Human civilization at this time, like the human biological civilization that Du Xingyu had just left, was a level 2.5 civilization.

Their warships can barely reach sub-light speeds and still use nuclear fusion energy.

And if you want to go further, you must use more advanced energy and have more advanced weapons and warships.

What Du Xingyu imagined was antimatter!

Antimatter is the anti-state of normal matter. When matter and antimatter meet, they will annihilate and cancel each other out, causing an explosion and generating huge energy.

According to Einstein's mass-energy formula E=mc^2, antimatter will be the most efficient fuel for all known physical reactions.

You can compare the effect of each kilogram of starship engine fuel. An ideal chemical reaction can produce 1×10^7 joules of energy, nuclear fission can produce 8×10^13 joules, nuclear fusion can produce 3×10^14 joules, and antimatter Annihilation can produce 9×10^16 joules, which is 10 billion times that of the hydrogen oxidation chemical reaction and 300 times that of the thermonuclear reaction in the core of the sun!

Only antimatter reactors can provide higher-level energy, antimatter thrusters can have the opportunity to create curvature engines, and antimatter weapons can transcend the category of stellar-level destruction weapons and reach the level of annihilation weapons!

If you want to obtain antimatter and study antimatter, you must build a particle collider.

Du Xingyu proposed a plan 10,000 years ago. When human civilization stabilizes, he will build a super particle collider to study basic particles and study advanced energy.

It would take a thousand years for the Large Hadron Collider to produce even a microgram of antimatter. To obtain enough antimatter, several planets must be developed. Build a giant particle accelerator that surrounds the entire planet.

Human civilization in the migration era simply did not have the ability to build such a planet-circling particle collider. Now that humans have arrived at their new home, this research can begin!

This is also Du Xingyu’s most important work in the next stage.

The five commanders left, and the news of Du Xingyu's awakening has not been announced for the time being.

He himself will undergo a period of rehabilitation before continuing his work.

A few hours later, Du Xingyu met several friends who woke up early.

The first is Lu Liang, an old classmate. He has recovered from cancer and still wears glasses, but they are not myopia glasses, but virtual glasses that can connect to the virtual world.

He is wearing "retro" Chinese clothing, and the atmosphere of the old era and the new era are contradictoryly entangled in him.

"Lao Du!" Lu Liang used to have a relatively reserved personality. After being "resurrected" for a few years, he became enthusiastic and generous. Perhaps he was happy to see an old friend.

"You're so strong!" Du Xingyu hugged him warmly.

"It's not bad. My cancer cells have been eliminated, and my health is much better!" Lu Liang said with a smile, "You finally woke up. There is another old antique in this world."

"Haha, it is indeed an old antique." Du Xingyu said with a smile.

"How is it? Are you getting used to it?" Du Xingyu asked.

"Hey, this world is really different!" Lu Liang said with emotion, "When I first woke up, I was like a character crawling out of a coffin, I didn't understand anything."

"The entire social operating rules have changed, all kinds of new things, the moral system, and the legal system are completely different from ours back then!"

"I was dealing with cancer while adapting. It took me more than half a year to slowly integrate into this society."

"Then we returned to Xingyao Space Technology Group. Good guy, Xingyao is more prosperous now than we were back then. It has actually been able to build a space city!"

"I'm afraid the new members won't be happy with the revival of the old antique, and they will suffer a lot, right?" Du Xingyu guessed.

For the board of directors of Xingyao Space Technology, Lu Liang was a director ten thousand years ago. If he wants to regain his right to speak, some people will definitely be unhappy.

"Yes! But fortunately, our shares have been frozen for ten thousand years and are guaranteed by the Human Guardian Alliance. As long as the Human Guardian Alliance does not collapse, our rights and interests are guaranteed." Lu Liang said.

All interests must be guaranteed by strength. The method Du Xingyu used to protect all rights and interests before freezing was the Human Guardian Alliance.

Power has changed, but the Human Guardian Alliance can never do without Du Xingyu. Because he had written a plan for the development of human civilization before freezing. Many of them have not been realized by humans so far.

Although human civilization has a new home, it still faces threats. These threats always remind the current alliance leaders of the importance of Du Xingyu and the force he created.

That's why the Alliance will protect the arrangements he left behind. As soon as he wakes up, the five commanders will come to visit him, instead of treating him as an antique from ten thousand years ago.

"That's good, Lu Liang." Du Xingyu said, "I will hand over my shares in Xingyao to you. You will have veto power. You have to start doing something immediately, a very important thing!"

"What's going on?" Lu Liang asked.

"I have discussed the Ring Planet Particle Collider with the alliance's senior management. They will cooperate with Xingyao in building it," Du Xingyu said.

"Okay!" Lu Liang agreed, and he said: "I have seen your plan. Ten thousand years ago, our designers had already designed the design drawings of the Ring Planet Particle Collider, so we can just start manufacturing it! "

"Yes." Du Xingyu nodded and said: "Then there is the deep space base. A deep space military base will be built outside the Nanmen 2 star system. You should discuss this with the alliance."

"A deep space base is going to be built so soon?" Lu Liang said in surprise, "Our new home hasn't been built yet."

"It must be necessary." Du Xingyu said directly, "I have a hunch that a period of great turmoil in the galaxy is about to begin! We must prepare in advance!"

While the two were chatting, another person came to visit. It was Fang Jiayou, the founder of Chengfeng Space Technology Company.

"Dong Du!" As soon as Fang Jiayou saw Du Xingyu, he stepped forward to hug him regardless of his status as the top richest man in mankind.

"Dong Du, why did you wake up early? I was in a meeting. As soon as I heard the news, I rushed over by spaceship!" Fang Jiayou said in surprise.

"The freezing time is not completely fixed." Du Xingyu was in a very good mood. He asked, "Have you been going well in the past two years?"

"It's not going too well." Fang Jiayou said with a wry smile, "Our group of juniors are really amazing. The original plan was for me to wake up early and regain control of Chengfeng Technology Company."

"Although our shares in Chengfeng Technology Company have been preserved, our part no longer accounts for the majority."

"What's going on?" Du Xingyu asked confused.

"Future generations also have their own ideas." Fang Jiayou said, "Ten thousand years ago, the company's successive presidents wanted to get rid of the restrictions of our founder's shares, so they established independent companies, although they still retained Chengfeng Company It’s a name, but it’s completely different from the main body of our company.”

"For example, the virtual world, the second world of human civilization and the most profitable business, does not belong to us at all."

"That's it." Du Xingyu was not surprised. If it were him, he would not be willing to be controlled by an "old antique" from ten thousand years ago.

"The company assets we still retain include part of the space services and the biotechnology company that you emphasized must be established." Fang Jiayou added.

"It doesn't matter." Du Xingyu comforted him, "Now that I'm awake, biotechnology companies will definitely be able to develop and grow. And with the coming of a new era for mankind, there will be more opportunities."

"As long as we retain a foundation, it won't take long to develop again."

Du Xingyu believes that with his own technology, it won't take long for the part of Chengfeng Company they control to rise again.

The three of them chatted for a while, and then the third guest arrived.

"Commander Du, you're finally awake!" Wei Xuan, a tall man, rushed in and gave him another warm hug.

He was still wearing the uniform of the Space Force. Du Xingyu asked: "Where did he come from?"

"Proxima Space Base." Wei Xuan said, "I have to say, this sub-light speed battleship is very fast. It takes less than an hour to get from one planet to another!"

Proxima Centauri, whose real name should be Proxima Centauri b, is located in the habitable zone of Proxima Centauri. Its mass is 1.2 to 1.3 times that of the Earth. It is also a rocky planet.

There are no seasons on this planet and the climate is harsh. It was once the birthplace of the Trisolaran civilization, an alien civilization in a science fiction novel on Earth. Humans of this era called it Proxima.

Humans have not discovered an alien civilization on Proxima Centauri, but this planet has been selected by humans and will be transformed into the second habitable planet for humans.

"How about being in the fleet?" Du Xingyu asked.

"It's okay. Now the human fleet has a lot more warship types and numbers. But the basic principle is still the one you designed before, and you can get started quickly." Wei Xuan said, "As a fleet commander ten thousand years ago, I , and directly banned the general, but there are not many battleships under his control. Recently I heard that another alien civilization has been detected, and it is estimated that there will be another war soon!"

When it comes to war, Wei Xuan is not only not afraid, but also a little excited.

His character is inherently radical. In the space battle against the Sea Clan civilization ten thousand years ago, he used his unexpected tricks to turn the tide of the battle several times.

"New warships and new weapons have different combat methods." Du Xingyu said, "There will be new warships and new weapons for you to get started with!"

"Really?" Wei Xuan was overjoyed and said: "Commander Du, I've been waiting for you for a long time. If you don't wake up, we old antiques will have little standing in the eyes of the younger generations in the new era. We should do something big, Let them know that your ancestors are still ancestors!"

"Hahahaha!" All three of them laughed.

"Don't leave today, let's have a meal together! By the way, let's plan how to let the young people of this era see the style of us 'old antiques'!" Du Xingyu arranged.

"That's a great feeling!" Wei Xuan said, "I haven't even finished talking yet!"

"It's rare that all company affairs have been postponed today!" Lu Liang said.

"I don't have much to do, so I can rest for a week!" Fang Jiayou said even more simply.

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