How to modify human genes is also a question that Du Xingyu has been thinking about.

Human genes are different from those of the Zerg. To a certain extent, the Zerg genes pursue the power of the "body" more, while the evolution of humans tends to focus more on brain development.

However, based on the research on Zerg genes, Du Xingyu can design a "gene chip" and implant it into the human body for expression.

Research on level 5 variants and human gene chips began at the same time, with hundreds of teams dividing the work.

At the same time, in the biochemical weapons factory, a steady stream of mutant biochemical weapons are being cloned.

"Power gene chip simulation..." Du Xingyu performed targeted gene induction on the human body on the technology simulator.

Targets implanted with gene chips will undergo controllable and targeted genetic mutations, thereby breaking through the original physiological limits of humans.

On the simulator, the simulated human body is accelerated and changes rapidly.

Soon, he changed and became a "giant" more than three meters tall, but his life span was also reduced.

Technology Simulator: "Power gene chip simulation failed."

"It seems that the power gene chip cannot be simulated alone." Du Xingyu summarized the reason for the failure and directly improved the power without considering other aspects. This method can be used in biochemical weapons. After all, it is difficult to survive for many years with biochemical weapons.

"It is best to maintain the current body shape of human beings and improve all aspects in a balanced manner... As long as there are level 5 or 6 mutants with cell strength, whether it is strength, speed or lifespan, it will be greatly improved!" Du Xingyu began to experiment again.

If human cells can be made to be able to regenerate indefinitely and maintain sufficient strength and activity like Zerg cells, then the overall quality of human beings will be improved by dozens to hundreds of times!

The problem of human lifespan that he wanted to overcome the most before will also be solved. Du Xingyu's research on mutants shows that the Zerg's lifespan is more than a thousand years, and this is still the kind of defective mutant.

If it is a complete Zerg, its lifespan may reach more than 3,000 to 10,000 years!

This is the real interstellar civilization. Their lifespan is long enough for them to spend a long interstellar journey and carry out the inheritance and development of knowledge and technology!

A few weeks later, in Du Xingyu's laboratory, he finally synthesized the first gene chip for human genetic modification - a secondary regeneration chip.

This kind of regenerative chip can allow humans to have the limb regeneration function of secondary mutants. It is Du Xingyu's first attempt.

As long as the regeneration chip is successful, he can design and manufacture more advanced gene chips.

Soon, Du Xingyu's laboratory welcomed a volunteer.

"Hello, Professor Du! Soldier Shen Yue reports to you!" In the laboratory, a soldier sat in a wheelchair and saluted Du Xingyu.

He is a disabled soldier from Yunzhou Gene. In the previous battle to guard the beast tide, Shen Yue's legs were eaten away by mutants.

Today, he is a disabled person who has lost both legs. Shen Yue was once very depressed. Even in peaceful times, losing a limb was an unbearable pain. What's more, in this era of disaster, when you can't care for others, you still need to be cared for and spend your life in a wheelchair. This made him feel extremely depressed and inferior. Shen Yue thought about committing suicide several times!

Until he heard that Du Xingyu was looking for volunteers for genetic chips, Shen Yue signed up immediately!

There was hope of recovering his body, of course he was willing to try! And everyone trusts Du Xingyu very much. Soldiers and people all know that if it weren't for Du Xingyu, the land of China would have been occupied by mutant creatures!

"Have you read all the dangerous consequences of the surgery?" Du Xingyu reminded, "You can still regret it now, because this is the first human trial, and unexpected situations are likely to occur."

"I will not go back on my word!" Shen Yue said firmly, "Professor Du, even if the experiment fails, I will not blame anyone. In the Yunzhou protection battle, all my comrades died, and I did not die with them on the battlefield. Yes, it’s my regret.”

"Now that I have lost my legs and can still make a contribution, I am very satisfied! And Professor Du, your experiment will definitely be successful, right?"

"Of course!" Du Xingyu has simulated countless times on the technology simulator, but as a scientific researcher, he must remain skeptical of all conclusions. He cannot be sure of 100% success without verifying it himself.

"Prepare for surgery!" Du Xingyu asked surgeon Jing Jian to perform the surgery and implant a regenerative gene chip into Shen Yue.

The implantation of the chip is also very simple. It is somewhat similar to the Z virus, the so-called Zerg gene.

After entering the human body, it will induce mutations in human genes in a targeted manner, allowing humans to obtain the function of limb regeneration.

"Is this done?" The whole operation took less than twenty minutes. Shen Yue was a little confused. He thought that this kind of operation would involve disemboweling the body, or even breaking open the brain.

"It's done!" Jing Jian smiled, "Isn't it as scary as you thought? Don't worry, there will generally be no side effects."

"You go to the inpatient ward to stay for a few months and observe slowly!"

"Thank you doctor, thank you Professor Du!" Shen Yue was admitted to the military hospital, and doctors and nurses would check him every day and observe his physiological condition.

Two weeks later, Shen Yue was sitting in a wheelchair basking in the sun.

He saw the nurse running towards him with a surprised look on her face, "Shen Yue, Shen Yue!"

"What's wrong?" Shen Yue asked doubtfully.

"Your physical examination report is out today!" the nurse said happily. "We found that your leg bones and muscles have regrown. This is simply a medical miracle!"

"Let me take a look!" Shen Yue took the report and looked at it carefully.

His expression quickly turned into one of great joy, and the sun shone on his eyes, filled with crystal tears, "Great, great! I can recover!"

"Professor Du's regeneration gene chip works!"

"Yes!" the nurse said excitedly, "Professor Du is really amazing and has overcome another medical problem! Our dean is so happy!"

"With this regenerative gene chip, so many people in military hospitals can be cured!"

"Yes!" Shen Yue nodded heavily, his gloomy mood glowing again, "Finally, I have a chance to stand up again and return to the army!"

Du Xingyu immediately learned that the first gene chip worked.

"Since the regenerative gene chip works, the cell-enhanced gene chip can also be tested, including some special gene chips..." Du Xingyu began to recruit new volunteers and start the next step of the experiment.

He also achieved certain results in his research on level five mutants.

He extracted the genetic information of chemical weapons and made corresponding gene chips to transform those clonal variants.

In the biochemical factory, cloning and production of fifth-level mutants were started at the same time, allowing them to join the biochemical army.

All of this is preparation for war!

And Du Xingyu decided that the first target to conquer was the Millipede King of the Yunzhou Insect Nest!

"The Millipede King is a sixth-level mutant. It is a true Zerg creature with the strength of a planet-level battleship. You must be confident enough to attack the insect nest." Du Xingyu and biochemical experts studied ways to take down the Millipede King. .

"The king millipede is similar to an arthropod. Its carapace must have strong defense and it lives underground. If you want to kill it, you must restrict its activities underground and break its carapace." A biochemical expert Said, "We can use a large number of pangolins and stalkers to attack it underground and force it out of the ground."

"Then how to hurt it?" Ye Yi, a mutant research expert, said, "It is estimated that armor-piercing bombs and bombs will be difficult to hurt it. In the worst case, even if we use hydrogen bombs, we may not be able to kill it completely. !”

"You can try acid!" Du Xingyu said, "The acid gene extracted from the fifth-level mutant battlefield sprayer produces strong acid that can dissolve biological cells! It should be effective against it."

"We can extract and condense these acids and equip them with our level five biochemical weapons as acid bombs."

"In addition to acid, there should be alternative attack methods." Ye Yi suggested.

"Laser weapons are good," said an expert. "Currently there is only one kind of biological mucus that can withstand some laser weapons, but most of the variants are low-end and cannot withstand the high temperatures of high-energy lasers."

"We also need to pay attention to another issue!" Someone said, "Advanced mutants all have their own biochemical weapons. What exactly are the biochemical weapons of the Millipede King?"

"Infrasound is a kind of wave!" Du Xingyu said, "Just like the Sonic Pterosaur, the Millipede King can also emit infrasound waves, and the effect should be stronger than the Sonic Pterosaur! Our army must be prepared for this."

"And acid, gas, and venom!"

Thinking of the "working" scene of the mutants with clear division of labor in the Yunzhou Insect Nest Center, Du Xingyu doubted: "I always feel that it should have other means of attack."

"It's a pity that we still know too little about the Zerg!" Everyone racked their brains and it was difficult to think of any other methods for the Millipede King.

"No matter what, we must take down the Yunzhou Insect Nest as soon as possible. Not only to protect our safety, but also to collect information. The Millipede King has more information about the Insects. If we take it down, we will have a chance to deal with the Insects!"

After a few months, the smell of war once again filled the vicinity of the Yunzhou base. Troops and weapons were mobilized from all over China.

In the secret biochemical base, the cloned biochemical weapons are also ready, waiting for the final attack order.

"Since the last beast wave, the Yunzhou insect nest has been completely locked down, and no advanced mutants can be seen on the periphery. All advanced mutants are hiding in the center of the insect nest, and it is expected that there will be more than 30,000 mutants above level three! "

"Thirty thousand!" This is a force that can destroy any fortress city in the human race. Now they are all gathered in the center of the insect nest. Together with various mutant plants, it is as difficult as climbing to the sky to take down!

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