Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 157 Humanoid self-propelled database!

"Excuse me, what is the third chapter of the eighth volume of "Larousse Encyclopedia" about? Who is the author of the illustration? What is the content of the illustration?"

"How many world-class mathematical conjectures are recorded in the mathematics volume of the "American Encyclopedia"? What are they?"

"Who was the third monarch of the Roman Empire? What did he do in his life?"

"Please read backwards the biographical description of the philosopher 'Francis Bacon' in the encyclopedia."

"Please tell me the area of ​​the Louvre, what important collections it contains, and what battles the Louvre has experienced from its completion to the present?"

Ten foreign experts began to ask Du Xingyu and Lei Hua questions based on the contents of the "Encyclopedia".

The content of the questions is getting more and more different, ranging from astronomy and geography, philosophy and art, law and medicine, from paleontology to aliens, from specific numbers to illustrations... A normal person is searching with the most advanced computer, I'm afraid It takes a long time to find these answers.

Du Xingyu and Lei Hua answered these questions without any hesitation.

At first, some people in the audience thought this was a good show.

But as Du Xingyu recited several pieces of information in several languages ​​that normal people would never understand, he casually recounted all the content on any page in any encyclopedia, including which line and which word. They can all be said accurately!

At this time, no one will question that this is "recited in advance"!

Because they know very well that even if they memorize this thing, they cannot memorize it so completely. No matter how good the memory of normal humans is, it is impossible to remember some irrelevant and complicated information.

“The Kola Super Deep Well was a scientific drilling project by the former Soviet Union near the Kola Peninsula in 1970. The deepest borehole, SG-3, reached 12,263 meters in 1989. This well depth was recorded in 2008 and 2011 in Qatar. The Ashoshin oil well (12,289 meters) and the Mao Xiongguo Odoptu OP-11 oil well (12,345 meters) on Sakhalin Island have broken through, and are still being updated..." Du Xingyu once again finished answering an encyclopedia question. question.

He looked at the ten experts and asked: "Everyone, you have asked more than a hundred questions now, covering various subject areas. Do you still need to continue to verify?"

Smoker, Harold and others looked at each other, answering all kinds of tricky questions directly, backwards and forwards. Whether it was numbers or images, they both could remember them clearly!

Now, even those who are least willing to believe it must admit that Du Xingyu and Lei Hua, two people with implanted memory chips, have memorized hundreds of billions of characters, pictures and language information!

Using memory chips, they broke the limits of human memory!

"I have no problem." Smoker said with a complicated expression, "I must admit that none of the information in this database can stump you!"

"I have no doubts anymore." Harold said, "Even if your answer is wrong for even one character, I will express doubts, but the facts are in front of you. Your memory is like a blessing from God, without any mistakes or flaws. !”

"No need to ask anymore, I'm convinced!" a German expert said with emotion.

"I also admit that this memory chip is indeed worthy of its name!" said an expert from the Mao Xiongguo Institute of Biomolecules.

Not only them, the audience at the scene was also confused!

"Oh my God, Lei Hua has become a genius among geniuses! This is a humanoid self-propelled computer!" Lei Hua's classmates, Tao Liqun, Yu Boyi, Song Qing and others were surprised and envious.

"If I had known that Professor Du was looking for volunteers, I would have signed up!"

"Isn't it great to be able to master so much information without studying?"

Other teachers and students were also discussing.

"Perfect, simply too perfect!" Fang Jin, the dean of the Department of Biology, said excitedly to Geng Zhe, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences next to him, "This technology will change the entire human civilization!"

"I didn't expect that he would realize it so quickly!" Geng Zhe came to Peking University from the south to watch the verification meeting live.

His mood was more exciting than everyone present. This was something he had studied all his life, and Du Xingyu had been learning from him for several months. Du Xingyu's success also makes him feel very proud!

"What a boy, haha." Su Yutang, Du Xingyu's original mentor, smiled from ear to ear and said, "He can always surprise people. I just heard some foreign experts talking about our false propaganda."

"Now, you have nothing to say, right?"

At this time, Peking University President Xu Chang and a group of leaders were also discussing. They had already seen the capabilities of this memory chip.

"From now on, the safety level of Du Xingyu and his laboratory will be raised to the highest level!"

The audience in the live broadcast room witnessed everything, and now the trolls have nothing to say. At the beginning, some people still questioned the fraud, but now the whole world, the top scientists from all over the world have admitted it, and the Academy of Sciences and supervision agencies participated in the entire supervision, and it was directly verified on site.

The protein memory chip was indeed developed by Du Xingyu!

"Beef Crass!"

"I would like to ask, when will this kind of memory chip be sold? I will be the first to implant it!"

"Hahaha, I have finally waited for this day! I no longer have to memorize texts!"

"It is recommended that every person in the country be implanted with one!"

"I now suspect that Du Xingyu is an alien. Think about it, he cloned Tyrannosaurus rex from the very beginning and cultivated organs in vitro. Now he has developed memory chips! How can normal humans do it?"

"Same feeling +1!"

"Damn it, look at the host's ID, Creator. Is he really the Creator?"

The popularity of Du Xingyu's live broadcast room has reached millions, and his fans are also growing rapidly.

At the scene, Du Xingyu invited several academicians from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and two of his teachers to the stage.

Geng Zhe said: "After careful demonstration by our Academy of Sciences, it is basically certain that the protein memory chip studied by Du Xingyu is authentic. This is a great biotechnology invention. In the foreseeable future, it will completely change human beings' The way to live and learn!”

There was warm applause, especially the students of Du Xingyu, who cheered loudly.

Du Xingyu said: "I would also like to thank all my friends from the scientific community for coming here to verify and witness the protein memory chip."

"Many people will be concerned about whether this kind of memory chip can be used by ordinary people. Are there any side effects? What kind of development will be done next? I can tell you now."

"First of all, the protein chip does not have any side effects. The protein itself is the information component in the cells. The implantation process is also very simple, requiring only ten minutes of minimally invasive surgery."

"I personally believe that this kind of memory chip will be used by everyone in the future, greatly advancing our civilization..."

"Professor Du is mighty!" someone at the scene shouted excitedly.

Du Xingyu continued: "But we are more than that! Protein molecules are only the first step in biological computers. My ultimate goal is to create a biological computer so that everyone can have a second brain. It can transmit, analyze and calculate instantly data!"

Du Xingyu's words once again refreshed the world view for many viewers who had never been exposed to biological computers.

“It’s so hard to guess what scientists think!”

“Didn’t everyone have high IQs back then?”

"This idea is awesome! We need people like this!"

When it came to the question and answer session, a reporter asked: "Hello, Professor Du, I am a reporter from International News. I have two questions that I really want to ask you."

"Why do you want to study protein chips and biological computers? Do you think biological computers will eventually be realized?"

Du Xingyu replied: "Biological computers are certainly possible. As for why I want to study it, it is probably because of the sense of crisis."

"A sense of crisis?" The reporters and the audience looked at him curiously.

Du Xingyu nodded and continued: "I have always believed that there are not only human civilizations in the universe, but also many different civilizations in the galaxy."

"These civilizations are not all peaceful and friendly, most of them are full of dangers. If human civilization cannot be improved quickly, we are likely to face unknown disasters in the near future!"

"Isn't...Professor Du worried a little too much?" The audience disagreed with this answer.

"Yes, we don't know when we will encounter alien civilizations or something like that!"

"We can just live a good life by ourselves. I guess I will never see this in my life!"

"Whatever, maybe Professor Du is joking."

Du Xingyu said nothing more. He knew that although the world was currently peaceful, it would encounter disaster sooner or later.

What the space-time bomb destroys is not the human civilization of one world, but the human civilization of countless parallel time and spaces.

In the last world, it was first threatened by an asteroid, then encountered a fleet of sea civilization, and later the sun was attacked. Fortunately, Du Xingyu improved the space technology of that world, allowing human civilization to survive, and it is still migrating into space.

In this world, the technology simulator has not yet collected dangerous information, but Du Xingyu has a premonition that a crisis is coming, but he doesn't know what it is yet.

Du Xingyu's memory chip verification meeting ended, and the scientific community officially recognized this research discovery.

The emergence of protein memory chips has also changed the entire human society.

With overwhelming news reports, various education experts, sociologists, and biologists began to discuss the changes this technology will bring to human civilization.

"What exactly is a memory chip? When will it become popular?"

"Education experts predict that in the next ten years, our country's education will undergo radical reforms, and protein memory chips may become popular!"

"Du Xingyu claims to be developing an 'artificial brain' and will humans become a new species?"

"Can memory chips turn ordinary people into geniuses? Scientists declare that this is not the case!"

When experts from various countries returned to China, they were immediately summoned by high-level officials from each country to ask their opinions on biochips, biocomputers, and Du Xingyu's remarks.

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