"Lei Hua, which province is studying biology this year and is the top scorer in the college entrance examination?" Someone recognized Lei Hua, but they were not too surprised. Here, every year, you can see the top scorer in the college entrance examination from various provinces and cities.

They were more interested in Lei Hua's questions. Everyone wanted to know how Du Xingyu cloned the Tyrannosaurus rex.

Du Xingyu nodded and said: "The process of cloning the Tyrannosaurus rex is not the content of this class. If you want to know more, you can follow my Starlight account, called Creator VLOG, which records in detail how I cloned the Tyrannosaurus rex."

After hearing his words, some students had already picked up their phones and started searching.

"Professor Du, my name is Li Mo. I want to know how you study? I think you are not much older than us. Why do you know so much knowledge?" asked a studious academic.

Du Xingyu smiled and said: "Everyone has their own suitable learning style. I believe that all of you who can come to this school must be students with higher learning ability than ordinary people. My learning style will be determined by my learning style in the following courses. I will also tell you one by one.”

"Teacher, my name is Feng Xuan. I would like to know what exactly our course "Biological Computer Research" is about? In the course introduction, it just talks about studying biological computers." Another student asked.

"Very good, someone finally asked the question." Du Xingyu said, "My course, just like the name of the course, is to study how to make a biological computer, or in other words, how to make an 'artificial brain' !”

"In this class, I will study and discuss relevant knowledge with you."

"I explained in advance that this course involves a very wide range of subjects, such as "Genetics", "Genetic Engineering", "Cell Biology", "Biochemical Engineering", "Computer Knowledge", etc. If you find it difficult, you can give up this course. elective courses.”

"Those who give up can leave early." Du Xingyu finished speaking and looked at the classroom.

But in the entire classroom, among the hundreds of students, some of whom were not biology students, no one left.

Du Xingyu waited for dozens of seconds. When no one left, he said, "Okay, let's continue."

Du Xingyu began to talk about the design principles of biological computers and what needs to be studied in detail.

"Our first stage is to design biochips." Du Xingyu said, "Biochips are divided into gene chips, protein chips, etc."

"Here, we will not discuss gene chips for the time being. Our first step is to study the 'memory chip' in the protein chip. A memory chip that stores information in proteins and can be checked by the human brain at any time!"

"You can imagine that we have created such a protein memory chip and transplanted it into our bodies. Our brains can read the contents of the memory chip at any time."

"You may not be able to remember this information in your lifetime, but with a small protein memory chip, you can remember it for a lifetime! This will change the entire human knowledge system, learning methods and lifestyles!"

"I'll go, it sounds too high-end. I don't understand it!" The learning goals set by Du Xingyu also confused these Peking University tycoons.

"Yes, how can any of our other courses be as difficult as this?"

"Don't talk about you, I'm already in my third year of graduate school, and our professors haven't even thought about this!" said a graduate student, who also came to listen to Du Xingyu's lecture.

"Can this thing really be designed?" student Song Qing asked doubtfully.

"Don't count on it. This course is for learning, not for manufacturing!" said roommate Yu Boyi.

"This kind of difficult stuff is what I want to learn!" Lei Hua, on the other hand, was very interested and listened attentively.

Du Xingyu's class lasts for one afternoon. If students need to go to the toilet, they can leave by the back door.

But because his lectures were very vivid and the knowledge was easy to understand, few students were willing to leave the whole process.

"One gram of DNA can store the same amount of information as one trillion CDs, and the storage density is 100 billion to 1,000 billion times that of commonly used disk memories. We don't have to worry at all about the amount of information stored... Biological nerves have very good parallelism Type distributed storage memory and generalized fault tolerance... After establishing the information storage model, we can start to study the way of reading neural information." Du Xingyu said here and stopped.

"The time for today's class has come. Regarding the content of reading neural information, we will continue in the next class."

Du Xingyu was ready to dismiss get out of class, but the students refused.

"Teacher, I still have questions to ask!"

"Teacher, keep talking! We have time!"

"Professor Du, don't leave!"

Du Xingyu smiled helplessly and said: "Students, I not only want to give you lectures, but also verify this knowledge. In my laboratory, I am trying to create a protein memory chip. So if you still have questions, you can discuss them with each other. You can also send me an email.”

"By the way, my laboratory is still short of a few part-time workers. Do you want to do a work-study program?"

"I, I, I! Teacher, I!"

"I'm going!"

"I regestrated!"

"Teacher, I am willing to go, no matter how much money you have!" the students shouted excitedly, raising their hands for fear that Du Xingyu wouldn't see it.

"There is still a due reward for labor." Du Xingyu selected a few people, including freshmen, sophomores and juniors.

"Haha, I was selected!" Lei Hua was also one of the people selected by Du Xingyu. He was very excited on the way to the canteen to eat.

"I'm so envious that you can go to Professor Du's laboratory to do odd jobs!" Song Qing and others said with envy. This was an opportunity they could only dream of.

"I just want to know if Professor Du's memory chip can really be manufactured!" Lei Hua said, "This is a more awesome invention than cloning Tyrannosaurus rex and cultivating organs in vitro!"

"Really, as long as this thing appears, mankind will completely change!"

"I feel so confused!" Tao Liqun said, "Although Professor Du is indeed very powerful, this memory chip is too complicated!"

"How can we get the proteins to record the information we need? How can we get the brain nerves to read it?"

"Didn't the professor say that? The next class will be about neural information reading. When is the next class?" Yu Boyi looked at the get out of class schedule, "Ah? Why is it only two weeks later? Professor Du's class schedule is too few!"

"Be sure to call me next time in class!"

Du Xingyu’s first class at Peking University not only attracted a large number of students, but also attracted social attention.

Because he said in class that he wanted to study biological computers, and the first step was to study memory chips.

The topic of memory chips has aroused heated discussions among netizens.

"As expected of Du Xingyu, the direction of his research every time is so awesome!"

“I hope Professor Du can develop it soon so that I don’t have to memorize words and texts so hard!”

"Are you just bragging? It sounds too sci-fi!"

"This is just the name of the course. Does anyone really think he can study it?"

There are even foreign biologists commenting on this matter. Hu Luo, a biological scientist from Central Asia, said: "My team has been studying biochips. If the protein chip is established in a working test tube, simple Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. But if it is in a living body, I'm sorry, but I want to say that currently humans do not have the technology to allow the brain to read biochips."

Du Xingyu's research continues, and progress is rapid. He has used the human body data information in the technological simulator to obtain information storage methods for protein analysis. The arrangement and combination of bases on proteins will become the "basic numbers" of biological computers. Different orders represent different characters.

The brain nerves can read this information through the transmission of certain molecules.

The prototype of the first protein memory chip appeared on a technology simulator.

This is a chip that is smaller than a silicon-based chip. It is small enough to be implanted into cells!

To turn it from simulation into reality, Du Xingyu needed a spotting mechanical device to manufacture the protein microarray, and completed it bit by bit.

"What information should I choose for the first memory chip?" Du Xingyu was thinking. He selected several targets based on the storage size of the memory chip.

The first step for everyone when they are born is to learn pronunciation and writing. If memory chips allow people to directly remember all language and characters, humans will have more time to think and do creative work.

Du Xingyu first selected information in six international languages, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Arabic and Spanish.

As a memory chip, it can not only store text information, but also sound and light information.

Later, Du Xingyu specially selected a set of "Modern Encyclopedia", which covers multiple disciplines and various aspects of knowledge.

Text, language and encyclopedic knowledge, content that humans take a lifetime to memorize, will all be stored in this protein gene chip.

When it is implanted into a person's brain, the nervous system can read this information. It can instantly turn an ordinary person into someone who knows everything from astronomy to geography.

Of course, this does not mean that a person who is implanted with a memory chip will become a genius, because this information is just that he "knows", which is equivalent to that he can search for it at any time, and carrying countless books with him does not mean that he "understands" and "uses it" ".

It's like reading a book, and everyone gets different results. Some people can forget about it after reading it, some people can learn to imitate it, and some people can draw inferences from one example and introduce new ones.

After continuous research and manufacturing, the first memory chip was finally manufactured by Du Xingyu.

It is a gel-like, ultra-small "film" that cannot be seen even if you place it on the table.

This memory chip can be implanted in the human body and connected to nerve cells, transmitting information to the brain through the exchange of information molecules.

In order to facilitate the implantation, Du Xingyu made extremely detailed arrangements for the connection between the chip and the nervous system. In this way, this memory chip does not need to be implanted in the cerebral cortex, but can be implanted in any part of the human body, as long as it is connected to the nervous system.

At the end of Du Xingyu's fourth class, he announced the news to the students.

"Dear students, I have already researched the protein memory chip. This memory chip stores the languages ​​​​of six countries and a set of "Modern Encyclopedia"."

"Is anyone willing to give it a try and implant this chip? I guarantee you that there is no need for brain surgery and there will be no side effects. It is just some protein and only requires a small minimally invasive surgery on the skin. It can be completed, and I will implant the chip myself, are there any volunteers?"

Thank you all for your tips. I will start making up and adding more updates tomorrow. Thank you!

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