"Evolutionary Blood turned out to be a shocking scam, Professor Du exposed it on the spot!"

"Chinese scientists made shocking remarks, and a biological catastrophe is coming to the world!"

"Biohazard has become a reality? Z-virus sweeps the world!"

"The blood of evolution turned out to be virus modification? Professor Smoker's reputation was ruined!"

"Fishermen caught a large number of mutated creatures in the Atlantic Ocean!"

"The North American fleet headed to the Pacific and was attacked, suspected to be a marine monster!"

These news were circulated from the Internet in China to the Internet around the world, and people were panicked.

They started looking up strategies online and started stocking up on supplies.

What Du Xingyu had experienced in the previous world, he experienced again here.

But what is different from last time is that the asteroid hitting the earth gave them more than ten years to respond. And the global biological catastrophe has arrived!

Coastal cities are the first to be affected!

Along the Pacific coast, fishermen encountered mutated creatures when they went fishing. Within a week, more than two hundred fishermen from various countries died at sea!

Several countries immediately issued emergency bans and stopped fishing at sea.

Small and medium-sized fishing boats were killed, and large cargo ships were not spared either!

In the Pacific Ocean, a large ocean-going freighter named Lanka flying the Western European flag is heading to North America fully loaded with containers.

In the captain's cabin, Captain Hercules was chatting with first mate Gary.

"The world has been really unstable recently!" Gary lamented. "I heard there was some kind of biological catastrophe, that the blood of evolution is actually a genetic virus, and there are large sea monsters in the Pacific that can even capsize warships!"

"Hahaha!" The fifty-five-year-old captain Hercules laughed and said, "Gary, do you still believe this? These are all lies made up by the Chinese!"

"I have been running boats for most of my life. When I was a child, I listened to the old people telling stories about sea monsters and sea monsters. In fact, there are no such things. Even warships can capsize? Haha, they are so funny!"

"As for our cargo ship with a displacement of 100,000 tons, even a whale can smash it into pieces!"

Just as Hercules finished speaking, the freighter suddenly began to shake violently.

"What happened?" Hercules held the handle, "What's going on? This is the center of the Pacific Ocean. It's impossible to hit something, right?"

"On the ship, it's... it's... it's a sea monster!" The crew member in the control room said in horror with teeth chattering.

A huge biological signal appeared on the freighter's radar system.

The crew on the deck also saw a giant object emerging from the ocean.

It looks like a huge sea snake, no, it should be said to be a sea "dragon"! It is several hundred meters long, has no eyes, has a huge head, and its body wraps around the giant freighter.

"God, what kind of monster is this?" Gary was frightened!

"Is there really a sea monster? How could it grow so big?" Hercules was confused, "Quickly request support and escort!"

Sea Dragon exerted its strength, and the huge steel hull was easily chewed up by it like tofu, and the crew members were swallowed into its mouth one by one.

In just a few minutes, a 100,000-ton ocean-going cargo ship sank in the Pacific Ocean!

"The Lanka has sunk!" This news once again shocked the international world. This is a 100,000-ton cargo ship. Although it is not a 100,000-ton aircraft carrier, it is also one of the advanced creations of human technology. It was easily annihilated by the mutation. in front of living things.

They began to realize that Du Xingyu was not exaggerating at all in this incident!

The plant spores that traveled around the world with the atmosphere also landed on various continents and began to take root. As a result, some mutant plants appeared.

The Z-gene mutagenic virus also began to spread from the ocean to the land, and mutated organisms began to be reported in various regions.

They grow rapidly and hunt for prey like crazy. Humans without modern thermal weapons are like pigs and sheep waiting to be slaughtered in front of them, with no power to fight back!

Countries began to take urgent action and put pressure on North America to tell the truth!

At first, North America refused to comment.

They didn't make their findings public until mutated creatures began to appear along the coast of North America, and some people were infected with the Z virus and began to attack people manically.

At the press conference, General Bach said seriously: "This incident is by no means a disaster caused by the rumored biochemical research."

"This is information that has been sealed for seventy years, and today we are here to make it public."

"Seventy years ago, an object was thrown into the Pacific Ocean from outer space. We went to investigate and found that it was an unknown creature that may have come from outer space..."

"All the investigators died, except Colonel Yabu. There were a lot of mutations in the flora and fauna on the island. We hunted and killed most of the mutated creatures and sealed the island. We called it the Devil's Lair. !”

"But the devil finally hatched. Seventy years later, we found that the biological signal was getting stronger and stronger. We knew we could no longer block it, so we sent Professor Smoke and other teams to conduct research."

"We brought the latest weapons and equipment deep into the devil's lair, but this time, our deaths were more tragic than those seventy years ago."

"We did get some information from electronic devices, which is also the basis for studying evolutionary blood."

"The creatures in the devil's lair began to crawl out of the lair and spread viruses and spores. We tried using fire, missiles and other methods, but none of them worked."

"So we launched a nuclear bomb at the devil's lair, trying to wipe it out in one fell swoop! But the fact is, these horrific creatures are not extinct, and are spreading... This is a war between us and alien civilization, We in North America have paid a heavy price to protect mankind! We have protected mankind's peace for seventy years!"

"If these demons had been released seventy years ago, think about it, the human world would have been destroyed by now!"

"In order to respond to the crisis, we are willing to provide some of our research information and findings on them..."

General Bach's speech shocked the world again.

It turns out that all these hidden dangers were purchased seventy years ago! And the enemy is not a virus or a biochemical monster, but an unknown enemy from outer space!

For some unknown purpose, they launched the so-called "Devil's Nest" onto the Earth! Release these horrific creatures!

The world is really in a panic right now! This is a terrifying biological weapon that even the most powerful military forces in the world have not been able to control. They are still surviving under the attack of nuclear bombs and can develop rapidly!

The most lethal weapon currently used by mankind is nuclear bombs. Even nuclear bombs are useless. How should they deal with them?

"It is indeed an alien civilization! I knew that such a virus could not mutate for no reason!" At the meeting of the Academy of Military Sciences, Du Xingyu and a group of academicians were watching Bach's speech.

"Can't even nuclear bombs kill them?" These military experts felt real fear.

Du Xingyu nodded and said: "Recently, I have gained a new understanding of the Z-gene mutagenic virus. Of course, nuclear bombs can kill these mutated organisms, but they cannot completely kill the virus!"

"In a radiation environment, the Z virus will even accelerate mutation. Therefore, nuclear weapons must not be used unless absolutely necessary!"

"Professor Du, how should we control the current situation?" someone asked.

Du Xingyu said: "The disaster is coming too quickly, and humans are not ready yet. Everyone should prepare for the worst. Now we must give up the ocean and protect the land."

"Abandon the ocean? With economic globalization now, what are the consequences of abandoning the ocean?" a senior executive asked in shock.

"Sir." Du Xingyu emphasized, "When I say we give up the ocean, I just put it nicely. The ugly thing is that we can't defeat the mutated creatures in the ocean at all! I dare to say that within half a year, the aircraft carrier fleet will only deliver food on the ocean. !”

"So terrifying?" Everyone asked in surprise.

"Of course!" Du Xingyu said, "Our enemy should be an alien civilization with super advanced biotechnology! Although I don't understand what their purpose is."

"But based on the evolution of the Z virus, it can be concluded that within half a year or a year, biochemical weapons with planet-level combat power will appear in the ocean, which can also be said to be super sea monsters!"

"Planetary level, what is it?" People in this world have not developed space technology, so they do not understand the classification of weapons by advanced civilizations.

Du Xingyu said: "This is my classification of advanced civilization weapons."

"To put it simply, the current human civilization belongs to the first-level home star civilization and can only operate near the earth. Planetary-level weapons are the most advanced combat weapons of the first-level civilization. We can use space battleships as an analogy. Planet-level biochemical weapons The weapon is equivalent to a planet-level space cruiser, which has the power to defeat all weapons in the world, including sinking aircraft carriers!"

"Because I don't know enough about biochemical weapons, I don't know how far these biochemical monsters can evolve, and whether they will break through to planetary level."

"In short, I think we should all be on the defensive within three years. Only after three years, when my biocomputer research is successful and we have a better understanding of mutated genes, will we have the power to counterattack."

"As for economic and cultural exchanges, there is no need to consider it." Du Xingyu said very cruelly, "Most of the human world will fall! What we can do is to protect our own citizens! Give other parts of the world what we can help."

"The Z virus inhibitor has been developed. Speeding up production can protect ourselves. Attacks by mutant organisms still rely on military power."

Du Xingyu was also helpless about such a thing. Advanced civilization is really not something that can be dealt with by simply logging in. Didn’t you see that the human civilization that created technological simulators was also wiped out by high-dimensional civilization?

The atmosphere of the meeting suddenly became extremely heavy. Although everyone was mentally prepared that this disaster would not be small, they did not expect it to be so serious!

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