Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 180 Biological Warship (Please subscribe and vote monthly)

Memory reading technology is one of the breakthrough auxiliary technologies in the manufacturing process of biological computers.

Du Xingyu entered the protein chip information into a high-performance artificial brain in the laboratory and began to read the contents.

He closed his eyes and the information was simultaneously transmitted to his biological computer.

In front of Du Xingyu's eyes, fragments of the Millipede King's memories began to appear.

This Zerg is not a complete Zerg that came directly from aliens, but evolved from a mutant.

From a low-level creature that only knew how to survive, it was infected with the Z virus, started genetic mutation, and then devoured other mutants, evolving rapidly.

The Millipede King is very lucky. Although it is not very powerful in combat, it can always pick up the corpses of advanced mutants.

Du Xingyu directly fast-forwarded its memory fragments. As the Z-virus content in the Millipede King's body increased, it began to activate Zerg genes, possess intelligence, and possess biochemical weapons.

As an old silver coin, the Millipede King slowly took control of the mutants in the Yunzhou area. After evolving to a sixth-level mutant, it activated the Zerg memory contained in its genes and gained a certain Zerg technology inheritance.

Here, Du Xingyu encountered an obstacle, which was an "information lock" that prevented other races from obtaining information about the Zerg.

This was not a problem for Du Xingyu. Through the biological computer, he quickly cracked the information lock and continued to read.

Du Xingyu saw a picture. In the distant universe, a wormhole that could span space appeared.

A polygonal object was thrown into the wormhole, and soon the scene turned and it came to the solar system.

The polygonal object breaks apart and flies towards various planets.

One of them fell into the Pacific Ocean of the Earth!

"Is this the origin of the demon lair?" Du Xingyu couldn't help but wonder, "Who threw the Zerg lair into the solar system?"

"There are Zerg species on other planets too! As predicted by the technology simulator, this is a crisis that will destroy the solar system!"

There is a gap in the memory fragment, probably because the Millipede King is not qualified to obtain more memory information.

Du Xingyu continued to read, and he quickly harvested the Zerg language information.

There is not just one voice for the Zerg. Movement, sound waves, light, smell, etc. are all their languages. Through memory chips, the Zerg can master millions of different languages ​​at the same time.

The infrasound waves used by the Millipede King are long-distance communication methods within planets with atmospheres.

Through the voice message, Du Xingyu translated the message sent by the Millipede King before his death.

"I am a resource bug located in eastern Asia on Earth. The humans here are about to kill me. They are trying to crack the bug biotechnology and have already created corresponding biochemical weapons!"

"This civilization is the biggest threat in the solar system. They must be eliminated before the real Queen Mother is born! The coordinate range is..."

"Is it a distress message?" Du Xingyu had already guessed it, and now this message confirmed his guess.

"The real Mother Queen is probably a higher-level life form among the Zerg tribe. So, will other Zerg tribes respond to its call?"

According to Du Xingyu's analysis of the Zerg civilization, this civilization should also be devouring each other and evolving.

If they cooperated, humans would have become extinct!

How many Zerg will influence the call of the Millipede King? This is the issue that Du Xingyu is most concerned about.

He immediately sent this information to the highest military command, reminding: "We must monitor the movements of the Zerg around the world, including outer space!"

"It is indeed an invasion by an alien civilization!" The Supreme Military Command was very cautious about this, "Professor Du, don't worry, we must closely monitor the movements everywhere!"

"As soon as there is news, I will notify you immediately!"

In the following days, Du Xingyu spent time studying the Zerg's life editing technology.

As Shenzhou captured the Yunzhou insect nest, the entire structure of Shenzhou changed.

The further strengthening of the biochemical army allowed China's army to kill all directions, clean up all the small-scale insect nests on the land of China, and have more troops to invest in coastal defense.

At the same time, they also deployed biochemical special forces and biochemical corps to various parts of the world, trying to re-establish connections around the world.

Various regions, including North America, have sent messages for help to China.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Global Biochemical Military Defense Department was established in China, which will uniformly manage and coordinate combat information against mutants around the world.

Intelligence from various places began to be shared, and Du Xingyu also obtained more information.

"It is reported that the sixth-level mutant that is entrenched in Japan, the Zerg that the Japanese call Yamato no Orochi, is showing signs of migration. It is bringing a large number of mutants with it and trying to cross the Japan Sea to China!"

"There is something strange happening in the largest insect nest in the Ganges River Basin. Two insect races are gathering advanced mutants and trying to cross the Himalayas!"

"The mutant attacks in the southeastern coastal areas are becoming more and more fierce. It is suspected that the Zerg is commanding them."

"The Zergs entrenched in the Arctic are also migrating south, and their destination is the land of China!"

"According to estimates, at least ten Zerg troops are gathering strength and preparing to attack the land of China!"

In the Biochemical Military Defense Department, the senior officials had solemn expressions.

I thought that after destroying the Yunzhou insect nest, there would be a period of respite and development. Unexpectedly, these monsters actually reached an agreement and prepared to attack China together!

"It seems that they all agree with the Millipede King's message." Du Xingyu analyzed, "These Zerg think that we are a threat, and we must be eliminated before their advanced Zerg is born!"

"What we have observed so far are Zerg forces that are relatively close to the land of China. We still don't know what is under the ocean and in outer space."

"Even so, there are ten Zerg armies!" A senior executive worriedly said, "Each one has at least one level six mutant, and some have two or three. Coupled with various high-level mutants, every aspect in the southeast, northwest and northwest has different levels. There are enemies, and the number will reach tens of millions! Or even hundreds of millions!"

"We used all our strength to deal with a Yunzhou insect nest. This time, even if the biochemical army increases ten times, it will be difficult to deal with it!"

"There is only one way!" Du Xingyu said, "Biological battleship!"

"Professor Du, can we humans really design life? And such a powerful organism!"

"This is something that only God can accomplish!" A senior executive from the West shook his head.

"Designing a space battleship should be more reliable, but how can we have so much time?" North American executives said helplessly.

"Let's use nuclear weapons! Now that the uninhabited land is so large, using nuclear weapons can give us more time!" The top brass of the Bear Country suggested, "We have prepared many hydrogen bombs in the past few years to help defend against the Zerg from the Arctic Circle. "

"Of course we have to prepare backup plans." Du Xingyu did not deny their idea, but said: "But biological battleships are necessary."

"The design and manufacturing of biological warships are completely different from traditional warships. It does not require many parts or industrial equipment. It only needs a place to breed it."

"Professor Du, we can build such a place!" China's top executives immediately agreed and said, "I just have a doubt. How long does it take to design a biological warship, how long does it take to grow, and how do we control it?"

"It takes two months to design." Du Xingyu said, "It takes a year to grow at the fastest. This is a quick version. If it is a more powerful biological battleship, it is comparable to a planet-class battleship or even a star destroyer. The design and manufacturing It will take more than five years together!”

"So all parties are requested to make efforts to block the Zerg attacks from various regions and extend the time for them to reach China!"

"We'll try our best!" Except for the top executives of China, the top executives of other regions felt unconfident to say this.

stop? Now they can only huddle in the fortress city and cannot leave the city at all.

"We will send a biological army to help!" The top leaders of China also understand that without their power, these Zerg will soon come to China.

Du Xingyu's "Biological Warship" began to be developed. On the technology simulator, he established a new "Junior Biological Warship" research and development project, which is equivalent to a planet-class cruiser.

"The currently available sample is the biological structure of the Millipede King."

"But the Millipede King's combat effectiveness is not strong. Its most powerful parasite move, I haven't found a way to control the parasite so far. The Millipede King's genetic template is not suitable for making biological battleships."

Beginners always copy the gourd and draw the scoop, and Du Xingyu is the same. It was impossible for him to design a biological battleship based on his own imagination. He had to rely on existing life forms to imitate it.

"Currently among the biochemical legions and mutants, the most suitable biochemical weapon should be the Iron-Blooded Tyrant." Du Xingyu discovered that the Iron-Blooded Tyrant's genetic template is most suitable for manufacturing powerful biochemical weapons.

"In addition to the iron-blooded tyrant, it would also be nice to have an advanced mutant of an ape."

"Combine their advantages to create a large-scale biological warship with biological engines, powerful defense, strength, and speed..."

Du Xingyu's thinking gradually became clearer, and he named the first biological battleship "King Kong Giant Ape"!

"The Great King Kong Ape will be over a hundred meters tall and weigh over one hundred thousand tons, so the strength of its bones and cells must be further enhanced, otherwise its own mass alone will crush it!"

"It's best to design its heart as a biological nuclear fusion reactor, so that it has enough energy to support its actions!"

Du Xingyu started designing the genetic map of the Great Ape, which is somewhat similar to designing a space battleship. He first had to think about the function, then designed the shape and skeleton, and looked for corresponding accessories and materials.

The design drawing is the genetic map, the accessories are biochemical organs, and the parts are special cell structures, protein structures, etc.

"Invest 10 million energy points and start simulating the bone structure of the Great Ape!"

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