United States, Pfizer. This is currently the most powerful pharmaceutical company in the world. When they learned that a team in China had developed in vitro organ cultivation technology, Pfizer's executives immediately began to pay attention to it.

Everyone knows that if human organs can be cultivated, then this will definitely be a big medical market.

"Is this news true or false?" Pfizer executives first asked. Although the Chinese Academy of Sciences has confirmed it, they still cited this technology as somewhat "surreal."

The United States has always been a world leader in medicine and biotechnology. This time, the Peking University team actually surpassed them by so much. It was normal for them to doubt it.

"Confirmed, it's true!" said the director of the information department. "Their project is an international cooperation project. Research teams from island countries, South Korea, France and the Netherlands have all visited, and they confirmed that it is indeed true. They I also observed the organ transplant process with my own eyes.”

"Professor Da Muji from the island country and expert Park Kyung-soo from South Korea said that this is a new technology they have never seen before. The organs they cultivated are performing 'physiological activities' in the in vitro cultivation device."

"They also specifically checked the patient's physiological examination data, which are all true and correct. It is basically certain that they have achieved initial success with this technology."

After the information department finished reporting, the senior executives were silent for a while, thinking about the impact this matter would have.

"There is no doubt that this technology will change the entire organ treatment and transplantation market! Many drugs will no longer be needed." As capitalists, their first concern is the medical market.

"If we cannot grasp this technology, we will lose a large amount of drug market share and the market profits brought by new technologies."

"How can I get this technology?" someone asked.

"This technology currently belongs to the research team and does not belong to any company... The core of our investigation is the person named Du Xingyu, the talented Chinese scientist who previously cloned Tyrannosaurus rex. He is currently working as a scholar at Peking University."

"We must hire this person. If we can get him to work for us! We will monopolize the world's organ treatment market!"

Not only Pfizer, but also the world's pharmaceutical giants such as Johnson \u0026 Johnson of the United States, Sanofi-Aventis of France, Novartis of Switzerland, and Roche have all noticed Du Xingyu. They urgently eliminated representatives from going to China, hoping to buy out Du Xingyu and his in vitro organ cultivation technology.

Medical institutions, biological research institutions, and universities around the world also sent invitations to Du Xingyu, inviting him to visit and have academic exchanges.

Du Xingyu is completely famous in the biology and medical circles!

"Du Xingyu, Du Xingyu, this is the first time in my life that I have met a student like you." In the laboratory, Su Yutang said with emotion. He was not blaming Du Xingyu, but with a relieved and helpless tone.

"In just over a year, your achievements have completely surpassed mine. As a teacher, I am also happy for you."

"But I must warn you, never let any overseas company control this technology. Once we let them get it, sooner or later we will suffer losses!"

"Teacher, I understand, I am also considering this matter." Du Xingyu said. A statement from the Peking University medical team attracted the attention of the whole world.

Many people want this technology, and the conditions they offer can allow people to have more money than they can spend in a lifetime - of course, this person does not include Du Xingyu.

Du Xingyu remembered that the money he spent to build a spacecraft in his home world was the savings of all mankind over thousands of years!

The so-called world's richest people and multinational corporations are nothing more than that in his eyes.

"Then what are you going to do?" Su Yutang asked curiously.

Du Xingyu said: "The directors of the Ministry of Medicine and several affiliated hospitals of Peking University have contacted me. They want to obtain authorization for this technology for further research."

"My idea is that I can set up a biotechnology company and license several of the biotechnologies I developed to them. And I can also have more resources for research."

"Establishing your own company? That's not bad." Su Yutang said that it is normal for professors and scholars to have their own companies.

Su Yutang has several companies under his name, and he also serves as a technical consultant for dozens of companies.

Du Xingyu's idea also satisfied Peking University.

The Ministry of Medicine and the affiliated hospital are willing to jointly invest to help Du Xingyu establish a company and manage it.

Du Xingyu himself directly serves as the chairman. He has the largest share and veto power. The company's daily operations and management will be managed by a professional CEO, and Du Xingyu can still conduct research work.

At the same time, because Du Xingyu’s outstanding performance and major research results are of great significance to human society, Peking University has specially approved that Du Xingyu will become a professor in the Department of Biology of Peking University.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Du Xingyu refused all business cooperation." When faced with invitations from pharmaceutical giants in the United States, France, Switzerland and other countries, Du Xingyu's assistants directly rejected them all.

"Mr. Du Xingyu really doesn't think about it?" Representatives of these large companies were very puzzled. Is there anyone who wouldn't be tempted by the conditions they offered?

Over the years, many experts and professors from China have been attracted by their welfare benefits and worked for them, but they came all the way to China and didn't even see Du Xingyu's face!

"Sorry." Du Xingyu's assistant said, "In fact, it's not just business cooperation. Mr. Du Xingyu didn't even go to any of the various awards and presentations. He still has dozens of important domestic and foreign awards, but he hasn't gone to receive them. .”

"It's really strange. How could there be such a person? Then why does he study biotechnology?" These people were confused.

The Peking University Medical Department was very efficient. After finalizing the cooperation method, Du Xingyu's biotechnology company, called "Galaxy Biotechnology", was established.

The company's main business scope is research in genetic engineering, cell engineering, microbial engineering, biomedicine and other aspects.

As soon as this company was established, it announced that it would share stem cell induction and cultivation, and in vitro organ cultivation technology with Peking University Medical School under a license.

These technologies will be used to research and treat a large number of patients in need of organ transplants.

As soon as the news came out, medical institutions, pharmaceutical companies and hospitals around the world were contacting Peking University Health Science Center and Galaxy Biotechnology.

Their purpose is simple, they want to obtain authorization and order and cultivate human organs here.

As for this technology, regulatory authorities are also conducting urgent reviews to prove its safety.

While the outside world is still discussing in vitro organ cultivation technology, Du Xingyu has already started his next research plan.

Now the laboratory is under construction and a research company is established. Because of the technology authorization, the funds can be satisfied for the time being.

"Now I have three directions to go." Du Xingyu looked at the branches on the technology simulator and fell into deep thought.

His initial idea was to build humans into an interstellar race. Then human genes must be modified to make humans live longer, be able to withstand various cosmic radiation, survive in harsh conditions, etc.

But in today's world, modifying human genes is still not allowed.

This point has not yet been studied.

The second one is to continue studying biomedicine, for which Du Xingyu actually has little interest. The only things that he finds challenging are genetic defect diseases and cancer, which are incurable diseases that humans have not yet overcome.

Humanity has been fighting cancer for a long time, and so far no way to completely cure cancer has been found.

Du Xingyu’s friend from the main world, Lu Liang, also suffered from cancer and was about to die, so he chose to freeze himself and travel to 10,000 years later to find a cure.

Du Xingyu will definitely find a way to defeat cancer in this world, but this direction is not what he wants to study now.

The third direction is Du Xingyu's most optimistic direction - biological computers.

Biological computers are also called bionic computers. The main raw materials are protein molecules produced by bioengineering technology. They are used as biochips to replace semiconductor silicon wafers and use organic compounds to store data.

Information spreads in the form of waves. When the waves propagate along the protein molecular chain, it will cause changes in the structural order of single bonds and double bonds in the protein molecular chain.

The biological computer's computing speed is 100,000 times faster than today's latest generation computers. It has strong anti-electromagnetic interference capabilities and can completely eliminate interference between circuits. The energy consumption is only one billionth of that of an ordinary computer and it has huge storage capacity.

The ultimate goal of biocomputer is to create an "artificial brain", that is, to use biological materials to create a computing device to achieve the unity of the human brain and computer.

Liu Yuan, Du Xingyu's teacher in the previous world, once lamented before his death that with the growth of information in human society, humans have more and more things to learn.

A person can become an expert in a niche field only by learning from elementary school to old age. But when he really wants to continue to make breakthroughs, his brain has begun to become slow and his life span cannot continue to support it.

If humans have a biological computer, it will not only be used to replace the working computer, but actually have an "extra artificial brain" in the brain.

Whether it is storing knowledge or transmitting information, it will be improved countless times!

The biochip required by the biocomputer can also detect the health status of the human body in real time just like a computer detects hardware performance. This will also have a qualitative change in overcoming diseases!

"It's decided, the next research direction is biological computers and artificial brains!" Du Xingyu established a new research direction on the technology simulator.

As for biological computers, like conventional computers, the most important thing to complete is the protein chip.

The protein chip collects and processes information, and then through the expression functions of other parts of the biological computer, a real "artificial brain" will be formed!

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