Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 178 Parasite (Additional update for “Biological Superpower”)

"Attack!" Underground, there are genetically modified pangolin dragons and lurkers waiting for it.

In the underground cave, they attack the Millipede King desperately and crazily, and they all carry biological acid bombs that only battlefield sprayers can create!

"Zizzizi..." The millipede king was unprepared and was injured again. A large part of its carapace was corroded by biological acid, and it was also bitten by more than a dozen level five mutants at the same time.

This forces it to burrow out of the ground and try to escape from the surface.

However, on the ground, a biochemical team was already ready.

The fifth-level mutants transformed by Du Xingyu, the Iron-Blooded Tyrant version 2.0, more than twenty in total, surrounded the Millipede King!

"Despicable humans, do you think you can deal with the great Zerg like this?" The Millipede King was angry. It knew it had to start attacking.

It opened its mouth and spat out a burst of poisonous gas. This poisonous gas is more corrosive than biological acid and can kill biological cells almost instantly.

"Venom? I knew you would do this!" Du Xingyu sneered in his heart. They had already calculated all the possible attacks of the Millipede King.

Therefore, the Iron-Blooded Tyrant 2.0 that came to surround it were all modified with anti-toxic genes. Although these toxins have an impact on them, they are not enough to kill them!

"Kill!" More than twenty Iron-Blooded Tyrants 2.0 rushed forward and attacked the Millipede King crazily.

Their brute strength is astonishing, tearing apart the feet of the millipede king.

"Zizzizi..." The Millipede King screamed in pain, "Zizzizi..."

There was a brief gap in Du Xingyu's biocomputer connection, and the Millipede King sent out infrasound waves, trying to shatter these biochemical weapons.

"Zizzizi..." In the sky, the Sonic Pterodactyl also emitted infrasound waves to interfere with the Millipede King's attack.

As for those biological and chemical weapons, none of them were killed suddenly by infrasonic attacks, and they have also been strengthened in this regard.

"It's up to you!" Both attacks of the Millipede King were blocked. It was furious and directly bit an Iron-Blooded Tyrant 2.0 in half.

But other biochemical weapons still rushed forward without fear of death, and Du Xingyu restored the link with their biochemical brains.

His purpose is simple. As long as he can hunt down the Millipede King, it doesn't matter even if the entire biochemical army is destroyed!

Anyway, we already have their genetic maps and embryos, and they can be cloned in the future!

The Millipede King was in a tough fight as more level five mutants surrounded it. The battlefield spitters that spit out acid bombs, the fifth-level pythons, the cutters with large jagged claws, etc. quickly chopped up its "little brothers" and besieged it together.

Soon, the Millipede King was covered in scars, and one-third of his body had been bitten off.

"Humans!" The Millipede King was completely furious. As a real Zerg, it also had its own biochemical weapons at the bottom of the box!

"Today I will not only destroy your biochemical army, but I will also attack the human city and eat you alive!"

The millipede king sprays black substance from its mouth, which is a small creature wrapped in biofilm.

If you look carefully, you will see that there are miniature versions of the "Millipede King" inside, which are small centipedes.

When these small centipedes encounter air, they immediately break through the biofilm and scatter in all directions.

They were small in size and fast, and Du Xingyu couldn't destroy them quickly.

One of the centipedes quickly climbed onto an Iron-Blooded Tyrant 2.0, bit open its skin, and burrowed into its body.

Du Xingyu felt something was wrong and wanted to force it out. But after this little centipede enters the body of the biochemical weapon, it will no longer be possible to attack it.

It crawled directly to the biochemical brain of the iron-blooded tyrant and bit it. The neurotoxin immediately cut off the connection between Du Xingyu and this biochemical weapon.

Du Xingyu switched his field of vision to the biochemical brain of the biochemical weapon next to him. He saw that the iron-blooded tyrant 2.0 not only did not fall, but actually started to attack the surrounding biochemical weapons!

"Parasite!" Du Xingyu was shocked. He originally thought that the Millipede King's biochemical weapon was acid or venom, but he didn't expect that its ultimate move was parasitism and control!

No wonder this guy has been refusing to leave his nest. If there are not enough mutants, its combat effectiveness is not strong.

And Du Xingyu's biochemical army just became the target of its control.

More and more biochemical weapons are being parasitized, and they are controlled by the Millipede King and begin to attack their companions.

"Zizzizi..." The Millipede King began to speak in human language, "Stupid guy, do you think you can deal with me with a trap?"

"The biotechnology of the Zerg is beyond your imagination. Your biochemical weapons will all become my warriors!"

"Not only can they control these biochemical weapons, they can also absorb their energy, continue to grow, and split into countless me! Zizzi, that's when you will become extinct!"

"Can it still proliferate?" Du Xingyu somewhat understood why the Millipede King could become the first mutant to evolve to the sixth level even though it had no powerful attack methods.

Relying on this parasitic control function, its kind cannot even touch its body, and will become nourishment!

Du Xingyu's biochemical army began to have civil strife. The biochemical weapons he controlled and the parasitized biochemical weapons were fighting each other. The Millipede King took advantage of this opportunity to get into the ground and repair his body.

"It's a bit tricky to actually have this skill... And we can't let the millipede king escape. If it runs back to its nest, it will be even more difficult to deal with." Du Xingyu's brain was racing, calculating ways to deal with the parasite.

"It is difficult to deal with parasites in biochemical weapons. We must first reduce the number of parasitized weapons and create distance first!" Du Xingyu adjusted the position of the biochemical army to prevent more biochemical weapons from being parasitized.

"In addition, the parasite itself is not very strong. It is difficult for mutants that are too big to deal with it, but it should be much easier for smaller mutants to deal with it..."

Du Xingyu immediately mobilized a group of second-level mutant "Sonic Birds". This mutant has no attack power or biochemical weapons. Its only advantage is that it is fast and can reach supersonic speeds.

He initially cloned this sonic bird to use it as a biological communication tool.

It just came in handy at this time. A large number of sonic birds came quickly and started pecking at the parasites on the ground.

Sure enough, the parasite itself is very fragile and can be easily eliminated when outside the body.

It's just that parasites are still emerging from the ground. This is a war of attrition, and the ones that are being consumed are Du Xingyu's biochemical army.

"The Millipede King hasn't left yet?" Du Xingyu thought that when he was dealing with these parasites, the Millipede King would have escaped, but the thermal sensor detection device showed that it had been hiding underground and had not left.

"Why doesn't it run away?" Du Xingyu thought calmly. With the "old silver coin" character of the Millipede King, it stands to reason that he should run away as soon as possible.

There must be a reason why it is still kept at this time.

"It can't control these parasites from a distance? No, its infrasound waves can obviously control mutants from a distance of hundreds of kilometers!"

"Or is it worried about changes in the parasite?"

Du Xingyu observed that the Iron-Blooded Tyrant 2.0 that was first parasitized suddenly started to bleed from all its orifices and was unable to survive.

From its brain, a centipede emerged, and this centipede was much larger than the first. It had obviously absorbed the biological nutrients of the iron-blooded tyrant.

It quickly got into another mutant body, and this mutant became more flexible.

"The parasite has grown!" Du Xingyu suddenly realized something. The Millipede King was right, the parasite would indeed grow.

If it keeps growing, will it still be controlled by the Millipede King? According to the laws of the biological world, this parasite should be an independent biological entity.

If it continues to grow, it should grow into a second king millipede. If the Millipede King could control the same body as himself, wouldn't it be all over the world? Why drive other mutants?

"In other words, the Millipede King himself is worried that these parasites will grow too fast and turn into new individuals to compete with it?"

In order to test his idea, Du Xingyu deliberately controlled some low-level mutants to "feed" the parasite that had already evolved once.

Sure enough, the parasite grew again in a short period of time and got into the head of the third biochemical weapon.

"What is he doing? This human being..." The Millipede King also realized something was wrong, and it immediately began to control other parasites to eliminate this growing insect.

"Haha, sure enough, my guess was accurate." Du Xingyu was overjoyed when he noticed the Millipede King's move.

This shows that this parasite possesses the genetic information of the Millipede King. As long as it is captured, the genetic information of the Millipede King can be obtained.

In addition, this can also be used to contain the Millipede King.

Du Xingyu began to increase the chaos, "helping" the Millipede King to create more high-level parasites, and used the low-level mutants in the biochemical army to serve food.

As a result, the Millipede King can no longer control the biochemical weapons it controls to attack the biochemical army, but begins an internal fight among the parasites.

At the same time, the biochemical weapons lurking underground also began to attack the Millipede King.

"Cunning humans!" The Millipede King has become more and more difficult to control other parasites. Once these parasites evolve and grow, their autonomy will become stronger and stronger, and several have already begun to try to escape from its control.

"If I let them grow up, they will definitely come back to devour me!" The Millipede King fell into conflict again, "But if I don't leave now, I will be besieged again..."

Underground, lurkers are already biting and attacking it with acid bombs.

"The defense on the ground is weak..." The Millipede King had no choice but to get out of the ground again. This time it did not attack the biochemical army on the ground, but rushed towards the parasite.

Some parasites crawled out and entered its mouth, and some were unwilling to come back. The millipede king swallowed them whole, and then ran away.

"Big centipede, you want to run away now, it's too late!" Du Xingyu had already expected this, and tied up the millipede king with several tough and thick tongue whips.

This is one of the fifth-level mutants of the Biochemical Legion, the Licker. It has a tongue hundreds of meters long that can bind its enemies and then swallow them.

The Millipede King is so big and powerful that it took five lickers to trap it even though it was seriously injured!

"Death!" Several Iron-Blooded Tyrants 2.0 pounced on it, tearing and attacking its body crazily, and pushing it into the soil with steel pillars carrying high-voltage current.

"Zizzizi..." The Millipede King struggled wildly, but to no avail.

It was furious and cursed in human language: "You will regret it. After all, you are just food for the Zerg! Prepare to face the revenge of the Zerg!"

Before dying, it sent out another highly penetrating infrasound wave. The infrasound waves produced by the Soviet Union's nuclear test on Novaya Zemlya circled the earth five times, and the infrasound waves emitted by King Millipede before his death this time were no less than that of that nuclear test.

It will continue to spread until it spreads to the entire earth!

In the place where it first spread, the Zerg roared and responded with infrasound waves!

"This is global communication!" Du Xingyu detected this through the instrument. "Sure enough, the Zerg can communicate across continents and oceans."

"What message did this guy send before he died? Was it information about China or a request for revenge?" Du Xingyu didn't know all of this for the time being. It would take a certain amount of time for infrasound waves to spread around the world.

Now that the Millipede King is dead, it's time to completely destroy the Yunzhou Insect Nest!

The previous supplementary updates have been completed (originally there were three updates per day with a minimum of 6,000 words, but after it was released, it was changed to one chapter with more than 3,000 words), and then the supplementary updates will begin.

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