Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 155 The big guys gather together

"Has this been researched? We haven't finished our classes this semester yet?" Hundreds of students in the classroom looked at Du Xingyu in surprise.

"Can this memory chip really allow people to remember six languages ​​and the "Encyclopedia of Modern Times"?" One student complained, "I think if you can remember these, no matter which company you go to, you will be a top talent, right?"

"Doesn't it need to be implanted in the cerebral cortex? Will that work?"

"Do you dare to try?"

"I can not……"

The students were talking a lot, but they were all hesitant. Although Du Xingyu promised that there would be no side effects, they were still a little worried.

"Teacher, I, I do!" Lei Hua was the first to raise his hand. He had been working in Du Xingyu's laboratory for several months and had been following the progress of the laboratory.

Although he still cannot understand the construction principle of the protein memory chip, he understands that this protein chip will not cause any damage to the human body. Minimally invasive surgery is, at best, equivalent to scratching the skin on the body, and recovery is quick.

"I do too!"

"Professor Lu, I want to be a volunteer!" Some students stood up one after another and said.

Du Xingyu said: "Let's take Lei Hua. Next, Lei Hua and I will implant a protein memory chip. Next class, I plan to hold a memory chip verification test in the school gymnasium. Everyone can come and watch."

"get out of class is over!"

As soon as Du Xingyu's class ended, his remarks attracted the attention of the campus and the scientific community.

"Have you heard? Professor Du Xingyu claimed that he has developed a protein memory chip! It only needs to be implanted in the body to store endless information that a person can learn in a lifetime!" Many people posted discussions on the Peking University forum.

It's ridiculous that Qingfeng doesn't know you: "Is there such a thing? Then haven't I read books in vain for more than ten years?"

Little City Lord: "Real or fake? I live in the 21st century, right? How come there is such high technology?"

Kusunoki: "He said that a public verification will be held in the school gymnasium next class. Let's go and have a look then?"

Yi Ru Zhishui: "When? I want to go too!"

Madman: "Big guys, please take care of me!"

Not only students, teachers are also discussing.

In the office of the president of Peking University, President Xu Chang was discussing with Fang Jin, the dean of the School of Life Sciences.

Xu Chang wondered: "Lao Fang, do you think the memory chip created by Du Xingyu can be realized?"

Fang Jin was also puzzled and said: "From a scientific point of view, protein chips can indeed store information. But the key is, how does the human brain read this information? The knowledge about the human nervous system is the entire life science community. Questions that haven’t been clarified for hundreds of years.”

"I don't know if Du Xingyu has figured it out. Anyway, he should have gained something, right?"

"You said that if someone else claimed to have created some kind of memory chip, I would just laugh." Xu Chang said, "But Du Xingyu... then you can't say for sure. The cloning of Tyrannosaurus rex and the cultivation of in vitro organs are really confusing. I’m impressed!”

"This time, even the big guys above are asking me. They all attach great importance to this memory chip!"

"No, if he really finds out, the entire human civilization will be rewritten!" Fang Jin said, "I'm going to ask about this!"

"I'll go too!" The two busy people put aside all other things because of Du Xingyu's affairs, and wanted to know whether the memory chip was as magical as Du Xingyu said.

The discussion on memory chips in the scientific community has become increasingly intense. Protein chips are available in many countries, and even teams in the United States can use biological computers to perform simple calculations.

But letting the brain read the information on the protein chip made them skeptical.

Professor Smoak of the California Institute of Technology is an international authority in this field. His team has produced a simple biological computer, but it is different from Du Xingyu's so-called "artificial brain".

Their biological computer is made using biomolecule materials to imitate an electronic computer, and is not built inside a living body.

Professor Smoke said in an interview with Science Magazine: "Whether it is a biological computer or a human brain chip, the scientific community has been studying the mechanism of the human brain to read external information. I don't know how much progress Professor Du Xingyu has made in this regard. , but I hope this time it won’t be a marketing hype event...I would like to go and witness it myself if they invite me.”

After Professor Smoke had said this, Du Xingyu did not show any pretense and directly sent a letter inviting him to Peking University to witness his memory chip verification site.

Not only him, but also experts in related fields from other countries.

For example, the protein chip research team of the Institute of Molecular Biology of the National Academy of Sciences of China, biochip experts from Harvard University in the United States, and biomolecular circuit research experts from Germany, etc.

Du Xingyu knew that there were many people who questioned the memory chip, and he also needed a big exposure to prove it.

Only when the scientific community pays attention to memory chips and biological computers can related technologies advance by leaps and bounds. Just like in his previous world, the whole world competed for space resources, allowing the development of space technology to advance by leaps and bounds.

And for Du Xingyu, protein memory chips are just the beginning. This has just solved the information storage problem of biological computers. If we want protein chips to be able to perform calculations, reach the level of quantum computers, and become human beings' "second brain," there are still many difficulties to overcome.

Du Xingyu took Lei Hua to Peking University Medical School, where they will perform a minimally invasive surgery to implant two protein memory chips under the skin of the arm to connect with the nervous system.

"This is also the first time for me to perform this kind of surgery. Professor Du, do you just need to connect the chip to the nerve cells?" Jing Jian, the chief surgeon, confirmed again.

"Yes." Du Xingyu nodded, "The protein chip will integrate itself into the nerve cells and exchange biomolecules. If it goes well, it should be maintained and repaired by human cells."

"Incredible!" Jing Jian sighed with emotion, "If it succeeds, Professor Du, I will ask you to implant one for yourself! We doctors have too many things to remember. If I carry a memory chip with me, it will be a hundred times easier for me." !”

"Of course!" Du Xingyu smiled.

The surgery began, and the minimally invasive surgery was not complicated. The memory chips were quickly implanted into Du Xingyu and Lei Hua's bodies. There were almost no traces of the surgery on the outside, and minimally invasive surgery would leave no scars.

The entire surgical process was recorded on video, which will be valuable experimental data.

"Is this over? I don't feel it at all." Lei Hua said.

"Of course I don't feel it." Du Xingyu said, "The design concept of protein chips, including biological computers, is that they can be easily implanted. If it requires a craniotomy and brain damage, then few people are willing to do it."

Du Xingyu didn't say anything. In fact, a more ideal situation would be to directly modify human genes. Only a human civilization that can automatically generate a biological computer in its body as soon as it is born is qualified to grow into an advanced civilization.

"Teacher, why do I feel like there isn't much in my brain?" Lei Hua asked.

"Right now, the protein chip has not been completely integrated with the nerve cells." Du Xingyu said, "In about twenty-four hours, your brain should be able to read the information in the memory chip."

"Because the protein chip does not yet have information processing functions, when you want to read information, you must rely on your own brain to trigger it. For example, if you want to speak a language you don't know, your brain will automatically read the memory The content of the chip. Rather than starting from the beginning, you can master the language familiarly."

Lei Hua said: "I understand, it is equivalent to carrying an information database with me, and I can check and reread this information at any time. But this information is not recorded in my cerebral cortex, so strictly speaking, it is not Belongs to the knowledge I already possess.”

"Yes, that's the truth." Du Xingyu praised.

The protein memory chip held by Du Xingyu at the Peking University Gymnasium attracted countless people's attention, and many people came to the scene. For this reason, the school had to add seats and media seats.

All major media, including national television, sent reporters.

Du Xingyu himself also announced on Starlight that his verification process would be broadcast live.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, half an hour before the verification meeting, the audience and guests were already preparing to enter.

"Gentlemen, please come over here." The staff is welcoming the expert team.

A white professor and several experts from Harvard, MIT, and the National Institute of Biomolecular Research slowly walked into the scene.

"The battle is not small, isn't it?" said Professor Smoke from the California Institute of Technology.

"Many old friends are here this time. If the memory chip does not have the function he said, the man named Du Xingyu will offend the entire scientific community!" said an American scientist.

"Humph, I don't believe it at all! If those people didn't insist on asking me to come over and verify it, I wouldn't waste my time." said an expert from the National Institute of Biomolecular Research in the United States.

The top leaders of various countries actually attach great importance to this matter, otherwise there would not be so many top experts coming to the scene in person this time.

"Unexpectedly, Professor Du has made a new discovery in just a few months." Japanese and Korean biologists such as Da Muji and Park Jingxiu also came. They were not willing to miss such a thing.

"Professor Joseph, Professor Basten, are you here too?" Damuzhi saw experts from France and the Netherlands.

Joseph said solemnly: "This time we are here as representatives of the European Academy of Sciences. Everyone wants to know what is the real situation of the memory chip that Du Xingyu mentioned?"

Everyone in the front row of the guest seats is a well-known bigwig in the biological sciences. Many students present were surprised.

"Oh my god, in three minutes, I saw five or six big guys who appeared in the textbook!"

"There are so many great people here this time! Are they all here to witness Professor Du Xingyu's invention?"

"Suddenly I feel so stressed!"

"You're so stressed out, you're not the protagonist!"

"I'm worried about Professor Du Xingyu. There are too many important people here. I wish his experiment goes smoothly!"

"Hello everyone, I am Yuan Cheng, a reporter from Today's News. We can see now. The entire Peking University Gymnasium is already full. In ten minutes, it will be time for Professor Du Xingyu to verify his memory chip." The reporter reported to the camera .

"We will report the situation in real time, so stay tuned!"

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