"Establish a new project, a medium-sized destruction battleship, Xuanwu." On the technology simulator, Du Xingyu began to design a new generation of stellar-level biochemical weapons.

The creature he designed this time is in the shape of a giant tortoise. It will be larger than the Titan and can carry more biological and chemical weapons. It is also a biological space city that can meet the living needs of 100,000 people in space.

Coupled with the life ball created by Galactus, this kind of Xuanwu biological battleship will become the space fortress of mankind. If mankind still cannot defeat the Zerg in the end, the Xuanwu biological battleship will take mankind to other galaxies.

In addition to the Xuanwu biological battleship, Du Xingyu has more designs.

For example, he fulfilled his promise and cloned female bugs for Galactus and cultured them on Venus.

In addition, Du Xingyu is also simulating an advanced biological battleship of destruction with stronger combat power, that is, a sublight speed biological battleship!

Humans are seizing time to make weapons, and the situation on the Zerg side is also changing.

The year after Du Xingyu recovered Galactus, a giant cocoon with a diameter of more than a thousand kilometers flew out from Jupiter, and it flew straight to the sun!

The size and mass of this giant cocoon has exceeded that of most asteroids, and is almost the same as a low-mass planet!

When it passed the earth's orbit, people on the earth could clearly see that two moons appeared in the night sky!

One of the rounds is a giant cocoon emitting sunlight!

All mankind was on alert, and more than a dozen stellar-level super creatures flew into space, but the giant cocoons did not attack the earth and continued to fly towards the sun.

It quickly fell from Jupiter to the surface of the sun at a speed of sub-light. High temperatures of more than 6,000 degrees Celsius and countless nuclear radiation have no effect on it at all. It is still devouring stellar matter and using it to evolve itself.

"It's the Mother Queen!" A horrifying message came from the planet devourer on Venus, "It is finally going to evolve. In about twenty years, it will hatch and swallow the entire star!"

"Let's run! Twenty years is enough time to escape from the solar system!"

"Don't panic, hasn't it hatched yet?" Du Xingyu said, "Just stay on Venus and do the logistics well. If there isn't enough material on Venus, you can go to Mars."

Galactus: "Mars is too dangerous. If the Zergs from Jupiter and Saturn attack the Earth, won't I be the first to be killed? I'd better stay on Venus!"

"Twenty years." Du Xingyu provided the information to the biochemical military command, "We cannot make twenty-year plans because the Queen Mother may hatch in advance."

"So we must destroy the cocoon in the shortest possible time, or wipe out all the Zerg in the solar system!"

"According to our reconnaissance, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto basically have no scope for stellar-level Zerg activity. They have swallowed up too much of the energy of these planets, and all of it is concentrated on Jupiter and Saturn." Intelligence expert Billy said, "The constant The number of star-rated Zerg has probably exceeded 500, and in twenty years, it will increase to more than 1,000!"

"Currently, our total stellar-level biological warships total only thirty-two, and the highest are medium-level destructive-level biological weapons." Li Tai said, "Not to mention offense, even defense is inadequate."

"Some bugs have already started heading to Mars, preparing to devour Mars. The next one is the Earth!"

"There are still some high-level Zerg tribes heading to the sun to protect the Mother Queen's cocoons. It is impossible to destroy the cocoons now."

"Is it possible to triple the number of biological warships in five years?" a senior executive asked.

"It should be possible to use all your strength... It's just that the cultivation of biological warships requires too many resources, and the earth's ecosystem can hardly bear it!" the quartermaster replied.

Planet-level biological battleships, such as the King Kong Giant Ape, the Ba Snake, and the Celestial Dragons, can sustain the cultivation of hundreds of them.

As for the star-class biological warship and the primary destruction weapon Titan, it is 10,000 meters high and requires a lot of energy.

There are dozens of such warships, and the entire earth's ecosystem cannot withstand them.

"In the final analysis, stellar-level biochemical weapons are the product of secondary civilization and cannot rely on one star alone." Du Xingyu said, "The earth's resources cannot be over-exploited. We need to collect more resources and enter the Kuiper Belt, or even It’s the Oort Cloud. Growing our biological warships in outer space—the starry beasts!”

"Starry sky beast?" Everyone looked at Du Xingyu, and someone asked curiously: "Professor Du, is the starry sky beast a new weapon?"

"This is a new series of biological and chemical weapons of mine." Du Xingyu explained, "For example, the Xuanwu battleship I am designing is a stellar-level medium-level destructive biological and chemical weapon."

"Because it is too huge and consumes too many resources, it is very inconvenient to cultivate it on earth. So I designed it from the beginning to be able to grow and develop in space, and to eat celestial bodies to grow."

"I named this series of biochemical weapons the Starry Sky Behemoth! Xuanwu is just the first design of the Starry Sky Behemoth series, and there should be more advanced biological designs in the future. It will even surpass the weapons of destruction and reach the annihilation level, like the Zerg Mother Queen In the same way, it can swallow stars and destroy a star system!"

"What is the growth cycle of the starry sky beast?" Li Tai asked. If the starry sky beast's growth cycle is too long, humans may not have so much time to prepare for war.

"It will take eight years at the fastest. For more advanced ones, it may take more than ten years to initially reach maturity." This is the expected effect that Du Xingyu can achieve by using various means to promote the growth of the starry sky beast. Otherwise, let the starry sky beast grow on its own. It takes hundreds of years to reach maturity.

If it was stunted, this time would even take thousands of years to calculate!

"At this time, the Queen Mother should not have been born yet." Li Tai worriedly said, "I am afraid that the commander-level Zerg from Jupiter and Saturn will attack us early!"

"Use genetic bombs!" Du Xingyu said, "The genes of the Zerg are not invulnerable. They launch a large number of genetic bombs to Jupiter and Saturn. Such bombs will carry genetic viruses and infect the Zerg, killing most of the Zerg life."

"On Earth, there are a certain number of star-level biological warships guarding us. They should not dare to invade in a short period of time. Besides, we also have defensive weapons such as gene-disruption light curtains."

The genetic disintegration light curtain is definitely the most effective biochemical weapon currently used by humans to deal with the Zerg. Cthulhu was originally cultivated as the Mother Queen, so the genetic weapons it carries are also particularly powerful.

After Cthulhu was killed by humans, the Zerg "Dream" was able to evolve into the Mother Queen.

Du Xingyu's strategy was adopted, and humans began to create a large number of genetic bombs to bomb Jupiter and Saturn. The genetic viruses they carried killed the Zerg there in large numbers.

Some commander-level Zerg are ready to take revenge on humans, and they begin to attack the earth. But in space, they were intercepted by human biological warships, and biochemical weapons such as gene disintegration light curtains caused huge damage to them.

For several years, the Zerg on Jupiter and Saturn have been trying to attack the Earth without success.

And humans have also begun to collect resources from the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud areas to cultivate more starry behemoths.

"Xuanwu, Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku..." Simulation projects of four starry sky beasts appeared on Du Xingyu's technology simulator.

Among them, Xuanwu and Suzaku have been designed by him. They will be medium-destructive biological battleships that can reach 70% of the speed of light and possess weapons such as plasma cannons, energy shields, energy weapons, genetic bombs, and genetic disintegration light curtains.

"These alone are not enough to eliminate the Zerg on Jupiter and Saturn, nor are they enough to go to the sun to destroy the Mother Queen." Du Xingyu began to design Qinglong and White Tiger, which were set by Du Xingyu as star-level advanced biological battleships to destroy.

"To reach sublight speed, living organisms must build a stable energy field and force stabilization field, otherwise they will collapse due to acceleration too fast!" Du Xingyu began to design a new biological structure.

Technology simulator: "Invest 10 million energy points and start simulating the physiological structure of Qinglong..."

"Invest 10 million energy points and start simulating the Qinglong genetic map..."

"Invest 10 million energy points and start simulating the Qinglong cell structure..."

"Invest 10 million energy points and start simulating large-scale energy weapons and space electric fields..."

As advanced destruction warships, Qinglong and White Tiger naturally need more advanced weapons. If it were a human civilization in the interstellar era, Du Xingyu would probably be researching and manufacturing physical weapons.

But this time his enemy is the Zerg, and biological and chemical weapons are obviously more effective than those physical weapons.

"Both gene bombs and gene disintegration light curtains have limited effect on high-level commander-level Zerg and Zerg Mother Queen." Du Xingyu has confirmed this in the defensive battles in the past few years.

These Zerg are very smart. They are not simply venting their anger and attacking humans, but are collecting scientific and technological data of human civilization.

They have evolved corresponding functions, and the initial versions of gene bombs and gene disintegration light curtains have become increasingly weaker on them.

"The energy shield of the Queen Mother must be incredibly thick! Plasma cannons and energy weapons cannot even break through its defense!" Du Xingyu thought carefully, "Perhaps, if you want to kill the Queen Mother, you have to start with genes. Start at the next level..."

“If external attacks are limited, what about internal attacks?”

Du Xingyu created a new research project on the technology simulator, "Genetic Weapon (Special Edition to Attack the Zerg Queen)."

He still needs more data to support this weapon, and it will not be equipped on the starry sky beast for the time being.

In addition to offense, you should also think about defense.

Du Xingyu has roughly figured out the Zerg's attack method. He has designed corresponding defense systems for most biological and chemical weapons.

There is only one weapon, and Du Xingyu has not yet found a way to defend himself.

That's the ability of Cthulhu who once killed him, a biological brainwave attack weapon!

Cthulhu can cause hallucinations in humans and take over their brains. Its function has not been fully evolved. If it were fully evolved, it would probably reach a very terrifying level.

And it can actually transmit this kind of biological information fluctuation through subspace, which means that conventional defense methods are useless in front of it!

This is like a computer virus. Subspace is wireless transmission. Every information carrier, that is, living organisms, including humans and starry beasts, are targets of attack.

"Once the war starts, my biological computer will definitely connect to the starry sky beast through subspace communication, so I must first ensure the safety of myself and the starry sky beast's brains." Du Xingyu pondered, trying to come up with a perfect defense method.

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