Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 168 Capturing the Iron-Blooded Tyrant

"Judging from the migration speed of the mutant beasts, they will pose a threat to the Yunzhou base in at least sixty days!" Li Tai said, "What should we do if the advanced mutants in the insect nest attack?"

"If it is intelligent, it should not be dispatched rashly." Du Xingyu analyzed, "It should be very clear that humans have nuclear weapons. Although we will not use them lightly, if we are forced to do so, we will also use nuclear weapons."

"Even level five and level six mutants will be afraid of nuclear weapons attacks. So its best strategy is to command low-level mutants to attack the Yunzhou base to test our cards and strength. Use mutants that can be mass-produced. Consume our armaments!”

"But even so, it seems we can't resist the beast tide!" A military expert said helplessly.

"The predators are not very aggressive in the frontal battlefield. We need stronger biological and chemical weapons to win!" Du Xingyu said, "Before the beast tide comes, several raids must be carried out."

"Raid action?" Everyone looked at him.

Li Tai wondered: "We don't know at all that those mutated creatures can command low-level mutants. It is also difficult to break through the outer defense line of the insect nest!"

Du Xingyu shook his head and said: "There is no need to attack the commander. What I mean is to use the information detected by the predator biochemical scouts to use surprise troops to enter the central area of ​​the Yunzhou insect nest. Capture the third-level or even fourth-level mutations Body, bring it back.”

"Then leave it to me to research and implant biochemical brain control. If it can be copied in large quantities, we will also have advanced biochemical weapons!"

"Okay, now it seems that this is a more feasible tactic!" The commanders agreed unanimously.

They began to select capture targets, and on the predator exploration route, some territories of level three mutants and level four mutants appeared.

"The first is the third-level mutant. There are three optional targets." Biochemical military expert Nie Xinling marked the target.

"They are third-level mutants, two-headed blood cows, which are mutated from a bison gene. They have two heads, four horns, and are blood-red all over. They are omnivores, with rough skin and thick flesh, and amazing impact power."

"The giant bone-armored elephant is a mutant of the Asian elephant. The whole body is covered by a thick layer of exoskeleton, which can withstand the bombardment of ordinary artillery shells. It is huge and can easily destroy military defense facilities!"

"Pangolinosaurus is suspected to be a pangolin mutant. It is larger than the Komodo dragon before the disaster. It can move on rocks and underground, posing a strong threat to underground facilities!"

These three targets are all mutants whose territory and strength have been discovered.

Du Xingyu nodded and said: "You can choose from any of them. But relying on level three mutants alone is not enough. You also have to capture level four mutants."

"There are very few level four mutants, and each one is very difficult and risky to capture." Nie Xinling analyzed, "We only have two optional targets, and we only have a chance of catching one."

"Yunzhou Crazy Python, a fourth-level mutant, more than fifty meters long, capable of spraying acid to corrode mechanical equipment. It once destroyed one of our temporary stations!"

"Iron-blooded Tyrant, a fourth-level mutant, mutated from bears. He is five to eight meters tall and has agile movements. His running speed, jumping power, and defensive abilities are all amazing. His strength can crush a 16-ton armored transport vehicle. Throw it out, and on the frontal battlefield, it will be more threatening than the Yunzhou Python!"

Du Xingyu carefully observed the existing data and said: "No matter how you look at it, the iron-blooded tyrant is less difficult to capture than the Yunzhou Python. The iron-blooded tyrant is very irritable, and as long as it is provoked, it will not stop dying. Once the python is attacked If it is seriously injured, it will flee the scene, and it is difficult for us to catch it in the insect nest."

"Capture the iron-blooded tyrant..." Li Tai thought about it and said: "We can only send special operations teams deep into the insect nest. Weapons of mass destruction are inconvenient to enter. If we want to capture those alive, we must make them incapacitated."

"I'm afraid it will be a little difficult to accomplish this with rocket launchers and fighter jets."

"Use Z virus inhibitors!" Du Xingyu said, "Z virus inhibitors will cause a certain degree of confusion in the mutant Z viruses. Although it is not enough to kill them, it can put them into a coma for a short time."

"Before departure, I will prepare special injection bullets for the special operations forces!"

"Okay, then it's decided!" Li Tai made a decision immediately and said: "Three level three mutants, plus a level four iron-blooded tyrant, must be captured in the shortest possible time!"

They immediately began to formulate tactics. Relying on the information detected by the predator, they could roughly find a hidden route deep into the center of the insect nest.

It shouldn't be a problem for special forces and special injection bullets to capture the third-level mutants.

The most difficult thing is to capture the iron-blooded tyrant. The fourth-level mutant has a tenacious vitality, and the injection bullet cannot take effect immediately. In addition, these fourth-level mutants are all commanded by the advanced intelligent creatures in the insect nest. Once they encounter danger, other mutants will definitely come to support them.

Therefore, while the capture plan is being implemented, they also need to dispatch an artillery team to attack somewhere in the insect nest to attract the attention of those advanced mutants and create conditions for the special operations forces.

The mutant's location could change at any time, so special operations began that night. Four special operations teams rode Predators, packed their equipment, and sneaked into the Yunzhou insect nest.

The artillery team and air support troops are also ready and ready to be dispatched at any time!

"The first team has arrived at the target area!" In just five hours, the first special operations team has arrived at the target area.

During this period, they also encountered some low-level mutants, all of which were easily killed by them. The lethality of gun attacks against first- and second-level mutants was quite impressive.

On the surveillance screen, a team has entered the area where the two-headed blood cows are active.

Cattle were originally gregarious animals, but after mutation, the two-headed blood cows became omnivores. They can absorb meat and plants, so these extremely aggressive two-headed blood cows also began to become solitary predators.

In their drone footage, a two-headed blood cow is seen sleeping in a mud puddle.

"Snipers aim!" The snipers aimed at several main parts of the two-headed blood cow. The special sniper rifles contained special injection bullets with Z-virus inhibitors.

"Three, two, one, shoot!" Following the captain's order, six snipers focused on the two-headed blood bulls at the same time.

"Hiss!" The two-headed blood cow screamed in fright and anger. These special injection bullets could not put it into sleep for a while.

It began to run wildly, looking for the enemy.

The members of the first team observed calmly that the human troops were still very powerful against a single mutant. What they feared most was that the mutants would form a beast tide and attack human cities all at once.

Several biochemically modified predators rushed out, using their agility to attract the hatred of the two-headed blood cows, causing them to run angrily, wasting their energy in vain.

Ten minutes later, the inhibitor began to take effect, and the two-headed blood cow fell heavily to the ground. The members of the first team immediately went up to tie it up and continued to inject the inhibitor to make it comatose.

"Report, the first team has completed the mission." The first team replied.

"Shield the enemy in the distance and wait for transport aircraft to support you!" Li Tai ordered.


It is also more troublesome to transport these mutants. They have to wait for a unified opportunity, and there will be transport aircraft to help transport them.

At the same time, the second and third teams have already begun the capture mission.

"Report to the headquarters, this is the second team, the oracle-bone giant elephant has been captured!"

"Report to the headquarters, this is the third team, the pangolin dragon has been captured, two team members are injured, please support!"

"Emergency treatment, our support will take another hour!" Li Tai ordered.


All three level 3 mutants have been captured, leaving only the level 4 mutant iron-blooded tyrant of the fourth team!

There are twelve people in the Fourth Division, and they have arrived at the confirmed area where the Iron-Blooded Tyrant operates.

This is a valley with dense vegetation. There are many mutant plants hidden in it, as well as some poisonous insects. If you are not careful, you will be injured.

Fortunately, there were predators clearing the way ahead, and they had no dangers along the way.

"Found it!" Gao Xing, the captain of the fourth team, discovered the iron-blooded tyrant through the predator.

The predator probed into a cave surrounded by broken rocks, apparently dug by the iron-blooded tyrant himself. As soon as the predator entered, a black monster rushed out and slapped it to death! Then he bit off its head in one bite and dragged its body back to the cave to enjoy a feast.

"It's hiding in the hole and we can't get in!" one of the team members whispered.

"Use smoke bombs and tear gas to drive it out." Gao Xing said that they had done their homework before coming.

"Deploy the trap in advance! For such a big guy, the inhibitory effect is too slow. Give it two shots first!" The team members began to look for high points, deploy snipers, and assemble mortars.

At the same time, Li Tai began to command the artillery troops to bomb the insect nest, attracting the attention of intelligent creatures and advanced mutants in the insect nest.

"Coordinate the central area of ​​the insect nest and start bombing!"

"Fire!" From the Yunzhou base, long-range missiles bombarded the central area of ​​the insect nest under the guidance of satellite signals.

As the first cannonball landed, the insect nest immediately let out an earth-shaking roar, and a large number of mutated birds flew out and began to intercept the missiles!

There are also huge mutant plants that extend flexible vines to attack cannonballs. The unknown creature sprayed acid into the sky. The hit rate was as if it was equipped with a precision guidance system. Most missiles were intercepted in the air.

"It's so terrifying! The cooperation and attack of these creatures are stronger than a modern army!" Li Tai sighed after seeing this scene.

"It seems that the core of the insect hive is not just as simple as having advanced intelligence. They also have a complete division of labor and different types of troops." Du Xingyu analyzed, "What makes me most curious is their biological weapons!"

Acid, fire, bioelectricity, and plant airbag bombs, Du Xingyu really wants to get their genetic samples, maybe he can integrate these biological weapons into the biochemical beasts!

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