Technology's opening live broadcast to build rockets

Chapter 200 Star System Infrastructure

The four of them chatted for most of the night at the cryoman base. If the medical staff hadn't reminded Du Xingyu that he had just woken up and needed to rest, they would have continued to chat.

Humans in the new era don't know that in the cryoman base they regard as the "graveyard of the old era", these time immigrants are determining the future of the new era!

"Commander Du, I'm leaving first, waiting for your new warship to come out!" Wei Xuan still had military affairs to attend to, so he resigned early.

"I'm also going to start a new plan." Lu Liang stood up, full of meaning. This time he went back to do something earth-shattering!

"Dong Du. I'm withdrawing too. I'm going to the company's biotechnology research institute." Fang Jiayou wanted to prepare biocomputer manufacturing conditions and genetic modification conditions for Du Xingyu.

"Okay, contact me anytime if you have any news!" Du Xingyu pointed to the virtual glasses. Nowadays, it is very convenient to connect through the virtual world, especially when we are at astronomical distance.

Du Xingyu stayed in the cryoman base for three days and became familiar with the situation of this era.

Later, he prepared to wake up Xu Lianqiu, but she also slept in the cryogenic chamber for ten thousand years!

Through the transparent freezing chamber, Du Xingyu could clearly see Xu Lianqiu's face.

Ten thousand years have passed, and her appearance has not changed at all.

She slept quietly in the cryogenic fluid, her eyes slightly closed, as peaceful as ever, and her skin was as white as a baby, as if she had only slept for a few hours.

Liu Zhihao exclaimed: "Mrs. Madam's condition has always surprised us. Although she is in a frozen state, her physiological performance is completely different from other people's. Her cells have never completely entered a dormant state, but they have always maintained some physiological activities. "

"Yeah." Du Xingyu suspected that after obtaining the relics of high-dimensional civilization on Mars, Xu Lianqiu's body had been genetically modified, and those advanced carbon-based organisms could remain dormant for tens of thousands of years while maintaining physiological activity.

"Wake up!" Du Xingyu said.

"Yes." Liu Zhihao ordered the staff, "Start awakening, the medical team is ready!"

The success rate of awakening frozen people is over 98%, but accidents sometimes occur. For example, some frozen people were already extremely ill before being frozen. After being awakened, their bodies cannot bear it and they may go into shock.

The freezing chamber slowly cooled down, Xu Lianqiu's heart began to beat again, and blood circulated in her blood vessels.

Her skin gradually became rosy, and Du Xingyu sat quietly aside. After more than half an hour, Xu Lianqiu's eyelashes moved slightly, her eyes narrowed to a thin slit, and she murmured slightly: "Where am I?"

"Wake up, wake up! Get ready quickly!" The medical staff around him were extremely nervous, for fear of an accident.

But Xu Lianqiu didn't react at all abnormally. Her consciousness gradually cleared and she sat up from the freezing chamber.

After her eyes adjusted to the light, she first saw Du Xingyu standing by.

"Xingyu!" Xu Lianqiu said in surprise, "Am I awake now? What year is it now?"

Du Xingyu picked her up, regardless of the fact that her body was still covered with freezing liquid, and said with a smile: "In earth terms, it was probably more than 12,000 AD, and in current terms, it was the 20th year of the New Era."

"Already ten thousand years later?" Xu Lianqiu stood firm, and the medical staff next to her hurriedly came forward to perform various examinations on her and help her recover.

"It's really strange!" Liu Zhihao exclaimed, "Most people will feel uncomfortable for a period of time after waking up, but you appear to be very healthy! This is the first time!"

Xu Lianqiu said: "Maybe my physique is special!"

"You should cooperate with the doctor for examination first!" Du Xingyu said, "I will wait for you in the lounge."

"Yeah." Xu Lianqiu went to wash up and conduct a health check.

A few hours later, she reappeared in front of Du Xingyu with a completely new look.

"It's incredible. I just read the introduction to the virtual world. This era is completely different from ours. There are so many new things!" Xu Lianqiu said in surprise.

"Yes, this is also an era where everything is waiting for things to be done." Du Xingyu hugged her delicate body, feeling her body temperature, and his mood suddenly relaxed a lot.

"What are you going to do?" Xu Lianqiu looked up at him, her eyes full of expectation.

"Of course I will continue my style, everything has been arranged." Du Xingyu stroked her long hair.

"What about me?" Xu Lianqiu asked.

"Get used to it for a while first." Du Xingyu said, "Then go to the Alliance Academy of Sciences!"

"Well, I don't know if I can keep up. I have to study hard during this period!" Xu Lianqiu nodded slightly.

"Your wisdom is absolutely no problem, and I also have a super easy-to-use artifact that I should be able to use soon!" Du Xingyu was referring to the biological computer.

In this era, there is something similar, but instead of a biological computer, it is an electronic chip implanted in the brain.

This chip can also help with calculations, analysis, and network connections.

This is a product of omni-machine technology, and Du Xingyu does not reject it, but he himself prefers biological computers.

Because biological computers have stronger self-repair capabilities and can better cooperate with the human brain. Microcomputers implanted in the brain may be invaded by viruses. This is no joke. Not long after the invention of microcomputers implanted in the brain, there was an outbreak of computer Trojan horse viruses.

That time brought a huge disaster to human society. For this reason, humans thought of various ways to resist virus invasion.

In addition, even if you carry nanorobots and self-healing brain-implanted electronic computers, they will not work so well in space!

The reason is simple. All kinds of radiation and rays will affect electronic components. It would be bad if it goes down at a critical moment.

Du Xingyu believes that if omni-machine technology continues to develop, these problems should also be solved. It's just that he doesn't have the energy to tinker with these at the moment. Building a planet-ring particle collider and studying antimatter are his top priorities.

Du Xingyu and Xu Lianqiu moved out of the cryoman base and came to the cryoman recovery facility located in Suzhou City on the surface.

Suzhou City here is a newly built city in the new era.

After 10,000 years of moderate nuclear fusion reactions on the original earth's surface, all the mountains and plateaus were "burned" and converted into plasma by planetary engines and ejected into space.

So correspondingly, all the original cities have disappeared, and only a few "cultural relics" are preserved in the underground cities.

Most of the current Earth is as flat as a football field, with only the ocean areas being deep. After the ocean thawed, many areas were submerged by seawater due to the lowering of the continental altitude, and the land area shrank to one-third of its original size.

This matter also gives the current alliance a headache. They plan to use the fleet to transport materials from the asteroid belt near Nanmen 2 and send them to the earth to create new mountains and plateaus!

Therefore, the new era is also an era of star system infrastructure!

Humanity will carry out large-scale infrastructure construction in this star system, transform the planet's surface, and build a new human world and space city!

"Mr. Du, Ms. Xu, this is your room. If you need anything, please feel free to ask." Du Xingyu and Xu Lianqiu moved into the most upscale room here, where they will recover and adapt to this era.

Their identities have not been revealed, but the security level in this recovery center has quietly been tightened several times.

The two usually do some physical training here and work remotely through the virtual world.

"I heard that a big shot came to our recovery center, and the security around them has been a lot stricter these days!" In the public activity area of ​​the recovery center, the "thawing people" were doing physical exercises while chatting and gossiping.

The residents living here, in addition to the staff, are people who have frozen their bodies for ten thousand years.

Especially during the period before the virtual world was invented, living in underground cities was very depressing. Many people chose to freeze themselves and become time immigrants.

After arriving in their new homeland, the number of humans has dropped from the original eight billion to one billion. At this time, the thawing of a large number of frozen people has begun. They will reintegrate into this society and rebuild their homes.

"Yes, on the top floor, I heard that a new user has moved in. I don't know what era the big shot is, but it is now unfrozen!" A man with a short hair said while jogging, his name is Petronov Vale inside.

His "frozen age" is 3,100 years. He was once a soldier in the turbulent times. He chose to self-freeze because of the disability of his arms.

Now, he has been fitted with the latest bionic robotic arm, which looks just like a normal person.

"Which era is he a big shot in?" the woman next to him asked curiously. She was dressed in avant-garde clothes and equipped with a pair of swan-like bionic wings. She was playing on the light-sensing dance machine.

This is Dai Xiaolu, who has been frozen for more than 1,400 years. She was disheartened after breaking up with her boyfriend more than a thousand years ago, so she chose to freeze herself and wake up in the new era.

"Who knows, but he must be very rich!" said Liang Fan, a man who was adjusting his electronic eyeball. "Some time ago, a super-rich man who had been frozen for 500 years woke up and was not treated like this."

"The people who serve us are all intelligent robots, but I heard that the people who serve him are all real people! I'm so envious!"

Human labor is extremely expensive these days. Most labor jobs have been replaced by intelligent robots, which can complete almost 99% of the work except artistic creation and technological innovation!

"In this era, there are many opportunities." The person who said this was Du Xingyu, who was wearing a nanomaterial sportswear and jogging next to him. Now his pseudonym is Du Yu, and he wears a carbon fiber bionic mask to slightly modify his appearance, which will avoid many unnecessary things.

"I heard that the Alliance is ready to start an era of great construction. From planetary construction to outer space development, opportunities are everywhere. Seize one or two and you can take off! Now, we also have the opportunity to write this new era!"

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