Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 161 The harbinger of biological catastrophe

"I named the previous virus Z-1 gene mutagenesis virus...but in this sample, I found other similar viruses that are different from Z-1, from Z-1 to Z-13, and now I have found Here are thirteen genetic mutagenic viruses! There should be more undiscovered viruses.”

Du Xingyu told the senior officials, "I can now conclude that this time it is not a single virus hazard, but an unknown virus group, or in other words, a completely different species group from the earth's creatures spreading their genes on the earth! This is a An invasion at the genetic level!"

"It can also be said that this is a global biological crisis!"

After all, we can't escape what is coming, and the crisis of this world still appears.

"Professor Du, what do you think the worst case scenario will be?" a senior executive asked.

Du Xingyu analyzed: "I don't know when these mutagenic genes appeared, whether they existed on the earth in ancient times or whether they were newly emerged mutant viruses, or were artificially cultivated or released by aliens...but I am sure."

"With the ocean currents and atmospheric circulation in the Pacific Ocean, it will cover the entire earth within a year!"

"At that time, animals, plants, and people all over the world would mutate. Maybe now, unknown mutated species are already scattered under the deep sea of ​​the Pacific Ocean! They will definitely cause big trouble to humans, provided that humans are not there You have already fallen before this!"

"What should we do? Should we defend ourselves in the same way as we prevent infectious diseases?" the senior officials asked.

"It's useless!" Du Xingyu directly denied it, saying: "Even if we can filter the air and water resources, the plants in our city can't, and the pets can't. It can't be eliminated..."

"So, does that mean we are helpless?" The senior management asked, "Do we have to live in the isolation room?"

"There is a way, and that is to study it!" Du Xingyu said seriously, "Study these mutagenic genes, understand how they change biological genes, and guide them! All human science comes from observing nature, and this time, it is the same. .”

"Many restrictions on biotechnology must be relaxed. This includes human genetic modification, animal genetic modification, life research, etc."

What Du Xingyu mentioned was all scientific research that had been banned before. This will involve some scientific ethics and related prohibitions.

Every country is very cautious about this.

"We will consider this matter," they said.

"Professor Smoke has agreed to our invitation. He will come to China to give a lecture in a week. We have also obtained some evolutionary blood and will give part of it to your laboratory for research."

As expected, Du Xingyu got a sample of the so-called "evolutionary blood", and he immediately began to analyze the ingredients.

"My guess is correct!" After analysis, Du Xingyu discovered that the evolutionary blood indeed contained this mutagenic gene. But Smoak's team also added drug molecules that suppress expression.

Using this drug molecule to inhibit the expression of the "Z virus" can make organisms healthier and stronger without overevolving.

"Is this really feasible?" Du Xingyu expressed doubts. Can the inhibitory molecules added by Smoke really completely suppress the expression of these mutagenic genes? Turn humans into "new humans"?

He began further research and analysis.

The news that Professor Smoke is coming to China has been reported by the media and attracted a lot of attention. He also said that he would send some "evolutionary blood" to lucky friends in China.

This news excited the rich people in China. Now rich people all over the world are pursuing this thing.

It is said that money cannot buy time, but the blood of evolution can bring people back to their youth. Who doesn't want that? Even if they pay hundreds of millions or tens of billions, these rich people are willing!

At this time, some unusual events have occurred all over the world.

An international oil cargo ship sank somewhere in the Pacific. There were rumors that it was because a huge and terrifying sea monster appeared in that sea area, but this news was ignored by the public.

Now no one believes that sea monsters appear in the ocean!

Then a fishing boat operating in the open sea caught a brand new species, a fish with a shell. This strange fish attracted the attention of the media and biologists, and has been sent for research.

Moving on to news from Australia, a biologist claimed that Australian plants and animals have undergone some changes that she cannot understand.

The growth rate of plants here has increased significantly, and many mutant species have appeared.

She suspected that it was caused by ocean pollution, and environmental organizations also came out to call on everyone to protect the environment.

"Has Australia been affected?" Du Xingyu saw the news and knew that the moment of global mutation was approaching.

Because of his reminder, Hua had already begun to prepare for this. The biological and chemical defense system is being urgently constructed, and some people have begun to realize that something unusual has happened.

"We can't go on like this, Professor Du. We have decided to announce this matter to the world. Please announce it." The senior officials made a decision. They knew that this incident had reached the point where it had to be announced.

"This is some information that we obtained at great cost."

Du Xingyu received some photos and video materials, which were taken in the Pacific Ocean.

In the photos, there are various unknown mutant creatures.

They look weird, and some fish actually have claws and legs, which are completely unsuitable for living in the ocean.

Huge molluscs that are as big as warships, sharks whose entire bodies are wrapped in exoskeletons, groups of dolphins that are fighting each other...

The scariest thing is the last video, which was captured by a submarine.

In front of the detection camera, a turtle swam by. Its turtle shell was missing. On its back, it had eyes and a big mouth that resembled a human face. It grinned at the camera. It was weird and terrifying!

Professor Smoke's speech in China began. As soon as he and his team got off the plane, they were picked up by countless wealthy businessmen and celebrities, and they were full of cards.

When they arrived at the venue, celebrities gathered, and they all treated Smoker respectfully. Even wealthy businessmen with a net worth of over 100 million or celebrities in a certain professional field had to queue up if they wanted to shake hands with him!

But these celebrities and wealthy businessmen have no complaints, because Smoke has mastered the most coveted technological product in the world - the blood of evolution.

"Oh my God, he's the richest man! Doesn't the richest man have the right to sit with Smoker?" The scene was broadcast on TV and online at the same time, attracting countless viewers.

"And XX, his company has a market value of more than 100 billion, and he can only follow him as his little brother!"

"There are also kings and queens who can only stay at the back!"

"Professor Smoker is so talented! I'm envious!"

"Just kidding, he is the most popular person in the world now! I heard that he has obtained titles from ten countries! The royal families are rushing to give him gifts!"

The viewers who watched the live broadcast were envious and sighed.

At this time, they saw Du Xingyu shaking hands with Smoke.

"Du Xingyu is here too!"

"When will Du Xingyu study evolutionary blood? It would be great if we had that!"

"What a pity. Without Smoker, Du Xingyu must have been the greatest biologist of this century!"

"Mr. Du Xingyu, it's a pity that you didn't come to my last press conference in the United States." Smoker said with a smile.

"Maybe you should be glad that I didn't go." Du Xingyu whispered.

"Huh?" Smoker looked at him.

Du Xingyu motioned to the media to stay away, and then said in a low voice: "Professor Smoker, your affairs cannot be hidden. I hope you can tell me the truth about what happened in that part of the Pacific Ocean."

When Du Xingyu said this, Smoker's face changed slightly, but he quickly calmed down and said: "No matter what happens, we have a way to deal with it, and we can get more!"

"Like evolutionary blood?" Du Xingyu asked.

"Yes, but it's not just evolutionary blood." Smoker said with confidence in his tone: "Crisis always contains opportunities."

"Be careful of playing with fire and getting burned!" Du Xingyu warned, "Your speech starts in fifteen minutes, and you still have fifteen minutes to think about it."

"During this time, if you have figured it out, tell me everything. Maybe there is a way to deal with it... If you persist, you may not be the only one who will give a speech today!"

Smoke was silent for a few seconds. Many people at the scene looked at them with smiles, not knowing what they were talking about. The media were also stopped by the staff and paused filming.

"Mr. Du Xingyu." Smoke said again, "Some things will be beyond our human imagination. What I do is just adapt to the development of this era. And I represent not only me, but also more people!"

"I think you are the one who should think calmly. For the sake of your stability, I suggest you keep it a secret. You don't want to see the world in chaos, right?"

Of course he knew that if such a big thing happened in the Pacific, China must have a way to know about it. But he or they don't plan to announce it now.

"This is not an excuse!" Du Xingyu snorted coldly, "Some things cannot be covered up, Professor Smoke, I'll say this. Fifteen minutes is your last chance, otherwise you will not be able to bear the consequences! "

"I won't change my mind!" Smoker's attitude was also very firm.

After the conversation between the two ended, Smoke continued to smile and greet his friends at the scene.

A reporter asked curiously: "Professor Smoke, what did you talk about with Professor Du Xingyu?"

"We had a great time communicating about some academic issues." Smoker smiled and said, "The lecture will start soon, so let's leave the interview after the lecture! Thank you!"

"Okay, I won't disturb you anymore!" The media and the wealthy businessmen and celebrities who came to welcome him went to the guest seats to prepare and wait for Smoker's speech.

And Du Xingyu was already prepared. Since Smoker didn't intend to tell the truth, he could only use his own methods.

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