Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 179 The “Tool” of the Creator!

While Du Xingyu was controlling the biochemical army, Y City was fighting a tough battle.

Without the help of the biochemical army, it would be too difficult to resist the mutants by relying solely on thermal weapon troops!

And because they are close to the core of the insect nest, the number of advanced mutants is particularly high, and there are many new species they have never seen before, including some difficult plants.

"Why are there more than twice as many advanced mutants as we expected?" Looking at the endless stream of terrifying-looking mutant monsters, every commander felt his scalp numb!

They thought they had prepared the best for the worst, but the reality made their worst plans even worse!

The Millipede King hadn't even come to the frontal battlefield, and they were almost unable to withstand it!

"Boom!" The tallest building in Y City, a hundred-story office building, collapsed to the ground, and countless vines sprouted from the ground below.

Level five murderous vine! This advanced mutant is very difficult to deal with, and its regeneration ability is simply terrifying. As long as its roots are completely destroyed, it can quickly suck the flesh and blood of the mutant and grow again!

"Chief Li!" Du Xingyu opened his eyes and said, "The Millipede King is dead!"

"The Millipede King is dead?!!!" In the headquarters, the commanders exclaimed in shock.

"It's true!" a commander shouted, "Look, these advanced mutants have begun to fight on their own, and some are escaping!"

The fifth-level mutants possess intelligence. When the biological signal of the Millipede King disappears, they immediately sense the danger and begin to retreat and escape.

"Great, the Insect King is dead, and these advanced mutants have lost their command!"

"Brothers, kill! Kill them back, enter the core of the insect nest, and completely destroy the Yunzhou insect nest!" Li Tai shouted in an almost hoarse voice.

"Kill, the Insect King is dead!" When the various combat departments heard the news, they all became excited.

They didn't know Du Xingyu's secret plan, and thought that this was just the first wave of attacking the insect nest, and that there would be more difficult battles to come.

Unexpectedly, just one day into the battle, the enemy leader has already died!

The morale of the entire human army skyrocketed. On the other hand, once the mutants lost their command and fought on their own, they were nothing more than powerful "tigers". In front of hunters armed with guns, they could only flee for their lives in panic!

The army pursued the mutants from City Y and rushed into the core of the insect nest.

Without the Millipede King, the defense at the core is ineffective, and a large number of mutated creatures have escaped.

They paid a small price to occupy this place. The human commanders who saw the core of the insect nest for the first time were shocked by the highly specialized biochemical base here!

"Mining, smelting, production, processing, incubation..." Li Tai lamented, "These divisions of labor are comparable to a highly militarized base, and they are all completed by different mutant creatures!"

"Their efficiency is even better than our machine factories. This is indeed a terrifying civilization!"

"Sir, great discovery!" A soldier discovered a secret biochemical base that Du Xingyu had not found before.

Everyone turned on the surveillance camera and broke into a cold sweat.

This is a huge cave located underground. In the cave, there is a strange ellipsoid-shaped creature, which is huge and comparable to a basketball court.

It has no eyes, nose and other organs, only a big mouth.

It doesn't scream or move, but its body has a super strong thermal energy reaction. Just outside the cave, everyone feels unbearably hot and sweats profusely.

"A nuclear fusion reaction is taking place in its belly!" The instrument detected this result, which made everyone panic.

"If this guy explodes, it will be a super hydrogen bomb explosion!"

"It's terrible. Fortunately, I didn't blindly attack the core of the insect nest before!"

"How can nuclear fusion reactions be accommodated in living organisms? How can their cells generate temperatures of hundreds of millions of degrees without being melted?"

"I don't know, let's do further research." Du Xingyu didn't have the corresponding information. "In short, let it stabilize first and let the soldiers evacuate as soon as possible. Let the biochemical army investigate!"

"Yes! If this biological hydrogen bomb explodes, our losses will be great!" Li Tai immediately ordered the troops to evacuate quickly.

Let the biochemical army do the investigating and cleaning up the battlefield.

"Good news! Our army has won a historic battle, and the Yunzhou insect nest has been destroyed!" This news immediately hit the screens across the land of China.

"The Yunzhou insect nest was destroyed? We finally have a chance to go home!" In the Yunzhou base, the wanderers who lost their homes cried with joy and ran to tell each other.

On the street, countless people cheered: "The Yunzhou insect nest has been destroyed!"

"We won!"

"Those monsters are dead!"

"Long live!"

They spontaneously took to the streets to celebrate.

"In just a few days, we have destroyed the monsters in the Yunzhou Insect Nest! That's awesome!" Netizens from all over the Internet are also praising it!

"It's so cool, we are the first in the world to destroy the insect nest!"

"I burst into tears! I used to live in Y City. The mutants invaded and many people died. I finally waited for the day of revenge!" There were also former residents of Y City speaking.

"Like it like crazy, this is definitely the biggest good news after the biological catastrophe!"

"From defense to offense, we finally have the strength to fight against mutant monsters!"

This news is like a light in the darkness, giving hope to countless people! Since the biological catastrophe, countless people have lost their homes.

The mutated creatures continue to grow stronger, making them feel like they are living in hell every day. Until today, this news came, allowing the people of China to see the hope of returning to their homeland and peace, and the entire society celebrated it!

When the troops were returning, they passed by the Yunzhou base, and millions of people poured into the streets to see them off!

This battle also allowed Du Xingyu, Li Tai and others to obtain the highest merit.

But Du Xingyu didn't have time to accept the award or give a speech.

He still has many things to do, such as studying the genes of the Millipede King, studying the biological nuclear fusion monster at the core of the nest, and figuring out what information the infrasound waves sent by the Millipede King before his death contained.

He must race against time, because this battle is not about humans crushing the hive power, but about using tricky methods.

There are hundreds of insect nests all over the world, and under the ocean covering three-quarters of the earth's surface, there are even more terrifying insect species!

"Starting to analyze millipede king cells..."

"Start analyzing the genetic map of the Millipede King..."

"Beginning to analyze the parasite's life mechanism..."

"Start analyzing the biological nuclear fusion reactor vessel..."

Du Xingyu used technological simulators to analyze the biological materials obtained.

This time, he harvested more biological materials than in the past few years, the most important of which were the body of the Millipede King and the monster that was undergoing biological nuclear fusion in its body.

Weeks later, in the lab.

The technology simulator reminded: "The analysis of the biological structure of Millipede King is completed!"

"The analysis of the cell structure of Millipede King is completed!"

"The analysis of the genetic map of Millipede King is completed!"

Du Xingyu immediately checked the analyzed data and found that the model of the Millipede King could be completely replicated in the simulator.

"Only when the Z virus reaches 100% can it be called a Zerg... At this time, the genes of the Millipede King began to change again, and genes that can form biochemical weapons and special structures appeared."

Du Xingyu discovered that a "creative" gene appeared in it, and this gene could actually be modified!

In other words, the Zerg can modify their own genes, and can also change protein structure and cell structure through biomolecule modification.

"The Zerg can edit their own physiological structure!" Du Xingyu's eyes lit up. This is definitely a great discovery!

Just like humans making robots, installing different parts according to their purpose.

Zerg can also use biotechnology to "install" various biochemical accessories on their bodies.

For example, biochemical weapons that generate acid and poisonous mist, such as small parasites that clone themselves, or similar "biological nuclear fusion reactors".

"I understand!" Du Xingyu's understanding of the Zerg race has gone a step further. He has been thinking, is it true that the Zerg race is aimless evolution, natural selection, and survival of the fittest?

How did you evolve into an advanced civilization? Even if their genes mutate very quickly, it is impossible to say that they will soon evolve various powerful biochemical weapons, as well as biological engines and biological nuclear fusion.

It turns out that they can control gene expression and modify protein molecular structure and cell structure by themselves.

Through this method, they can become more "adapted to the environment" in a short period of time, not only the earth's environment, but also outer space and various environments on alien planets!

"According to this method, I can completely design a gene editor, a cell editor, and an organ editor--when combined, that's life editing!" Du Xingyu was excited about his idea.

Life editing, that is what the true Creator can do, create a brand new life!

His current biochemical army is all about cloning existing mutants and then genetically modifying them. This is very different from the life of an editor!

"If I can edit life, then I can also create advanced life forms like Zerg - in human terms, it is a biological battleship!"

Biological battleship is a metaphor. Powerful creatures with the combat power of space battleships can be called biological battleships.

It can be unmanned or equipped with people. The key depends on how the designer designs it!

"Creator, create life!" Du Xingyu was very excited. After being in this world for so long, he once again felt the excitement of designing a Star Destroyer!

"Before we start designing the biological battleship, there is still some work to be done!" Du Xingyu began to read the memory information of the Millipede King.

Although the Millipede King is dead, it has a protein chip that stores memory just like a biological computer.

Du Xingyu needs to get more information from here.

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