Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 181 King Kong Giant Ape (Added update for

The information about the Zerg gathering near China has not been disclosed to the public for the time being.

After cleaning up the mutants in China, China ushered in a rare period of development after the biological catastrophe.

During the catastrophe, the development of military technology and biotechnology made post-disaster reconstruction easier.

More and more people are receiving memory chips, biocomputer implants and genetic modifications, and more than 99% of diseases have been conquered by humans.

Even cancer, which once shrouded the history of human medicine, has been conquered - mainly because the Z virus or Zerg genes are more invasive than cancer cells. As long as they are genetically modified, cancer cells will be eaten by mutated cells. .

And because of the biological catastrophe, people's attention to biotechnology and biochemical technology has reached an unprecedented level.

On social media, Du Xingyu’s video blog was updated again.

This time it’s a new series called Editing Your Life.

"Professor Du has appeared!" Du Xingyu's attention on social media has already broken records, and he is definitely the first person on the Internet.

"It's been a while since I've updated. What will be updated this time?"

"The last time was genetic modification!"

"Look at the title, Edit Life. Does this mean you want to become the Creator and create life?"

"Although I haven't watched it yet, without further delay, I'll shout out Professor Du's beef!"

The audience clicked on the video. This time, Du Xingyu was explaining his process of designing life.

"After arduous work, I finally designed the genetic map, cell structure and overall structure of the giant monkey."

"What I have to do now is the same as the previous steps for cloning Tyrannosaurus rex. Artificially arrange the base sequence according to the genetic map, put it into the cell nucleus, and induce the stem cells of the great ape."

In the video, Du Xingyu edited out the tedious process and fast-forwarded directly to the stage of the embryo.

"Now I have obtained the embryo of the Great Monkey King. Fortunately, it did not die directly. From now on, this live broadcast room will broadcast for two to three hours every day to observe the growth of the embryo."

"666, Professor Du is really creating life!" Du Xingyu's behavior made the audience very curious.

"What species is the Great Monkey King? Is it a mutant?"

"I heard that the biochemical army was designed by Professor Du. Could it be that it is also a biochemical weapon?"

"Artificial life, this is the domain of God!"

"Sit back and wait for the embryo to be born!"

Du Xingyu’s new video was viewed more than 300 million times in one day.

You know, the global population has decreased by more than 50%, and communications in most areas have been blocked. Being able to have 300 million views in one day can only mean one thing... most netizens have watched Du Xingyu Posted video.

Du Xingyu's preparations to create life have also been hotly debated by society.

"It is impossible to create life. Biological catastrophes have made us realize the humbleness of human beings!"

"Why is it impossible? Our biotechnology has advanced so much! Don't forget, Professor Du is the one who created the artificial brain and the biochemical army!"

"I suspect this is not artificial life at all, but a cloned mutant."

"What species is the King Kong Giant Ape? I didn't find it in the latest mutant biological database."

No matter what is being discussed in the society, Du Xingyu will start the live broadcast on time every day, while promoting biotechnology, he also obtains a large number of technology simulator energy points.

As for the embryos of the great ape King Kong, Du Xingyu cloned a hundred of them at a time.

Because of the lack of experience in creating life for the first time, seventy-eight of them died in the process of growth. Twenty-three embryos are still developing normally.

These embryos develop faster than the mutants, and their obvious changes can be seen almost every day.

And the hundreds of thousands of people who have been watching the live broadcast for a long time are observing it every day.

After only ten days, the embryos matured and twenty-three baby Vajra apes were born!

Their hair is golden and their appearance is delicate. They are somewhat similar to the young golden monkeys before the biological catastrophe, but they are larger in size. When they are born, their size is 1.5 times larger than the adult golden monkeys!

"It grows so fast!"

"Is this the King Kong Giant Ape? It's indeed golden!"

"How big can they get? Like an iron-blooded tyrant?"

"This is a miracle of life science! Artificial life is born!"

The news of the birth of the King Kong Giant Ape also caused a shock in society.

Everyone discovered that Du Xingyu actually succeeded in creating life. Even if there were a few controversial voices, it did not hinder everyone's enthusiasm for creating life.

When society began to pay attention to these artificially designed lives, Du Xingyu announced that he would stop live broadcasting and will continue to cultivate these lives.

In the specially built "biochemical weapons breeding ground", Du Xingyu was feeding the giant apes.

As biological battleships designed, the brains of these great apes are directly the biochemical brains he wrote in genetic information using gene chips.

Therefore, in addition to possessing certain biological instincts, they are mainly controlled by humans.

It is very troublesome to make a battleship have self-awareness. Currently, Du Xingyu has not considered designing a biological battleship with self-awareness.

"Grow up quickly, we don't have much time left!" Du Xingyu fed them synthetic high-protein food.

These foods also contain a large amount of growth hormone. The daily intake of various nutrients by the giant ape is more than three times that of creatures of similar size.

Not only that, after growing to a certain size, it needs to eat food rich in nuclear fusion raw materials to activate the biological nuclear fusion reactor in its heart.

At that time, it was also the key point for the King Kong Giant Ape to successfully grow into a biological battleship.

Once its heart cannot bear it, or its body cannot absorb nuclear materials, the biological warship will fail.

The giant apes are growing rapidly, and their heights are changing every day.

At first it was only the size of an adult ape, but within a month it was as big as a giant gorilla. Then the height reaches five meters, ten meters, twenty meters, and forty meters! The growth rate is getting faster and faster!

At the same time, the Zerg invaders from various regions are also approaching China.

"We can't stop it anymore, Yamata no Orochi has arrived on the coast of China!"

"The Zerg from the Ganges River Basin have also crossed the plateau. We should be able to withstand it for forty to fifty days."

"The war in the coastal areas is tense, and there are too many mutants in the ocean. We have lost half a million biological and chemical weapons this month!"

"Satellites have observed that a large number of avian mutants are flying to China from near the equator! The commander of them is suspected of massacring a country's Zerg, the Scarlet Nightmare!"

Bad news came one after another, and China also announced the news to the public, announcing that it had once again entered the highest alert state in the entire region.

"What's going on? Why are these monsters attacking us?" The people were horrified.

"Oh my God, I don't want to live in such a panic anymore!"

"We have lost so many people from just one Yunzhou insect nest! Now there are actually ten biochemical armies coming! Is this the revenge of the mutated creatures?"

"I heard that the biochemical army can't stop it, so run away quickly!"

"Escape? Where to escape? China is the safest place in the world right now. Are you going to escape to outer space?"

People are in panic all day long!

Others left messages on Du Xingyu’s social account, praying for some comfort.

" @Creator VLOG, Professor Du, is there anything we can do?"

"Has the biochemical army been strengthened? Can it deal with those Zerg?"

"Hey, I wake up every day and look at Professor Du's account. If he doesn't speak out, I really can't feel at ease."

"What should I do? I'm in a coastal city. I heard that the biochemical army from Japan will land next month! I'm starting to panic!"

At this time, Du Xingyu was activating the biological nuclear fusion reaction for the giant apes.

After accelerated growth during this period, their height has reached fifty meters, and the tallest one has grown to fifty-eight meters.

They stand on the ground like walking tall buildings!

But this is not yet the mature stage. The sign of the mature stage is the activation of the biological nuclear fusion heart and reaching a height of one hundred meters!

"This week, we have been feeding them nuclear fusion raw materials." Breeder Yu Ankang reported to Du Xingyuhui, "Most of the conditions are OK. One of them fell ill, No. 10."

The sick King Kong ape was the shortest in height and moved slowly, unable to even support his own body.

Du Xingyu read the information of its biochemical brain. Through the protein chip, the biochemical brain can know its physiological situation in time.

"It looks like they won't live long." Du Xingyu sighed. It took a lot of effort and resources to cultivate each of these giant apes!

"For the rest, get ready to start the activation test!" Du Xingyu ordered.

"Yes!" Yu Ankang fed the giant apes enough nuclear fusion raw materials and protein food, let them lie in the giant pit, and began to activate the biological nuclear fusion reaction in their hearts.

By then, the special structure will form a biological nuclear fusion reactor, and the specially designed biochemical energy conversion organ will convert the energy generated by nuclear fusion into biological energy to provide energy for the great ape!

"Start raising the temperature!" The body temperatures of all the great apes are increasing, and the temperature of their biofusion organs has begun to exceed 100 million degrees Celsius!

Biomolecules form a thermal insulation layer and heat dissipation system, and a biological coolant is constantly used to remove heat to avoid harming other physiological structures.

"Activate!" Du Xingyu gave the command to the biochemical brain, and instantly, the biochemical cultivation field roared endlessly.

The giant apes are undergoing the most critical test to become biological battleships!

"No. 7, my heart exploded!"

"No. 23, reaction aborted, instant death!"

"On the 18th, a violent reaction occurred, a physiological error may have occurred, and the self-destruction program was initiated."

Three King Kong giant apes died during the activation reaction, leaving only nineteen King Kong giant apes left.

"Activation successful!" A Vajra giant ape stood up, its hair stood on end, and while hammering its chest, it roared at the sky, and a large amount of heat energy radiated from its body.

"Successful!" Du Xingyu connected his consciousness to its biochemical brain. He could feel the terrifying energy flowing in the body of this giant ape!

"This is a biological battleship! A super monster!"

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