Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 188 Genetic weapons! (Added update for

"What is that?" Du Xingyu also saw this kind of thing for the first time.

"Laser weapon?" the biochemistry experts wondered, "No, how can a laser be a light curtain?"

"It's not an energy shield either."

"What on earth is it?"

The light curtain projected by Cthulhu is still expanding, covering the sea, human fighter jets, nuclear submarines, and countless mutant creatures.

The three-headed super creatures were also shrouded in its light curtain, but no explosions or other incidents occurred, and there was no malfunction in the electronic equipment!

"If something goes wrong, there must be a monster. The following troops must evacuate the light curtain!" No matter what, Li Tai asked the human soldiers to leave immediately.

The Great Powerful Sky Dragon, the Great Virtue Sky Dragon and the Great Brave Sky Dragon cannot retreat, because once they leave, Cthulhu's body will recover quickly and the energy shield will re-condensate, and as long as it is prepared to defend against the attack of the plasma cannon, it will be even more difficult to deal with. .

"Continue to attack!" Du Xingyu directed the super creatures to attack while collecting data and analysis from all aspects. He also wanted to know what Cthulhu did.

"Stupid humans, you know nothing about Zerg technology!" Cthulhu began to repair his body and energy shield.

The dead flesh in its body fell off in pieces, and new cells grew crazily.

Dade Tianlong replaced Dawei Tianlong, allowing Dawei Tianlong to focus the next plasma cannon attack.

However, at this time, the changes had already begun.

First, those mutants with poor resistance and other biochemical weapons began to change their bodies.

Those mutants, which were already grotesque, began to change again this time. Fish grew arms and legs, mammals grew scales, and a biological battleship snake that was illuminated by a light curtain began to shed a large number of scales, its body rotted rapidly, and its cells were rapidly necrotic!

"What's going on?" Du Xingyu was shocked and confused. The light curtain just now clearly didn't have any energy-level attack. How could Ba Snake die?

"Sir, the soldiers who were taken care of by the light curtain have all mutated!" At the headquarters, Li Tai also received the news.

Through the surveillance footage, he could see that the human soldiers on warships and fighter jets all began to mutate.

Some of their skin ulcerated, some grew scales, horns, and exoskeletons, and some simply turned into piles of rotten flesh... That scene was unbearable to watch!

"They are all dead!" Li Tai was greatly shocked in his heart. These frontline soldiers had a narrow escape from death, but who could have imagined that they would die in such a way?

"The light curtain is still expanding. If this continues, our entire army will be destroyed!" Everyone panicked. They didn't know how to deal with this weapon!

"Retreat first!" Li Tai immediately gave the order and asked Du Xingyu for help: "Professor Du, do you know what this weapon is?"

Du Xingyu is also conducting urgent analysis. Although he is not at the scene, biochemical weapons have gene chips and protein chips that can detect changes in living organisms.

"The genes of organisms that have been illuminated by the light curtain have mutated - no, it should be said that gene disintegration has occurred! This is a genetic weapon - the gene disintegration light curtain!" Du Xingyu said.

"Gene disintegration light curtain?" It was difficult for everyone to understand what he said. If it was a genetic virus, they could still understand it. What was the gene disintegration light curtain?

Du Xingyu explained: "This light curtain uses some kind of biochemical technology that we don't know to project the genetic information carried in the light curtain and the genetic information of the organisms illuminated by the light curtain into other organisms."

"To put it simply, for example, projecting fish genes into human cells. Think about it, if the genetic information of two different organisms is forcibly expressed in the same cell, there are only two consequences for this cell!"

"The first is mutation, and the second is death! In most cases, it will die! Even if a few cells successfully mutate, they will continue to be illuminated by the light curtain and affected by the gene projection of other organisms, resulting in chaos. Finally, The protein structure disintegrates, but death is inevitable!"

"So I call it a genetic weapon. It directly attacks the genes of living organisms. It causes the structure of living things to collapse from the most fundamental level! We humans cannot resist, and neither can the biochemical army. If you can, retreat quickly! Attack with long-range weapons! "

After Du Xingyu finished speaking, the command headquarters immediately made adjustments. The biochemical army and human soldiers immediately retreated and were all attacked by automated weapons.

Sure enough, gene-reflecting light is only useful for carbon-based organisms and is not of much use for electronic devices.

But Cthulhu also has energy weapons and infrasonic weapons, and all long-range missiles will automatically detonate before they get close to it!

Although the three-headed biological star destroyers were designed with various biological and chemical weapon defense functions, they were still affected by the genetic disintegration light curtain, and some of their cells had begun to die!

"It's really tricky!" Du Xingyu encountered such a difficult creature for the first time, and the Zerg's methods were indeed endless!

"Jiejie, is there nothing we can do?" Cthulhu laughed. Its thinking can affect the creatures on the entire battlefield, as if it is speaking in their minds.

"Soon, you will all rot into a pile of rotten flesh! Your skin will slowly fester, your organs will die, and your heart will melt into a puddle of blood and mud! And your biological and chemical weapons will be incompetent in front of me. hit!"

"Humans, do you know how small and fragile you are?"

Cthulhu was laughing proudly, and its influence on consciousness caused many soldiers to hallucinate.

"The Tianlongs can't hold on any longer." Du Xingyu realized that a quick victory was necessary!

It's a pity that there is no energy shield technology, otherwise high-temperature plasma should be able to resist the genetic pollution caused by these light curtains.

"Kill!" As the Dayong Tianlong bit one of Cthulhu's tentacles, its long tail pierced Cthulhu's body.

"This is..." Cthulhu realized something was wrong, and it felt a high-energy thermal reaction going on in its body.

Du Xingyu designed Dayong Tianlong's tail to be a "nuclear weapon". In addition to having a biological nuclear fusion reactor in its heart, it also has a biological nuclear fusion reactor in its tail.

At critical moments, it can be used as a weapon.

"Boom!" A mushroom cloud appeared over the Pacific Ocean. This was the power of a super hydrogen bomb explosion!

The brave Tianlong abandoned his tail and blew up half of Cthulhu's body!

"Despicable!" Cthulhu didn't expect the other party to be so skillful and careless.

It immediately fired an energy cannon at Dayong Tianlong, directly smashing Dayong Tianlong whose genes were on the verge of collapse!

Du Xingyu's three biological star destroyers fell down!

"It's not over yet!" After the successful sneak attack, Dawei Tianlong's plasma cannon also accumulated enough energy, and a high-energy plasma ray shot at Cthulhu's head.

Before it could gather enough energy shield, this shot evaporated its entire hill-like head, leaving only its waving body!

News of the gene collapse light curtain also followed, but Cthulhu did not die!

Its body is still moving and it is trying to escape!

Du Xingyu discovered that there was a meat ball in its belly, which was growing at a speed visible to the naked eye. It seemed that it would soon grow into a new head!

"The vitality is really tenacious!" Du Xingyu controlled the Dade Tianlong and hit the meat ball with a super spherical lightning, exploding it!

Half of Cthulhu's body was still twisting desperately, but the two heavenly dragons rushed up together, biting madly.

"Humans!!!" Cthulhu's voice echoed in the atmosphere, "You can't change anything. After all, you are just food for the Zerg! Just wait!"

As the voice fell, Cthulhu was completely torn apart by two heavenly dragons, and his squirming limbs were completely vaporized by the plasma cannon!

"Is it dead?" Li Tai asked.

Du Xingyu frowned slightly, "No, there are still fluctuations! Subspace fluctuations!"

"Subspace? Can it fly faster than the speed of light?" the senior officials exclaimed.

"The stellar-level Zerg should be able to fly at super-light speed, but it has not evolved to that point yet. It can transmit information at super-light speed. That is, subspace communication!" Du Xingyu said, "When the plasma cannon bombards its head at the speed of light, , subspace fluctuations occurred.”

Du Xingyu installed detection equipment in Tianlong's body, because his worst-case scenario at the beginning was that Cthulhu had evolved into a commander-level Zerg with the ability to fly faster than light.

"It's sending messages again? It's really endless!" Li Tai said speechlessly. Before each Zerg died, it sent messages to other similar species.

"This time is different." Du Xingyu said, "Although we don't have subspace information tracking technology yet, I have detected the fluctuation of subspace information in another part of the earth!"

"Where?" everyone asked.

In North America, in an underground biochemical research institute.

The half-human, half-insect Professor Smoker is waiting in front of General Bach. At this time, Bach is still like a human except for his head, and his body has also turned into a bug.

Bach, who was sleeping, suddenly opened his eyes and cursed angrily: "These people can actually build a plasma cannon. Fortunately, I have a back-up, otherwise I would really be dead this time!"

It is Cthulhu, the most advanced Zerg on earth! The Millipede King can parasitize by splitting small bugs, while Cthulhu has mastered the technology of transmitting his consciousness to other brains through subspace information transmission.

Bach is its prepared host.

"Master, I will resurrect you!" Professor Smoke said respectfully.

"Jie Jie." Bach, or Cthulhu, smiled strangely and said, "Humans would never think that I am still alive! It's not bad to pretend to be a human, so that I still have a chance to develop!"

"Give me a few more years and I'll be back in no time!"

"Sorry, you may not have a chance!" Du Xingyu's voice rang in the base, and a snake broke through the base's protective layer and got in.

"Is it you, that human being?" Cthulhu felt the same bioelectrical fluctuations as the powerful Tianlong, and the person controlling this snake was also that person.

"Yes, it's me." Du Xingyu said, "Cthulhu, your life is finally over."

"Why?" Cthulhu couldn't accept this result. "Humanity is obviously only a level 0.7 civilization. Why do we know so many advanced civilization methods?"

"Du Xingyu!" Professor Smoker was also roaring, "Why are you going against the Zerg?"

Du Xingyu sighed and said: "Smoke, you have gone crazy. No, you are no longer a human being!"

"The lives of the Zerg are much greater than ours. They are advanced civilizations, Du Xingyu. If you are hostile to them, you will not end well!" Smoker threatened.

"That's better than being raised as food by an alien civilization." Du Xingyu said, directly controlling the Bashe's mouth to spit out ball lightning, electrocuting the half-human, half-insect Smoker into ashes!

"It's your turn next. I think your body won't be able to send messages through subspace anymore, right?" Du Xingyu said.

"Jie Jie, isn't it death?" Cthulhu was not afraid at all, it said: "In the end, I will become a part of the Queen Mother, when it eats humans and eats the earth!"

"And you will become a part of it! Everything you do is in vain. This galaxy is the meal of the Void Zerg..."

A flash of white light flashed, and the last parasite of Cthulhu was eliminated by Du Xingyu!

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