Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 162 Let me tell you the truth!

Smoker's speech began. The topic was about the secrets of genes and the direction of human evolution. Of course, the focus was on introducing his "evolutionary blood"!

This is his sixth speech since announcing the development of evolutionary blood. He previously gave it in the Lighthouse Country, Germany, France and other places.

Each time, it caused a huge sensation.

"Everyone, what I have in my hand now is the blood of evolution!" Smoker held up the blue test tube, and everyone looked at the test tube with burning eyes!

As long as you get it, you can live healthy and happy for hundreds of more years!

"So far, more than 13,000 people have been injected with evolutionary blood!" Smoker proudly introduced, "Fortunately, no one has had any adverse reactions!"

"Their bodies have all become very healthy. For example, this one is a cancer patient. One month after being injected with evolutionary blood, we found that the cancer cells in his body were reduced by 40%!"

"And this beautiful lady with a plump figure and smooth skin. Who would have thought that two months ago, she was a seventy-five-year-old woman with wrinkles on her face?"

Smoker introduced the injection while showing the information of the person who injected it.

The atmosphere at the scene was extremely frenzied. Those "upper-class elites" who usually wore elegant and dignified clothes all thought they were brainwashed deceivers at the C-selling scene, applauding and cheering crazily.

The comments in the live broadcast room were all filled with words like "beer" and "awesome". Even a few calm people were drowned out by the majority of people's comments.

Smoak was very satisfied with the performance on the scene. He said: "Here, I want to announce an important news."

"I believe that biotechnology products like Evolutionary Blood should be used to benefit all mankind and should not be limited to people in one country."

"So I decided to sell my evolved blood in the East! Anyone who wants to buy it can discuss it with my team. We currently only accept customization because we need to conduct physical examinations on each injector to create specialized evolutions. The blood of..."

"The starting price is US$100 million! If there is more demand, of course the cost will rise accordingly!"

After Smoker finished speaking, the rich and famous people present became even more excited. Although injections of evolutionary blood are not yet allowed in China, they can definitely go abroad for injections, as long as they have this opportunity!

As for the booking fee of 100 million US dollars, it is not a problem for them!

With a healthy body and a long life, are you still worried that you won’t be able to make so much money?

Some people are already reaching out to Smoke's team to buy and pre-order.

"It's really a crazy harvest!" Du Xingyu watched coldly from the audience. He heard that Smoke's team had already accepted many bookings in several other countries.

Du Xingyu didn't know the specific amount. He only knew that a large amount of money had flowed into North America recently, and the money was used to purchase various supplies. In the international market, the prices of many things were rising crazily.

"The Evolutionary Blood is hyping up like crazy, collecting funds, and then hoarding supplies..." After thinking about it for a moment, Du Xingyu understood that the Lighthouse Country wanted to eat before the world was aware of the coming crisis. Have the ability to deal with what comes next.

But now that he knew it, Du Xingyu would not let them go so smoothly.

While everyone was still cheering and chasing Smoke and others, Du Xingyu came on stage.

He said loudly: "Professor Smoke, besides the evolutionary blood, don't you have anything else to tell everyone? For example, how did the evolutionary blood come from? What happened somewhere in the Pacific? Recently What is the reason for the appearance of these deformed animals and plants?”

Smoke's team tried to control the situation and prevent Du Xingyu from speaking, but to no avail. This is China, and the stage party has been notified long ago that they will cooperate with Du Xingyu's speech.

Smoker was already confused. He didn't expect that Du Xingyu actually dared to question him in public. Wasn't he afraid that exposing this matter would cause turmoil in the entire human world?

"It's Professor Du Xingyu!" Du Xingyu is a famous person in China, and everyone recognized him immediately.

"What is he going to do?"

"Where did the evolutionary blood come from? From what he said, is there any hidden secret?"

"What is this going to do?" Everyone was puzzled.

Smoke looked calm and replied with a smile: "Of course, my team and I worked hard to study it. As for the other issues you mentioned, I don't pay much attention."

"Mr. Du, my speech today is over. If you want to know about other things, we can chat privately. Some things are better for us scholars to communicate with each other."

"No need to do it in private." Du Xingyu refused directly and said, "I have already communicated with you. Since you don't want to talk, then I have to explain to everyone what is hidden behind all this!"

"Mr. Du, are you sure you have thought about the consequences of doing this?" Smoker saw that Du Xingyu was still uncompromising, with a hint of threat in his seriousness, "If a big turmoil is caused because of your stubbornness, you will bear the responsibility. How serious are the consequences?”

"We are the ones who really want to solve the problem! You can definitely join us!"

Everyone was confused when they heard their conversation. What else was going on? Why does it seem like there is a big conspiracy?

"Bullshit!" Du Xingyu scolded mercilessly, "You, your team, and your master are just a group of extremely selfish people. Your concealment will only bring more trouble to yourself. Convenience and convenience.”

"And the people who will sacrifice for this will be people in other parts of the world."

"Everyone, here, I am facing the audience across the country and the world to tell you a piece of information that you must pay attention to and be informed."

The media had already smelled the big news and jumped on it one after another.

On the online live broadcast platform, the curiosity of netizens was also aroused.

"In the end what happened?"

"Professor Du, is there anything else you want to say?"

"I also want to know how the evolutionary blood was researched?"

"Is there a story behind the recent strange creatures?"

"The melon seeds are ready!"

Du Xingyu continued: "Before I tell you the truth, I will let you see a set of photos."

On the big screen, a set of pictures switched out.

Smoker was still urgently trying to get his team to save the situation, but at this time the venue had been taken over by the security department, and he couldn't do anything.

"What on earth is it?" Everyone looked at the photo, which showed some strange creatures.

Fierce-looking fish, gigantic molluscs, crustaceans that shed their shells, sea snakes with multiple heads, undersea reptiles with limbs, etc., especially the last one, a turtle with a human face on its back. photo.

These photos scared everyone, and some people at the scene couldn't bear it and screamed.

"What is this all about?"

"It's so disgusting. Whose picture is this?"

"Why did Professor Du show this? Really, it makes me feel uncomfortable!"

"None of these creatures are normal!"

Du Xingyu explained: "Please note that this is not a spoof or P-picture, these creatures are real."

"As you can see, they are very deformed, beyond our imagination. The genes of different organisms are imprinted on other organisms, and they are attacking, devouring each other, and mutating at super fast speeds."

"This is what's happening in the Pacific Ocean."

Du Xingyu's words surprised the audience, "Is this true? Why are there so many deformed creatures?"

"Professor Du is not a joker, right?"

"What's going on? Biohazard?"

"These creatures are so disgusting, I feel like I won't be able to eat for days!"

Du Xingyu continued: "From the sea area where the incident occurred, I extracted seawater samples. In the seawater samples, I found a genetic virus that had never appeared before. I called it the Z-gene virus."

"This virus can infect almost all living things, whether animals or plants. As long as it is infected, the genetic information of the host itself will be changed and start to undergo crazy genetic mutations. And this virus is not one kind. It is conservatively estimated that there are There are hundreds of them, and each one has a different impact.”

"What they have in common is that they can make the host's cells more active! Maintain activity and division, making the host more 'younger'!"

When Du Xingyu said this, some people already felt that something was wrong.

"Making cells more active and making the host younger, isn't this the effect of evolutionary blood?"

"What did he want to say? Could it be that..."

"Impossible! How could the evolutionary blood be a virus?"

"No, no..."

Beside him, Smoker's expression had completely changed. The game of Evolved Blood could have continued, but who knew that Du Xingyu would discover it so quickly and expose it regardless of the consequences!

"You guessed it right!" Du Xingyu said loudly, "The main component of the evolutionary blood developed by our Professor Smoke is this Z virus!"

When his words fell, the whole place suddenly fell silent for a few seconds, with incredible expressions on everyone's faces.

Those rich and famous people were dumbfounded. They never imagined that this is the true face of the evolutionary blood!

"????The blood of evolution is actually a mutated virus?" Audiences on the Internet were also frightened by the news.

"Holy shit! Is there such a thing? It's like saying that what they spent 100 million US dollars to inject is a virus?"

"This is so exciting! This news!"

"Real or false? Why don't I believe it? The Lighthouse Country has publicly recognized the evolutionary blood and even used it on its soldiers. Don't they know? Is this Du Xingyu talking nonsense?"

"Does this virus have any side effects? Will it become deformed after being injected?"

"Hahaha, you are all stupid! I thought there was something wrong from the beginning!"

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