After activating the biological nuclear fusion energy, the growth rate of these biological battleships increased again, and a large amount of food and energy had to be replenished for them every day.

Each giant ape eats more than ten times more food than a blue whale every year!

In the past, the food consumption of nineteen Vajra giant apes would have been difficult to supply. But after the biochemical catastrophe, the earth's oxygen content increased, animals and plants grew rapidly, and the development of biotechnology was enough to supply them with sufficient food.

China, Northeastern region.

Guanzhou Base, this is the closest human base to the Japanese Sea.

Half a million soldiers and 50 million people live in this area. Compared with the residents of other fortress cities, the lives of the residents of Guanzhou Base are relatively peaceful.

The climate here is relatively cold. Although there are many mutant creatures that are not afraid of the cold, the total number is much smaller than that in the southern coastal areas, so they can generally cope with it.

But now, the entire Guanzhou base is shrouded in the clouds of disaster!

Pedestrians in the streets and alleys looked hurried, wearing masks and solemn expressions. In the city, air raid sirens would sound from time to time, and these residents would immediately hide in the nearest biochemical shelter.

"When is it going to end?" The air defense siren sounded again, and pedestrians crowded together in the biochemical protection station.

"In the past six months, the sirens have become more and more frequent!" a man sighed.

"I heard that the Zerg from the Arctic Circle and the Zerg from Japan have already approached the Guanzhou base." Someone whispered.

"There are more than two million of them, and there are all kinds of advanced mutants!"

"Both Mao Xiongguo and Japan's interceptions have failed! Many people died!"

"There are three insect kings alone. How to deal with them!"

"Which three insect kings?" someone asked curiously.

"You don't even know this, the internet is all over the place!" A young man took out his mobile phone and showed the video of the three insect kings.

"This one is from Japan. Because it looks very similar to the Yamata-no-Orochi in Japanese mythology, we just call it the Yamata-no-Orochi!"

In the video, a monster with eight heads and eight tails appears. It is huge and roiling on the sea.

As soon as a destroyer approached it, it was whipped into two pieces by its tail!

And the fighter jets in the sky fired fiercely at it, but they couldn't even break its scales!

One of the heads sprayed flames, and the other head sprayed venom, directly wiping out a squad of fighter jets!

And behind it, there are countless mutant monsters crossing the sea!

"It's too scary!" People's faces turned pale. "Warships and fighter jets can't do anything about it! If it comes to the Guanzhou base..."

"This is just one of them. The two insect kings in the Arctic Circle are even more terrifying!" The young man turned to the next video.

In the video, a giant beetle with two identical heads appears! They are more than eighty meters long, like moving hills!

Their carapace is so hard that it is difficult for various missile lasers to be effective against them.

The most terrifying thing is that these two beetles both have horns like beetles. Their horns are as long as their bodies and can easily flatten a hill!

A city fortress in the Bear Country, with its copper and iron walls, was directly broken through by them!

In battle, they can almost sweep across the battlefield, unstoppable! And these two guys can also fly!

If it weren't for the mutant army, these two horned insect kings would have arrived at the Guanzhou base long ago.

"It's so scary!" Everyone became even more frightened after watching the video.

"Three insect kings come together, plus those high-level mutants, this is more than five times larger than the beast tide in Yunzhou base!"

"Our military strength is not as large as that during the encirclement and suppression of the Yunzhou Insect Nest."

This is the problem that everyone is most worried about, because there are Zerg invasions at all defense lines in China, making it impossible for them to mobilize troops for support.

"At this point, we can only choose to trust our soldiers!"

Three insect kings, with an army of more than two million mutated creatures, finally arrived at the city!

The dense mutants have blocked the Guanzhou base. The ground, sky, underground, and the sea not far from the Guanzhou base are all filled with monsters!

This is a scene of doomsday, with all kinds of strange shapes and roaring mutants that eat people without spitting out bones.

The residents of the Guanzhou base can still hear these heart-stopping sounds even if they are hiding in the biochemical defense station. This is the revenge of the Zerg!

"Here we come!" Commander Jiao Yong of the Guanzhou base looked at the satellite images. His body felt as if he had been put into an ice cellar, chilling to the bone!

"Even if we die, we must defend the Guanzhou base!" Jiao Yong ordered.

"Yes!" The soldiers were ready to die.

"Commander in chief, we will protect the Guanzhou base with our lives." Jiao Yong contacted the biochemical defense headquarters, "But relying on us alone is really powerless!"

"Hold on, hold on as long as possible!" Li Tai said, "Professor Du has already gone with a secret weapon, hold on until he arrives!"

"As long as the enemy doesn't move, we shouldn't move first!"

"Yes!" Jiao Yong responded.

At this time, outside the Guanzhou base, the Zerg did not order an attack, and the restless mutants were suppressed by them on the outside of the base.

"Sir, those three Zerg are communicating!" the intelligence department reported.

"Communicate? Discuss how to fight?" Jiao Yong observed the situation.

The two giant horned insect kings and the Yamata no Orochi are converging, and they are communicating in the language of the insect tribe.

"I want 80% of the humans in the Guanzhou base!" Yamata no Orochi came to the front of the formation and said to the two horned insect kings.

"Baqi, you are too greedy. We two brothers should get 80%, but you, the eight-legged insect, only deserve 20%!" said a horned insect king.

"Hiss..." Eight heads of the Yamata no Orochi spit out snake messages at the same time, and it sneered: "You are just the lowest-level soldiers of the Zerg tribe, are you worthy of bargaining with me?"

"Baqi!" The two horned insect kings were angry, and one of them said: "You can only evolve a little faster than us. That's because you were born in the sea and are rich in resources!"

"We are in the barren Arctic Circle, and there is not much food to evolve! As long as we get enough food, we will soon evolve into advanced Zerg!"

"Maybe you won't survive that time!" The eight heads of the Yamata no Orochi stared at them greedily. If it could eat these two Zerg, it would definitely evolve faster.

"Baqi, are you going to start a war with us? You have eight heads, just four of us!" the horned insect king threatened.

"Don't worry!" Yamata no Orochi also understood that this was not the time for internal strife. Anyway, as long as it devoured enough food to evolve, these two bugs would be eaten by it sooner or later.

"Yunzhou Base, we want 60%!" The Horned Insect King gave in and said, "I'll give you 40%, that's enough!"

"Okay, but the human biochemical army belongs to me!" Yamata no Orochi said.

"Go ahead if you have the ability!" said a giant horned insect king. "Don't forget, humans are not as weak as we think, and the millipede king died in their hands!"

"That guy is too weak!" Yamata no Orochi said disdainfully, "I should have attacked China earlier and eaten them all!"

"Let's get started! I can't wait to enjoy the delicious food!" A big horned insect king said impatiently.

"Start the war!" They summoned their men and began to attack the Guanzhou base.

Countless mutants surged forward like a tide, and artillery fire from the Guanzhou base also began to bombard them.

The battlefield has begun!

"Guanzhou Base, hold on!" People in other cities across China are also cheering for Guanzhou Base.

The war reporter broadcast the news in real time, "The Zerg have begun to attack, and the Guanzhou base has activated all defensive artillery fire. The current war is very difficult. There are too many advanced mutants!"

Relying on the defense system, the outer defense line of the Guanzhou base can barely block the invasion of mutants.

"This is too slow!" said a horned insect king, "I'm going to break the defense!"

Yamata no Orochi stood still. After all, humans have nuclear weapons. It would be good to let the horned insect king, who has stronger defense, charge first.

The hill-like horned insect king began to rush towards the defense line.

"Quick, concentrate your firepower!" Missiles and lasers bombarded it, only causing minor damage to it.

The defenses built by humans with countless efforts were instantly shattered by the collision of the horned insect king!

"The first layer of defense is broken!"

"It's only been five minutes, and the defense has been broken!" Jiao Yong knew that it would be difficult for them to resist, but he didn't expect it to be so fast!

"The second horned insect king also attacked! The eastern defense line was also broken!"

"The Yamata no Orochi has also begun to enter the battlefield!"

On the battlefield, the soldiers roared and attacked, but the situation quickly fell into a disadvantage. Those Zerg that are comparable to planet-level battleships are almost invincible!

"This is hell on earth!" Facing the battlefield news, hundreds of millions of Chinese people felt fear.

"It turns out that this is the real Zerg. Compared with them, our lives are too small!"

"It seems that the biochemical army has also been defeated. The iron-blooded tyrant can't even break through the defense of the horned insect king!"

"The acid of the battlefield sprayer cannot hurt Yamata no Orochi, it is a level 5 biochemical weapon in one mouthful!"

The attack of the biochemical army seems to have no way to deal with these Zerg.

Even the enhanced fifth-level mutants are still very weak when facing the real Zerg.

"What to do?" Everyone is asking themselves, but they can't find the answer.

"It's so enjoyable, it's so enjoyable to eat!" One of the heads of Yamata no Orochi shouted, "Who on earth made these biochemical weapons? They taste so delicious and contain more Zerg genes than my subordinates!"


"There must be more in Guanzhou Base!" Yamata no Orochi and two horned insect kings rushed into the city.

"I want..." Yamata no Orochi had just moved half a step when a huge bone spur penetrated one of its heads.

"Who, who is attacking me?" Yamata no Orochi turned his head and saw a hundred-meter-tall golden giant ape jumping into the battlefield at the edge of the battlefield. All those who stood in the way were slapped to death by it!

"Other Zerg?" Yamata no Orochi was shocked. Why are there other Zerg coming?

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