Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 176 Encirclement and Suppression

"No matter how difficult it is, we will win this battle!" Du Xingyu came to the Yunzhou base again, and with him came various biochemical weapons manufactured by the biochemical factory in half a year.

Compared with the last rush, this time there are more types and quantities of biochemical weapons, and Du Xingyu has also genetically modified some of the specific mutants to make them stronger in some special abilities!

"For this battle, we can gather 300,000 conventional troops!" Li Tai said, "It is expected that the total number of mutated creatures in the core of the insect nest will exceed one million!"

"The biological and chemical special forces currently have only one thousand people."

Biochemical special forces are special soldiers who have been genetically modified. They not only have mutant-like abilities, but also retain human intelligence and characteristics.

"That's enough! The biochemical army totals 50,000!" Du Xingyu focused his attention on the three-dimensional map of the core of the insect nest.

This is an area filled with poisonous fog, and human soldiers cannot enter it without special equipment.

According to intelligence detection, this area has been built as a military base by the Millipede King. In other words, they not only have to face attacks from mutants, but also prevent possible biological and chemical military weapons!

"Still the old method." Du Xingyu said, "Let the biochemical army explore the path first, clear out the mutants around the insect nest, and form a siege."

"Well, this is the safest way!" The troops at the Yunzhou base have been mobilized, and they are beginning to go deep into the Yunzhou insect nest.

The engineering troops have taken the lead and repaired railways, roads and other facilities built before the catastrophe along the march route.

The 40 million people in the Yunzhou base, as well as the hundreds of millions of surviving people in China, and human survivors around the world are all watching this battle.

In the news media, the encirclement and suppression of the Yunzhou Insect Nest has become the absolute hottest topic, and every new news affects people's nerves.

"The latest news is that troops have been dispatched from the Yunzhou base. They are expected to arrive at the core area of ​​the insect nest in a week and clear out the Yunzhou insect nest!" On the news, there was finally news of troops being dispatched.

"I wish you a successful expedition and be sure to return safely!" Netizens were praying for the soldiers who went on the expedition.

"We're finally going to fight back! These mutants have invaded us for too long!"

"My home used to be from Yunzhou, but now that city has been completely occupied by mutant creatures!"

"I heard that there are super mutants in the insect nest center. Is it true? Can we defeat them?"

"Where's Professor Du Xingyu? Why haven't I seen any news about him? Does the Biochemical Legion have new units this time?"

After the last successful defensive battle against the beast tide, the biochemical army created by Du Xingyu caused a huge sensation.

Humanity has once again found confidence. It turns out that these terrifying monsters are not completely uncontrollable!

Under Du Xingyu's control, they can become the sharpest weapons!

The various mutants, or arms, that appeared in the biochemical army have also become a hotly discussed topic.

On the Internet, some people have specially set up a website for the Biochemical Corps to analyze various arms, data, combat capabilities, etc. Some people have used this to make a game called "Zerg War", which simulates the cooperation and combat between arms.

There are many geniuses in creativity and design, and Du Xingyu often collects the above data. Because this game was invested and designed by him!

Many of the units in this biochemical army have been improved based on the creativity of netizens.

At the core of the Yunzhou Insect Nest, the Eternal Insect King naturally also detected information about the human attack.

"Food actually dares to resist... Zizizi, since they are here, kill them all!" The millipede king moved its body, and a layer of hard body fell off from its body, and the new insect shell was glowing with metal. It's as lustrous as ever, and its size has increased compared to before!

Especially its abdomen has an ultra-high thermal energy reaction, which is comparable to a nuclear fusion reactor!

This is the biological engine built by the Zerg using biomolecules, which can provide it with a powerful energy supply!

It sends infrasound waves and issues new instructions: "Hatch those eggs in advance and conduct war deployments according to my orders!"

"This time, I will not only make it impossible for 300,000 human soldiers to come back, but also conquer the Yunzhou base and attack the hinterland of mankind!"

"Before my opponents come ashore, occupy the land in advance!"

In the core of the insect nest, there is an area filled with various insect eggs. There are some huge white bugs that provide them with nutrients and energy, after receiving the order from the Millipede King.

These white bugs use a syringe-like tail to inject their own blood and life substances into the eggs. After completing this, they die immediately.

The eggs that were still in the developmental stage were quickly ripened, and high-level mutants broke out one by one and joined the guards of the insect nest.

Outside the insect nest, inside a ruined city.

Mutated plants that grow wantonly have covered up various buildings built by human civilization, and mutants hide in dark corners waiting for prey to come.

This is Y City, which is less than 100 kilometers away from the core of Yunzhou Insect Nest. It used to be a second-tier city with a permanent population of more than 5 million.

But now, this is a paradise for mutants, and every uninvited guest here may become the feces of mutant monsters!

"Attention, we are very close to the core of the insect nest!" A biological and chemical special forces team serves as the leading force to clear the way here.

"Level 4 and 5 mutants may appear!" Captain Sun Haofeng stood on a tall building and looked around with a telescope.

"Repair the signal station first!" Their first task is to repair the long-abandoned signal station and ensure communications.

"Have you found anything?" Sun Haofeng asked the team members responsible for monitoring.

"No, it's so strange!" Team member Xia Ang wondered, "We haven't seen a single mutant in this city! It shouldn't be!"

"If something goes wrong, there must be a monster!" Sun Haofeng reminded, "Be extra vigilant!"

"Have all the mutants been mobilized to the core of the insect nest?" a team member guessed.

"Impossible!" Sun Haofeng wondered, "The IQs of those advanced mutants are no lower than ours. Logically speaking, they will not allow us to reach the core of the insect nest so smoothly!"

"I always have a bad feeling!"

He looked around, and there was still no trace of the mutant except for the plant vines attached to the building.

Mutants can know the location of prey through light, smell, sound, and even sound waves and heat induction. With a team of more than ten people, it is impossible for mutants not to feel it!

"How long will it take for the signal station to be repaired?" Sun Haofeng asked.

"About ten minutes! Several parts need to be replaced." The maintenance team is still working.

"Warning, strange movement detected!" At this time, the biological computer in Sun Haofeng's mind issued a warning.

By comparing the images stored in the chip's memory, the biocomputer discovered that the positions of the plants around them had changed.

This change is difficult to observe with the human eye, but artificial brains can conduct precise data comparisons, allowing them to detect crises in advance.

"It turns out to be a plant, brothers, pay attention!" Sun Haofeng was already ready for battle.

Other team members also took out their weapons and were alert to their surroundings.

"Sa!" The mutated plant's first attack did not come from the bright side, but from the soles of their feet!

They were on the upper floors of a building, and the mutated plants secretly lurked below the floor. Taking advantage of their unpreparedness, they penetrated the floor and directly penetrated the body of a teammate!

"Wu Ping!" Sun Haofeng shouted and quickly cut off the plant vines with a knife.

"Captain, I'm fine!" Wu Ping's veins popped out. He gritted his teeth and pulled out the vine that penetrated his body. The vine was like a severed snake, still twisting on the ground.

As for the wounds on Wu Ping's body, the blood was rapidly coagulating and scabbing.

He gasped for air and said thankfully: "Fortunately, I have been genetically modified to enhance my resilience, otherwise this would have been really fatal!"

"Here we come!" Sun Haofeng jumped up and punched through the floor - his genetic modification is muscle and bone strength!

"Kill!" The team members began to fight, and countless vines grew crazily from the ground, wrapping the entire building. A building dozens of floors high was actually wrapped into a green cocoon!

"Blow up this idiot!" Xia Ang carried the rocket launcher and fired one shot at the outside. However, the shell only blew up some vines briefly, and the holes were quickly filled up!

More vines rushed in, like countless giant pythons, constantly attacking everyone.

"Captain, I can't stand it! This guy is not afraid of bullets or cannons!"

"Use acid bombs! Rush out first!" Sun Haofeng commanded.

"Everyone is ready!" Xia Ang put on an acid bomb and aimed it at one location.

The bursting acid corroded the wall and vines together. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the team rushed out.

Outside the wall was a hundred meters high in the sky. They were already prepared. They each launched their grappling hooks to grab the wall of the opposite building, preparing to escape to the adjacent building.

"Captain! Look!" one of the team members exclaimed, his voice full of panic.

Everyone looked down and saw a big hole in the ground. It was a big mouth! It was filled with densely packed tines, and several vines thicker than buckets were opening towards them, intending to swallow them all!

"No!" Sun Haofeng's expression was horrified. Now that they were all in mid-air, they had almost no means of resistance.

It can be expected that after being eaten, he will definitely die!

At this moment, a black figure jumped down from the tall building and shot into Da Mouth's mouth like a cannonball.

"What is it?" Before they could react, their big mouths had closed, and the shadow ate it.

But the vines that tried to attack them all "twitched" violently and retracted crazily.

A few seconds later, the figure emerged from the ground, covered in green juice, and holding a beating mutant heart the size of a basketball in its hand.

"It's the iron-blooded tyrant!" A team member exclaimed, "It must be our biochemical army!"

What can rescue mankind must be the biochemical weapons of the Biochemical Legion.

"Isn't this too strong?" Xia Ang exclaimed, "This mutant must be the fifth-level mutant plant strangler vine. It killed the strangler vine directly? Isn't the iron-blooded tyrant a fourth-level mutant?"

"Are you ignorant?" A team member said, "We can all carry out genetic modification, and biochemical weapons can also be used. This kind of iron-blooded tyrant looks like a specially genetically modified iron-blooded tyrant, and it already has the strength of a fifth-level mutant. "

"It's T2-19!" Sun Haofeng suddenly shouted.

"What, is it the T series?" Everyone looked at each other and realized something.

Some biochemical weapons are controlled by intelligent programs, while some are controlled remotely by biological computers. The T series is Du Xingyu's exclusive weapon series.

"Professor Du is so scary!"

"Suddenly I feel that the style of painting is a little off! Isn't Professor Du a scientist?"

"Whatever! Complete the mission quickly, don't let Professor Du laugh!" Sun Haofeng saluted the T2-19 biochemical weapon and directed his teammates to continue the mission.

The iron-blooded tyrant controlled by Du Xingyu continued to run towards the core of the insect nest.

Three days after the biological and chemical special forces cleaned up City Y, the large force also arrived.

From here, their missiles can directly hit the core of the insect nest! And the army can rush to the core of the insect nest within half a day, and the war is about to break out!

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