Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 151 Who can contact Du Xingyu?

Ordinary people may feel uncomfortable watching the operation process, but those who observe and learn from it are all experienced experts. What scene has not been seen before? At this time, they all concentrated on watching the kidney transplant process.

Sun Dahai's two kidneys have failed. In his case, even a kidney replacement would only give him a few more years of life. According to medical statistics, a kidney transplant can only last an average of 5 to 7 years, at which time the patient will suffer kidney failure again.

This is because no matter how matched the kidney is, it is not the patient’s own kidney and will eventually be rejected.

When Jing Jian's assistant removed the cover of the in vitro kidney culture device, the foreign experts watching through the camera all exclaimed.

They saw that in the culture device, an intact human kidney was moving!

Generally, kidney transplant surgeries use organs donated by others, and these organs are stored in special organ storage boxes.

And this kidney seems to be still carrying out physiological activities!

It is still "alive" without the involvement of the human system!

"How is this done?" Tomohiro Ogi, an expert from the island country, stood up suddenly and asked in surprise: "It actually grows in a device? Can this cultivation device completely simulate the human body environment?"

"Is this really a live video?" South Korean expert Park Kyung-soo doubted his own eyes. In some science fiction stories, he proposed a hypothesis that the human body environment is simulated and the human brain is cultivated in a certain petri dish.

And here, they are not cultivating brains, but kidneys!

"Of course! You have seen with your own eyes that the operation is actually taking place now!" Xie Ziqian proudly introduced, "And this kidney is completely induced and developed by the patient's own stem cells. Theoretically, this kidney will not cause any rejection. The response will accompany the patient’s life! It will greatly extend the life of organ transplant patients!”

"This is something only God can do!" French professor Joseph said with emotion.

Dutch expert Basten and his team members were all staring at the culture device intently, wishing they could remember it in their minds, although this was of no use.

Jing Jian carefully operated the artificial in vitro cultured kidney and transferred it into the patient's body for suturing.

The renal vein, renal artery, ureter and other parts are connected to the patient's body to re-establish physiological connections.

Kidney replacement surgery is very complicated and takes at least five hours. If it does not go well, it may take more than ten hours.

Fortunately, the chief surgeon Jing Jian was experienced, and the surgical hardware and software configuration and kidney source were very suitable for the patient, so the operation went smoothly.

Even so, the entire process took seven hours.

During these seven hours, the team from Peking University Medical School and the four foreign teams did not leave the observation room once! They did not drink water or eat, and were highly nervous for fear of missing any key details.

"The operation is complete!" Jing Jian finally breathed a sigh of relief after suturing the wounds on the patient's body.

This operation was more serious than any operation he had ever experienced before. What he needed to save was not only the life of Sun Dahai, but also the hope of countless people in need of organ transplants!

"The operation was successful! The patient's life condition is stable! However, it will take several months to observe the specific conditions of the kidney culture in vitro." Xie Ziqian said.

"Excuse me, where is the bathroom here?" Seeing that the operation was successful, these foreign experts could no longer hold back and wanted to go to the bathroom one after another.

In fact, they are not the only ones, the people from Peking University’s medical team also feel the same way. A group of the world's top cytologists, medical scientists, and geneticists actually rushed to the toilet. This scene is really rare.

"So far, the operation is quite successful. The patient needs to continue to be hospitalized for observation." The attending doctor Tong Kai said to Sun Dahai's parents.

"Because you are voluntarily conducting medical trials, we will cover all hospitalization and follow-up expenses, so you don't have to worry."

"Based on my experience, Sun Dahai's current situation is better than that of ordinary kidney transplant patients."

"Thank you, thank you doctor!" Sun Dahai's parents were moved to tears and even wanted to kneel down to thank him.

Tong Kai quickly helped them up and said: "I am just doing my duty in this matter. If you want to thank me, you must thank the researchers who developed such technology."

"Without them, this operation wouldn't have been possible!"

Sun Dahai is still hospitalized for observation, and his condition is being watched by hundreds of experts.

This is the first case of artificial in vitro cultured organ transplantation in the history of human medicine, and his physical condition is of great importance.

Those foreign experts originally only wanted to conduct academic exchanges at the Peking University Affiliated Hospital for more than ten days. After discovering this, none of them wanted to leave. They wanted to live here and wanted to know more information.

A month later, in the conference room.

Tong Kai reported to Xie Ziqian and a team of experts from four countries on his one-month physiological observation of Sun Dahai.

"One month after the kidney transplant surgery, the patient's kidney function basically recovered. He did not take any anti-physiological rejection drugs, and no successful rejection of the artificially cultivated kidney was found."

"At present, except for the surgical trauma, the patient has no serious problems in other aspects. It can be basically concluded that this kidney transplant operation is very successful, surpassing any previous organ transplant operation!"

"The kidneys grown outside the body can completely replace the patient's original kidneys in physiological activities..."

Hearing this, Du Xingyu knew that it was basically done!

He is also observing Sun Dahai's physiological condition every day. His postoperative recovery is much better than that of other kidney transplant patients.

If he continues to recuperate like this, he will soon be able to return to his normal life.

"Everyone, it can be seen that the in vitro organ culture we have seen has basically met the design requirements." Xie Ziqian was in a happy mood at this time!

Soon, they will be able to announce it to the world! This is a medical research discovery that will be praised by thousands of people!

"Incredible! Before I saw it with my own eyes, I couldn't believe that human medicine could do such a thing!" Damuzhi praised Sun Dahai repeatedly after reading the physiological examination data.

"You are amazing. This will be the greatest medical and biological discovery in the world!"

He looked at Du Xingyu with undisguised admiration on his expression. After more than a month of understanding, he already knew that Du Xingyu was the absolute leader in this experiment.

"Mr. Du, I sincerely invite you to visit our research institute. I wonder if you have time?"

Du Xingyu said politely: "This experiment is not really completed yet. I still have a lot of work to do. I will go when I have the opportunity."

He declined politely, and Damuzhi felt very sorry. If such a talent were in their research institute, they would be willing to pay any price to retain him!

"This technology is great!" Park Jingxiu exclaimed, "I really hope it can be promoted as soon as possible. We are very willing to learn from your research team, especially Mr. Du Xingyu!"

Until now, he had to admit that the other party's research findings surpassed all of them.

"This is a technology that benefits mankind." Joseph said, "I hope to introduce this technology to France as soon as possible. Our French patients also need it very much!"

"You will definitely become the heroes of our country and all mankind!"

"Yes." Basten said quickly, "My team and I hope to stay here for a few more months."

They are very enthusiastic about this technology.

Xie Ziqian and others saw this and smiled: "This is a medical technology that benefits all mankind, and we will perfect it as soon as possible."

"If you want to stay here for academic exchanges, we are very welcome!"

A few days later, the Peking University medical team announced its new findings to the whole society.

"The team from the Department of Medicine of our school, headed by experts such as Xie Ziqian and Du Xingyu, has conquered human stem cell cultivation and induction technology, successfully cultivated human organs in vitro, and has performed the first artificially cultivated organ transplantation. The patient is currently in very good condition. , this technology is expected to solve the problem of organ sources for patients in need of organ transplants around the world..."

As soon as this news was released, it immediately shocked the entire society!

The news immediately attracted a large number of netizens to watch.

"Growing organs in vitro? Don't you need a human body? Damn it, are scientists so awesome now?"

"Du Xingyu? I remember he was not the one who cloned the Tyrannosaurus rex last time? Did he make a new discovery so soon?"

"Really? My father also needs an organ transplant. How can I contact you? Thank you!"

"This technology is amazing. In the future, hearts and kidneys can be grown outside the body, so there is no need for donation!"

"That's awesome! Can this kind of technology be developed?"

The medical institutions and universities that saw this news were even more excited.

"The medical team of Peking University is too strong this time! Contact them quickly. Our hospital must introduce this technology as soon as possible!" the person in charge of a major hospital ordered.

"Send a representative over immediately! We must find out what extent their research has reached. If it is really as stated in the statement..."

Other universities are also confused: "Peking University's medical team and biology department are indeed strong. But they can't be ridiculously strong. What's going on?"

"Is it that Du Xingyu? Can any of you contact Du Xingyu?"

"If Du Xingyu can come to our school as a professor, we are willing to make any conditions!"

This invention was so important that it even alarmed the National Academy of Sciences and the Department of Health.

On the same day, the Academy of Sciences sent academicians to investigate and inquire. When they learned that the discovery was indeed true. It is said that the big guys at the Academy of Sciences were overjoyed and immediately expressed their intention to reward the team, especially Du Xingyu, who also received special praise.

They issued a public statement expressing their praise for the "in vitro organ culture" technology.

Even foreign medical institutions and media take this matter very seriously.

I updated a chapter just the day before yesterday, and it was still a 4,000-word chapter. How come someone kept pacing it for several days in a row... It was released for 14 days, and 180,000 words were updated. On average, it was updated more than 12,000 words a day. It was replaced by a chapter of 2,000 words for others. , that is, six updates a day. There are several Qidians that have this update, but why do they seem like I’m dragging them out every day?

The author only has 24 hours in a day.

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