Li Tai connected the communication, and Du Xingyu's figure appeared on the display screen.

"Hello, Professor Du." Li Tai greeted.

"Hello, Commander Li." Du Xingyu said, "I am contacting you this time because we have made progress in our biological and chemical weapons."

"Are there any new weapons?" A group of commanders gathered around and asked.

"Yes." Du Xingyu said, "The first batch has been sent to Yunzhou Base, and I am also on the way. I will tell you what it is when it comes."

On the railway leading to Yunzhou, a train was traveling at high speed, with combat escorts all the way.

On the train, there were huge opaque glass containers, and something seemed to be soaked in them.

Du Xingyu was sitting in the middle compartment of the train, and with him were a group of biological and chemical weapons and military experts.

"Whether we can succeed this time depends on this!" Du Xingyu's suitcase contains the secret weapon for this trip.

The biochemical brain is a biological computer specially developed for mutant monsters. Using it, you can replace the brain function of mutated creatures and control the corresponding mutated creatures.

This kind of chip is also divided into levels. The manufacturing factory behind has been able to mass-produce second-level biochemical brains. The output of third-level biochemical brains that can control third-level mutant organisms is smaller.

After the era of biological catastrophe, humans have deployed heavy troops to guard some major transportation lines to prevent transportation lines from being cut off.

Along the way, some scattered mutated creatures attacked the train, but they were discovered and killed by the escorting fighter jets in advance.

Du Xingyu arrived at the Yunzhou base without any danger, where a group of military commanders had been waiting for him for a long time.

"Professor Du, I've finally come to welcome you!" Li Tai, as the top commander here, came to greet him personally.

"Professor Du, if you don't come, we won't know what weapons to use!"

"Yes, those mutated creatures have evolved too fast. Now there are many kinds of mutants that are not afraid of heat weapons. There is a giant bone-armored elephant. Even our cannonballs cannot penetrate its exoskeleton. It can step on it with one foot. Destroy an armored vehicle!"

The commanders complained one after another that when stationed here, they did not know how many tactics they tried and how many soldiers they lost, but they were still at a disadvantage!

"Professor Du, what kind of weapons did you bring this time?" This was what they were most concerned about.

Du Xingyu smiled and said: "Everyone, please take a look!"

Behind him, the cargo box of a military transport truck opened, revealing a large glass container from the train.

"What is this? Chemical weapons?" everyone asked curiously.

"Open!" Du Xingyu gave an order, and the biological computer in his body directly gave instructions to the electronic equipment of the container. The protective color of the glass container began to fade, and a predator soaked in nutrient solution appeared inside.

"Level 2 predators?" Of course Li Tai knew this kind of creature. Although the predators were not very powerful, they were very agile and numerous, which had caused them a lot of trouble.

In the glass container, the predator suddenly opened its eyes, the glass container opened, and the predator's head popped out.

"Professor Du, be careful!" Several commanders and guards immediately raised their guns nervously, intending to attack the predator.

Du Xingyu waved his hands and said: "Don't get excited, everyone. The weapon I'm talking about is it. To be precise, it's the biochemical brain in its brain. This predator's brain has been completely replaced by a biological computer, and now it is under my control. "

"What?" When the soldiers heard his words, they looked horrified.

In their eyes, these mutated creatures are all flesh-eating enemies. They have no humanity. How can they be controlled by humans?

"Biochemical brain? Can it really control these mutated creatures?" one person asked in surprise.

"Get down!" Du Xingyu shouted.

Behind him, the grinning predator lay down obediently, motionless.

"Jump on the spot!" Du Xingyu gave another order.

The predator jumped up suddenly, reaching a height of more than ten meters! Then it fell back to the spot without any extra movement, like an emotionless machine!

"It really listens to instructions!" Li Tai was surprised at first, and then said with joy on his face: "If we can control mutant creatures to fight, then the entire battle situation will be reversed! These mutant creatures, in special places, are more powerful than thermal weapons. Ten times more powerful!”

"Professor Du, you are really our savior!" A commander asked quickly, "How many such predators do we have?"

Du Xingyu said: "This time I brought a thousand predators, all of which were implanted with biochemical brains. They can accept our electronic signal instructions and can also turn on intelligent mode."

"These Predators are the first experimental products and they are mainly used for intelligence reconnaissance."

"If everything goes well, I will create stronger biological weapons!"

"Okay! Haha, okay!" Li Tai said with a smile, "We are worried that we can't figure out the details of the Yunzhou Insect Nest!"

Du Xingyu said: "This time I also brought a research team and a temporary research base. The Yunzhou Insect Nest will be my biological and chemical weapons testing ground, and it will also be the first battlefield for us humans to fight back!"

"Professor Du, don't worry, as long as we have one warrior left in Yunzhou, we will definitely protect your safety! Let you conduct research and experiments smoothly!" Li Tai saluted.

Du Xingyu returned the favor, and he and his team stationed themselves at the Yunzhou base and began actual research.

The first batch of a thousand predators, after being programmed with intelligence, were all released into the Yunzhou Insect Nest area, a forbidden area for humans after the cataclysm!

The eyes and noses of these predators will transmit the detected information back through the biological computer's signal transmission device.

When humans retreated, some signaling devices were deployed in the Yunzhou area, so the information could be received smoothly.

"In three days, we have penetrated deep into the Yunzhou insect nest. These predators are so useful!" In the headquarters of the Yunzhou base, Li Tai looked at the electronic screen in surprise.

They are also implanted with biological computers and can directly receive information through biological computers. However, Du Xingyu discovered that some mutant creatures can transmit brainwave information similar to "hypnosis", so when receiving information from predators, they will not directly use Your own biological computer receives it to avoid being attacked by biological signals.

In the pictures sent by the predators, they have entered the depths of the mountains. Here, few of the animals and plants they are familiar with can be found.

Even seemingly harmless trees can open their mouths to reveal a predator!

Out of a thousand predators, more than two hundred were lost in three days.

"According to the detection information in the past few days, there are almost Level 2 mutants all over the periphery!" Du Xingyu said, "And this is less than 10% deep!"

"It seems that my research on the 'Insect Hive' will be updated. In the Insect Hive, the speed of biological evolution will accelerate!"

"Professor Du," said a military expert, "This is the distribution map I just calculated."

He sent the chart calculated by the biological computer to the display screen, which divided the mutant regions with different colors. The darker the color, the more mutant creatures and the higher the level.

"The information we had before and the information detected by predators now show that mutated organisms are moving to the Yunzhou base on a large scale."

"You can be sure that the next beast attack is not far away!" Li Tai said seriously.

Du Xingyu carefully observed the chart and frowned: "Why do I feel that the movement of the beast tide is too purposeful and regular? Logically speaking, they should not know the location of the Yunzhou base, but their movement is so purposeful. Is there a creature directing it?"

"Professor Du, we also doubt this!" A commander said immediately, "It's too weird. Logically speaking, these creatures are plundering resources by nature, just like locusts. But these mutant beasts are obviously going to attack us humans. Cities and bases, could it be said that there are also commanders among mutant beasts?”

"There is a high probability." Du Xingyu nodded, "According to our research on mutant organisms, the first-level, second-level and third-level mutant organisms do not show the wisdom of advanced intelligent organisms. But once the Z virus infection rate reaches 100%, If they are above forty, they should possess primary intelligence. If they are fourth- and fifth-level mutant creatures, they may possess human intelligence."

"Such a terrifying monster has human intelligence, that's too scary!" Li Tai said worriedly.

"Unfortunately, I have never had living research materials for level 4 and level 5 mutant organisms." Du Xingyu said regretfully, "One of the purposes of my visit to Yunzhou Base this time is to obtain living research materials for advanced mutants."

"If you need anything, just ask, we will fully cooperate." Li Tai has realized that Du Xingyu's research will determine the direction of the war!

The predators continued to penetrate deep into the Yunzhou insect nest. Another week passed, and there were less than two hundred predator intelligence soldiers left.

And Du Xingyu has more and more information about the Yunzhou insect nest. He knows more information about mutants and the branch areas of mutant creatures.

Based on the divisions, they roughly drew a distribution map of Yunzhou insect nests.

"There is a layer of second-level mutant beasts and second-level mutant plants distributed on the outermost edge of the Yunzhou insect nest. They form the external defense system of the insect nest. We have never broken through this layer of defense!" Li Tai said.

"Then there is the middle area, where level three mutant creatures are frequently active, and there are a small number of level four mutant creatures. It is worth noting that these level four mutant creatures seem to have their own territories, just like mutant beast generals!"

"Predators can't penetrate the core area at all."

"There must be level five mutants in the core area, and their combat effectiveness is comparable to that of a nuclear strike force!" Du Xingyu directly concluded, "The distribution of the insect nest makes me sure that it must have a commander with advanced intelligence!"

"What I'm worried about now is that there is a sixth-level mutant in the Yunzhou insect nest, which is a planet-level battleship-level BOSS!"

At the mention of the planetary level, everyone present felt a sense of fear. They knew that a North American aircraft carrier was sunk by a level five mutant. So wouldn't a level six mutant be able to easily destroy the entire Yunzhou base?

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