Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 193 Thought Seal (Additional update for

"Now I have no data, so I can't establish defensive measures... In this case, I will simulate Cthulhu's attack method first." Du Xingyu's laboratory also has a complete Cthulhu gene, and he found the biological brainwave attack weapon expression genes and copy them into other biochemical weapons.

A few weeks later, Du Xingyu cloned this "biological brainwave attack weapon" into the body of a snake.

Immediately afterwards, he asked the Ba snake to use a biological brainwave attack weapon to attack a Vajra giant ape and observe the reaction of the Vajra giant ape.

From the beginning, the action of the King Kong Giant Ape became a little sluggish. Like a drunk human being, walking unsteadily and stumbling.

After a few minutes, Du Xingyu could no longer establish contact with it using the biological computer. Its brain is completely controlled by other brain waves.

Du Xingyu connected the biological computer to the biochemical brain of Ba Snake. Here, through the biological brainwave attack weapon, it has been able to enter the brain of this great ape.

Create an illusion to make the Vajra Giant Ape think that he is Ba Snake, and all his action instructions are synchronized with Ba Snake's brain.

Du Xingyu conducted many experiments, collected relevant data, and then analyzed it.

"Judging from the experimental results, this brain wave attack weapon interferes with the brain's decision-making process."

"When a piece of information enters the brain, the brain will analyze it, calculate it, and then draw a conclusion."

"This kind of weapon interferes with the brain's analysis and calculation process, inputs its own analysis and calculations into the enemy's brain, and finally allows the enemy's brain to draw the same conclusion as one's own brain, controlling the enemy's brain in disguise."

"Repeat this several times, begin to erase the original memory in the enemy's brain, and input your own memory, completing a process of parasitic thinking similar to Cthulhu!"

"It's terrible!" Du Xingyu realized the threat of this weapon.

If the Queen Mother had the same means as Cthulhu, the human biochemical space army would all be controlled by it and become its pawns before they even started to attack it!

"How to defend against this kind of brain wave attack method?" Du Xingyu thought of various countermeasures, such as bio-computer wave shielding devices. Although this device can shield external radio wave interference in normal environments, it is also isolated from Du Xingyu's bio-computer. Control of the biochemical brain.

If information is transmitted through the warp, this device cannot stop it.

"The method of defense must be limited to one's own thinking..." Du Xingyu sorted out the process of biological brainwave attacks, and he found that if he wanted to attack successfully.

This kind of brain wave interference must make the opponent's organism make mistakes in judgment and achieve the effect of synchronizing with the "other party's brain waves".

To put it simply, during the experimental attack, the brain waves of the Vajra ape were interfered with, making him think that he was not a Vajra ape, but a snake!

"Let my brain think that I am not 'me', but a brain wave attacker... As long as this thinking process is destroyed, biological brain wave defense will be established." Du Xingyu found the key.

He has already conducted in-depth research on the way of thinking of biological brains, which is also the basis of biological computer research.

"That being the case, I could program a brain in a biochemical brain, or even a human brain, so that when the brain thinks about 'who am I?' it skips the thought process and thinks, 'I am who I am, not anyone else. biology'."

"As long as this method is confirmed, the enemy's brainwave attack weapons will be ineffective." Du Xingyu began to think about it. He began to set this thinking program based on the biological thinking mode.

"Once this kind of thinking program is formed in the brain of an organism, it can no longer be removed. In this case, let's call it a thought stamp!"

Du Xingyu gave his biological brainwave defense weapon a code name, Thought Seal!

Once this kind of thought stamp is implanted, the organism will never think that it is other organisms and have its brain controlled by the Zerg!

"In the future, all biochemical armies and space biochemical armies must be implanted with ideological stamps to avoid being attacked by the Zerg's biological brainwave weapons!"

In the continuous research and production, eight years have passed.

The cocoon of the Zerg Queen has entered the interior of the star, absorbing the energy sound field. On the periphery of the sun, there is a commander-level Zerg guarding the cocoon.

Within the solar system, most of the resources on Saturn were exhausted by the Zerg, and they were all transferred to the most massive planet in the solar system, Jupiter.

The Zerg army is proliferating, and the number of human biological warships is also increasing.

Du Xingyu sent Galactus to the Oort cloud area and asked him to collect the materials there to make life balls, and then bring them back to the space starry beast breeding ground near the earth to feed the starry sky beasts.

The number of giant beasts in the starry sky has also increased to one hundred, including fifty Xuanwu, thirty Suzaku, and fifteen each of the advanced destructive biological battleships Azure Dragon and White Tiger. In addition, the number of primary destruction biological battleships such as Titan Colossus has also increased to three hundred.

For this reason, almost all of the more than 10,000 life balls created by Galactus were fed to them!

"This is a biochemical army that was cultivated by consuming the materials of Mercury, Venus, Mars and a large number of asteroids!" Du Xingyu said in the biochemical defense headquarters, "The time has come, it is time to completely eliminate the Void Zerg in the solar system! "

"The gap in strength between the enemy and ourselves is still a bit big." The top human beings were a little worried.

"I can't wait any longer." Du Xingyu said, "If the Mother Queen is hatched, it will be a stellar-level annihilation weapon. No matter how many biological battleships we have, we will not be able to defeat it!"

"It's better to take advantage of the moment and kill all its subordinates, all the Zerg on Jupiter, to reduce the strength of the Zerg."

"And not all the Zerg on Jupiter are combat Zerg, they also include resource Zerg such as Planet Devourer. We are not without a chance of winning."

"Let's go on the expedition! The sooner we go on the expedition, the more Zerg intelligence we can get and provide it to Professor Du and his team!" said the senior executive of China.

Naturally, high-level officials in other regions had no objections, and they began to sign war agreements.

One day later, a piece of news was announced to the world.

"After the decision of all members of the Human Biochemical Defense Department, mankind will launch a war against the Zerg in the solar system. We will do everything possible to eliminate the Zerg on Jupiter and the sun! Eliminate all hidden dangers..."

As soon as the news came out, the world was shocked!

"The war is finally going to begin! We have had enough for so many years!" People can no longer bear it. They have been harassed and attacked by the Zerg.

"Without killing these pests, humans will not be able to truly become an independent second-level civilization!"

"Kill the Queen Mother as soon as possible, otherwise the sun will be eaten by it sooner or later!"

"We await news of your triumphant return!"

Under great expectations, most of mankind's biochemical space army, except for a few guarding the earth, headed for Jupiter.

"Start accelerating!"

"The planned speed is 30% of the speed of light!"

"About to enter Jupiter's orbit."

"A large number of Zerg were observed flying out of Jupiter's outer space and have formed a formation!"

"Get ready for war!"

There are genetically modified superhumans on each biological warship. They are responsible for controlling the starry beasts and coordinating operations.

Du Xingyu himself controls the most critical Qinglong and White Tiger, these star-level advanced biological destroyer battleships.

"Humans can't help it anymore?" In the outer space of Jupiter, hundreds of commander-level Zerg appeared in space.

They have different shapes, and they are basically fighting races. At the very back are some planet devourers that provide them with energy.

"Start the war!" Humans and the Zerg did not need any pre-war negotiations, and the two sides went to war directly.

The Zerg view humans as food, while humans view the Zerg as ecological destroyers. The troops and weapons of both sides within the orbit of Jupiter can destroy a planet at will!

At the beginning of the war, countless weapons of all kinds were projected from both sides' camps.

The humans have bioplasma cannons on the human side, and they also have them on the Zerg side! In the atmosphere of Jupiter, a transparent floating organism absorbs a large amount of the atmosphere of Jupiter, and then heats it into high-temperature plasma and launches it using the magnetic field. This is also a plasma cannon!

And this kind of weapon that can easily destroy the earth cannot dominate the battlefield here!

Because the commander-level Zerg and human star-level biological battleships all have energy shields, unless they are exposed to plasma rays for a long time, an attack of this level cannot defeat both sides!

"Attention, the enemy is launching a poisonous stinger! Be careful to avoid it!" In the Zerg camp, a monster covered with poisonous stingers launched its stingers at fifty percent of the speed of light.

The kinetic energy it carries is enough to penetrate the energy shield in a short time and inject deadly toxins into the body of the biochemical weapon.

"Use super gene bombs!" Du Xingyu asked various biochemical weapons to project modified gene bombs to erode the genes of the Zerg.

On such a battlefield, the primary and medium star-destroying combat powers could no longer affect the battle situation, and the high-level combat powers began to collide.

Du Xingyu controlled fifteen white tigers. After the tens of thousands of meters long starry sky monster smashed the enemy's energy shield, he opened the third eye on his forehead and projected a genetic disintegration light curtain. Within ten minutes, the Zerg body inside the light curtain was destroyed. Fester, genetic disintegration and death.

The advanced combat power of the Zerg also shows its powerful attack power.

In the battlefield, a huge starry sky beast suddenly split open and blood spilled into the starry sky! Behind it, a Zerg with a sharp blade loomed!

"It's a cutter, be careful, it can move at ninety-nine percent of the speed of light and break through the energy shield instantly!" Du Xingyu reminded.

"Roger!" On the biological battleship, the human soldiers immediately turned on over-distance perception and transmitted information through subspace. They could know the enemy's position in advance beyond the speed of light, so as to avoid the sub-light speed attack of the cutter.

"Go to hell!" Du Xingyu controlled a green dragon, aimed at a high-level commander-level Zerg on the battlefield, and spit out energy shells.

This is a group of atoms that is about to decay. Once it touches an object, the elements will decay immediately, producing a super electric field no less than a hundred proton torpedoes erupting at the same time, which can vaporize matter instantly!

The energy cannonball hit the energy shield and exploded its energy shield. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Du Xingyu controlled another green dragon and used his claws to tear its body apart!

Although the Zerg also have advanced intelligence, they cannot fully trust and cooperate without the control of the Mother Queen, so Du Xingyu can succeed repeatedly.

If there is a Zerg Mother Queen controlling them, these Zergs will all cooperate without fear of death. The human strength will definitely not be enough!

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