Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 165 Taking orders in times of danger

"Just do what Professor Du said! Now is no longer the time to consider economic gains and losses," someone said.

"Produce virus inhibitors as quickly as possible!"

"All coastal areas, as well as around mountainous areas, began to relocate people. Establish biological and chemical defense lines!"

"Strive to hold on to every inch of the mountains and rivers during the period of biological catastrophe!"

China's behavior is the fastest in the world. It quickly establishes protective front lines along coastlines, mountainous areas, grasslands and other biologically dense areas.

Troops were dispatched to these places and began to build biological and chemical protection bases, and various weapons were shipped to these places.

In some relatively safe places, a nationwide effort has been made to build safe habitats so that the relocated people can have a place to live.

At the beginning, there were still some people who complained and objected. It was really uncomfortable to leave home.

But just a month later, they discovered how lucky they were!

In a temporary settlement in central China, a family is watching the news in a makeshift tent.

"Hey, really, why would you move here if you are so good? The southern cities are much more comfortable than here!" the wife complained.

"Yeah, my company is not doing well and is probably going to go bankrupt. Why are you so nervous? Aren't they just some mutated creatures? Human technology can't deal with them?" The husband couldn't understand this arrangement either.

"It is also a problem for my son to go to school. Now the education department has said that he will have online classes and he is not allowed to go out!"

While they were chatting, reports about biochemical disasters in various places appeared on the news channel.

"It was reported that at three o'clock in the afternoon on the 4th local time, Los Angeles, an important city on the west coast of the Lighthouse Country, encountered a 'doomsday-level' biochemical attack! A large number of marine mutant creatures rushed from the ocean to the land!"

In the footage captured by the drone, they saw terrifying, indescribable deformed creatures crawling out of the blue ocean, and they were heading towards the beach.

The people of the Free Country who ignored the ban and sunbathed on the beach were frightened and fled in panic, but their speed was obviously not as fast as the mutated creatures.

These mutated creatures easily tore them into pieces and hunted them all down! The scene was extremely cruel. Although it was mosaic, everyone watching the news felt their hearts tremble and shudder!

"It is reported that these biochemical monsters can adapt to both ocean and land environments. They rushed onto the streets of Los Angeles, killing at least 100,000 people. The military rushed to the scene as soon as possible and dispatched older fighter planes, tanks, and warships to intercept them. , temporarily repelling the first wave of marine biological monsters."

"According to expert analysis, this kind of impact may become the norm in the future, and coastal cities will be completely occupied by biochemical monsters!"

"Let's see the interviews and reports from local people..."

The couple's faces turned pale after watching the news.

"how so?"

"Why can't the Lighthouse Country defend its own city?"

"It's terrible!" The wife's voice trembled, "Fortunately we left early!"

"When will this kind of disaster end?"

This is still the case in North America, and other regions with even weaker military strength can be described as horrific.

Many places have become hell on earth, and missiles and machine guns are ringing on every planet, but these resistances are not very effective.

These mutated creatures will be killed, their bodies will be eaten by their companions, and they will continue to evolve.

With the further spread of the G virus and alien plant spores, all the original creatures on the earth are turning into extremely aggressive biochemical monsters!

Every day, new areas fall into their hands!

"Professor Du, with the approval from above, you will lead seven important departments including the Institute of Biochemical Sciences and the Biochemical Military Command, and become one of the main leaders in preventing this global biological disaster!" Du Xingyu waited for the new appointment, and is now in Asia In the region, he is the person who knows the Z virus best and is also the person most hopeful of leading people out of the disaster.

"For you personally and for your team, the ban on all biological research will be lifted!"

"Du Xingyu accepts the appointment!" Du Xingyu swore, "I will try my best to protect us humans!"

From this moment on, his biological research will be accelerated dozens of times, and all resources will be available. All research institutions, companies, experts and professors will cooperate with him unconditionally!

Du Xingyu immediately held the first biochemical military science seminar, where the most powerful biological science and military experts in China gathered.

"The current situation is not optimistic." Military advisor Kong Jiaxu reported the situation. "Oceania has become the first continent to be completely occupied because it is surrounded by the sea. There are already many kinds of creatures there, and now they are almost the largest land creatures in the world. Base camp!”

"At present, Oceania has established several military fortress cities to protect the main forces, but they cannot hold on for long and are requesting international assistance. Now countries are overwhelmed with themselves and do not have much power to help them."

"In addition, in Africa, South America and other places, because of their backward military strength, the rate of disaster spread is also increasing!"

"Europe and North America are slightly better. Although they have encountered many attacks, their main strength is still there."

"The situation in Asia is also very bad. We have a large land area and a long coastline, which puts a lot of pressure on biological and chemical defense."

"With advance preparations, we can basically ensure the safety of the people now. But our surrounding neighbors, Japan and the small islands, are completely in doom! The other side of the plateau has also become a mess!"

"Everyone." Du Xingyu said seriously: "It seems that my previous prediction was correct. No country has the power to resist this biological catastrophe. We can only count on ourselves!"

"The intelligence department has collected a large amount of information on mutated creatures, and we have divided them up."

"The first is mutation level one." Some morphologically mutated creatures appeared on the video in the conference room. They all seemed to be deformed species of marine and terrestrial creatures. "The Z virus content in the mutated organisms of this level is less than 5%." Below, preliminary mutations occur.”

"Humans can easily deal with mutant creatures of this level."

"Then the Z virus content is between 5% and 20%, mutated to level two!"

At this time, the creatures in the photos have nothing to do with the original creatures on the earth. They range in size from smaller than a hummingbird to as large as a blue whale!

"Level 2 mutated creatures are difficult to kill with ordinary bullets and grenades, unless weapons of mass destruction are deployed! With our military strength, we can barely handle it."

"Then the Z virus content is 20 to 40 percent, with level three mutation." Du Xingyu only showed a few photos this time, "The typical example is the land shark that attacked Los Angeles. It can actually rely on The mucus on the body surface and the fins stay on the land for more than five hours, killing people like hemp, and the bite force can directly bite the tank armor!"

"Mutated creatures of this level are difficult to deal with with conventional weapons, and a lot of firepower must be invested."

"Mutation level four, Z virus content is 40 to 60 percent." Du Xingyu said, "Currently there is only one piece of information."

"That is a sea monster that is plundering off the coast of Tokyo, Yamato no Orochi. It can easily destroy a hundred-story building, and ordinary destroyers are completely unable to deal with it. The local area fired missiles at it, but still failed to kill it. It is expected to evolve further!”

"The fifth level of mutation should have appeared by now, but we have no photo information. The Z virus content should be between 60 and 80 percent." Du Xingyu said, "It is inferred that an aircraft carrier of the Lighthouse Nation was destroyed in the Pacific. The giant sea monster is of this level."

"As for the complete mutant of the Z virus, it can also be said that it has completely mutated into an alien organism, and its combat effectiveness is comparable to that of a planet-class cruiser. It is suspected that it has appeared in the devil's lair, but we have no evidence."

The original devil's lair was launched by a nuclear bomb from the Lighthouse Kingdom. Not only did it fail to destroy it, but it caused the creatures to mutate at an accelerated pace.

Now even the aircraft carrier battle group dare not approach, and the satellite surveillance screen has been blocked by clouds and fog. No one knows what level the creatures there have evolved to.

"The fifth level of mutation. If a few mutated monsters of this level attack us, our existing defense system will be completely unable to withstand it!" said Su Yutang, who is also a member of the Academy of Biochemical Sciences.

"Yes." Jiang Yan, commander of the protection department, said, "Most of the attacks we have encountered so far are level one and level two, and level three mutants appear in small numbers. They can still withstand the suppression of heavy firearms."

"But their number is increasing. Not only in coastal areas, the level of mutant creatures in mountainous areas is also gradually increasing. Especially in the Yunzhou area, it may become a nest of mutant creatures in our belly!"

The Yunzhou area of ​​China is already mountainous, has a humid climate and is rich in species. After the spread of the Z virus, it has completely turned into a no-man's land, and all residents have relocated to the Central Plains.

The intelligence department can observe the emergence of new mutant creatures near there every day!

"Yunzhou must be under control! Otherwise we will be attacked from both sides!" someone said.

"But now our army can't go deep at all. Thermal weapons have proven to be unfeasible. Intelligence in Oceania shows that there are mutant creatures that can absorb the energy of thermal weapons, especially high-radiation weapons! This will make them mutate faster !”

"Meteorological data shows that with the crazy growth of mutant plants, the oxygen content in the earth's atmosphere and oceans is also increasing, which will accelerate the evolution of mutant organisms. If we continue to defend like this, we will lose sooner or later!"

Du Xingyu thought for a moment and said, "Maybe only biochemical weapons can deal with biochemical weapons!"

"Professor Du, what do you mean?" Someone has already guessed what he was thinking.

"Research mutant creatures and control mutant creatures!" Du Xingyu said, "Even actively create biochemical monsters!"

"Professor Du, this..." Everyone here was frightened by his idea. Now they can't avoid these mutant creatures. Du Xingyu actually wants to control them and take the initiative to create mutants!

What is this idea?

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