Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 177 Lure the snake out of its hole

In Y City, humans quickly cleared away the mutant creatures nearby and built a temporary military fortress.

As for the core of the insect nest, the Millipede King did not take the lead in attacking. Both sides were waiting and testing.

"How many biochemical legions are there in the human race?" Although the Millipede King looked down on this low-level creature, the biochemical legion had suffered a lot from it, and it had always paid more attention to it.

But after several attempts, it failed to detect the reality of the biochemical army. It didn't know how many advanced mutants and types of biochemical weapons there were in the biochemical army.

"Blindly attacking the insect nest, even if we can win in the end, it will be a tragic victory!" Du Xingyu said at the pre-war military meeting.

"The core of the insect nest is a biochemical military fortress. Those weird attack methods are enough for even the biochemical army. Human soldiers will die if they enter. We must find a way to lure the millipede king out and kill it in one fell swoop!"

"Without its command, other mutants are just like a pile of loose sand, which can be cleaned up at any time!"

"But how to lure it out?" Li Tai asked, "After several waves of beasts, the Millipede King has never come out. We have all been at the city, and it is still huddled in its nest."

"Although this guy looks down on humans on the surface, he is actually very afraid of death!" Du Xingyu analyzed, "He also tried to lure me, which shows that he is still quite afraid of my biological and chemical weapons."

"We can create fake news to let it know, and maybe we can lure it to appear!"

"Fake news?" Everyone started thinking.

"Yes! And this fake news needs to be very real. The millipede king's intelligence is no less than that of humans. It must be in a state of absolute confidence so that it can leave the nest!" Du Xingyu said.

"First we have to analyze the psychology of the Millipede King..." A psychologist began to analyze. "It regards all creatures except Zerg as food. In other words, no matter what mutants or things are in the entire nest, , it doesn’t even care!”

"The only thing it cares about most is itself! Its own life and evolution!"

Du Xingyu nodded and said, "Yes, it seems that the Zerg can evolve by devouring their own kind."

"Then this strategy needs to meet two points." The psychologist said, "First, let it think it is absolutely safe!"

"Second, make it think that leaving the nest this time is beneficial to it!"

"If you think about it this way, the first point is much simpler." The military expert said, "We have deployed military defenses in Y City, which is definitely more dangerous for it. We only need to find a place it thinks is safe, and as fast as lightning If you lay an ambush, you can disarm it."

"There is indeed such a place near the insect nest." Li Tai said, "There are some mutant creatures occupying the place that we have not yet cleaned up. The fifth-level mutants there are very troublesome."

"Then we need a reason to lure it out of the cage..." Du Xingyu thought for a while and said, "The millipede king must be very interested in biochemical weapons, including evolutionary materials."

"We forged a level six mutant, maybe we can attract it to come."

"Forging a sixth-level mutant?" Everyone looked at Du Xingyu and asked, "Professor Du, how do you fake this?"

At present, the most powerful weapons of the Biochemical Legion are only level five mutants. They still know very little about level six mutants, which are the real Zerg life forms.

"There is a way!" Du Xingyu smiled, "I can do this. The biological engine energy response of the sixth-level mutant is particularly strong. I can inject hormones into the fifth-level mutant to make its cells extremely excited in a short period of time. It can reach The effect of some sixth-level mutants. Coupled with fake bio-waves, it can deceive mutants with sensitive perceptions."

"Although doing so will cause the fifth-level mutants to die quickly, as long as the purpose of luring the enemy is achieved, these are nothing."

"Okay! If that's the case, let's set up a trap! Let's build a plank road openly and secretly attack Chencang!" The military experts immediately began to discuss tactical arrangements.

They have increased the deployment of military facilities in Y City and even transported nuclear warheads. It seems that they want to turn Y City into a frontline base and then attack the insect nest in one fell swoop.

In private, the biological and chemical special forces began to lay traps in dangerous areas of the insect nest.

Du Xingyu also began to forge the life energy of the sixth-level mutant. He found a cave and injected hormones into a stalker clone to increase its thermal energy response. At the same time, he forged bioelectric waves to mislead the perception of surrounding mutants.

"Is there a life fluctuation of a sixth-level mutant?" The Millipede King quickly learned the news. All nearby high-level mutants were under its control, and there was a life fluctuation of a sixth-level mutant nearby.

"You have only evolved to level six now, so you are unlucky! You should become my nourishment!" The Millipede King will never allow another insect life to appear in its territory.

It analyzed the map and hesitated: "This location is very close to the human defense line. If I go out, I may be detected by humans. I still can't resist their nuclear weapons..."

"Zizzizi..." Another mutant sent a message to it. The human army seemed to have the intention of cleaning up that area, and they were mobilizing their troops.

"If humans discover it first, they may kill or capture it. Human scientists will then be able to study the life structure of our Zerg race... This is also very detrimental to me."

The Millipede King was very conflicted in his heart. He wanted to go out and devour the newly evolved level 6 mutant, but he was worried about being discovered by humans.

It endured it for a day. During this period, the life fluctuations of the sixth-level mutant became more and more obvious, as if it was about to completely "mature", and its position began to move!

The human army was also approaching in that direction at the same time, leaving little time for the Millipede King to make a judgment.

"If I lose this opportunity, it will take me longer to evolve to a higher level. In other places, there are also those Zerg species in the ocean, which evolve faster than me!"

"And if I devour that Zerg, I will become stronger! I can also deal with human attacks!"

"I am a noble Zerg. How can human weapons hurt me?"

"I just need to pretend that I'm going to attack, let some mutants go to Y City to die, and then drill holes from the ground to hunt them down, and humans won't even know!"

"Even if they find out then, I can quickly retreat to the insect nest!"

The Millipede King kept finding excuses for himself. The temptation of level six mutants was too great! Only by devouring the same kind can it evolve at the fastest speed!

"That's it, humans don't know the situation of the insect nest at all, so they pretend to attack them! I myself carry out hunting operations!"

The Millipede King finally made up his mind, and he immediately commanded some level five mutants to attack City Y with more than 100,000 mutants!

At the same time, it has been paying attention to the reaction of the human army.

Sure enough, humans seemed to think this was an attack by a beast tide, so they concentrated all their efforts on City Y and transferred a large number of weapons and equipment.

"Zizzizi... These humans are frightened birds. They were frightened by my beast tide. They thought I was going to attack!" The Millipede King was so proud that it immediately drilled a hole from the ground and went to where the level six mutant was. place.

"The enemy has begun to take action!" The headquarters naturally noticed the movements of the insect nest.

"Whether they are feints or not, we have to destroy these mutants." Li Tai said, "In this way, there will be no way to support the biochemical army with firepower. Professor Du, hunting down the Millipede King depends entirely on you!"

In order not to make the Millipede King suspicious, they did not deploy any thermal weapons at the ambush location!

"Put it on me!" Du Xingyu was already ready.

If he was in the insect nest, he was not sure about dealing with a level six mutant. But when the Millipede King entered his trap, even if it could spit out hydrogen bombs, Du Xingyu would still be destroyed by it!

"Life signals are detected moving at high speed!" Underground, Du Xingyu also deployed biochemical weapons, which can detect the heat induction of advanced life forms.

"There is more than one thermal sensor." Du Xingyu closed his eyes. In his mind, there were images sent back by the biological computer.

The Millipede King went out to hunt, and actually brought a few of his fifth-level mutant brethren with him.

This guy is too cautious!

Moreover, when it approached the ambush site, it did not move out directly. Instead, the fifth-level mutants went out to test whether there was an ambush.

In the cave, the lurker whose biological response was artificially enhanced by Du Xingyu was furious. It felt like its body was going to explode, and it seemed that it had endless energy to vent.

A level five wild python rushed into the cave and was immediately swallowed by it.

"Sure enough, there are level six mutants." Underground, the Millipede King has learned the news, "Lurkers can also evolve to level six. This guy is very lucky. He must have eaten a lot, and he can actually become a real mutant." The Zerg!"

"But from now on you can only become my food. Who told me to evolve earlier than you!"

The Millipede King is out. In the thermal sensor image, this insect breaks through the soil and rocks and quickly heads to the lurker's cave.

"It's coming! We must first block its retreat!" Du Xingyu was highly concentrated, and the biochemical weapons still lurking began to surround its retreat, making it unable to retreat in time.

At the same time, hundreds of biochemical weapons were activated in a certain cave!

If these biochemical weapons were alive, they would definitely be sensed by the Millipede King, so Du Xingyu used biological freezing technology to freeze them all, minimizing life fluctuations, and thus hiding them from the Millipede King.

"Zizzizi..." The millipede king had already rushed into the cave of the "level six lurker".

"My delicious meal!" The Millipede King realized something was wrong as soon as he entered the cave, "No, this is not a bug, this is just a reptile!"

Just as it was about to withdraw, a large amount of acid erupted from the lurker's stomach, hitting it.

Although the Millipede King's defense is amazing, the acid can corrode biological cells, so it was still injured!

"Zizzi... This is a trap! Damn humans!" The Millipede King immediately had no desire to fight and immediately escaped under the ground!

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