory, dozens of team members stood up in excitement.

Su Yutang walked to the side carefully and made a gesture of silence, fearing that they would make too much noise and disturb the hatching of the dinosaurs.

"The eggshell moved!" The drowsy viewers in the live broadcast room were also awakened and stared at the dinosaur egg with all their attention.

Inside the egg shell, a little guy was struggling to pull out, but because the egg shell was too hard, he couldn't get out for a while.

"It makes me so anxious, I really want to help it get out!" the audience commented.

"Is there really something inside this egg shell?"

"I don't believe it's a dinosaur egg, it must be an ostrich!"

"If this was a movie special effect, it would be great!"

Thirty seconds later, the first egg shell was finally knocked off, and a small head with mucus poked out.

With almost transparent skin, you can still see the color of the flesh inside, and curious and frightened eyes. This is a creature that people have never seen before. It is continuing to pick off the eggshell with its teeth and front claws, which are not very strong.

This is a brand new life, a creature that has reappeared on the earth after tens of millions of years!

"I'm afraid..." Bao Xian was just about to shout, but Su Yutang glared at him. He immediately covered his mouth and said in a low and difficult-to-conceal excited tone: "It's hatched, it's a dinosaur! A baby Tyrannosaurus rex!"

"Du Xingyu, have you really cloned it?" Zhu Lianbo and other senior brothers and sisters looked shocked. This is Tyrannosaurus rex, the overlord of the dinosaur era. Creatures that were extinct long ago are actually "resurrected" in modern times!

"Is this the Tyrannosaurus rex?" Pang Yan opened his eyes curiously and looked carefully.

After it completely broke out of the shell, everyone was sure that this was indeed a dinosaur, and it was also a baby Tyrannosaurus rex!

When it was born, it was as big as an adult rooster. It has a large mouth full of sharp teeth, short forelimbs, a bird-like body and relatively thick hind legs, and a hairless tail that relies on swinging to maintain body balance.

Its whole body is covered in egg fluid, and it is currently licking the egg fluid on its body and eating the remaining nutrients in the egg shell.

Although there are some differences from the dinosaurs in film and television works and interjections. But everyone can clearly distinguish that this is indeed not any kind of creature they know. Its appearance is completely consistent with the appearance simulated by humans from the Tyrannosaurus rex fossil!

"What the hell? Did I read that right?" Tens of thousands of viewers in the live broadcast room witnessed the scene of the baby Tyrannosaurus rex breaking out of its shell. Seeing this scene, they were all dumbfounded!

"Is this a real dinosaur?"

"Isn't this a special effect? ​​Did the anchor really clone a dinosaur?"

"I'm so stupid! The Tyrannosaurus Rex, extinct for 65 million years, is resurrected!"

"Tyrannosaurus Rex??? @Xiaotou, brother, come and see the dinosaur, a living one!"

"6666! This anchor is so powerful that he actually cloned a dinosaur!"

"Big news!"

"Senior Niubi, I thought it was a hype when I saw it on the forum, but I didn't expect it to be true!"

"Quickly, put it in the training cabin!" Before Du Xingyu himself was anxious, Su Yutang and others were extremely anxious.

They carefully transferred the newborn baby Tyrannosaurus into a specially-made training cabin, which simulated the environment of the Tyrannosaurus rex's survival era to prevent the baby Tyrannosaurus rex from acclimatizing to the environment and dying at an early age.

"What should we do now?" Yang Mu asked. It was the first time for everyone to take care of a Tyrannosaurus rex, and no one had any experience.

"Observe it first," Du Xingyu said. "It has just been born and should move around a bit. I guess it is similar to a baby bird. Move around for a while and wait for its bones to harden."

The newborn baby Tyrannosaurus rex is still undergoing some special physiological changes.

The little Tyrannosaurus rex was walking tremblingly in the training chamber. It threw itself at the transparent glass cover, trying to get out of it, and made a panicked cry.

There is a sense of "intimidation" in this cry, just like the roar of king beasts such as lions and tigers, which makes people feel an inexplicable feeling of fear.

"Mom, I saw a Tyrannosaurus rex!" There were more and more viewers in the live broadcast room.

"This is a miracle in the history of biology! I never thought I would witness it with my own eyes today!"

"This senior is so awesome, he will probably be world-famous now!"

"I'm shocked. Is the Tyrannosaurus rex's scream so scary when it's just born? If it grows up, it will probably weigh as much as a human in one mouthful!"

"6, it's like six!"

At this time, another egg shell also made movement, and everyone's attention was attracted to it. After waiting patiently, soon another baby Tyrannosaurus Rex poked its head out.

But unlike the first one, it looked very thin and kept shouting. It didn't even have the ability to completely break open the egg shell. It was struggling hard, but its teeth and forelimbs didn't have the power to let it break open and enter this new world.

Du Xingyu observed it for a while and said: "This one seems to have some congenital deficiencies. We can only give it a premature birth!"

He carefully helped it crack the egg shell, allowing the baby Tyrannosaurus rex to crawl out.

But the little Tyrannosaurus rex took just one step, fell to the ground, struggled and screamed a few times, and then died.

"What a pity." Su Yutang sighed. Even at this point, this little Tyrannosaurus rex still died. The process of cultivating ancient creatures is really difficult.

"Fortunately, the first one is very healthy!" Du Xingyu said thankfully. If both of them died, his first experiment would be greatly compromised.

The baby Tyrannosaurus rex, who was born first, was able to walk stably at this time, and it was still calling. There was fear and panic in the voice. Without the mother around, the baby Tyrannosaurus mistook Du Xingyu and others for its "mother" and kept walking towards them, but was always blocked by the glass.

"I really want to release it." The audience in the live broadcast room commented.

"Put it out and it will cool down!"

"What does it want to do?"

"I hope this little Tyrannosaurus rex can grow up healthily!"

"It must be hungry." Pang Yan analyzed. They had prepared food a long time ago, a liquid food made from chewed egg liquid and some minced chicken.

He put the liquid food into the culture tank, and the little Tyrannosaurus rex retreated in panic, shouting at the same time.

It doesn't know what it is, but its sense of smell tells it that it is a "delicious thing." After Pang Yan moved away a little, the little Tyrannosaurus rex cautiously went over to test.

"Hopefully its digestion is strong enough that it won't be able to survive a meal."

Everyone is worried that the digestive system of Tyrannosaurus rex cannot adapt to modern food. But the little Tyrannosaurus seemed very satisfied with this. After several tests and found that there was no danger, it started eating happily.

At this time, more than ten minutes had passed since the Tyrannosaurus rex broke out of its shell.

In an era of rapid development of information, ten minutes is enough to spread the news around the world.

The first is Peking University. The students who watched the baby Tyrannosaurus rex break out of its shell are already excited.

In the school forum, hundreds of posts appeared in ten minutes, all about Du Xingyu's cloning of the Tyrannosaurus rex.

It will definitely be much cuter: "Shocked! That senior really cloned a Tyrannosaurus rex! I just saw it!"

Is good and evil fair: "It's so awesome, biological science will be rewritten by him!"

Jinghua’s old dream: “Everyone, go and watch, someone is live broadcasting dinosaurs!”

Change: "???Is what you said true?"

XIAO 2/: "I saw it too, but unfortunately one died. The other one is eating now!"

Guan Jun, a doctor of paleontology, was also informed of this incident. "Why is this false news spreading more and more fiercely?"

At first, Guan Jun was very angry. He clicked on the video, preparing to find evidence of fraud and then write an article to refute it.

But when he saw the video, he was filled with horror. The video was so real that it didn't look like a fake at all!

Moreover, Professor Su Yutang also appeared in the live broadcast, as well as his students. Even if Du Xingyu is a writer and Professor Su Yutang, a big boss in biological sciences, would he cheat?

Among biological scientists, Su Yutang is much more authoritative than Guan Jun!

"How did this happen? How could he clone a dinosaur? No, I have to go to Peking University! I must find out!" Guan Jun was surprised and extremely curious at the same time.

He set off immediately and prepared to go to Peking University. This matter is so important to paleontological research, more important than all his current research!

Not only him, many teachers and students at Peking University are spreading the news.

"Have you heard? Just now, a student from the biology department cloned a Tyrannosaurus rex?"

"Are you kidding me? Are there such talented people in our school?"

"Really, several professors have already rushed to Professor Su Yutang's biology laboratory!"

Even teachers and students from Qinghua University and other universities nearby were spreading the news. At first, everyone suspected that it was fake news.

But when they saw the live broadcast, they were all confused. Someone could really clone a Tyrannosaurus rex? This is too outrageous!

On Starlight Live, Du Xingyu's live broadcast room was flooded with hundreds of thousands of viewers in a short time, all of them came to see the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The baby Tyrannosaurus rex was still eating at this time, and the audience was in awe.

"Suddenly I feel that Tyrannosaurus rex is a bit cute, and it tastes so delicious! Do you really want to raise one?"

"Raise one? I'm afraid I'll eat you as food!"

"What a miracle! I didn't expect this anchor to actually do it! I'm convinced!"

"That's awesome. Even Tyrannosaurus Rex can be cloned. Can you clone Triceratops? I like Triceratops better!"

"LY Xiaobai sent 10,000 little stars."

In addition to the barrage, countless people sent private messages to Du Xingyu, and his mobile phone notifications almost exploded.

Du Xingyu casually glanced at the audience and the media.

Chi Bu stayed up late: "Anchor, you are so awesome!"

Beijing Daily official media account: "Hello anchor, I am from Beijing Daily and I would like to interview you. Do you have time?"

Tomorrow Entertainment (please add V letter for cooperation): "Hello, I am from Tomorrow Entertainment. Are you interested in working in our company?"

Cheese Sea Salt Biscuits: "Do you want to sell your T-Rex? Make a price!"

On Du Xingyu's technology simulator, the energy points surged for a long time. Seeing that his goal had been achieved, he said: "Dear viewers, now the baby Tyrannosaurus rex has been born. Now I want to start further research, so the live broadcast ends here."

"I will publish a research report in the future. You can follow my account. Thank you."

When Du Xingyu wanted to turn off the broadcast, a group of people posted on the barrage: "Please don't turn it off!"

"Anchor, don't leave, I still want to see the Tyrannosaurus rex!"

"I just came here, why is it gone?"

"Can't I give you a gift? Don't turn off the broadcast!"

"Very good! Great!" Su Yutang looked at the little Tyrannosaurus rex who had eaten and drank enough. His body was trembling. He was so happy!

He looked at Du Xingyu, his old face flushed with excitement, and said: "Du Xingyu, you did a great job! I didn't expect you to complete this step!"

"This little Tyrannosaurus rex has been cloned, and this time the biological science community will be alarmed! Hahaha!"

"This junior brother is simply too strong to say anything." Zhu Lianbo, the doctor's senior brother, said with emotion, "When you chose to clone dinosaurs, I thought it was a joke."

"You actually did it today, and you basically did it alone... I'm convinced. I lost the bet. I'll treat you to this meal. Junior brother, please take care of me from now on!"

"Brother, you are really strong!" Bao Xian exclaimed, "I thought this project would never be completed at first..."

Su Yutang's students all looked at Du Xingyu with envy, because they knew what this meant. Being able to clone extinct ancient creatures, Du Xingyu's biotechnology and knowledge far surpassed theirs!

And just by cloning dinosaurs, he is enough to become a famous scientist!

This is the reservation for academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences!

The goal they had been striving for all their lives, and Du Xingyu achieved it today!

Su Yutang also said with emotion: "It's true that the flowers planted intentionally do not bloom, but the willows planted unintentionally create shade. The laboratory originally did not have this project, but I never thought that a Tyrannosaurus skull fossil could allow you to study like this! I guess the old academicians of the Academy of Sciences know it, Your jaw will drop!"

"Du Xingyu, if you do such a big thing, the outside world will be alarmed immediately. You stay in the laboratory now and don't go anywhere. They will come looking for people, I will deal with it first."

"Okay." Du Xingyu nodded.

"Just after I finished speaking, I came to find you!" Su Yutang's cell phone was already ringing. He took a look and said with a smile: "It seems that a lot of people have been alarmed, and some of them will be busy next!"

"This little Tyrannosaurus rex is the treasure of our laboratory. It needs to be cared for more than 24 hours a day!" Pang Yan said.

"From now on, he is my biological brother!" Yang Mu said exaggeratedly, "Even if I am hungry, I cannot let him starve!"

"Okay, don't surround it, don't scare it." Su Yutang warned, "Don't let anyone enter this laboratory before I come back!"

Su Yutang led two students out of the laboratory, while the others continued to look after the little Tyrannosaurus rex.

When it was just born, it was extremely active and ran around in the training chamber. Every time they touch the glass, everyone gets nervous.

It played for a while and then began to sleep on its stomach, so that everyone could relax.

Outside the laboratory, schools, media and the biological world were also in a frenzy because of the hatching of the baby Tyrannosaurus rex!

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