"Who is it?" The Horned Insect King also shouted in the Zerg language, but the King Kong Giant Ape did not respond to them, but continued to attack their subordinates!

This 100-meter giant beast is like an ancient demon god. It can smash a level five mutant to death with one punch, and smash a creature like a giant bone-armored elephant into a pulp with one palm!

Even the avian mutants flying in the sky could not escape its attack. It jumped with all its strength and rushed into the sky like a missile, directly blasting a mutant dragon!

"It's too cruel!" Through satellite images, the officers in the headquarters all saw this scene!

"This insect is more ferocious than the Horned Insect King. Where did it come from?"

"Are they fighting among themselves?"

"Where did this guy come from?" Yamata no Orochi angrily scolded the horned insect king, "You two plot against me? How many of my troops did it kill!"

"We don't recognize it, it doesn't look like a serious Zerg!"

"Could it be a human biochemical weapon!" Yamata no Orochi was shocked, "Can humans create the Zerg? Impossible, how could they crack the Zerg's biotechnology!"

"Friends, a big change occurred on the battlefield. A Zerg suddenly appeared and attacked the mutants!" the battlefield reporter reported urgently.

"Damn it, that golden gorilla is too strong!"

"Monkey King?"

"It feels so familiar, this kind of..." Suddenly a netizen remembered it and exclaimed on the Internet: "Isn't this the life created by Professor Du, the King Kong Giant Ape?"

Many netizens reacted, "Damn, it's true! They look exactly the same, but they are much bigger!"

"I used to be the size of an adult, but now I'm as tall as a hill!"

"I knew it must be a biological weapon, it's too powerful! Professor Du's beef!"

"Professor Du is the true Creator! He has been able to create such horrific biological and chemical weapons. Guanzhou Base can be saved!"

The war reporter also received the news and said with a face of surprise: "I just received news that the newly emerged Zerg is the biological battleship created by Professor Du Xingyu, the King Kong Giant Ape! It has the same physique as the Zerg, and even stronger combat power!"

"We have hope!"

The reporter was very excited, and countless viewers were filled with confidence!

"The Zerg are not that scary, we humans can also decipher their genes!"

"I remember there was more than one King Kong Giant Ape, there should be more, right?"

"If there are a few more of such a powerful King Kong Giant Ape, wouldn't that be a sweep?"

They were discussing, and on the battlefield, another King Kong Giant Ape indeed appeared.

This time it was three heads. These three heads did not attack the soldiers, but rushed directly towards the Horned Insect King and Yamata no Orochi.

"Damn it, this is an insult to the Void Zerg!" Yamata no Orochi said angrily, "Human beings as food actually copy our genetic information!"

"They must be destroyed!" The two horned insect kings agreed with Yamata no Orochi on this point.

"That's fine!" Yamata no Orochi spit out the snake letter and said coldly: "I wonder if swallowing them will allow my genes to evolve again!"

They were both frightened and a little happy about the biological battleship built by Du Xingyu.

They all belong to the low-level Zerg race and still need to devour the genetic evolution of other creatures. If they can devour the evolution of this kind of biochemical weapon, then the harvest of this attack on human cities will be much greater than imagined!

The horned insect king was already fighting with a King Kong Giant Ape. It collided violently, and the King Kong Giant Ape jumped up to avoid it. The horned insect king raised its head, and the large serrated horns on its head could move freely, just like scissors, trying to cut the body of the giant ape in two!

"Roar!" The King Kong Giant Ape roared and twisted its body to avoid it.

It landed on the back of the Big Horned Insect King and hammered it with its iron fist. Each hammer was like the power of a 10,000-ton pile driver, and the Big Horned Insect King couldn't bear it.

"It's really tough!" Du Xingyu remotely controlled these giant apes.

"Cover the King Kong Giant Ape!" In the headquarters, commanders such as Jiao Yong have begun to adjust their tactics. They know that as long as the King Kong Giant Ape is alive, other mutants will be out of reach.

Therefore, human artillery fire began to cover the biochemical warship and prevent other mutants from attacking the King Kong Giant Ape.

"Fight!" the battlefield reporter couldn't help shouting.

The four King Kong Giant Apes have already started fighting with the three Zerg. The King of Horned Insects is extremely powerful and has amazing defense. The King Kong Giant Apes have no way to defeat them for the time being, but their single attack method makes it difficult to kill the King Kong Giant Apes.

As for Yamata no Orochi, its combat power is obviously stronger than that of the Horned Insect King.

Its eight tails can be used for fighting, and its eight heads can use different biochemical weapons.

Venom, poisonous mist, fire, acid, sound waves, strangulation, bite, the head in the middle can even release ball lightning!

This uses the energy of biological thermonuclear fusion to ionize the air to form a plasma ball. If this kind of ball lightning touches a living body, it can instantly turn the living body into fly ash!

The first King Kong giant ape to attack Yamata no Orochi failed to escape the ball lightning attack and was directly pierced by the lightning. He could not die anymore!

"Hiss, what a delicious food delivered to your door!" The Yamata no Orochi's head that could spit out acid swallowed the body of the King Kong giant ape, and the huge body of the King Kong giant ape was quickly corroded and entered its abdomen.

"The King Kong Giant Ape has been eaten!" People were horrified.

"Oh my god, this is too perverted! Can this Yamata no Orochi create lightning?"

"The strength of Yamata no Orochi should be equivalent to a planet-level battleship." Du Xingyu sacrificed a King Kong giant ape and roughly figured out the strength of Yamata no Orochi.

"One against one, the King Kong Giant Ape should be no match for Yamata-no-Orochi. Then, let's get a few more!" Du Xingyu controlled the biochemical army. On the plain in the distance, there was a giant beast running wildly, causing the earth to shake!

"Any more?" Yamata no Orochi had already detected the message in the distance, and a total of ten 100-meter-long Vajra giant apes were heading towards it.

"There are so many?" Yamata no Orochi was also a little panicked. It was more than enough to deal with one.

It can deal with two heads with ease; with three heads, it is a bit weak. Now that there are ten heads at once, Yamata no Orochi does not dare to stand up, and immediately commands the advanced mutants to stop these Vajra giant apes.

"The biochemical army is more than that!" Du Xingyu smiled slightly. As soon as he had an idea, the biochemical computer transmitted the instructions.

Hundreds of level five stalkers and modified pangolin dragons suddenly emerged from the ground, and a large number of biological and chemical weapons flew from the sky.

"The biochemical army is really attacking!" the soldiers on the front line shouted.

"Haha, I knew that the biochemical army is not that simple! Not only are there giant diamond apes, but there are also so many advanced mutants!"

"Professor Du created so many terrifying biological and chemical weapons? One person is as good as an army!"

"You two bugs, why haven't you done anything yet?" Yamata no Orochi scolded, "Didn't you see that humans have deployed stronger forces?"

"Although these Vajra Giant Apes are not as powerful as us, they are more flexible and will be difficult to kill for a while!" The two horned insect kings were also helpless.

Just like Yamata no Orochi mocked them before, they are indeed the lowest resource bugs of the Zerg tribe, a bottom species used to collect resources for the Zerg tribe.

"We can't count on those two losers!" Yamata no Orochi began to command the advanced mutants to separate the Vajra giant apes.

As long as ten of them don't come together, it thinks it can deal with them and devour them all!

"Eat them, and I should be able to evolve one step closer!" Yamata no Orochi was ambitious, and it began to adjust its position.

A King Kong Giant Ape rushed over first. This King Kong Giant Ape was different from the previous one. It was equipped with equipment. One arm was equipped with a cannon barrel, and the other was equipped with energy storage equipment. It struggled with the Yamata-no-Orochi. together.

"Die!" Yamata no Orochi already knows that this guy has been genetically modified and has strong immunity to venom, poisonous gas and acid. Only ball lightning is the most effective.

It created ball lightning and wanted to attack the opponent, but the opponent received an electric shock and was only paralyzed for a while but did not die!

"Is the transformation of each King Kong Giant Ape different?" Yamata no Orochi realized that it still underestimated human technology.

The reason why Du Xingyu let the King Kong Giant Ape attack him first was because this one was more resistant to voltage.

Its attack failed, and the King Kong Giant Ape counterattacked. It raised the barrel, and actually fired a high-heat laser from it, piercing the head of the Yamata-no-Orochi!

This laser cannon is connected to its biological nuclear fusion reactor and can continuously attack!

"Damn it!" The Yamata-no-Orochi twisted violently in pain and slapped the opponent with its tail. The giant Vajra ape was whipped away by it.

But at this time, other giant apes have arrived, and three more giant diamond apes have surrounded it, attacking it with various means!

One of them tore its mouth open, the other grabbed its tail and grilled it with a laser, and one even bit the Yamata-no-Orochi's body directly, tearing it apart until it was bloody and bloody!

"Hiss... hateful human!" Yamata no Orochi realized that it would definitely die if this continued, and it was ready to run away!

"Trap it!" Du Xingyu was well prepared, and the lickers emerged from the ground. Their hundreds of meters long, tough, barbed tongues that could inject venom trapped the body of the Yamata norochi, making it unable to break free. .

The giant apes hugged its body and began to tear it apart, blasting hammers!

All kinds of blood, venom, brain matter, and broken limbs splashed on the battlefield, and Yamata no Orochi's heads were hammered off one after another!

The Yamata no Orochi was actually torn into several headless and tailless reptiles!

The scene was unbearable to watch, and battlefield news also mosaicd the scene, but this did not hinder the audience's excitement!

"Well done! Hammer it to blast!"

"Haha, is this big snake no longer pretending? Didn't it want to destroy us before?"

"Young apes don't respect martial ethics and actually fight in groups! I seriously support you!"

"Kill these monsters, they dare to attack our country!"

"And those two big beetles, don't let them go either!"

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