Xie Ziqian originally had a few meetings to attend, but after hearing Di Jingwu's words, he rushed to the laboratory immediately.

"Where is it? Let me see!" Xie Ziqian said.

"This is an image under an electron microscope!" Di Jingwu opened the computer page and showed it to him.

"Comparing the images from the past few days, these were just a group of mouse stem cells at first. After a few days of division and differentiation, they have now begun to develop into kidney organs!" Di Jingwu said.

"Oh my God, he really did it?" Xie Ziqian had never been so surprised. No one, including him, thought Du Xingyu's experiment could be successful.

If his in vitro organ cultivation is successful, it will definitely be a technological invention that changes the world! The Nobel Prize in Medicine, the Gairdner Prize in Medicine, etc., I'm afraid I will be soft-hearted!

This is a technological discovery that can benefit all mankind, and it has now taken shape!

"How is it done? How is differentiation successfully induced in vitro? Why can these kidney cells survive in the external environment? How is his culture device designed?" Xie Ziqian asked.

"Um..." Di Jingwu was a little embarrassed and said, "I don't understand it either. Everyone is busy cultivating epithelial cells now and don't pay much attention to it. Most of them were done by him alone."

He didn't say anything because everyone in the research team thought Du Xingyu was a waste of time, so they had little interest and spent their energy on their original research goals.

"No, I have to find it!" Xie Ziqian has already realized the importance of this matter. This is a biological scientific discovery that can change the world!

He immediately called Du Xingyu and said excitedly: "Xiao Du, the stem cells in your culture dish have successfully differentiated! We have just observed that the stem cells have begun to differentiate into the kidneys!"

"Almost." Du Xingyu replied, with an "as expected" tone, "It should start to differentiate today."

"You must not be excited?" Xie Ziqian wondered, "Having achieved this step has already shocked the biological sciences and medical circles!"

"It's okay." Du Xingyu said, "The test has just begun. Whether the kidneys can mature in the external environment and whether the transplant will be successful are still unknown. Besides, even if they are successful, it is only a mouse test, and it is not yet Phase of human trials.”

Xie Ziqian sighed: "It's really strange that you can be so calm and calm at your age."

"Anyway, this is a good start!"

"We will study this project with all our strength next!"

Xie Ziqian immediately informed all members of the team. After learning that Du Xingyu had directed differentiation of mouse stem cells into kidney cells, all members were refreshed in their worldview.

"Can he really do it? He's a genius!"

"I thought it was a joke at first, but it can be done..."

“Today’s young people are really amazing!”

"How did his brain grow? Why is he so much smarter than us?"

Now, no one dares to underestimate Du Xingyu's words, because they know it. Du Xingyu's discovery alone of directional induction of mouse stem cells to differentiate into kidney tissue exceeds their lifetime research results!

The laboratory did not announce the news immediately because they were still waiting to know whether these mouse kidneys could be used for organ transplantation.

After thirty days of culture, ten mouse kidneys have been cultivated in the mouse kidney cultivation device, each of which is derived from different mouse stem cells.

The owners of these stem cells have also grown into mature mice and can be used for experiments.

"Today, we are going to perform mouse organ transplantation!" In the laboratory, Xie Ziqian and others looked serious.

They are all veteran experts. Not to mention mouse experiments, they have experienced countless surgeries on people, but they seemed particularly nervous this time.

Because the organs to be transplanted this time were cultivated in vitro by Du Xingyu! The significance is extraordinary!

After being anesthetized, ten mice lay on the operating table, waiting for organ transplantation.

The operation was performed by the most professional surgical expert Jing Jian, who paid 120% of his attention.

"It's done!" After the operation was completed, Jing Jian took a long breath. He hadn't been so nervous for a long time.

"At present, the life characteristics of the mice are stable, and there are no abnormal reactions for the time being."

"Continue to observe and see if these cultivated kidneys are really useful!"

These ten mice have become the "object" of everyone's attention. Their physical health affects everyone's heart.

In the first few days, the mice were recovering from the surgical trauma.

After a period of time, the mice were basically healed from their injuries and were able to jump around, and some were even able to mate.

"The target physiological performance of organ transplantation is intact." Du Xingyu said at the research team meeting, "This is also what I imagined at the beginning, because the stem cells are taken out from themselves, so there is no organ discharge. All the functions of the transplanted kidney are relatively normal."

"The first phase of this experiment should be considered a success."

After Du Xingyu finished speaking, there was warm applause in the conference room. Everyone was extremely happy. Before Du Xingyu joined the research project, they never thought that they could achieve this!

Now, as long as they announce the success of their mouse research to the world, biologists and medical scientists around the world will definitely pay attention!

"Exceeding expectations!" Xie Ziqian said with a smile, "I really didn't expect that the mouse experiment could be so successful. It seems that inviting Xiao Du to join our research team is really the wisest choice."

"Yes, we should be the first team in the world to successfully grow mouse organs in vitro!"

"This discovery is so important. It will help us gain experience in cultivating human organs!"

"You don't have to worry about future academic exchanges."

Du Xingyu asked: "Director, when can we start human organ cultivation experiments?"

Xie Ziqian has already thought about this issue and said: "Under normal circumstances, I do not recommend conducting human organ cultivation trials so early. However, our first phase has gone so smoothly, so it is the wisest choice to start human organ cultivation trials as early as possible. "

"If we achieve results one day earlier, millions of patients in the world who need organ transplants will have hope of rebirth."

"So, I will arrange this as soon as possible."

Starting the in vitro cultivation experiment of human organs still requires some favorable procedures. Thanks to Xie Ziqian's efforts, they quickly received approval and had a patient willing to participate in the medical trial.

"Sun Dahai, male, 45 years old. In the end stage of chronic renal failure, he has reached the stage of uremia, and a kidney transplant is necessary."

"But for more than a year, no suitable kidney source has been found across the country. If a kidney transplant is not performed as soon as possible, it will be difficult for the patient's life to be extended."

"His family members have signed up to voluntarily participate in medical research trials and cultivating his kidneys is our goal in the next phase." Xie Ziqian announced the goals of the second phase of the trial.

Du Xingyu has also seen the patient's information. This patient is an ordinary truck driver and the head of the family. He has an old man and a young man. He suffers from chronic renal failure and has exhausted his family's wealth to no avail.

Nationwide, there are about 150 patients who need kidney transplants, but only one person has the opportunity to get a kidney transplant!

And it's just a chance, and only some people can completely succeed in transplantation. Even if the transplant is successful, you still need to take medicine continuously to resist rejection...

"The first step in transforming humans is to start with organ cultivation." Du Xingyu thought to himself.

He began to conduct research based on the results he obtained on the simulator.

In the first step, Du Xingyu must first obtain Sun Dahai's related stem cells, and then induce differentiation.

Fortunately, Du Xingyu already had experience in obtaining Tyrannosaurus rex stem cells, so this time it was much smoother.

The second step is to induce the stem cells to differentiate into kidney organs and culture them in an in vitro device.

In mice, they have completed this process. But this time it is human organs, and no one dares to say that they will definitely succeed.

Human organs develop much more slowly than mice, but patients can't wait that long. Therefore, during the cultivation process, the team used hormones to stimulate organ development, which may cause the lifespan of the kidneys to be shorter than that of normally developing kidneys.

But the patient is already over 40 years old, and the "lifespan" of the cultivated in vitro kidney will definitely be longer than the lifespan of his current normal kidney!

As time passes, in the human kidney in vitro cultivation device designed by Du Xingyu, a human kidney is connected to various artificial physiological "organs" and develops rapidly.

"In one month, the kidneys we cultivated will probably be mature enough for surgery." Tong Kai, the attending doctor, told Sun Dahai's family in the doctor's office of Peking University Affiliated Hospital.

"Doctor, is it really okay?" Sun Dahai's mother Zhao Fang still asked despite having asked it many times.

This was related to her son's life, and even if she asked it ten thousand times, she still felt it was not enough.

Looking at the worried and pleading eyes of the patient's family, Tong Kai comforted: "I can't guarantee that the operation will be absolutely successful. But I have asked the director. This trial went very well, and the probability of success is very high."

"As family members, you must also stabilize your emotions so that the patient can also stabilize his emotions and be more suitable for surgery."

"Thank you, doctor!" Sun Dahai's parents could only pray silently in their hearts that a new medical technology would be born this time.

There are less than ten days left before the organ transplant surgery.

Several foreign teams that originally carried out research projects on in vitro organs (mainly skin tissue) with Xie Ziqian's team were also invited to the Peking University Affiliated Hospital for academic exchanges.

Before their arrival, these teams had achieved certain results and had already announced them. So when these foreign experts came, they were somewhat proud.

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