As Du Xingyu withdrew the biochemical army, humanity declared a complete victory in the defensive battle at Yunzhou Base!

"We won! The beast tide was repelled!"

"The biochemical army entered the insect nest two thousand kilometers away!"

"At least 300,000 mutants were killed in this battle!"

"This is mankind's first great victory since the great biological disaster!" In the entire Yunzhou base, people tasted the joy of victory for the first time!

How many years have they waited to go from passive defense to proactive attack?

People cried with joy. They walked out of the underground biochemical shelters and poured into the streets, hugging the soldiers torn from the front line.

Medical staff, transportation, and all walks of life are recovering urgently, serving the soldiers first.

The Academy of Biochemical Military Science is collecting living bodies, corpses, and biological weapons materials of various mutants.

"It's so difficult! It's the first time!" In the headquarters, commanders such as Li Tai could not restrain their excitement and hugged each other.

"Professor Du's biochemical army definitely took the lead in this battle!" Li Tai and all the commanders saluted Du Xingyu and said, "On behalf of all the soldiers and civilians in Yunzhou, we thank you and your team for your efforts!"

"This is everyone's credit." Du Xingyu returned the gift and said: "It's not time to relax our vigilance yet. Everyone, I will leave the aftermath to you. I want to conduct the next stage of research."

"Okay!" Everyone nodded.

Yunzhou base began post-war processing. At the same time, they have not relaxed their monitoring of the Yunzhou insect nest. With the retreat of the beast tide, humans have been able to build defense facilities outside the insect nest, so that they can observe the enemy's movements earlier.

In various parts of the world, the news that China's Yunzhou base has repelled the insect nest has also spread.

"Is the Yunzhou base held?" Asia, beside the Ganges River.

The senior leaders of the Maurya Dynasty were stunned, "They could actually repel the beast tide? Killed more than 300,000 mutants, and there were more than 20 fifth-level mutants?"

"how did you do that?"

Just a month ago, some of their fortress cities were also attacked by a beast tide, but their outcome was a disastrous defeat!

These people still remember the horror of level five mutants. The fighter jets and missiles they once bought from North America and Western Europe are completely ineffective in the face of level five mutants!

The fifth-level mutant led the insect nest to destroy the fortress city in almost three hours!

The same situation happened in Yunzhou, but a larger number of insect nests and advanced mutants fell to the front of the Chinese army!

"Is their army so powerful?" Before the Catastrophe, the Maurya Dynasty often boasted that it was the best in Asia. It was only now that they discovered how big the gap was with their next-door neighbors!

"I heard that the latest weapons were used. When will we have such weapons?"

"Quick, send a letter to the East immediately, we want to ask for assistance!" When the countries in the West heard the news, they immediately expressed congratulations to the East and pitifully requested assistance.

The invasion of mutated creatures from the Atlantic Ocean is becoming more and more fierce. Some places have even set records for the fastest loss of humankind, and the entire country has fled!

After hearing the news that the beast tide at Yunzhou Base was repelled, these people immediately became anxious and wanted to ask the East to give them military assistance.

There is only one fortress city left in Oceania. All other bases have been captured by mutants!

"Our only hope now is that China can solve their crisis and then help us!"

"Humanity has the last hope. Neither Western Europe nor North America can count on it! There is only China!"

In North America, senior officials learned of the outcome of the battle and held an emergency meeting.

"China has achieved its first human counterattack!"

"They have completely surpassed us in biotechnology, especially in the research of biological and chemical weapons!" The senior officials felt bitter in their hearts. They used to be the world's largest military power and could drive around the world on aircraft carriers.

But now, they can't even go to the distant sea because of the mutant creatures! Even their land cities are falling step by step under the attack of mutated creatures!

"General Bach, why don't we have a biochemical army until now?" Someone asked Bach, the senior executive who proposed to study the biotechnology of Devil's Lair.

"We still need time," Bach said.

"This is not an excuse." Someone questioned, "Our military has paid a huge price, and the information obtained in exchange has not been able to create reliable biological and chemical weapons until now."

"Do you want us to ask for help from China like those small countries?"

"If you think it's necessary, I have no objection." Bach said expressionlessly. He was indeed a careerist.

But as things developed today, he had to admit that he had completely lost control of the situation.

After saying this, Bach stood up and left the scene directly, saying: "You can hide in your own comfort zone and continue to discuss, I still have to face those terrible monsters."

"Damn it, he's completely untrustworthy!" the senior officials said angrily.

"We have to figure it out ourselves!"

Bach left the video conference room and drove to a biochemical military research base.

In the base, Professor Smoker, who has disappeared for a long time, is among them. After Du Xingyu exposed the Evolutionary Blood scam a few years ago, he disappeared from the public eye.

Over the years, no one knew where he was or what he did.

If anyone saw him now, they would be so frightened that they would be speechless!

Because Smoker still has a human head, but his body has turned into a monster. His dark green skin is covered with fleshy bumps, and he has a spider-like belly and limbs.

"General!" Professor Smoke looked at Bach.

"What is the progress of Zerg genetic research?" Bach asked.

Smoker smiled evilly and said: "Human experiments have begun. The survival rate is currently only one percent, but he has directly evolved into a fifth-level mutant, which is only one step away from a complete Zerg life!"

"Very good!" Bach was very satisfied. He snorted coldly: "Those stupid old antiques are still thinking about how to fight against the Zerg."

"You even want to ask for help from China? How ridiculous!"

"Advanced civilization is not something that weak humans can resist! Only by following the trend and becoming a Zerg life can we survive in this world and have the power to rule everything!"

Du Xingyu returned to the capital from Yunzhou Base to the Biochemical Military Research Institute.

He shared his knowledge of the insect nest with a group of experts, and they discussed and analyzed it together.

Su Yutang analyzed: "Based on the few words of the Millipede King, we can probably conclude that an advanced civilization called the Void Zerg has invaded the earth."

"They put their own genetic information on the earth and cultivated advanced Zerg..."

Du Xingyu said: "The Millipede King mentioned that we repelled the beast tide and delayed its evolution time. And it seems to have other competitors, namely other insect nests and advanced mutants in the ocean."

"If I'm not wrong, it may be beyond our expectations. This is not an invasion."

"Isn't it an invasion?" the experts asked in surprise, "What else could it be? We humans are almost no longer alive!"

"Perhaps, humans are really just a kind of food in their eyes!" Du Xingyu analyzed, "Those that can be called Zerg are mutants that have evolved to level six and above."

"What we call Z-virus is actually Zerg genes. These Zergs develop and evolve in various places on the earth, absorbing different genes."

"They have territories everywhere, and our military satellites have observed mutated creatures killing and devouring each other in the ocean."

"I speculate that they regard the earth as a 'breeding ground'! These Zerg races are like Gu insects, constantly evolving and killing each other until they evolve into an advanced Zerg race!"

"The so-called stellar-level Zerg have advanced life forms that can destroy a star system!"

"In this process, the role of humans is indeed just one of their food!"

"What?" Everyone was shocked when they heard Du Xingyu's guess.

“Treat the earth as a breeding ground?”

"Are humans just reptiles living on a bug farm?"

"This is too scary! If this is the case, doesn't it mean that there will be more powerful life forms that exceed our understanding?"

"Can we still cope?" A fear of the unknown hangs over everyone.

Du Xingyu didn't say anything yet. Since Zerg life at the stellar level can eventually be born, it must have the ability to collect resources from other planets and also be able to travel in space.

Perhaps, Zerg life forms do not only exist on earth! There may be so-called "devil's lairs" on other planets in the solar system!

The study of mutants made Du Xingyu realize that some mutants can absorb solar energy, swallow mineral metals, and even do not need to breathe oxygen. It is also natural to survive on other planets in the solar system.

"No matter where they come from, we can't mess up our position!" Su Yutang said, "At least we now have the means to fight against them. The biochemical army is more powerful than any weapon we have before!"

"Yes." Du Xingyu nodded and said: "Mutants are always evolving. We must strengthen the power of biochemical weapons in the shortest possible time. It is best to directly massacre the Yunzhou insect nest within one or two years, killing or capturing Millipede King, study it and free up your strength to deal with the monsters along the coast!"

"How to do it?" Everyone looked at him.

Du Xingyu said: "The fourth-level mutants have biological engines, and the fifth-level mutants have expression genes for biochemical weapons, such as acid bombs, infrasonic weapons, bioelectric currents, etc. First, we need to obtain the genetic maps of these biochemical weapons and join our of biological and chemical weapons.”

"Secondly, the genetic modification of humans should also begin!" Du Xingyu said seriously, "Humanity has reached a time when it has to evolve."

The war at the Yunzhou base has shown that the fragile human body is no match for the Zerg! Even their cannon fodder mutants can't beat them!

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