Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 187 An advanced weapon that destroys heaven and earth!

"Do humans think they can peek into the Zerg's technology and copy the Zerg? It's so ignorant, ridiculous, and stupid!" Cthulhu's thoughts turned into a wave that spread around the world along the ocean and atmosphere.

"All Zerg species, follow my instructions and destroy humans!"

The entire earth became restless in just a few minutes. Countless mutated creatures rushed out of their nests and began to attack humans!

The troops sent by various countries to the Devil's Nest in the Pacific also encountered resistance from mutants and Zerg. The waves in the Pacific were rough, and some Zerg could even create hurricanes and tsunamis, and use weather weapons to attack human armies!

In China, satellite surveillance broadcasts the scenes of the war to everyone. They have the right to know the progress of this war. If the war is victorious, mankind will regain control of the earth, but the consequences of failure will be that everyone will become human food!

In the picture, people can see that the sea and waves are full of all kinds of terrifying mutant creatures. They were so densely packed that it made people look like they were covered in hair, and the giant bugs among them were like demons from myths and legends. They bared their teeth and claws to drag the soldiers into the endless abyss!

"There are so many! It feels like they could swamp us!"

"How come so many mutant creatures were born on earth?"

"I really want to drop hundreds of nuclear bombs!"

"Kill, kill, kill! Kill them all!" people shouted.

Human missiles, lasers, sonic weapons, torpedoes, etc. also began a full-scale attack, turning the sea area into a battlefield.

The huge biological battleship Ba Snake enters the sea. It can release electric energy groups and destroy tens of thousands of mutated creatures at one time!

Even with the help of the biochemical army, humans are still at a disadvantage.

The ocean is really not suitable for the use of human weapons, and there are too many of them!

There are so many that a single torpedo can explode hundreds of mutants!

Compared with the nuclear-powered aircraft carriers of the old era, the attack of the planet-class battleship-class biological battleship Ba Snake is more effective. Wherever it goes, large areas of mutants die immediately!

Even ordinary Zerg cannot withstand its ball lightning attack and will be killed instantly!

"Inferior low-level bugs!" A general-level bug appeared on the battlefield. It was Ghatanothoa from the Atlantic Ocean, a Thousand-Eyed Toad Beast. It had surrendered to Cthulhu and was a subordinate of Cthulhu. general.

Thousands of big eyes of Gatanothoa stared at a snake. Its eyes were like laser cannons. It shot out the front laser and pierced the snake in an instant. Then it rolled up and swallowed the snake completely. .

"The little brother of Cthulhu has appeared." Du Xingyu learned through intelligence investigation that only Ghatanothoa was not destroyed by it after fighting with Cthulhu, but was recovered by it.

At this time, Cthulhu let it come out to fight in the front line and test the military strength of mankind.

"Professor Du, we can't withstand it!" The commander controlling other biological battleships hurriedly called for help.

"We can't let it live for too long." Du Xingyu controlled the mighty Tianlong to accelerate and came to the area where Gatanothoa was.

"Roar!" The mighty Tianlong let out a thundering roar. The sound waves traveled thousands of miles, and some low-level mutants were even killed by the shock!

Those level four and level five mutants were also trembling and did not dare to attack the mighty Tianlong.

"Is this the Zerg created by humans?" Ghatanothoa looked at the sky angrily, and thousands of lasers were fired at the mighty Tianlong.

"Be careful!" Countless people shouted at the same time, but they underestimated the strength of the biological Star Destroyer.

A layer of liquid mucus appeared on the surface of Dawei Tianlong, which blocked most of the power of the laser, leaving it unscathed!

The mighty Tianlong descended directly from the sky into the ocean, causing super waves thousands of meters high.

It bit Gatanothoa's body in one bite and tore off a piece of flesh. The blood dyed the sea red!

"Why is this guy as powerful as a real general-level Zerg?" Gatanothoa didn't expect that his attack would be useless.

It began to spit venom in an attempt to escape.

However, the mighty Tianlong did not give it this chance. It spit out a super large ball lightning and enveloped Gatanothoa.

The ultra-high-voltage current instantly turned the air and seawater into high-temperature plasma. Gatanothoa died without even letting out a scream!

"That big toad, is it dead?" Hundreds of millions of viewers were stunned. Gatanothoa was able to kill the snake in an instant. They thought this guy must be difficult to deal with, but they didn't expect that he was killed by the mighty Tianlong in an instant!

"Too powerful! This is the real mighty Tianlong!"

"Super behemoth! Super biochemical weapon!"

"Hahaha, beef beer!"

"Well, humans have been able to use bioenergy weapons to this extent?" Cthulhu also did not expect that humans would research biochemical weapons so quickly.

The spherical lightning energy group spit out by the mighty Tianlong is more than ten times as powerful as the Ba Snake!

Energy weapons are attacks that use the energy burst effect formed by high-temperature plasma or elemental decay bursts. Generally, only the peak of a first-level civilization can reach it.

In the last world, none of the human Star Destroyers could develop energy weapons. This time Du Xingyu analyzed the Zerg technology and obtained the method of manufacturing energy weapons.

This kind of ball lightning is only the lowest-level energy weapon. If it is an elemental decay energy cannon, its power can even exceed that of a plasma cannon!

Dawei Tianlong began to kill everyone in the ocean. Its physiological structure was originally suitable for the ocean environment. In the sea water, Dawei Tianlong's ball lightning weapon can kill large areas of marine mutants through the sea water.

Wherever it went, countless mutated creatures died instantly!

"I really underestimated humans, but that's it for you!" Cthulhu finally showed up, "If I can't deal with humans, I'm not qualified to compete with the commander-level Zerg on other planets in the solar system for the Zerg King!"

"Die!" Cthulhu rushed out of the sea. With a body of more than a thousand meters, it looked much taller than the mighty Tianlong.

Its tentacles are like horned dragons, capable of attacking with various biological and chemical weapons.

"Zizzizi..." Cthulhu emitted strange infrasound waves. The biochemical weapons that were preparing to attack Cthulhu stopped moving. They all bleed from their orifices and died of ruptured internal organs!

Even the King Kong Giant Ape on the aircraft carrier and the Ba Snake in the sea have killed more than a dozen. This is the power of the most advanced planet-level weapon. It only takes ten minutes to massacre the human army around the world!

"The virtuous Tianlong, the brave Tianlong, come together!" Du Xingyu controlled three super creatures to attack Cthulhu together to avoid a greater impact on the human army.

"Just you?" Cthulhu suddenly spread his wings and rushed into the sky. It also has the function of defying gravity.

Dade Tianlong fired ball lightning at it, but Cthulhu didn't dodge at all, and a thin energy shield appeared around its body.

Ball lightning has no way of breaking through the energy shield's defense!

"Second-level civilization technology, energy shield!" Du Xingyu's heart moved. This energy shield is a defensive shield formed by using a magnetic field or force field to constrain plasma.

Nuclear bombs, lasers, even the proton torpedoes and planetary impact drum resonance weapons used by Du Xingyu in the previous world are useless to it!

Cthulhu had already grabbed the Great Virtue Heavenly Dragon with two claws and slapped it hard on the head. Due to its powerful strength, the force of its claws was like the impact of a kinetic weapon, beating the head of Dade Tianlong to death!

"Boom!" Du Xingyu controlled the other two Tianlongs to attack Cthulhu with impact and ball lightning. At the same time, the Dade Tianlong was also struggling desperately, and then fell into the ocean and escaped from Cthulhu's hands.

"Turning the rivers and seas, destroying the world!"

"We can't participate in a battle of this level!" The human executives looked bitterly at the battle scene of the super monsters.

"Cthulhu's energy shield must be broken, otherwise there will be no way to harm it!" Du Xingyu asked Dawei Tianlong and Da Yong Tianlong to contain Cthulhu, and Dade Tianlong began to accumulate energy and release the plasma cannon!

The energy shield is not absolutely indestructible. Just like armor, it will break as long as it exceeds its endurance limit!

The Plasma Cannon will do just that, but like the Whale Carrier, it will require a charge.

Four super giant beasts struggled together for thousands of miles. No other creature could survive!

The Pacific Ocean is like a boiling oil pot, with thousands of huge waves exploding every moment!

Cthulhu is extremely powerful and still has the upper hand despite the siege of the two heavenly dragons. Not only is it incredibly powerful, it can also spit out energy shells.

Even if a super creature is hit, a large piece of flesh and blood will be blown apart!

As for the mighty Tianlong and the brave Tianlong, because the other party has an energy shield, they have never been able to hurt Cthulhu, but they themselves were scarred.

"Have a taste of the plasma cannon!" Du Xingyu asked Dawei Tianlong and Da Yong Tianlong to hold each other back even if they were bombarded by Cthulhu.

Dade Tianlong's first plasma cannon was finally fired. At this moment, all the satellites around the world saw only blank space!

The ultra-high temperature plasma was released like a laser, and the surrounding seawater and mutated biological corpses were all evaporated in an instant!

The energy shield outside Cthulhu's body was also directly penetrated because it could not withstand the power of the plasma cannon. A large hole with a diameter of fifty meters was also penetrated in Cthulhu's body!

No blood flowed out, because all the blood was evaporated by the high temperature, and the burnt smell spread throughout the ocean!

After a few seconds, the satellite was able to capture the picture normally. This scene shocked the world!

"The plasma cannon is too powerful!"

"Cthulhu's energy shield is finally broken!"

"Damn it, this shot is absolutely devastating!"

"Are super biochemical weapons so terrifying?"

"Damn it!" Cthulhu roared, humans actually still have such powerful weapons, it has felt the threat to its life!

"Everyone will die! Do you think the advanced Zerg have only this means? I want you to know how terrifying the Zerg's biotechnology is!" The top of Cthulhu's forehead cracked, and a mirror-like biofilm appeared. From the biofilm Projects a light curtain.

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