Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 158 “Danger Factor” Appears Again

"We must follow up on biocomputer technology!" Several European experts immediately attended the European Commission meeting after returning to China. They emphasized: "Du Xingyu is right about one thing. This is a crucial technology in the next era!"

“Investment in biotechnology will increase this year.”

Countries such as Mao Xiong Country, Japan and South Korea have made similar decisions, and they have also sent representatives to China to learn from it.

In the Lighthouse Country, a top secret meeting is being held.

"The emergence of memory chips will improve the wisdom of the entire Eastern civilization in a very short period of time. By then they will become the center of world civilization!" said a senior executive, "We must take more powerful measures to maintain the beacon of our civilization. status!"

"Gentlemen, it's a pity." Professor Smoke, who was chartered to attend the meeting, said helplessly, "They did not disclose the research and development information of the memory chip. My research will not be able to create a protein memory chip within decades." Artificial brain' is even more impossible!"

Several big figures attending the meeting did not speak. One of the old men said: "We also have biotechnology. If we can understand the biotechnology there, we will have absolute dominance!"

"Where?" An old man's expression changed, "That is an absolutely forbidden place! It is the sleeping place of demons! You must not try to get there!"

"Sir, I must remind you that this is the 21st century!" said a young executive named Bach, "more than seventy years have passed since that time, and our technology has advanced hundreds of times! "

"The military has enough confidence and capabilities to deal with all problems!"

"And leaving a technological treasure undiscovered is the most stupid thing, isn't it?"

A group of senior officials were silent as they weighed the pros and cons of the incident.

"I still have news to tell you." Bach added, "According to our research, that thing has shown signs of waking up recently. Even if we seal it there, they will eventually wake up."

"It is better to believe in the power of technology than to fear the unknown."

He smiled and said: "I believe that with biological scientists like Professor Smoke and powerful military power, we will definitely be able to obtain enough wealth from there to make us the greatest civilization in the world!"

"But it could also be a disaster!" said an old man.

"Don't be so pessimistic, old gentlemen!" Bach said. "Our research in the last century has shown that the biotechnology there is far better than ours. Remember Colonel Yabu? Although he had some problems, he survived He is almost one hundred and twenty years old, and he is still as healthy as ever! Time has not left a trace on his face!"

When Colonel Yabu was mentioned, the expressions of these old men changed slightly, apparently remembering something.

"If we can conquer this technology, you old gentlemen might be able to regain your youth!"

When Bach mentioned this, an old man finally wavered. He said: "Since they still have to wake up, it is better to study them earlier, and we can get more."

"That's right." Another person agreed with his point of view, "After being banned for seventy years, our technology is far superior to the original, and the ban can be lifted!"

"Hey! If you do this, you will eventually reap the consequences!"

"Unlock the ban!" This decision was finally passed. Only Smoke was confused, but he knew that this must be a secret that he should not ask.

After the meeting, Smoker was taken to the secret base, an unknown island in the Pacific. It was never marked on the map, but Smoker discovered that a secret base was built here and it was heavily guarded.

"General Bach, where is this?" Smoke asked cautiously.

"The devil's lair," Bach said, "the real devil's lair!"

"Huh?" Smoker still didn't know.

"Take a look at him first!" Bach took him to a transparent room, where a middle-aged man with an elegant appearance was imprisoned.

He sat quietly in the transparent room, his eyes dull and motionless.

"Who is this gentleman?" Smoker didn't understand. Is he a criminal? Being locked up here.

"This is Colonel Yabu. He was an important figure on our aircraft carrier during World War II. He led his people to find the Devil's Nest." Bach said, "My mother was still a little girl in Brooklyn at that time."

"Impossible!" Smoker said in shock, "He looks to be only about forty years old. If he were a person at that time, he would be at least over a hundred years old!"

"Yes, you are right," Bach said. "He is one hundred and twenty years old this year, but he has not aged at all. It's puzzling, isn't it?"

"How is this possible?" Smoker muttered.

He walked forward and tried to communicate with Yabu, "Mr. Yabu?"

Yabu turned around and walked slowly towards Smoker.

Smoke smiled and asked: "My name is Smoke, from California Institute of Technology..."

Before he could finish his words, "Yabu"'s face suddenly split open, and a disgusting mouthpart protruded from it, attacking him as if it wanted to eat him!

"Ah!" Smoker was startled and fell to the ground.

"Don't worry, the protective device here can prevent bombs. He can't get out." Bach was not surprised at all.

"How could this happen?" Smoker was shocked.

"This is why I asked you to come. Not only you, we will also invite more biologists and chemists to conduct research in the future." Bach said, "Colonel Yabu is the only survivor who once went deep into the devil's lair. Come back After that, he became like this.”

"What on earth is the Devil's Nest?" Smoker was extremely frightened. How a good person could become like this was beyond his knowledge.

Bach made a gesture with his eyes, and an assistant immediately said: "We discovered this island during the Cold War."

"At that time, we monitored that something was dropped from space to this place. We thought it was a Soviet military weapon, so we sent a warship to investigate."

"But we found that it was not a weapon made by the Soviets. It was something from the outside, like some kind of strange life form, that was thrown here."

"When we came, it had already penetrated into the ground, leaving only a huge hole. The soldiers at that time risked their lives to explore. They had the most advanced weapons at that time, but they still disappeared in the hole."

"Only Colonel Yabu has returned, and you have seen his current state."

Bach added: "We have been detecting things underground for so many years. According to the instruments, there are strong signs of life under the island, but we don't know what they are. And the creatures on the island have mutated as a result. , you haven’t seen it now because most of them have been hunted by us, and some are still being studied. We only know that the creatures here can make our technology develop greatly!"

"After several explorations, we lost many elite soldiers. After that, this place was classified as a forbidden area and no one has entered."

"Recently, the signs of life here have become stronger and stronger. We suspect that some kind of organism may be about to wake up. Now, it is time to restart this place!"

Bach's words made Smoker a little hard to accept. He thought for a while and then said: "If all this is true, then this may be something left by an alien civilization!"

"It's up to you scientists to figure this out!" Bach said.

Smoker's face was extremely cautious. He knew that Bach definitely didn't tell him everything. But the information he has revealed so far is enough to show that this is an extremely dangerous place!

But Smoker's heart was full of expectations. The more unknown he was, the more excited he was!

In China, Du Xingyu had just experienced several consecutive weeks of "meetings." He met many important people, and Du Xingyu was also selected as an academician of the Academy of Sciences, and will receive a large amount of resources to research biological computers.

As usual, he turned down many honors and awards. If he accepted the awards one by one, he would probably not be able to receive them all in several years!

"The next step is to study the biomolecular information processing system." Du Xingyu thought, the memory function of the protein chip has been completed, and the next step is information processing, so that it can become like a "computer", an artificial brain.

He had just established a research project on the "biomolecular information processor" on the technology simulator when a warning came from the technology simulator.

"Warning, dangerous factor detected!"

"Danger factor? Where does it come from? How high is the danger level?" Du Xingyu was shocked and asked quickly.

Technology simulator: "Too little information to confirm. The danger level is high, covering the entire earth! Radiating the solar system."

"The whole earth?" Du Xingyu asked doubtfully, "Is it another event like an asteroid hitting the earth?"

Technology simulator: "It is higher than that level, and it is also higher than the danger level of the Marine Civilization Fleet. When this dangerous factor disaster strikes, it may directly destroy the entire solar system!"

"Huh???" Du Xingyu couldn't calm down anymore, "I have only been in this world for a few years! Nowadays, biological computers have not been developed, and the aerospace technology and military technology of this world are much behind those of the previous world... Are you going to let people play in such a crisis?"

Technology Simulator: "If the experiment here fails, I can let you return to the first world."

"How can this work?" Du Xingyu said, "We haven't started yet, so we must never give up! No matter what it is, whether it is an advanced civilization or a cosmic disaster, you have to fight it first to know whether it can be solved!"

He has stayed here for a while and made some friends. He cannot give up here easily.

"Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle!" Du Xingyu thought, "Now, whether it is outer space or the earth, I must carefully observe all abnormal situations and find the source of the crisis!"

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