Smoke's press conference caused a sensation all over the world. Countless scientists, people and media flocked to the Lighthouse Country, wanting to know more secrets about "Evolutionary Blood".

Even Hua Guo was discussing the news nationwide, and countless people were curious and amazed.

"They are too awesome! Breaking the limits of life, I heard that humans can live a thousand years in the future!"

"Don't think about it, only rich people can afford it!"

"What happened in the past few years? Why does it feel like biotechnology suddenly exploded?"

"When can we develop this kind of technology? The lighthouse country wants to monopolize a top technology again!"

Officials, science and technology, and media from various countries have focused their attention on Smoke and his evolutionary blood, and new information is exposed every day.

The history of the eternally youthful Colonel Yabu has also been unearthed, and his great-grandson staged a touching family reunion scene with him on a TV show. Although Colonel Yabu did not say a word during the whole process, he just Sitting there blankly.

Du Xingyu also sent a private message to Smoke to ask some questions, but he did not reply.

In terms of public activities, the lighthouse country is making more and more big moves.

For example, they announced that they would recruit volunteers in the army and use the blood of evolution to enhance the physical fitness of soldiers.

Vigorous support for the development of biotechnology, more frequent activities in the Pacific region, etc...

What puzzled Du Xingyu the most was that they actually announced that they were considering sharing their research results with the world to benefit all mankind!

"When something goes wrong, there must be a monster!" Not only Du Xingyu, but also Su Yutang, Fang Jin and others realized it.

"With their urinary nature, it's good that they don't bother others, and they benefit all mankind... What is happening behind this?" Fang Jin asked doubtfully.

"Recently, some of my international friends have lost contact. It is said that they are conducting secret research work." Su Yutang said.

Du Xingyu pinched his chin and said thoughtfully: "It seems that they must have mastered a big secret, and the matter is very urgent."

"Teacher, Dean." Du Xingyu asked, "If we develop evolutionary blood, something that can extend people's lifespan and change human genes, what will we do immediately?"

"Of course it is classified as a state secret!" Su Yutang said, "It is absolutely impossible to publish this kind of thing easily!"

Du Xingyu nodded and analyzed: "If it is announced, it means that it must be the time to announce it. They have now begun to use it for soldiers, which means that a war may start."

"War? Impossible, right?" Fang Jin disagreed. "We are now in the age of nuclear weapons. If a war breaks out, it will be a world war. Nothing major has happened. Will they be so crazy?"

"I didn't say the enemy was us..." Du Xingyu had no evidence and couldn't say much.

The two were puzzled, but did not continue to ask.

"By the way, the samples you requested have been sent over." Fang Jin said, "We are now finishing the delivery to your laboratory."

"Okay, I'll go right away!" Du Xingyu stood up immediately and said.

He has no way to get samples of evolutionary blood now, but Du Xingyu asked for some seawater samples.

According to satellite observations, they discovered that a fleet has been frequently active somewhere in the Pacific Ocean recently, and it seems to have also test-fired some large-scale military weapons.

After Du Xingyu learned about it, he thought there must be abnormal discoveries there, so he asked the Academy of Military Sciences to help get some seawater samples there for analysis.

Although that place is blocked by the lighthouse country, it is still easy to collect some seawater samples with a small ocean detection torpedo.

As a result, these seawater samples were sent to Du Xingyu's laboratory.

He immediately began to analyze the composition of the seawater.

"The radioactive elements are very high." This was the first information Du Xingyu got. The radioactive elements carried in the sea water proved that missiles had indeed been detonated nearby, and they might have been nuclear bombs!

Subsequently, Du Xingyu used the information collection function of the technology simulator to conduct information detection on these seawater samples.

"Danger factors found." The technology simulator made a discovery, "There are RNA viruses unknown in the information database in the seawater samples."

Through the genome project, Du Xingyu has entered the genetic information of most living things on the earth.

The discovery of the technology simulator made him immediately alert.

Du Xingyu immediately tested the RNA virus in the sample. Under an electron microscope, its surface was a protein shell covered with "contacts", and inside was RNA genetic information.

Just by looking at these, we still can't know its specific function.

There are many types of viruses on the earth, and it is normal to encounter viruses that you do not recognize. But Du Xingyu suspects that these RNA viruses may not come from the earth.

He had to figure out its specific function.

Therefore, Du Xingyu conducted experiments on white mice, infecting the mice with this RNA virus, and warned the laboratory members that this virus may be very dangerous, and no one is allowed to approach or touch it, and the safety protection of the laboratory must be adopted. The highest level of measures.

Every day, Du Xingyu observes the changes in the mice.

For the first one or two days, everything went as usual for the mice. On the third day, the mice began to become active. A blood sample was taken for examination and it was found that its cell activity began to increase and it seemed to be healthier!

"Teacher, is this virus still good for it?" Lei Hua said in surprise, "The minor trauma caused by drawing blood on it has healed quickly!"

"Continue to observe." Du Xingyu did not rush to a conclusion.

On the fifth day, the mice began to change further. Its appetite began to increase, its temper became more violent, and it began to attack other people of its kind.

Du Xingyu realized something was wrong. After taking another blood test on the mice, he found that the genes of the mice had changed.

"This virus can actually change its genetic information!"

Ordinary viruses only cause diseases to organisms. But this special virus actually directly changes the genetic information of the host, causing the host to "genetically mutate" in an unknown direction!

On the seventh day, Du Xingyu was certain that this RNA virus was very dangerous.

Because the size of the white mouse in the breeding room has exceeded twice the size of the original species, it is almost as big as a cat!

"The laboratory's temperament has become even more violent! The food intake has doubled again, the genetic information has mutated again, and it has begun to bite other companions!"

"After being infected with this RNA virus, the host's genes become very easy to mutate. It seems that it can also absorb other protein genetic information, including the food fed to the mice..."

In the genetic information of the white mouse, Du Xingyu detected the genetic fragment of the chicken that fed the chicken.

By now, Du Xingyu's discovery has made scientists at the Academy of Sciences vigilant.

"What kind of virus is this? Why does it exist in seawater?" Su Yutang looked cautious. "If it is really so infectious, wouldn't there be many such viruses and mutated organisms in the sea area?"

"What on earth did the Americans do there?" The big guys from the Academy of Military Sciences were also alarmed and came to Du Xingyu's laboratory to watch.

"Can we judge its characteristics now?" Zeng Yi, an important member of the Academy of Military Sciences, asked.

"Not yet." Du Xingyu shook his head and said, "But I am certain that this is not the most terrifying impact of this virus. This mouse is still undergoing genetic mutations, and I don't know what it will become in the end."

"But its ability to absorb the genetic information of other creatures is terrifying! If it is allowed to develop, any kind of strange, deformed, and terrifying creatures may appear!"

"Is the situation so serious?" Everyone present asked in surprise.

"It's more serious than you think!" Du Xingyu warned, "It can be found in the seawater sampled, which shows that the virus has spread along with the ocean currents!"

"And what I'm most worried about is, not only ocean currents, but if it can also spread in the air... then..."

Everyone's expressions changed, and Zeng Yi said: "I will immediately send someone to take samples and test the air information there."

Someone else asked: "Professor Du, can we prevent and resist this virus? Can it infect humans?"

"One hundred percent will infect humans." Du Xingyu said with certainty. "Although I have not conducted experiments, according to current research information, it can easily infect mammals. Our immune system cannot deal with it. "

"As for prevention and resistance?" Du Xingyu still shook his head, "From our human perspective, it is an invader and a virus. But for our bodies, this change will make us more 'robust', Be more attuned to nature.”

"Not only will our body not resist it, but it will actively cater to it! Existing drugs are of no use to it, just like we can't treat cancer. It's just that it doesn't necessarily have a positive impact. I lack More research samples!”

"Now I very much doubt that Professor Smoak's so-called evolutionary blood comes from this virus. I am also skeptical about its true effect!"

"It seems that the danger is beyond our expectation." Zeng Yi said, "Professor Du, don't worry, we will obtain more samples as soon as possible. We will also contact North America to ask them to reveal more information."

"Well, it's best to do it as soon as possible." Du Xingyu said.

Du Xingyu was not alarmist. In the third week of the experiment on the white mice, the mice had mutated beyond recognition.

It turned into a creature the size of a puppy, with long hair all over its body. Its claws and teeth mutated to become stronger, and its fighting power was very strong. Du Xingyu estimated that even if he let a hound in, he would be torn into pieces by it!

Air samples from the target sea area were also retrieved. The information brought this time made Du Xingyu feel that the situation was even more difficult to control.

Not only RNA viruses, but also spores of unknown plants have been detected in the air. Its gene fragments also have gene fragments similar to this virus. This fragment can allow it to devour the genes of other species and undergo rapid mutations!

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