"Shocked! A student from Peking University cloned a Tyrannosaurus rex!" a piece of news spread quickly on the Internet.

In addition to text descriptions, there are also video clips of Du Xingyu's live broadcast. At first, netizens almost didn’t believe it.

"Fake news, right?"

"Today's self-media, in order to click, you really have to open your mouth to come!"

"Is this a movie clip? I remember there was a movie where scientists cloned a Tyrannosaurus rex or something?"

“The video is quite similar!”

Some netizens even reported the relevant news as fake news, but the matter did not end there. Soon "informed people" came forward to show that it was indeed true.

"I am a student in the Biology Department of Peking University, and I was cloned from a graduate student in our department! This is absolutely true!" someone said on the Internet with his real name.

Media and netizens who didn't know whether it was true or false went to Peking University's official account to inquire. Not only them, but also some big names in the biological sciences also called Peking University to inquire about this matter.

Xu Chang, the president of Peking University, was confused when he heard the news, "What did you say? Someone in our school cloned a Tyrannosaurus rex? Why didn't I hear about it? This is impossible. It's fake news!"

"Why is this fake news? I've heard about it. He is a student of Su Yutang! There are videos online!" The person who called him was Academician Yang Shao of the Academy of Sciences, a well-known expert in genetics and genetics.

"Mr. Yang, everything is available on the Internet now." Xu Chang said, "This is impossible. The dinosaurs have been extinct for tens of millions of years! How can he clone? If we had this technology, Peking University would have become the world's top bioscience Holy place!"

"It doesn't make sense? It doesn't look like what I saw in the video. Ask Su Yutang. I can't get through when I call him. The line is busy!" Yang Shao said.

"Good." Xu Chang was helpless. Isn't this obviously fake news? I don’t know who told Yang Shao.

Before Xu Chang called to inquire about Su Yutang, another call came, and there were more than one, including a boss from the Medical Department, an important person from the Institute of Biology, and even a boss from the Ministry of Education.

"What's going on?" Xu Chang was surprised. After returning a few calls, he immediately contacted Su Yutang.

"Professor Su, it is said on the Internet that your laboratory cloned a Tyrannosaurus rex? Is this news true or false?" Xu Chang asked.

"Really." Su Yutang's tone was a little proud, "The Tyrannosaurus rex is in the laboratory now."

"Ah? This is really happening!" Xu Chang was stunned for a moment, then confirmed: "Are you really not joking? This matter is not trivial. Now the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science and Technology have been alerted! We can't make any mistakes!"

"Of course it's true." Su Yutang said, "Principal Xu, do I look like a joke?"

"Okay, where are you? I want to see with my own eyes!" Xu Chang always felt uneasy if he didn't see it with his own eyes.

"The Tyrannosaurus rex is in my laboratory." Su Yutang said.

"I'll be there soon!"

Joining Xu Chang was Fang Jin, the dean of the School of Life Sciences. He is also a famous biological science expert and an academician of the National Academy of Engineering.

"Where's the Tyrannosaurus rex?" Xu Chang and Fang Jin urged as soon as they arrived at the laboratory.

"In the culture room, we cannot guarantee that it can adapt to the modern living environment, so we need to put it in the culture cabin." Su Yutang said.

The two came to the training cabin. By this time, the baby Tyrannosaurus had eaten and drank enough and started to sleep.

Through the transparent glass, they saw a Tyrannosaurus rex sleeping in its nest, with incredible expressions on their faces.

"Is this a Tyrannosaurus rex?" Fang Jin exclaimed, "It's alive! Lao Su, okay! You cloned an ancient giant beast quietly! Now you will be truly world-famous!"

"Haha, cloning is great!" Xu Chang said with a smile, "Not only you, but our Peking University will also be world-famous this time!"

"Actually, this is not my work." Su Yutang said frankly, "It is my student, Du Xingyu. From detecting the DNA residues of Tyrannosaurus rex fossils to finding the Tyrannosaurus gene map, cultivating embryos and other entire cloning process, he was almost the same person. Completed."

"What? You said your students completed it independently?" Fang Jin's expression was even more surprised than when he saw the Tyrannosaurus rex. As a biological science expert, he knew how difficult it was.

"It's really hard for me to believe it!" Fang Jin said, "It's difficult for one person to clone kittens and puppies. A foreign team once discovered a complete mammoth carcass in the frozen soil, including its intact cells. . But after ten years, they have not succeeded in cloning a mammoth."

"Can a Tyrannosaurus rex with missing genetic information be cloned by your students? How can you believe it?"

"Yes." Xu Chang said, "Professor Su, you are exaggerating a bit. I know you care about your students, but you are not such a caring person."

"When the news is broadcast, not only us, but also other universities and foreign scientists will not believe it!"

Su Yutang was very helpless and said: "I would like to achieve such a big result. But I have to be realistic. Cloning mammoths is indeed a project for my students. During this period, I had almost no guidance or participation. I am already at this age. Can we still take credit from students?"


"It's absolutely true, use my credibility to guarantee it!" Su Yutang said.

Xu Chang and Fang Jin looked at each other and saw excitement in each other's eyes. Peking University actually produced such a genius? No, most geniuses are in Beijing. This can be described as a once-in-a-lifetime genius!

"Where is he?" Xu Chang said immediately, "I want to see him!"

"Principal, Dean, I am Du Xingyu." Du Xingyu was next to him. As soon as they came in, Xu Chang and Fang Jin were so excited that they never paid attention to these students.

"You cloned Tyrannosaurus rex? How did you do it?" Fang Jin asked immediately, "Where did you get the genetic information of Tyrannosaurus rex?"

"This is all thanks to the teacher," Du Xingyu said. "The skull of the Tyrannosaurus rex fossil sent by Stanford University has leftover cartilage tissue. By testing it, I obtained a large number of fragments of Tyrannosaurus rex genetic information."

"Then I compared it with other dinosaur gene fragments, further improved it, and obtained tens of millions of genetic breakthroughs. Through computer analysis, I determined the most likely gene map of Tyrannosaurus rex, and then used it to generate genetic information and breed more Competent stem cells…”

After Du Xingyu finished speaking, Fang Jin's eyes were already shining, and he couldn't help himself with shock, "Incredible, incredible! Every step you mentioned can be said to be a difficult problem in the current biological science world, but you have overcome it!"

"It's really incredible, you know? This technology of yours will bring about earth-shaking changes in biotechnology around the world!"

As a biological scientist, Fang Jin knows exactly what it means to clone a Tyrannosaurus rex. This means that Du Xingyu’s gene sequencing, splicing and in vitro cell cloning technologies have made breakthrough progress. These technologies can change the world when applied in other aspects!

"Good boy!" Xu Chang said happily, "Your research will definitely be recorded in the history of Peking University! Even in the history of human science... I won't say more, the school will definitely reward you! Now I have to give it to the higher-ups When the leader responded, the phone was almost buzzing!”

Fang Jin also said: "Now that the matter has been confirmed, our School of Biological Sciences must respond to the news in a timely manner."

"I immediately asked someone to issue a statement, and I will be very busy next time!"

While the Internet was still questioning the authenticity of the news, Peking University directly issued a statement, writing: "Congratulations to our student Du Xingyu for successfully cloning the world's first Tyrannosaurus Rex. This is a major breakthrough in my country's life sciences and technology... …”

Seeing this statement, netizens were confused again.

"This news is true!"

"That's awesome! Thumbs up for you!"

"Does anyone know who this Du Xingyu is? He can even clone a Tyrannosaurus rex!"

"Awesome, my brother!"

"I told you it was true, but you still didn't believe it!"

Peking University’s response has also become a hot topic on social media.

Not only domestic, but also foreign life science research institutes and universities have sent messages of congratulations and inquiries.

Everyone is curious, how was this Tyrannosaurus Rex cloned, and what was the origin of Du Xingyu who cloned him?

The turmoil caused by Tyrannosaurus Rex continued, and Du Xingyu also met many leaders and scientists.

After learning that Du Xingyu was a graduate student of Su Yutang and had not officially worked yet, these people were excited and extended an olive branch to Du Xingyu, asking him to work for them.

Du Xingyu himself is also considering this matter. Cloning the Tyrannosaurus rex is just the first step for him to improve the world's biotechnology. There are still many steps to take next.

In the principal's office, Xu Chang, Fang Jin and Su Yutang were talking to him about this matter.

Xu Chang first tested: "Xiao Du, your research has great scientific value, and the school must give you a lot."

"Many people want to poach you recently, including the Institute of Biology of the Academy of Sciences, major universities, and some companies. The conditions they offer must be very good."

"We at Peking University, as you know, are definitely among the best in the country in terms of biotechnology research! We also hope that our students will grow up in the soil of Peking University. What do you think?"

The three of them all looked at him. Du Xingyu was definitely a talent that must be retained.

Fortunately, he is a student of Peking University and a graduate student under Su Yutang, so they can get the first prize first.

Du Xingyu said directly: "The principal, the dean, and the teachers."

"My idea is very simple. I still want to continue doing research. No matter where I am, if possible, I hope to have my own biological science research laboratory and sufficient research funds."

Du Xingyu's meaning is also very clear. As long as Peking University is willing to contribute money and efforts, he will stay. Otherwise, he would choose the one with the best research conditions.

Scientific research is very expensive, and Du Xingyu hopes to achieve the basic conditions as soon as possible.

Xu Chang did not answer directly. At Peking University, only old professors like Su Yutang, academicians or important figures in the scientific field have independent laboratories.

The biological laboratory he requested must be equipped with international cutting-edge equipment. Each piece of equipment costs tens of millions, and the complete set may require hundreds of millions of funds to complete.

There is no precedent for a graduate student to have his own top-notch biological laboratory.

Du Xingyu could probably guess what they were thinking. He said: "Top biological laboratories are indeed very expensive. But I can create greater value."

"For example, using genetic technology and in vitro cloning technology to solve some medical problems. I believe the value it brings must be tens of billions or hundreds of billions!"

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