Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 148 Four-dimensional Perspective

Before his own laboratory was completed, Du Xingyu temporarily joined Xie Ziqian's team to conduct research on stem cell cultivation and induction technology.

Simply put, stem cells are a type of cells with unlimited or immortal self-renewal capacity and the ability to produce at least one type of highly differentiated daughter cells. Mainly divided into totipotent stem cells, multipotent stem cells and unipotent stem cells.

Totipotent stem cells have the potential to differentiate into complete individuals. For example, Du Xingyu cloned Tyrannosaurus rex before. After programming the genetic information of Tyrannosaurus rex, he artificially induced totipotent stem cells and then cultivated them into embryos.

Pluripotent stem cells have the ability to produce a variety of cells, but cannot develop into individuals.

Unipotent stem cells can only produce one type of cell.

This time their research direction is mainly pluripotent stem cells and unipotent stem cells.

Xie Ziqian's team's research project is to use stem cell cultivation and induction technology to cultivate human epithelial cell layers.

The goal proposed by Du Xingyu is to directly cultivate large human organs outside the body. I don't know how much difference there is between the two.

"Establishing an in vitro organ cultivation project." Du Xingyu simulated a new project on the technology simulator.

It is also very complicated to cultivate human organs independently without "cloning" people.

The first thing Du Xingyu did was to enter Peking University's database and hospital research data into the technology simulator to obtain the necessary information.

Technology Simulator: "Research progress, 30%."

"Each organ requires a different cultivation method." Du Xingyu narrowed the target and decided to start with one human organ.

"According to data, the kidney is the most transplanted organ in all human beings, and it is also the most needed organ." Du Xingyu thought for a moment and then made a decision: "Then let's start by cultivating kidneys in vitro!"

Du Xingyu began to build a human kidney model on a technological simulator.

He needs to trace the source, find the stem cells that can develop into kidneys, study all the conditions required for kidney development, and start from scratch step by step.

"You said, cultivating kidneys in vitro? I admit that Du Xingyu is indeed very knowledgeable in stem cell cultivation technology. But for this goal, isn't this making trouble?" During the period of cooperation with Du Xingyu, the cell experts and medical experts in the team Still a little confused.

"Yes, we originally wanted to study the cultivation of epithelial cells, but now the difficulty has increased so much that we can't see the end at all!" A team member shook his head and said, "Hey, it's really a headache. I don't know what the director is thinking. We listen to him."

"Who knows... Our project was originally an in vitro organ cultivation research plan jointly carried out with island countries, South Korea, France and the Netherlands. Now the island countries, South Korea, the Netherlands and France have made good progress. We can't make progress now, wait. It will be very embarrassing during the exchange meeting." A cell expert worried.

Their project is part of the "Cell Biology Research Plan" jointly carried out by five top medical research institutions in five countries. At that time, all parties will conduct academic exchanges. If no results are achieved, it will be humiliated and sent abroad.

"I think this young man was praised to the heavens for cloning Tyrannosaurus rex. He's a bit too arrogant!" said an old expert. "Once he falls a few times, he will understand that scientific research is not just about words." !”

"The eighth cultivation failed." Two months later, Du Xingyu had completed the simulation of the process of cultivating organs in vitro. However, the human physiological mechanism was too complex, and many simulations failed.

"I have completed the induction of stem cells. The most difficult thing is how to ensure the normal development and survival of organs outside the body." This gave Du Xingyu a headache.

"Maybe I should redesign a human simulation system. Simulate the role and physiological response of each organ or even each cell in the human body, and then simulate an 'in vitro kidney culture dish' based on these."

"It is recommended to turn on the biological observation function." The technology simulator reminded, "Consume 10 million energy points to turn on the biological observation function, and you can obtain more detailed information, which is more detailed than the biological instruments that humans in this world have. "

"Does it still have this function?" Du Xingyu asked in surprise, "How to use it?"

Du Xingyu already has 10 million energy points. The popularity of cloning the Tyrannosaurus Rex last time allowed him to accumulate a lot of energy points.

After consuming 10 million energy points, a new function is activated.

The technology simulator reminded: "The biological observation function is to turn on the four-dimensional perspective to observe three-dimensional organisms, so as to obtain the most comprehensive information. I can record this information, but your brain cannot accept so much information, so you can only watch it for three seconds. .”

"Let's get started!" Du Xingyu was also curious about what it would be like to watch living organisms from a four-dimensional perspective.

"Select the target, your own body, and start observing from a high-dimensional perspective!" After the technology simulator finished speaking, Du Xingyu saw a brand new self.

If a normal human looks at him in the three-dimensional world, he will see one side of a three-dimensional image. The perspective is a three-dimensional picture from within.

From a four-dimensional perspective, Du Xingyu's sight can actually "travel" through his own body!

He can see every "three-dimensional face" of his body, as if he's starting to have a full-angle perspective! The perspective can be from outside the body to the inside of the body, or from inside the body to the outside of the body.

Every organ, blood vessel and cell in his body is exposed to the four-dimensional perspective without any disguise.

It's like there are countless pairs of eyes inside his body, watching himself at the same time. A huge amount of information poured into his brain instantly. Du Xingyu felt that his brain was swollen and he couldn't bear the amount of information.

Fortunately, even if the technology simulator cuts off the four-dimensional perspective, otherwise he would definitely pass out.

"The biological information has been recorded," said the technological simulator, "and the external conditions required for the development and growth of the human kidney can now be embodied."

"Huh!" Du Xingyu has not recovered from the scene just now. From a high-dimensional perspective, all three-dimensional objects and creatures have almost no secrets!

He calmed down for a while and then said: "Go on!"

After knowing the conditions required for human kidney development, it is much easier to design an in vitro kidney culture dish.

Du Xingyu conducted several more simulations and finally got a successful result.

Now it’s time to start experimenting in the real world.

"Based on my research over the past few months, I have roughly understood the technical points of cultivating organs in vitro." At a meeting of the research team, Du Xingyu said: "I think now is the time to start experiments."

"You already understand?" Xie Ziqian was a little surprised. During this period, Du Xingyu has been collecting all kinds of information. It seems that they are not here to study, but to learn.

"Yes." Du Xingyu nodded.

The team members were calm on the surface, but they didn't think so in their hearts.

Du Xingyu continued: "We can start the mouse breeding experiment first."

He would like to directly cultivate human organs, but until the mouse experiment is successful, it is obvious that the hospital will not agree to directly start human organ experiments.

"Of course." Xie Ziqian did not refuse. As for mouse experiments, he would do whatever he wanted.

By now, Xie Ziqian believes that having Du Xingyu join the team has served its purpose. The stem cell culture technology proposed by Du Xingyu has allowed them to make great progress in the cultivation of epithelial cells.

As for in vitro kidney cultivation, Du Xingyu could just do it if he liked it. There were plenty of test mice anyway.

Du Xingyu took action because he had already done it once on the technology simulator and his progress was very smooth.

It takes an adult mouse more than thirty days to mature. Du Xingyu selected a group of mice to create an in vitro cultivation device for mouse kidneys. Their stem cells are then extracted and induced.

Next, we will observe the development of the kidneys in vitro of the mice every day.

In the first few days, members of the research team regarded it as a novelty. No one really thought that Du Xingyu's experiment could be successful.

However, just a few days later, their attitude changed 180 degrees.

In the mouse kidney in vitro culture device, the mouse stem cells actually began to differentiate into the kidneys!

The first person to discover it was a cytology expert named Di Jingwu.

He was also one of the people who initially thought that Du Xingyu's in vitro kidney cultivation would not be successful. Di Jingwu privately told his colleagues, "In vitro kidney cultivation will not be successful within thirty years, or even within fifty years." possible!"

"How can human kidneys grow normally outside the body? Unless he clones a person! The law doesn't allow it now!"

After all, Di Jingwu is quite curious about the mouse kidney cultivation device designed by Du Xingyu. He always wants to know how it can replace the mouse body structure and allow the kidneys to develop and perform their functions intact.

So when he had time, Di Jingwu went to "pay attention" to this institution and observe the cell development inside.

On this day, Di Jingwu went to observe the cell growth as usual. He was surprised to find that the original mouse stem cells had begun to differentiate into kidney-related cells!

"It's really differentiated?" Di Jingwu was shocked, "It's not a single cell tissue, but the prototypes of various cells in the kidney have appeared!"

"Could he really do it?"

Di Jingwu felt incredible. He immediately called Xie Ziqian and said, "Director, something big has happened!"

"Ah?" Xie Ziqian was startled by Di Jingwu's words, "Something happened in the hospital?"

"No, it's a laboratory!" Di Jingwu said quickly, "I just went to observe Du Xingyu's cultivation device. What do you think I saw?"

"What did you see? Lao Di, why do you like to titillate people when you talk now?" Xie Ziqian said speechlessly.

"I observed that the mouse stem cells he induced have begun to differentiate into liver organs! Moreover, these cells are fully active and it seems that they can continue to develop!" Di Jingwu said.

"What? Really differentiated?" Xie Ziqian was shocked, "Just wait, I'll be here right away!"

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