Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 166 Transforming the Predator

"Can we really control these monsters?" Kong Jiaxu expressed everyone's concerns.

"Of course." Du Xingyu said, "My biological computer has basically been successfully developed. As long as it is implanted into these biochemical monsters, I can give them instructions."

"You can understand it this way, the biochemical monster is equivalent to our robot, and the biological computer is the controller. Using the intelligent program of the biological computer and the reception of biological brainwave signals, you can make it execute combat instructions!"

"Any living thing, no matter how powerful it is, needs to be commanded by the nervous system. The biological computer is the key to controlling all of this!"

"Biochemical weapons, biochemical soldiers, and even biological warships are our barriers against biological catastrophes!"

In this world and at this time, it seems unreliable to develop other weapons. The Z virus and globally mutated animals and plants are excellent materials for the research of biological and chemical weapons.

"Perhaps, this is the strategy we are most likely to implement now." Su Yutang said.

Everyone thought deeply for a while, and several senior officials said: "The worst-case scenario cannot be worse than now. Actively researching and utilizing these biochemical monsters is indeed a feasible strategy!"

"Professor Du, everything is up to you!"

Du Xingyu officially started the research on biological and chemical weapons. Regarding the biological attack, other research departments are mainly responsible.

The project led by Du Xingyu himself is biological computers and how to make biochemical weapons!

In the research institute, Du Xingyu is implanting a biological computer.

In the device, there are multiple layers of protein films that are directly connected to each other with molecular circuits.

These include protein chips, protein processors and biomolecule circuit boards.

Their implantation process, like implanting memory chips, only requires a simple minimally invasive surgery.

"Professor Du, the operation is complete!" Jing Jian, who was in charge of the operation, reminded.

"Yeah." Du Xingyu closed his eyes and used his brain to search for new sources of information.

In the protein chip, a lot of information is stored, which he can call at any time. But the most critical thing is the calculation analysis and brain wave signal transmission functions.

"First calculate the directional induction gene arrangement of the Z virus." Du Xingyu immediately began to verify the function of his biological computer.

Targeted gene induction of the Z virus is a key part of his research on biochemical weapons. This massive calculation requires at least the help of a supercomputer or a technological simulator.

Now, Du Xingyu has to rely on his own "artificial brain" to complete it!

In less than a microsecond, he calculated hundreds of millions of permutations and combinations of directional gene induction.

"Transmit information!" Du Xingyu thought, and the information was transmitted to the laboratory instruments and equipment through the brain wave information transmission device in the biological computer.

The exact same information immediately appeared on the laboratory computer.

" this information coming from your brain?" Jing Jian saw the information on the computer and immediately exclaimed: "It's amazing. The biological computer can directly calculate and send information to electronic devices."

"In this way, individual organisms can process information and communicate without language and words!"

"Teacher, you succeeded!" Du Xingyu's student Lei Hua said happily, "A real artificial brain, a biological computer!"

"In the past, it was indeed an unimaginable success." Du Xingyu stood up and said, "But today, this is nothing."

"Biological computers are currently too complex to manufacture and cannot be mass-produced in a short time. They can only be used by key people. In addition, information transmission will also be interfered by distance and electromagnetic signals. Two people implanted with biocomputers cannot communicate directly. Information verification needs to be carried out...There are still many issues that need to be resolved one by one.”

"Anyway, with the biocomputer, biochemical weapons can finally be produced."

The biochemical weapons that Du Xingyu originally planned to create cannot be controlled in normal ways. Only biological computers and artificial brains installed on them can control those mutated creatures!

Du Xingyu did not announce the invention of the biological computer, because at this time, few people in the world cared about the invention of these things. Most people are concerned about their own survival.

He immediately began the manufacture and research of the first biological and chemical weapons.

"Right now, I don't have a way to directly induce the Z virus to make biochemical weapons, so I'll start by modifying the existing mutated organisms!"

Du Xingyu selected a test target, a second-level mutant species - a predator.

The higher the percentage of Z virus contained in the body, the more difficult it is to transform. Mutants at level one are too weak, and level two is a more suitable target for preliminary research.

All predators are mutated creatures that are comparable in size to large hounds. Its original host is a common rat in the city's sewers.

After being infected by the Z virus, it will break through the size limit, increase in size, speed, and become more brutal and bloodthirsty.

In every city, great disasters and harassment were caused to the people.

"Predators are very fast. Although their combat power is not the strongest among mutant creatures, their speed is comparable to mutant creatures with level 3 mutations. They are very suitable for intelligence detective work." Du Xingyu established on the technology simulator new project.

"Biological weapons - intelligence biochemical beasts, second-level mutants, predator transformation projects, start simulation."

In the Institute of Biochemical Sciences, comprehensive research on predators has been carried out for a long time, and Du Xingyu entered the data directly.

"The predator's brain structure has not changed much, and is similar to that of most mammals. If you want it to obey orders, you must directly destroy its original independent thinking area and use a biological computer as the core of the brain!"

Du Xingyu still dare not say that he has complete control over the structure of the brain.

So on the simulator, Du Xingyu started the first simulation control.

An image of a predator appeared in his mind. It was locked in a cage, baring its teeth and claws, trying to attack the enemy. "Invest 10,000 energy points to destroy its brain function!"

The predator instantly turned into an idiot and froze in place, motionless.

Its state is exactly the same as that of Colonel Yabu at the press conference.

Du Xingyu had no longer heard about Colonel Yabu. He heard that some human mutants had appeared in research bases in North America, causing many disasters to their army.

"Then the next step is to implant a biological computer!" Du Xingyu implanted the biological computer directly into the predator's brain. This is a modified biological computer.

Different from the "auxiliary brain" used by Du Xingyu, this biological computer has been programmed with intelligence, allowing the predator to coordinate its body and complete various movements. All instructions will be communicated externally or entered from the beginning.

The predator implanted with the biological computer remained motionless and unresponsive.

The technology simulator reminds: "Simulation failed, the experimental target is completely brain dead!"

"We are looking for the cause of the failure...Z virus infects the brain area and disrupts biological circuit information transmission."

"Sure enough, if the Z virus is suppressed, the predator's strength will decrease and even enter a semi-degenerate state." Du Xingyu thought, "If the Z virus is not suppressed, it will also interfere with biological circuits."

"Transform the biological computer so that it can adapt to the Z virus..."

"Invest 10,000 energy points and start the second simulation!"

Du Xingyu's simulation experiments and biochemical experiments took half a year to complete.

In the past six months, the world has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Two-thirds of the human world has been completely occupied by mutant species. In each region, only fortress cities with powerful military facilities can barely resist the invasion of mutant species.

The ocean has become a forbidden land for humans. At the pinnacle of human military technology, the aircraft carrier fleet is completely unable to sail in the open sea and can only protect important coastal cities in offshore areas.

The tropical rain forests and mountains have also been occupied by mutant creatures.

The most frightening thing is that the effectiveness of Z-virus inhibitory drugs in various countries is constantly weakening. The Z-virus is evolving every day, and humans are mutating more and more.

And this mutation is different from what humans think of being healthier, younger, and becoming a "super human". Without exception, these mutants have lost their thinking and reason and turned into bloodthirsty monsters!

Huaguo, border of Yunzhou.

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers guard the border, and this place has become a base camp for mutant land creatures. It is also the largest disaster area in the inland area of ​​the country. It is called the Yunzhou insect nest and is currently one of the top ten insect nests in Asia!

In other areas, mutant creatures will be hunted and dealt with promptly when they appear, but here there are hundreds of thousands of mountains and countless dense forests, where mutant creatures can hide and develop.

Not to mention mutated creatures, even mutated plants can cause huge harm to the human army.

"Winter is coming soon!" Several commanders in the command post of Yunzhou camp were worried.

"Recently, the activities of mutated creatures in Yunzhou have become more and more frequent. As usual, they will gather together and attack human cities!"

"The Yunzhou base city can no longer withstand the next impact!" A commander, Li Tai, said seriously, "During the last attack by the beast wave, we used a large number of missiles, shells and fighter planes, but we could barely hold on."

"And in the past so long, there have been more and more level three or even level four mutated creatures. Can we still hold on?"

"Damn it, it would be great if we could use nuclear warheads!" a commander said with a fist.

"Nuclear warheads must not be used! Nuclear bombs can only cure the symptoms but not the root cause. Although they can eliminate a wave of beasts, they will also accelerate the evolution of mutated creatures. And don't forget, this is our land and the place where we live. How can we Can you use nuclear weapons where you live?”

"We know nothing about the enemy's size or combat power! None of the soldiers who detected the situation can get out of the Yunzhou insect nest. Not even the robots!"

These battle-experienced commanders also find it very difficult. The enemy's shape, strength, and scale are constantly changing. The modern warfare methods they are proud of are really limited in their ability to cope with biological disasters.

Many modern combat methods cannot be used at all!

For example, fighter planes, mutated birds can actually break through the speed of sound and attack human fighter planes!

Another example is missiles, which can kill a large number of targets, but among the mutant creatures there are also weird creatures that can absorb heat energy and radiation energy. The explosion of the missile will make them stronger!

"Sir, the call from the Institute of Biochemical Sciences is Professor Du!" At this time, a communication prompt sounded in the command post.

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